"swagger: '2.0'\n################################################################################\n# API Information #\n################################################################################\ninfo:\n version: \"1.0.0\"\n title: nFront API catalog\n description: In this catalog you can find all nFront APIs. In case you need some nCore APIs, here is a link to our regular API catalog https://nymcard.com/docs/api.\nbasePath: /\nschemes:\n - https\nconsumes:\n - application/json\nproduces:\n - application/json;charset=UTF-8\nsecurity:\n - x-consumer-username: []\n - oauth:\n - role:public\nsecurityDefinitions:\n x-consumer-username:\n type: apiKey\n in: header\n name: X-Consumer-Username\n description: Consumer username to be setted by the API Gateway\n oauth:\n type: oauth2\n authorizationUrl: http://nymos.io/api/oauth\n flow: implicit\n scopes:\n role:public: Granted to all users\n p:accessmgmt:admins: Granted to read admins\n p:accessmgmt:admins:create: Granted to create admins\n p:accessmgmt:admins:modify: Granted to update admins\n p:accessmgmt:admins:resetpassword: Granted to reset users own password\n p:accessmgmt:admins:resetpassword:all: Granted to reset password of ay admin\n p:accessmgmt:passwordpolicy: Granted to read password policies\n p:accessmgmt:passwordpolicy:create: Granted to create password policies\n p:accessmgmt:passwordpolicy:modify: Granted to update password policies\n p:accessmgmt:agents:create: Granted to create agents\n b:accessmgmt:admins: Granted to read admins\n b:accessmgmt:admins:create: Granted to create admins\n b:accessmgmt:admins:modify: Granted to update admins\n b:accessmgmt:admins:resetpassword: Granted to reset users own password\n b:accessmgmt:admins:resetpassword:all: Granted to reset password of ay admin\n b:accessmgmt:adminpasswordpolicy: Granted to read password policies\n b:accessmgmt:adminpasswordpolicy:create: Granted to create password policies\n b:accessmgmt:adminpasswordpolicy:modify: Granted to update password policies\n b:accessmgmt:agents:create: Granted to create agents\n role:platform: Granted to platform services\n p:otpsettings: Grants permission to read otp settings\n p:otpsettings:create: Grants permission to create otp settings\n p:otpsettings:modify: Grants permission to modify otp settings\n b:otpsettings: Grants permission to read otp settings\n b:otpsettings:create: Grants permission to create otp settings\n b:otpsettings:modify: Grants permission to modify otp settings\n b:productsettings:otpsettings: Grants permission to read otp settings\n b:productsettings:otpsettings:create: Grants permission to create otp settings\n b:productsettings:otpsettings:modify: Grants permission to modify otp settings\n p:accessmgmt:roles: Grants permission to read roles\n p:accessmgmt:roles:create: Grants permission to create roles\n p:accessmgmt:roles:modify: Grants permission to modify roles\n b:accessmgmt:roles: Grants permission to read roles\n b:accessmgmt:roles:create: Grants permission to create roles\n b:accessmgmt:roles:modify: Grants permission to modify roles\n hierarchy:public: Granted to all users\n p:accessmgmt:hierarchies: Grants permission to read hierarchies\n p:accessmgmt:hierarchies:create: Grants permission to create hierarchies\n p:accessmgmt:hierarchies:modify: Grants permission to modify hierarchies\n b:accessmgmt:hierarchies: Grants permission to read hierarchies\n b:accessmgmt:hierarchies:create: Grants permission to create hierarchies\n b:accessmgmt:hierarchies:modify: Grants permission to modify hierarchies\n hierarchy:platform: Granted to platform services\n p:sdksettings: Grants permission to read sdk settings\n p:sdksettings:create: Grants permission to create sdk settings\n p:sdksettings:modify: Grants permission to modify sdk settings\n m:sdksettings: Grants mobile permission to read sdk settings\n b:sdksettings: Grants permission to read sdk settings\n b:sdksettings:create: Grants permission to create sdk settings\n b:sdksettings:modify: Grants permission to modify sdk settings\n b:channelsettings: Grants permission to read channel settings\n b:channelsettings:create: Grants permission to create channel settings\n b:channelsettings:modify: Grants permission to modify channel settings\n m:users:modify: Grants mobile permission to update existing users\n m:users:supplementary:create: Grants mobile permission to create supplementary users\n m:users:biometric:enable: Grants mobile permission to enable biometric\n m:users:biometric:disable: Grants mobile permission to disable biometric\n m:users:biometric:status: Grants mobile permission to get biometric status\n b:accessmgmt:passwordpolicy: Granted to read password policies\n b:accessmgmt:passwordpolicy:create: Granted to create password policies\n b:accessmgmt:passwordpolicy:modify: Granted to update password policies\n m:users:transactions: Grants mobile permission to read transactions\n p:users:transactions: Grants permission to read transactions\n b:transactions: Grants permission to search transaction details\n p:users:accounts: Grants permission to read account\n b:customer:accounts: Grants permission to read account\n b:customer:accounts:add: Grants permission to create account\n b:customer:accounts:linkcard: Grants permission to link account and card\n b:customer:accounts:changestatus: Grants permission to change status of account\n b:customer:accounts:balancelimit: Grants permission to read limit\n b:customer:accounts:balancelimit:add: Grants permission to create limit\n b:customer:accounts:balancelimit:modify: Grants permission to create modify limit\n b:customer:accounts:load: Grants permission to load funds to account\n b:customer:accounts:unload: Grants permission to unload funds from account\n b:bulkload: Grants permission to bulk\n b:bulkload:fileupload: Grants permission to upload file for bulk processing\n b:bulkload:executeload: Grants permission to execute bulk processing and get status\n b:bulkload:filedata: Grants permission to get bulk file data\n p:users:admin:changestatus: Grants permission to change user status\n b:customer:admin:changestatus: Grants permission to change user status\n b:customer:accounts:counts: Grants permission to view analyst data\n p:productmgmt:cardproducts: Grants permission to read card products\n b:productmgmt:cardproducts: Grants permission to read card products\n b:customer:cards:allowedmccs: Grants permission to read allowed mccs\n b:customer:cards:allowedcountries: Grants permission to read allowed countries\n b:productsettings:mccgroup: Grants permission to read mcc group\n b:productsettings:mccgroup:create: Grants permission to create mcc group\n b:productsettings:mccgroup:modify: Grants permission to modify mcc group\n p:productmgmt:cardproducts:create: Grants permission to create card products\n p:productmgmt:cardproducts:modify: Grants permission to modify card products\n p:productmgmt:cardproducts:linkbalancelimit: Grants permission to link/unlink balance limits\n p:productmgmt:cardproducts:linkfeeplans: Grants permission to link/unlink fee plans\n p:productmgmt:cardproducts:velocitylimit: Grants permission to link/unlink velocity limits\n b:productmgmt:aprprofile: Get APR Profile\n b:productmgmt:aprprofile:link: Link APR Profile\n b:productmgmt:cardproducts:create: Grants permission to create card products\n b:productmgmt:cardproducts:modify: Grants permission to modify card products\n b:productmgmt:cardproducts:linkbalancelimit: Grants permission to link/unlink balance limits\n b:productmgmt:cardproducts:linkfeeplans: Grants permission to link/unlink fee plans\n b:productmgmt:cardproducts:velocitylimit: Grants permission to link/unlink velocity limits\n b:productmgmt:cardproducts:velocitylimit:link: Grants permission to link velocity limits\n b:productmgmt:cardproducts:velocitylimit:unlink: Grants permission to unlink velocity limits\n b:productmgmt:advancevelocitylimits:link: Grants permission to link advance velocity limits\n b:productmgmt:advancevelocitylimits:unlink: Grants permission to unlink advance velocity limits\n b:settings: Grants permission to view tenant portal settings\n b:carddesign: Grants permission to view card design\n b:carddesign:create: Grants permission to create card design\n b:carddesign:modify: Grants permission to modify card design\n b:productmgmt:charges: Grants permission to view charges\n b:productmgmt:charges:modify: Grants permission to modify charges\n p:users:cards: Grants permission to read cards\n p:users:cards:markrenewal: Grants permission to mark cards to be renewal\n p:users:cards:statuschange: Grants permission to change status\n p:users:cards:replacecard: Grants permission to write cards\n p:users:cards:limits: Grants permission to read card limits\n p:users:cards:authsettings: Grants permission to read auth settings of card\n p:users:cards:authsettings:modify: Grants permission to modify auth settings of card\n b:customer:cards: Grants permission to read cards\n b:customer:cards:addcards: Grants permission to create cards\n b:customer:cards:changestatus: Grants permission to change status\n b:customer:cards:carddetails: Grants permission to read cards\n b:customer:cards:carddetails:modify: Grants permission to modify cards\n b:customer:cards:authsetting: Grants permission to read cards auth settings\n b:customer:cards:authsetting:modify: Grants permission to modify cards auth settings\n b:customer:cards:velocitylimits: Grants permission to read cards velocity limits\n b:customer:cards:replacecard: Grants permission to write cards\n b:customer:cards:markrenewal: Grants permission to mark card for renewal\n b:customer:cards:advancevelocitylimits:linkadvancevelocitylimit: Link Advance Velocity Limit\n b:customer:cards:advancevelocitylimits:unlinkadvancevelocitylimit: Unlink Advance Velocity Limit\n b:customer:cards:velocitylimits:linkvelocitylimit: Link Velocity Limit\n b:customer:cards:velocitylimits:unlinkvelocitylimit: Unlink Velocity Limit\n b:cards: Cards\n b:cards:changestatus: Grants permission to change status\n b:cards:carddetails: Grants permission to read card details\n b:cards:carddetails:modify: Grants permission to modify cards\n b:cards:authsetting: Grants permission to read cards auth settings\n b:cards:authsetting:modify: Grants permission to modify cards auth settings\n b:cards:velocitylimits: Grants permission to read cards velocity limits\n b:cards:velocitylimits:linkvelocitylimit: Link Velocity Limit\n b:cards:velocitylimits:unlinkvelocitylimit: Unlink Velocity Limit\n b:cards:advancevelocitylimits:linkadvancevelocitylimit: Link Advance Velocity Limit\n b:cards:advancevelocitylimits:unlinkadvancevelocitylimit: Unlink Advance Velocity Limit\n b:cards:replacecard: Grants permission to write cards\n b:cards:markrenewal: Grants permission to mark card for renewal\n b:productsettings:charges: Grants permission to view charges\n b:productsettings:charges:create: Grants permission to create charges\n b:productsettings:charges:modify: Grants permission to modify charges\n p:productmgmt:feeplans: Grants permission to read fees\n p:productmgmt:feeplans:create: Grants permission to create fees\n p:productmgmt:feeplans:modify: Grants permission to modify fees\n b:productmgmt:feeplans: Grants permission to read fees\n b:productmgmt:feeplans:create: Grants permission to create fees\n b:productmgmt:feeplans:modify: Grants permission to modify fees\n b:productsettings:feeplans: Grants permission to read fees\n b:productsettings:feeplans:create: Grants permission to create fees\n b:productsettings:feeplans:modify: Grants permission to modify fees\n p:users:identifications: Grants permission to list identifications\n b:customer:identifications: Grants permission to list identifications\n p:productmgmt:balancelimits: Grants permission to read limit\n p:productmgmt:balancelimits:create: Grants permission to create limit\n p:productmgmt:balancelimits:modify: Grants permission to moidify limit\n p:productmgmt:velocitylimits: Grants permission to read velocity limit\n p:productmgmt:velocitylimits:create: Grants permission to create velocity limit\n p:productmgmt:velocitylimits:modify: Grants permission to create modify limit\n b:productmgmt:balancelimits: Grants permission to read limit\n b:productmgmt:balancelimits:create: Grants permission to create limit\n b:productmgmt:balancelimits:modify: Grants permission to moidify limit\n b:productmgmt:velocitylimits: Grants permission to read velocity limit\n b:productmgmt:velocitylimits:create: Grants permission to create velocity limit\n b:productmgmt:velocitylimits:modify: Grants permission to create modify limit\n b:productsettings:velocitylimits: Grants permission to read velocity limit\n b:productsettings:velocitylimits:create: Grants permission to create velocity limit\n b:productsettings:velocitylimits:modify: Grants permission to create modify limit\n b:productsettings:balancelimits: Grants permission to read limit\n b:productsettings:balancelimits:create: Grants permission to create limit\n b:productsettings:balancelimits:modify: Grants permission to modify limit\n b:productsettings:advancevelocitylimits: Grants permission to read advance velocity limit\n b:productsettings:advancevelocitylimits:create: Grants permission to create advance velocity limit\n b:productsettings:advancevelocitylimits:modify: Grants permission to modify advance velocity limit\n b:productsettings:advancevelocitylimits:getconditions: Grants permission to view advanced velocity limits conditions\n b:productsettings:webhooks: Grants permission to read webhooks\n b:productsettings:webhooks:create: Grants permission to create webhooks\n b:productsettings:webhooks:modify: Grants permission to modify webhooks\n b:productsettings:notificationtemplates: Grants permission to read notification templates\n b:productsettings:notificationtemplates:create: Grants permission to create notification templates\n b:productsettings:notificationtemplates:modify: Grants permission to modify notification templates\n p:notificationtemplates:placeholder: Grants permission to read placeholders\n p:notificationtemplates:operations: Grants permission to read notification templates\n b:logo: Grants permission to view tenant portal configuration\n b:logo:create: Grants permission to create tenant portal configuration\n b:logo:modify: Grants permission to modify tenant portal configuration\n b:home: Grants permissions to read transaction counts\n b:customer:cards:transactions: Grants mobile permission to read transactions\n b:transactions:details: Grants permission to read transaction details\n p:users: Grants permission to read users\n p:users:create: Grants permission to create new users\n p:users:modify: Grants permission to update existing users\n p:users:changestatus: Grants permission to change status\n p:users:kyc: Grants permission to read KYC\n p:users:kyc:modify: Grants permission to modify KYC\n p:users:identifications:modify: Grants permission to modify identifications\n p:users:identifications:uploadfiles: Grants permission to upload identification files\n p:users:alias: Grants permission to read alias\n p:users:alias:create: Grants permission to create new alias\n p:users:alias:modify: Grants permission to update existing alias\n b:customer: Grants permission to read users\n b:customer:add: Grants permission to create new users\n b:customer:modify: Grants permission to update existing users\n b:customer:details: Grants permission to read users\n b:customer:kyc: Grants permission to read KYC\n b:customer:kyc:modify: Grants permission to modify KYC\n b:customer:changestatus: Grants permission to change status\n b:customer:identifications:modify: Grants permission to modify identifications\n b:customer:identifications:uploadfiles: Grants permission to upload identification files\n b:settings:avatar: Grants permission to read avatar\n b:settings:avatar:create: Grants permission to create avatar\n b:customer:alias: Grants permission to read alias\n b:customer:alias:create: Grants permission to create new alias\n b:customer:alias:modify: Grants permission to update existing alias\n b:cards:accountStatement: Get Credit Card Statement\n b:customer:cards:accountStatement: Get Credit Card Statement\n b:locations: Grants permission to search locations\n b:locations:create: Grants permission to create location\n b:locations:update: Grants permission to update location\n b:locations:delete: Grants permission to delete location\n p:users:remittances: Grants permission to read remittances\n b:customer:cards:remittances: Grants mobile permission to read remittances\n b:remittances: Grants permission to search remittances details\n b:remittances:details: Grants permission to read remittances details\n b:remittances:beneficiary:get: Grants permission to read beneficiary details\n m:users:accounts: Grants mobile permission to read account\n m:users:accounts:create: Grants mobile permission to create accounts\n m:users:accounts:limits:balance:customize: Grants mobile permission to customize balance limits\n m:productmgmt:cardproducts: Grants permission to read card products\n m:cards: Grants mobile permission to read cards\n m:cards:create: Grants mobile permission to write cards\n m:cards:statuschange: Grants mobile permission to change status\n m:cards:createLUT: Grants mobile permission to create LUT\n m:cards:velocitylimits: Grants mobile permission to read card velocity limits\n m:cards:velocitylimits:link: Grants mobile permission to link card velocity limits\n m:cards:velocitylimits:unlink: Grants mobile permission to unlink card velocity limits\n m:cards:customlimit: Grants mobile permission to create and modify custom velocity limits\n m:cards:limitinfo: Grants mobile permission to read card limits\n m:cards:showinfo: Grants mobile permission to show card secret info\n m:cards:limits:velocity:customize: Grants mobile permission to create and modify velocity limits\n m:cards:limits:advancedvelocity:customize: Grants mobile permission to create and modify advanced velocity limits\n m:cards:pin:read: Grants mobile permission to read card PIN\n m:cards:pin:set: Grants mobile permission to update card PIN\n m:fxrates:get: Grants mobile permission to get fxrates\n m:fxrates:quote:get: Grants mobile permission to get fxrates\n m:fxrates:quote:create: Grants mobile permission to create quote\n m:fxrates:quote:book: Grants mobile permission to book quote\n m:identityverification:generatesdktoken: Grant permission to generate token\n m:productmgmt:balancelimits: Grants permission to read limit\n m:productmgmt:velocitylimits: Grants permission to read velocity limit\n m:productmgmt:velocitylimits:create: Grants permission to create velocity limit\n m:productmgmt:velocitylimits:modify: Grants permission to modify limit\n m:locations: Grants mobile permission to read locations\n m:notifications:push:list: Grants mobile permission to read push notifications\n m:notifications:push:markread: Grants mobile permission to mark push notifications as read\n m:orders:token: Grants mobile permission to create token\n m:orders:checkout:payment: Grants mobile permission to perform Checkout payment\n m:orders:checkout:instruments:delete: Grants mobile permission to delete Checkout instrument\n m:orders:checkout:user: Grants mobile permission to retrieve Checkout user\n m:orders:lean:sdk:authinfo: Grants mobile permission to retrieve Lean SDK auth info\n m:orders:lean:payment:sources:get: Grants mobile permission to retrieve Lean payment sources\n m:orders:lean:payment:sources:delete: Grants mobile permission to delete Lean payment source\n m:orders:lean:payment:intent:create: Grants mobile permission to create Lean payment intent\n m:remittance:mastercard:initiate: Grant mobile permission to initiate and release transaction\n m:remittance:biller:details: Get billers details\n m:remittance:biller:payment:details: Get billers payment details\n m:remittance:biller:payment:inquiry: Perform billers payment inquiry\n m:remittance:generateotp: generate otp\n m:remittance:biller:payment:perform: Perform billers payment\n m:remittance:beneficiary:get: Get beneficiaries\n m:remittance:beneficiary:create: Create beneficiaries\n m:remittance:beneficiary:update: Update beneficiaries\n m:remittance:beneficiary:delete: Delete beneficiaries\n m:users: Grant mobile permissions to read users\n m:users:create: Grants mobile permission to create new users\n m:users:changestatus: Grants mobile permission to change status\n m:users:kyc: Grants mobile permission to read KYC\n m:users:kyc:create: Grants mobile permission to create KYC\n m:users:kyc:modify: Grants mobile permission to modify KYC\n m:users:identifications: Grants mobile permission to list identifications\n m:users:identifications:modify: Grants mobile permission to modify identifications\n m:users:alias: Grants mobile permission to read alias\n m:users:alias:create: Grants mobile permission to create new alias\n m:users:alias:modify: Grants mobile permission to update existing alias\n m:users:titlefetch: Grants mobile permission to fetch title\n################################################################################\n# Tags #\n################################################################################\ntags:\n - name: OAuth 2.0\n description: This section includes authorization APIs.\n - name: Sign-up\n description: This section includes sign-up APIs.\n - name: Transactions\n description: This section includes transaction releated APIs.\n - name: Accounts\n description: This section includes account releated APIs.\n - name: Card products\n description: This section includes card product releated APIs.\n - name: Cards\n description: This section includes card releated APIs.\n - name: FX rates\n description: This section includes FX rates releated APIs.\n - name: Identity verification\n description: This section includes identity verification releated APIs.\n - name: Balance limits\n description: This section includes balance limits releated APIs.\n - name: Velocity limits\n description: This section includes velocity limits releated APIs.\n - name: Locations\n description: This section includes locations releated APIs.\n - name: Push notifications\n description: This section includes push notifications releated APIs.\n - name: Orders\n description: This section includes orders releated APIs.\n - name: Users\n description: This section includes users releated APIs.\n - name: Remittance-Mastercard\n description: This section includes remittance Mastercard releated APIs.\n - name: Remittance-Billers\n description: This section includes remittance billers releated APIs.\n - name: Remittance-Beneficiary\n description: This section includes remittance beneficiary releated APIs.\n - name: Remittance-Lookup\n description: This section includes remittance lookup releated APIs.\n\n################################################################################\n# Paths #\n################################################################################\npaths:\n\n /nfront/v1/oauth2/token:signinWithCustomToken:\n post:\n consumes:\n - \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\"\n tags:\n - OAuth 2.0\n summary: Sign in using custom token\n description: |\n This endpoint will validate an incoming OAuth2 token from returned fresh oauth access token.\n parameters:\n - name: custom_token\n in: formData\n type: string\n description: The custom token.\n required: true\n - name: custom_token_provider\n in: formData\n type: string\n description: The custom token provider.\n operationId: signinWithCustomToken\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Successful Operation.\n schema:\n $ref: '#/definitions/Oauth2AccessToken'\n 400:\n description: Something wrong happened.\n schema:\n $ref: '#/definitions/Oauth2ErrorProblem'\n /nfront/v1/oauth2/token:refreshToken:\n post:\n consumes:\n - \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\"\n tags:\n - OAuth 2.0\n summary: Refresh access token\n description: |\n This endpoint will request a new access token or refresh an existing one from OAuth2 service.\n parameters:\n - name: refresh_token\n description: The refresh token.\n in: formData\n type: string\n operationId: refreshToken\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Successful Operation.\n schema:\n $ref: '#/definitions/Oauth2AccessToken'\n 400:\n description: Something wrong happened.\n schema:\n $ref: '#/definitions/Oauth2ErrorProblem'\n\n /nfront/v1/signup/verify:\n post:\n tags:\n - Sign-up\n operationId: verifyCreateSignupUser\n summary: Verify sign-up user creation\n description: This API is used to verify sign-up user creation.\n parameters:\n - name: verifyCreateUserRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SignupVerifyCreateUserRequest'\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n required: true\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n - name: channel\n in: header\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The channel.\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: OK\n /nfront/v1/signup:\n post:\n tags:\n - Sign-up\n operationId: createSignupUser\n summary: Create sign-up user\n description: This API is used to create sign-up user.\n parameters:\n - name: createUserRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SignupCreateUserRequest'\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n required: true\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n - name: channel\n in: header\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The channel.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: The signup user session.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupSession\"\n /nfront/v1/signup/resetpassword/verify:\n post:\n tags:\n - Sign-up\n operationId: verifyResetPassword\n summary: Verify password reset\n description: This API is used to verify password reset.\n parameters:\n - name: verifyResetPasswordRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SignupVerifyResetPasswordRequest'\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n required: true\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n - name: channel\n in: header\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The channel.\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: OK\n /nfront/v1/signup/resetpassword:\n post:\n tags:\n - Sign-up\n operationId: resetPassword\n summary: Reset password\n description: This API is used to reset password.\n parameters:\n - name: resetPasswordRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SignupResetPasswordRequest'\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n required: true\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n - name: channel\n in: header\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The channel.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: OK\n /nfront/v1/signup/checkavailability/{username}:\n get:\n tags:\n - Sign-up\n operationId: checkUsernameAvailability\n summary: Check username availability\n description: This API is used to check username availability.\n parameters:\n - name: username\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The username.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: OK\n /nfront/v1/signup/passwordpolicies:active:\n get:\n tags:\n - Sign-up\n operationId: loadActivePasswordPolicy\n summary: Load active password policy\n description: This API is used to load active password policy.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: OK\n schema:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupPasswordPolicy\"\n /nfront/v1/signup/login:\n post:\n tags:\n - Sign-up\n summary: Initiate authentication flow\n description: This API is used to initiate authentication flow.\n operationId: initiateAuthFlow\n parameters:\n - name: credentials\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SignupLoginUserRequest'\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n required: true\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n - name: channel\n in: header\n required: true\n description: The channel.\n type: string\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user autentication info.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: The signup user session.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupSession\"\n /nfront/v1/signup/login/verify:\n post:\n tags:\n - Sign-up\n operationId: verifyLogin\n summary: Verify login\n description: This API is used to verify login.\n parameters:\n - name: verifyLoginRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SignupVerifyLoginRequest'\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n required: true\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n - name: channel\n in: header\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The channel.\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user autentication info.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: OK\n /nfront/v1/signup/login/{session_id}:continueWithPasswordChange:\n put:\n tags:\n - Sign-up\n summary: Continue flow with password change\n description: This API is used to continue flow with password change.\n operationId: continueAuthWithPasswordChange\n parameters:\n - name: session_id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: Session ID.\n - name: password_change\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SignupChangePasswordRequest'\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n required: true\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: The signup user session.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupSession\"\n /nfront/v1/signup/login/{session_id}:extend:\n post:\n consumes:\n - \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\"\n tags:\n - Sign-up\n operationId: extendAuthWithRefreshToken\n summary: Extend auth with refresh token\n description: This API is used to extend auth with refresh token.\n parameters:\n - name: session_id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: Session ID.\n - name: refresh_token\n in: formData\n type: string\n description: Refresh token.\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n required: true\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Successful operation.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupAccessToken\"\n /nfront/v1/signup/logout/{session_id}:\n post:\n tags:\n - Sign-up\n summary: Invalidate session\n operationId: invalidateSession\n description: This API is used to invalidate session.\n parameters:\n - name: session_id\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n description: Session ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: OK\n /nfront/v1/signup/onboarding-tokens/{token}/decode:\n get:\n tags:\n - Sign-up\n operationId: decodeOnboardingToken\n summary: Decode onboarding token\n description: This API is used to decode onboarding token.\n parameters:\n - name: token\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n description: The token.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Onboarding token decoded.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OnboardingTokenResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/signup/login/biometric/nonce:\n post:\n tags:\n - Sign-up\n summary: Generate biometrics nonce\n description: This API is used to generate biometrics nonce.\n operationId: generateBiometricNonce\n parameters:\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n required: true\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n - name: biometricNonceRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BiometricNonceRequest'\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Enabled biometrics.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BiometricNonceResponse\"\n\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/accounts:\n get:\n tags:\n - Accounts\n summary: Get list of accounts\n description: This API is used to retrieve all existitng accounts.\n operationId: sdkListAccounts\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users:accounts\n parameters:\n - name: user_id\n in: query\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the user\n example: \"3392abea-4ef6-4645-b254-d8ace60281af\"\n required: true\n - name: currency\n in: query\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: The currency.\n - name: type\n in: query\n description: The type of the account.\n example: \"MASTER\"\n type: string\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/limit\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/after\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: List of accounts.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountsCollection\"\n post:\n tags:\n - Accounts\n summary: Create account\n operationId: sdkCreateAccount\n description: This API is used to create a new account.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users:accounts:create\n parameters:\n - name: account\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountCreateRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns newly created account.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Account\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/accounts/{id}:\n get:\n tags:\n - Accounts\n summary: Get account details\n description: This API is used to retrieve a specific account details.\n operationId: sdkGetAccount\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users:accounts\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The unique identifier of the account.\n type: string\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns account.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Account\"\n put:\n tags:\n - Accounts\n summary: Update account\n description: This API is used to update a specific account.\n operationId: sdkUpdateAccount\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users:accounts\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n description: The unique identifier of the account.\n required: true\n type: string\n - name: wallet_details\n in: body\n required: true\n description: Wallet details.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UpdateAccountRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns account.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Account\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/accounts/transfer:\n post:\n tags:\n - Accounts\n summary: Transfer funds between accounts\n description: This API is used to transfer funds from one account to another account.\n operationId: sdkTransfer\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users:accounts:create\n parameters:\n - name: X-Nymos-Idempotency-Key\n in: header\n type: string\n required: true\n description: Idempotency key.\n maxLength: 36\n - name: transferAccountFundsRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountTransferRequest\"\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user authentication info.\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns account funds transaction.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountTransferTransaction\"\n get:\n tags:\n - Accounts\n summary: Get list of transfers\n operationId: getTransfers\n description: This API is used to retrieve the list of transfers.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users:accounts\n parameters:\n - name: sender_account_id\n type: string\n description: Sender account Identifier.\n in: query\n - name: recipient_account_id\n type: string\n description: Recipient account Identifier.\n in: query\n - name: transfer_date_time_start\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Date time created from.\n in: query\n - name: transfer_date_time_end\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Date time created to.\n in: query\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/limit\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/after\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns account funds transactions.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransfersCollection\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/accounts/{id}/cards:\n get:\n tags:\n - Accounts\n summary: Get cards related to account\n description: This API is used to retrieve cards which are linked to the account.\n operationId: sdkListLinkedCards\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users:accounts\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The unique identifier of the account.\n type: string\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Return the list of card IDs linked to the account.\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: Card ID.\n example: \"f9dc8fb0-ba5b-4d61-83df-7ab821fd02d5\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/accounts/{id}/cards:link:\n post:\n tags:\n - Accounts\n summary: Link cards to account\n description: This API is used to link cards to the specific account.\n operationId: sdkLinkCardsToAccount\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users:accounts\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The unique identifier of the account.\n type: string\n - name: details\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardsLinkToAccountRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns the list of card IDs linked to the account.\n schema:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n type: string\n description: Card ID.\n example: \"f9dc8fb0-ba5b-4d61-83df-7ab821fd02d5\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/accounts/{id}/limits/balance:customize:\n post:\n tags:\n - Accounts\n operationId: sdkCreateAccountCustomBalanceLimit\n summary: Create custom balance limit for account\n description: This API can be used to create custom balance limit for account.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users:accounts:limits:balance:customize\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the account.\n required: true\n - name: createRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountCustomBalanceLimitCreateRequest\"\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user authentication info.\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Account custom limit response.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BalanceLimit\"\n put:\n tags:\n - Accounts\n operationId: sdkUpdateAccountCustomBalanceLimit\n summary: Update custom balance limit for account\n description: This API can be used to update custom balance limit for account.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users:accounts:limits:balance:customize\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the account.\n required: true\n - name: updateRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountCustomBalanceLimitUpdateRequest\"\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user authentication info.\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Account custom limit response.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BalanceLimit\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/cardproducts/{id}:\n get:\n tags:\n - Card products\n summary: Get specific card product\n description: This API is used to get specific card product.\n operationId: sdkGetCardProduct\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:productmgmt:cardproducts\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n description: The card product ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Retrieved a card product.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProduct\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/cardproducts/{id}/velocitylimits:\n get:\n tags:\n - Card products\n summary: Get velocity limits of card product\n description: This API is used to get list of velocity limits of a specific card product.\n operationId: sdkGetVelocityLimits\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:productmgmt:cardproducts\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n description: The card product ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Retrieved the linked velocity limit IDs.\n schema:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n type: string\n description: Velocity Limit ID.\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/cardproducts/{id}/balancelimits:\n get:\n tags:\n - Card products\n summary: Get balance limits of card product\n description: This API is used to get list of balance limits of a specific card product.\n operationId: sdkGetBalanceLimits\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:productmgmt:cardproducts\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n description: The card product ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Retrieved the linked balance limit IDs.\n schema:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n type: string\n description: Balance Limit ID.\n /nfront/v2/proxysdk/cardproducts/{id}/charges:\n get:\n tags:\n - Card products\n summary: Get card product charges\n description: This API is used to get card product charges.\n operationId: sdkGetCardProductChargesV2\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:productmgmt:cardproducts\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n description: The card product ID.\n - name: charge_type\n in: query\n type: string\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/limit\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/after\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/sort_by\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/order_by\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Retrieved a card product.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ChargesCollection\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/cards:\n get:\n tags:\n - Cards\n summary: Get list of cards\n description: This API can be used to retrieve a list of cards.\n operationId: sdkListCards\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:cards\n parameters:\n - name: user_id\n in: query\n type: string\n required: true\n description: If included then cards will be filtered by user ID.\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/limit\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/after\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: List of cards.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardCollection\"\n post:\n tags:\n - Cards\n summary: Create card\n description: This API is used to create a card.\n operationId: sdkCreateCard\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:cards:create\n parameters:\n - name: x-nymos-idempotency-key\n in: header\n required: true\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: Idempotency key.\n - name: details\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardCreateRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Return issued card.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Card\"\n 201:\n description: In case of idempotency-key was already used, return the issued card and a different status.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Card\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/cards/{id}:\n get:\n tags:\n - Cards\n summary: Get card details\n description: This API can be used to retrieve a single card by providing a card id to check the card details.\n operationId: sdkGetCard\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:cards\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+$'\n required: true\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns info regarding card.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Card\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/cards/{id}/accounts:\n get:\n tags:\n - Cards\n operationId: sdkGetCardAccounts\n summary: Get accounts related to card\n description: This API is used to retrieve accounts which are linked to the card.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:cards\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+$'\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns the accounts linked to the card.\n schema:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n type: string\n example: \"b6822247-052d-4bb1-ad49-5e46f7c8fdd0\"\n description: The unique identifier of the account.\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/cards/{id}:statuschange:\n put:\n tags:\n - Cards\n operationId: sdkChangeCardStatus\n summary: Change card status\n description: This API is used to change a card status.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:cards:statuschange\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+$'\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n - name: statusChangeRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardStatusChangeRequest\"\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user autentication info.\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n type: string\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns the card updated.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Card\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/cards/{id}:createLut:\n post:\n tags:\n - Cards\n summary: Create LUT for requested operation\n description: This API is used to create a LUT (Limited Usage Token) for operations like view clear card details, retrieve clear card PIN, change a card PIN or activate a card. LUT has a timeout of 5 minutes before getting used. If the user does not use the LUT within 5 minutes, it will get expired. Each LUT is for one time use.\n operationId: sdkCreateLut\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:cards:createLUT\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: Card ID to create LUT for.\n - name: lutCreateRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LutCreateRequest\"\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user autentication info.\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Return created Limited Usage Token.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LutResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/cards/{id}/velocitylimits:\n get:\n tags:\n - Cards\n summary: Get velocity limits linked to card\n description: This API is used to retrieve the list of velocity limits linked to a specific card.\n operationId: sdkGetCardVelocityLimits\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:cards:velocitylimits\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+$'\n required: true\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns linked velocity limits.\n schema:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n type: string\n description: Velocity limit ID.\n example: \"velocitylimit02\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/cards/{id}/velocitylimits:link:\n post:\n tags:\n - Cards\n summary: |\n Set velocity limits for card\n operationId: sdkLinkVelocityLimits\n description: This API is used to set velocity limits for a specific card.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:cards:velocitylimits:link\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+$'\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n - name: ids\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardVelocityLimitsLinkRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns linked velocity limits.\n schema:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n type: string\n description: Velocity limit ID.\n example: \"velocitylimit02\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/cards/{id}/velocitylimits:unlink:\n post:\n tags:\n - Cards\n summary: |\n Remove velocity limits for card\n operationId: sdkUnlinkVelocityLimits\n description: This API is used to remove velocity limits from a specific card.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:cards:velocitylimits:unlink\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+$'\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n - name: ids\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardVelocityLimitsUnlinkRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns unlinked velocity limits.\n schema:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n type: string\n description: Velocity limit ID.\n example: \"velocitylimit02\"\n /nfront/v2/proxysdk/cards/{id}:limitinfo:\n get:\n tags:\n - Cards\n operationId: sdkGetAllCardLimits\n summary: Get card limits info\n description: This API is used to fetch all limits associated with card.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:cards:limitinfo\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/limitInfoType\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Cards custom limit response.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardLimitsInfo\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/cards/{id}:showinfo:\n get:\n tags:\n - Cards\n operationId: sdkCardShowInfo\n summary: Show card secret data\n description: This API can be used to retrieve and see card's secret data, e.g. PAN (Primary Account Number), CVV2 (Card Verification Value 2), Card expiry date, and Pin retries. This API can be used by a PCI Compliant user, if a non-complaint user is calling this API, then request error 403 (Forbidden) will appear.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:cards:showinfo\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+$'\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n - name: show_cvv2\n in: query\n type: boolean\n description: This query parameter is used to decide whether to see a clear CVV2 (Card Verification Value) or not. Applicable values are true/false.\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user autentication info.\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns info regarding sensitive card.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardInfo\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/cards/{id}/limits/velocity:customize:\n post:\n tags:\n - Cards\n operationId: sdkCreateCardCustomVelocityLimit\n summary: Create custom velocity limit for card\n description: This API can be used to create custom velocity limit for card.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:cards:limits:velocity:customize\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n - name: createRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardCustomVelocityLimitCreateRequest\"\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user authentication info.\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Cards custom limit response.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VelocityLimit\"\n put:\n tags:\n - Cards\n operationId: sdkUpdateCardCustomVelocityLimit\n summary: Update custom velocity limit for card\n description: This API can be used to update custom velocity limit for card.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:cards:limits:velocity:customize\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n - name: updateRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardCustomVelocityLimitUpdateRequest\"\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user authentication info.\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Cards custom limit response.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VelocityLimit\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/cards/{id}/limits/advancedvelocity:customize:\n post:\n tags:\n - Cards\n operationId: sdkCreateCustomAdvancedVelocityLimit\n summary: Create custom advanced velocity limit for card\n description: This API can be used to create custom advanced velocity limit for card.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:cards:limits:advancedvelocity:customize\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n required: true\n - name: createRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardCustomAdvancedVelocityLimitCreateRequest\"\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user authentication info.\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Cards custom limit response.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdvancedVelocityLimit\"\n put:\n tags:\n - Cards\n operationId: sdkUpdateCardCustomAdvancedVelocityLimit\n summary: Update custom advanced velocity limit for card\n description: This API can be used to update custom advanced velocity limit for card.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:cards:limits:advancedvelocity:customize\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n - name: updateRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardCustomAdvancedVelocityLimitUpdateRequest\"\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user authentication info.\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Cards custom limit response.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdvancedVelocityLimit\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/cards/{id}:changePin:\n put:\n tags:\n - Cards\n operationId: sdkChangeCardPin\n description: This API is used to change the card PIN.\n summary: Change card PIN\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:cards:pin:set\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n type: string\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+$'\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user autentication info.\n - name: pinChangeRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardPinRequest\"\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n responses:\n 204:\n description: Card Pin changed successfully.\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/cards/{id}:getPin:\n get:\n tags:\n - Cards\n operationId: sdkGetCardPin\n description: This API is used to retrieve the card secure PIN.\n summary: Get card PIN\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:cards:pin:read\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n type: string\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+$'\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user autentication info.\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns encrypted card PIN.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardPinResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/fxrates:\n get:\n tags:\n - FX rates\n summary: Get FX rates\n description: This API is used to get list of FX rates.\n operationId: sdkGetFxRates\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:fxrates:get\n parameters:\n - name: card_product_id\n in: query\n type: string\n required: true\n description: Card product ID for which to fetch FX rates.\n - name: from_currency\n in: query\n type: string\n required: false\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}\"\n x-nymos-currency: true\n - name: to_currency\n in: query\n type: string\n required: false\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}\"\n x-nymos-currency: true\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns card product FX rates.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRatesResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/fxrates:search:\n get:\n tags:\n - FX rates\n summary: Search FX rates\n description: This API is used to search FX rates.\n operationId: sdkSearchFxRates\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:fxrates:get\n parameters:\n - name: X-Nymos-Idempotency-Key\n in: header\n type: string\n required: false\n description: Unique transaction ID.\n maxLength: 36\n - name: card_product_id\n in: query\n type: string\n required: true\n description: Card product ID for which to fetch FX rates.\n - name: from_currency\n in: query\n type: string\n required: true\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}\"\n x-nymos-currency: true\n - name: to_currency\n in: query\n type: string\n required: true\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}\"\n x-nymos-currency: true\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns card product FX rates.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRatesInternalResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/fxrates:quote:\n post:\n tags:\n - FX rates\n summary: Create FX rates quote\n description: This API is used to create FX rates quote.\n operationId: sdkCreateFxRatesQuote\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:fxrates:quote:create\n parameters:\n - name: quote\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/QuoteCreateRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/QuoteCreateResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/fxrates/{id}:\n get:\n tags:\n - FX rates\n summary: Get FX rates quote by ID\n description: This API is used to get FX rates quote by ID.\n operationId: sdkGetFxRatesQuoteById\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:fxrates:quote:get\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of FX rate quote.\n responses:\n 200:\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRatesQuotesResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/fxrates/{id}:book:\n put:\n tags:\n - FX rates\n summary: Book FX rate for quote\n description: This API is used to book FX rate for quote.\n operationId: sdkBookFxRatesById\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:fxrates:quote:book\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of FX rate quote.\n responses:\n 200:\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BookFxRateQuoteResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/identityverifications/sdkToken:\n post:\n tags:\n - Identity verification\n operationId: sdkGenerateSdkToken\n summary: Generate SDK token\n description: This API is used to generate SDK token.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:identityverification:generatesdktoken\n parameters:\n - name: sdk_token_request\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/IdentityVerificationSdkTokenRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: OK.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/IdentityVerificationSdkTokens\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/balancelimits/{id}:\n get:\n tags:\n - Balance limits\n summary: Get specific balance limit\n description: This API is used to get specific balance limit.\n operationId: sdkGetBalanceLimit\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:productmgmt:balancelimits\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n description: The balance limit ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Retrieved balance limit.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BalanceLimit\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/velocitylimits:\n post:\n tags:\n - Velocity limits\n summary: Create velocity limit\n operationId: sdkCreateVelocityLimit\n description: This API is used to create velocity limit.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:productmgmt:velocitylimits:create\n parameters:\n - name: velocitylimit\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VelocityLimitCreateRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Created velocity limit.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VelocityLimit\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/velocitylimits/{id}:\n get:\n tags:\n - Velocity limits\n summary: Get specific velocity limit\n operationId: sdkGetVelocityLimit\n description: This API is used to get specific velocity limit.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:productmgmt:velocitylimits\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n description: The velocity limit ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Retrieved Velocity limit.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VelocityLimit\"\n put:\n tags:\n - Velocity limits\n summary: Update velocity limit\n operationId: sdkUpdateVelocityLimit\n description: This API is used to update velocity limit.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:productmgmt:velocitylimits:modify\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n description: The velocity limit ID.\n - name: velocitylimit\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VelocityLimitUpdateRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Updated velocity limit.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VelocityLimit\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/locations:\n get:\n tags:\n - Locations\n operationId: listLocations\n summary: Get list of locations\n description: This API is used to get list of locations.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:locations\n parameters:\n - name: region\n in: query\n type: string\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/limit\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/after\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/sort_by\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/order_by\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns all locations.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LocationCollection\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/locations/{locations_id}:\n get:\n tags:\n - Locations\n operationId: getLocations\n summary: Get location by ID\n description: This API is used to get specific location.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:locations\n parameters:\n - name: locations_id\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n description: The unique identifier of location.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: OK\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Location\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/notifications/push:updateFcmToken:\n put:\n tags:\n - Push notifications\n summary: Update the push notification token\n operationId: sdkUpdateFirebaseToken\n description: |\n On initial startup, the FCM SDK generates a registration token. Please note that tokens may change when:\n\n - The app deletes Instance ID\n - The app is restored on a new device\n - The user uninstalls/reinstall the app\n - The user clears app data.\n\n This `endpoint` must be called whenever a new token is generated or updated.\n parameters:\n - name: updateFcmTokenRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UpdateFcmTokenRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Token has been updated successfully.\n 403:\n description: Something went wrong while updating the token.\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/notifications/push:\n get:\n tags:\n - Push notifications\n summary: Load push notifications\n description: This API is used to load push notifications.\n operationId: listPushNotifications\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:notifications:push:list\n parameters:\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/limit\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/after\"\n - name: account_id\n in: query\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of account.\n - name: language\n in: query\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The language.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns list of push notifications.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PushNotificationRecordCollection\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/notifications/{push_id}:markAsRead:\n put:\n tags:\n - Push notifications\n summary: Mark push notification as read\n description: This API is used to mark push notification as read.\n operationId: sdkMarkPushNotificationAsRead\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:notifications:push:markread\n parameters:\n - name: push_id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of push notification.\n responses:\n 204:\n description: Push notification marked as read successfully.\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/orders/token:\n post:\n tags:\n - Orders\n summary: Create temporary user token\n description: This API is used to create temporary user token for orders in the standard NymCard widget and MPGS.\n operationId: sdkCreateDapiToken\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:orders:token\n parameters:\n - name: createOrdersTokenRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CreateOrderTokenRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns newly created token.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderTokenResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/orders/checkout/payment:\n post:\n tags:\n - Orders\n summary: Perform checkout payment\n description: This API is used to perform checkout payment.\n operationId: performCheckoutPayment\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:orders:checkout:payment\n parameters:\n - name: performCheckoutPaymentRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PerformCheckoutPaymentRequest\"\n - name: x-nymos-idempotency-key\n in: header\n required: true\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: Idempotency key.\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user autentication info.\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n type: string\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns PerformCheckoutRequest\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PerformCheckoutPaymentResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/orders/checkout/user/{user_id}/instruments/{instrument_id}:\n delete:\n tags:\n - Orders\n operationId: deleteLinkedInstrument\n description: This API is used to delete a linked instrument.\n summary: Delete linked instrument\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:orders:checkout:instruments:delete\n parameters:\n - name: user_id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of user.\n - name: instrument_id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of instrument.\n responses:\n 204:\n description: Deleted linked instrument.\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/orders/checkout/user/{id}:\n get:\n tags:\n - Orders\n summary: Get checkout user by id\n description: This API is used to retrieve details of a specific checkout user.\n operationId: getCheckoutUserDetails\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:orders:checkout:user\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of user.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns order.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CheckoutUserDetailsResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/orders/lean/{user_id}/sdk:\n get:\n tags:\n - Orders\n summary: Get Lean SDK auth info\n description: This API is used to get Lean SDK auth info.\n operationId: getLeanSdkAuthInfo\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:orders:lean:sdk:authinfo\n parameters:\n - name: user_id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of user.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns Lean SDK auth info.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LeanSdkAuthInfo\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/orders/lean/{user_id}/payment/sources:\n get:\n tags:\n - Orders\n summary: Get Lean payment sources\n description: This API is used to get Lean payment sources.\n operationId: getLeanPaymentSources\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:orders:lean:payment:sources:get\n parameters:\n - name: user_id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of user.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns Lean payment sources.\n schema:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LeanPaymentSource\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/orders/lean/{user_id}/payment/sources/{payment_source_id}:\n delete:\n tags:\n - Orders\n summary: Delete Lean payment source\n description: This API is used to delete Lean payment source.\n operationId: deleteLeanPaymentSource\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:orders:lean:payment:sources:delete\n parameters:\n - name: user_id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of user.\n - name: payment_source_id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of payment source.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns Lean payment source.\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/orders/lean/payment/intent:\n post:\n tags:\n - Orders\n summary: Create Lean payment intent\n description: This API is used to create Lean payment intent.\n operationId: createLeanPaymentIntent\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:orders:lean:payment:intent:create\n parameters:\n - name: createLeanPaymentIntentRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LeanPaymentIntentCreateRequest\"\n - name: x-nymos-idempotency-key\n in: header\n required: true\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: Idempotency key.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns Lean payment intent.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LeanPaymentIntent\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/remittances/mxb/transaction:\n post:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Mastercard\n summary: Initiate transaction to Mastercard\n description: This API is used to initiate transaction to Mastercard.\n operationId: initiateTransactionMastercard\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:remittance:mastercard:initiate\n parameters:\n - name: x-nymos-idempotency-key\n in: header\n required: true\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: Idempotency key.\n - name: initiateTransactionMastercardRequest\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/InitiateTransactionMastercardRequest\"\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user autentication info.\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Device ID.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns response after creating a transaction.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbTransactionCreationResponse\"\n get:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Mastercard\n summary: Get transaction details\n description: This API is used to retrieve transaction details by TfPin or reference number.\n operationId: loadTransactionDetails\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:remittance:mastercard:initiate\n parameters:\n - name: key\n description: tfpin (Transaction number) or refnumber (Reference number).\n in: query\n type: string\n enum:\n - tfpin\n - refnumber\n required: true\n - name: value\n description: Unique transaction number depends on the provided key.\n in: query\n type: string\n required: true\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Mxb Transaction details data loaded.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbTransactionDetailsResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/remittances/billers/billerdetails:\n get:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Billers\n summary: Get Biller details\n description: This API is used to get biller details.\n operationId: getBillerDetails\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:remittance:biller:details\n parameters:\n - name: country\n description: ISO country code.\n in: query\n type: string\n - name: type\n description: Type of biller detail.\n in: query\n type: string\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/limit\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/after\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Biller details.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BillerDetailsCollection\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/remittances/bilrs/countries:\n get:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Billers\n summary: Get biller country list\n description: This API is used to get biller country list.\n operationId: getBillerCountryList\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Biller country list.\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ProxyBillerCountry\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/remittances/billers/paymentdetails/{billerId}:\n get:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Billers\n summary: Get payment details\n description: This API is used to retrieve payment details.\n operationId: getPaymentDetails\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:remittance:biller:payment:details\n parameters:\n - name: billerId\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the biller.\n in: path\n required: true\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Get available payment details for the selected biller.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BillerPaymentDetails\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/remittances/billers/paymentinquiry:\n post:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Billers\n summary: Perform payment inquiry\n operationId: performPaymentInquiry\n description: This API is used to get payment inquiry.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:remittance:biller:payment:inquiry\n parameters:\n - name: paymentInquiry\n description: Payment inquiry.\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PaymentInquiryRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns list of states\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PaymentInquiryResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/remittances/billers/mobilecarrierlookup:\n post:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Billers\n summary: Mobile Carrier Lookup\n description: This API is used for mobile carrier lookup.\n operationId: getMobileCarrierDetails\n parameters:\n - name: mobileCarrierLookupRequest\n description: Mobile carrier lookup request.\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MobileCarrierLookupRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns mobile carrier lookup response.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MobileCarrierLookupResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/remittances/billers/performpayment:\n post:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Billers\n summary: Perform payment\n operationId: performPayment\n description: This API is used to perform payment.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:remittance:biller:payment:perform\n parameters:\n - name: performPaymentRequest\n description: Perform payment request.\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PerformPaymentRequest\"\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user autentication info.\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Device id.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns perform payment response.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PerformPaymentResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/remittances/mxb/catalog/receivecountries:\n get:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Mastercard\n summary: Get list of receiver countries\n operationId: loadReceiveCountries\n description: This API is used to get the list of allowed countries where you can send remittance via Mastercard cross border.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Received countries data.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbReceiveCountriesResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/remittances/mxb/catalog/countrydetails:\n get:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Mastercard\n summary: Get country details\n description: This API is used to get details of a specific country using a country code.\n operationId: loadCountryDetails\n parameters:\n - name: country_code\n description: Country code in ISO 3166 format.\n pattern: ^[A-Za-z]{2}$\n in: query\n required: true\n type: string\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Mxb Country details data loaded.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbCountryDetailsResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/remittances/mxb/catalog/cities:\n get:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Mastercard\n summary: Get list of cities\n description: This API is used to retrieve the list of cities by country code.\n operationId: loadCities\n parameters:\n - name: country_code\n description: Country code in ISO 3166 format.\n in: query\n required: true\n type: string\n - name: state_id\n description: State ID.\n in: query\n required: false\n type: string\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Mxb Cities data loaded.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbCitiesResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/remittances/mxb/catalog/paymentdetails:\n get:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Mastercard\n summary: Get payment details\n description: This API is used to retrieve payment modes and designated currencies for selected country for Mastercard cross border.\n operationId: loadPaymentDetails\n parameters:\n - name: country_code\n description: Country code in ISO 3166 format.\n in: query\n required: true\n type: string\n - name: city_id\n description: City ID\n in: query\n required: false\n type: string\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Mxb Payment details data loaded\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbPaymentDetailsResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/remittances/mxb/getbanks:\n get:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Mastercard\n summary: Get list of banks\n description: This API is used to retrieve the list of banks using a country code.\n operationId: getBanks\n parameters:\n - name: country_code\n description: ISO country code.\n in: query\n type: string\n required: true\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns list of banks.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbGetBanksResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/remittances/mxb/getbankbranches:\n get:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Mastercard\n summary: Get bank branches\n operationId: getBankBranches\n description: This API is used to retrieve the list of bank branches.\n parameters:\n - name: bank_id\n description: The unique identifier of the bank.\n in: query\n type: string\n required: true\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns list of banks.\n schema:\n $ref: '#/definitions/MxbGetBankBranchesResponse'\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/remittances/mxb/indicativerates:\n get:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Mastercard\n summary: Get indicative rates\n description: This API is used to check indicative exchange rates, fees and sent/received amount before sending remittance for Mastercard cross border.\n operationId: getIndicativeRates\n parameters:\n - name: receiver_currency_code\n description: Receiver currency code.\n in: query\n required: true\n type: string\n - name: receiver_country_code\n description: Receiver country code.\n in: query\n required: true\n type: string\n - name: source_currency_code\n description: Source currency code.\n in: query\n required: true\n type: string\n - name: receive_amount\n description: Receive amount.\n in: query\n required: false\n type: number\n - name: sent_amount\n description: Sent amount.\n in: query\n required: false\n type: number\n - name: bank_id\n description: Bank ID.\n in: query\n required: false\n type: string\n - name: payment_mode_id\n description: Payment mode ID.\n in: query\n required: true\n type: string\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns indicative rates.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/IndicativeRatesResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/remittances/beneficiary:\n get:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Beneficiary\n summary: Search beneficiary\n description: This API is used to search for beneficiary by specific parameters.\n operationId: searchBeneficiary\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:remittance:beneficiary:get\n parameters:\n - name: user_id\n in: query\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of user.\n - name: nickname\n in: query\n type: string\n description: The nickname.\n - name: phone\n in: query\n type: string\n description: The user's phone number.\n - name: category\n in: query\n type: string\n description: The category.\n - name: category_display_name\n in: query\n type: string\n description: The category display name.\n - name: subcategory\n in: query\n type: string\n description: The subcategory.\n - name: subcategory_display_name\n in: query\n type: string\n description: The subcategory display name.\n - name: instrument_type\n in: query\n type: string\n description: The instrument type.\n - name: instrument_currency\n in: query\n type: string\n description: The instrument currency.\n - name: country\n in: query\n type: string\n description: The country.\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/limit\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/after\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/sort_by\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/order_by\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Beneficiary list.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BeneficiaryCollection\"\n post:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Beneficiary\n summary: Create beneficiary\n description: This API is used to create beneficiary.\n operationId: createBeneficiary\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:remittance:beneficiary:create\n parameters:\n - name: beneficiary\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BeneficiaryCreateRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns newly created beneficiary.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Beneficiary\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/remittances/beneficiary/{id}:\n get:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Beneficiary\n summary: Get beneficiary by ID\n description: This API is used to retrieve beneficiary by ID.\n operationId: getBeneficiary\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:remittance:beneficiary:get\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of beneficiary.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns beneficiary.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Beneficiary\"\n put:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Beneficiary\n summary: Update beneficiary\n operationId: updateBeneficiary\n description: This API is used to edit specific beneficiary.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:remittance:beneficiary:update\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of beneficiary.\n - name: beneficiary_details\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BeneficiaryUpdateRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns beneficiary.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Beneficiary\"\n delete:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Beneficiary\n operationId: deleteBeneficiary\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:remittance:beneficiary:delete\n summary: Delete beneficiary\n description: This API is used to delete specific beneficiary.\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of beneficiary.\n responses:\n 204:\n description: Beneficiary deleted.\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/remittances/countries:\n get:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Lookup\n summary: Get list of countries\n description: This API is used to retrieve the list of countries.\n operationId: countries\n parameters:\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/limit\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/after\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/sort_by\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/order_by\"\n - name: iso_code_2\n description: 2 Digit country code in ISO format.\n in: query\n type: string\n - name: iso_code_3\n description: 3 digit country code in ISO format.\n in: query\n type: string\n - name: name\n description: Substring of country name that’s being searched.\n in: query\n type: string\n minLength: 3\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Get countries.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CountryCollection\"\n\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/remittances/cities:\n get:\n tags:\n - Remittance-Lookup\n summary: Get list of cities\n description: This API is used to retrieve the list of cities.\n operationId: Cities\n parameters:\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/limit\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/after\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/sort_by\"\n - $ref: \"#/parameters/order_by\"\n - name: country_code\n description: Country where cities are under from country collection.\n in: query\n required: true\n type: integer\n - name: state_code\n description: State identifier from states collection.\n in: query\n type: integer\n - name: city_name\n description: Substring of city that’s being searched.\n in: query\n type: string\n minLength: 3\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Get cities.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CityCollection\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/transactions:search:\n post:\n tags:\n - Transactions\n summary: Search for Nymcard transactions\n operationId: sdkSearchNymcardTransactions\n description: This API is used to search for transactions.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users:transactions\n parameters:\n - name: criteria\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SearchCriteria'\n responses:\n 200:\n description: List of Nymcard transactions objects.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NymcardTransactionIndexResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/users:\n post:\n tags:\n - Users\n summary: Create user\n operationId: sdkCreateUser\n description: This API is used to create a new user.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users:create\n parameters:\n - name: create_request\n description: User info.\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserCreateRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns saved user.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/User\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/users/{id}:\n get:\n tags:\n - Users\n summary: Get user details\n description: This API is used to get the details of a specific user.\n operationId: sdkGetUser\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the user.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns single user.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/User\"\n put:\n tags:\n - Users\n summary: Update specific user\n description: Using this API you can update details of a specific user.\n operationId: sdkUpdateUser\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users:modify\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the user.\n - in: body\n name: user\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserUpdateRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: |\n Returns updated user.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/User\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/users/{id}:changeStatus:\n put:\n tags:\n - Users\n summary: Change user status\n description: This API is used to change user status.\n operationId: sdkChangeUserStatus\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users:changestatus\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the user.\n - name: statusChange\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserStatusChangeRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns single user.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/User\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/users/{user_id}/alias:\n get:\n tags:\n - Users\n summary: Get user alias\n description: This API is used to get user alias.\n operationId: getAliasByUserId\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users:alias\n parameters:\n - name: user_id\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n description: The unique identifier of the user.\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns the alias.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserAlias\"\n post:\n tags:\n - Users\n summary: Create user alias\n operationId: createAlias\n description: This API is used to create user alias.\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users:alias:create\n parameters:\n - name: user_id\n in: path\n type: string\n required: true\n description: The unique identifier of the user.\n - name: create_request\n in: body\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserAliasCreateRequest\"\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user autentication info.\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n type: string\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns the alias.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserAlias\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/users/{user_id}/alias/{id}:\n put:\n tags:\n - Users\n summary: Update user alias\n description: This API is used to update user alias.\n operationId: updateAlias\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users:alias:modify\n parameters:\n - name: user_id\n in: path\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the user.\n required: true\n - name: id\n in: path\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of alias.\n required: true\n - name: update_request\n in: body\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserAliasUpdateRequest\"\n - name: otp_id\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return ID of OTP when challenged to provide sms or email code.\n - name: otp_type\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Selected type of OTP if provided with choice.\n - name: otp_email\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over email along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_sms\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return code received over sms along with otp_id.\n - name: otp_auth\n in: header\n type: string\n description: Return user autentication info.\n - name: x-nfront-device-id\n in: header\n type: string\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns the updated alias.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserAlias\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/titlefetch:\n post:\n tags:\n - Users\n summary: Title fetch\n description: This API is used to create title fetch.\n operationId: titleFetch\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users:titlefetch\n parameters:\n - name: title_fetch_request\n in: body\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TitleFetchRequest\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns title fetch response.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TitleFetchResponse\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/users:search:\n post:\n tags:\n - Users\n summary: Search for users\n operationId: search\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users\n parameters:\n - name: criteria\n in: body\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserFilter\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: List of users.\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserCollection\"\n /nfront/v1/proxysdk/users/{user_id}/identifications:\n get:\n tags:\n - Users\n summary: Get user identifications\n description: This API is used to get user identifications.\n operationId: getIdentifications\n security:\n - oauth:\n - m:users\n parameters:\n - name: user_id\n description: The unique identifier of the user.\n in: path\n required: true\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Returns single identification.\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Identification\"\n################################################################################\n# Definitions #\n################################################################################\ndefinitions: # we need to define this locally again otherwise framework silently fails to recognize inheritance\n\n StatusChangeResponse:\n type: object\n CustomerCountDetailAnalyticsResponse:\n type: object\n CustomerCountDetailResponse:\n type: object\n CardDesign:\n type: object\n CardDesigns:\n type: object\n UploadPortalConfigurationResponse:\n type: object\n MetadataPortalConfigurationResponse:\n type: object\n NymcardTransactionCountResponse:\n type: object\n UserResponse:\n type: object\n AvatarResponse:\n type: object\n StatusChangeAdminRequest:\n type: object\n StatusChangeAdminResponse:\n type: object\n KycDetailsResponse:\n type: object\n ChangeKycStatusRequest:\n type: object\n KycResponse:\n type: object\n CardCustomVelocityLimitScope:\n type: object\n CardCustomAdvancedVelocityLimitScope:\n type: object\n MarkCardsForRenewalRequest:\n type: object\n CardsBulkRenewal:\n type: object\n AuthSettingsUpsertModel:\n type: object\n IdentityVerificationsReports:\n type: object\n VelocityLimitConditionTypeCollection:\n type: object\n VelocityLimitConditionType:\n type: object\n WebhookUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n UploadPortalConfigurationRequest:\n type: object\n LocationCreateRequest:\n type: object\n BulkCreateLocationRequest:\n type: object\n TransactionDetailsResponse:\n type: object\n LocationUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n AccountCustomBalanceLimitScope:\n type: object\n\n Credentials:\n type: object\n required:\n - username\n - password\n properties:\n username:\n type: string\n password:\n type: string\n PasswordChange:\n type: object\n required:\n - old_password\n - new_password\n properties:\n old_password:\n type: string\n new_password:\n type: string\n AdminCredential:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_admins_credentials\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n verified_email:\n type: string\n x-nymos-index: true\n verified_mobile:\n type: string\n x-nymos-index: true\n password:\n type: string\n expires_at:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n AdminCredentialHistory:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_admins_credentials_history\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n admin_id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-index: true\n password:\n type: string\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n ForgotPasswordRequest:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_admins_forgot_password_requests\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n token:\n type: string\n user_id:\n type: string\n used:\n type: boolean\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n ResetPasswordRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n password:\n type: string\n AdminSession:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n admin_id:\n type: string\n admin:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Admin\"\n flow:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdminSessionFlow\"\n custom_token:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CustomToken\"\n AdminSessionInternal:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_admins_session\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n admin_id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-index: true\n session_status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdminSessionStatus\"\n admin_session:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdminSession\"\n mobile_initiation_id:\n type: string\n description: |\n This attribute stores the mobile verification session ID during 2FA\n process.\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n email_initiation_id:\n type: string\n description: |\n This attribute stores the email verification session ID during registration\n process.\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n request_principal:\n $ref: '#/definitions/RequestPrincipal'\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n AdminSessionStatus:\n type: string\n enum:\n - ACTIVE\n - INACTIVE\n - TERMINATED\n AdminSessionFlow:\n type: string\n enum:\n - mobile_verification\n - email_verification\n - password_change\n - custom_token_login\n CustomToken:\n type: object\n required:\n - token\n - provider\n - scopes\n properties:\n token:\n type: string\n provider:\n type: string\n scopes:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n Admin:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_admins\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/AdminProfile\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n roles:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdminStatus\"\n verified_mobile:\n x-nymos-index: true\n type: string\n example: +551185249635\n verified_email:\n type: string\n x-nymos-index: true\n example: bob@example.com\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n two_fa_required:\n type: boolean\n description: \"enable or disable 2-Factor Authentication\"\n is_onboarding_required:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: \"flag to indicate if the admin is required to be onboarded\"\n is_onboarded:\n type: boolean\n AdminIndex:\n type: object\n x-nymos-document-index: nfront_admins_index\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-id: true\n x-nymos-document-field-type: TEXT\n first_name:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: TEXT\n last_name:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: TEXT\n mobile:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: TEXT\n email:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: TEXT\n created:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: TEXT\n AdminProfile:\n type: object\n required:\n - first_name\n - last_name\n - email\n - mobile\n properties:\n first_name:\n maxLength: 100\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[a-zA-z]+$\"\n example: John\n last_name:\n maxLength: 100\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[a-zA-z,'-]+$\"\n example: Snow\n email:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n pattern: '^[_A-Za-z0-9-\\+]+(\\.[_A-Za-z0-9-]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9]+)*(\\.[A-Za-z]{2,})$'\n example: bob@example.com\n mobile:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n pattern: '^\\+\\d+'\n example: +551185249635\n AdminStatus:\n type: string\n enum:\n - ACTIVE\n - TERMINATED\n - SUSPENDED\n - LOCKED\n PasswordPolicy:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_admins_password_policy\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n name:\n type: string\n description:\n type: string\n is_active:\n type: boolean\n rules:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PasswordPolicyRule\"\n settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PasswordPolicySettings\"\n PasswordPolicySettings:\n type: object\n properties:\n password_expiration_days:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n password_reuse_restriction_number:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n invalid_login_attempts_number:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n invalid_login_attempts_lock_minutes:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n PasswordPolicyRule:\n type: object\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description:\n type: string\n regex:\n type: string\n AdminSessionSummary:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n is_active:\n type: boolean\n AdminCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load\"\n data:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Admin\"\n AdminIndexCollection:\n x-nymos-collection: AdminIndex\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/Pageable'\n - type: object\n properties:\n data:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdminIndex\"\n CreateAdminRequest:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/AdminProfile\"\n - type: object\n required:\n - roles\n - two_fa_required\n properties:\n roles:\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n minItems: 1\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n two_fa_required:\n type: boolean\n description: enable or disable 2-Factor Authentication\n default: false\n CreateAgentRequest:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/AdminProfile\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n two_fa_required:\n type: boolean\n description: enable or disable 2-Factor Authentication\n default: false\n UpdateAdminRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n first_name:\n maxLength: 100\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[a-zA-z]+$\"\n example: John\n last_name:\n maxLength: 100\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[a-zA-z,'-]+$\"\n example: Snow\n email:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n pattern: '^[_A-Za-z0-9-\\+]+(\\.[_A-Za-z0-9-]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9]+)*(\\.[A-Za-z]{2,})$'\n example: bob@example.com\n mobile:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n pattern: '^\\+\\d+'\n example: +551185249635\n roles:\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdminStatus\"\n two_fa_required:\n type: boolean\n description: enable or disable 2-Factor Authentication\n is_onboarding_required:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: \"flag to indicate if the admin is required to be onboarded\"\n is_onboarded:\n type: boolean\n ResetCredentialsRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - password\n properties:\n password:\n type: string\n PasswordPolicyCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load\"\n data:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PasswordPolicy\"\n PasswordPolicyRuleRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - name\n - description\n - regex\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n regex:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n PasswordPolicySettingsRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - password_expiration_days\n - password_reuse_restriction_number\n - invalid_login_attempts_number\n - invalid_login_attempts_lock_minutes\n properties:\n password_expiration_days:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n password_reuse_restriction_number:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 10\n invalid_login_attempts_number:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 10\n invalid_login_attempts_lock_minutes:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n CreatePasswordPolicyRequest:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/UpdatePasswordPolicyRequest\"\n - type: object\n required:\n - name\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n UpdatePasswordPolicyRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - description\n - is_active\n - rules\n - settings\n properties:\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n is_active:\n type: boolean\n rules:\n type: array\n minItems: 1\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PasswordPolicyRuleRequest\"\n settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PasswordPolicySettingsRequest\"\n Oauth2AuthorizationRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n custom_token:\n type: string\n custom_token_provider:\n type: string\n refresh_token:\n type: string\n grant_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Oauth2GrantType\"\n Oauth2GrantType:\n type: string\n description: |\n The grant type being used for authentication.\n enum:\n - refresh_token\n - custom_token\n Oauth2AccessToken:\n type: object\n properties:\n user_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of a user.\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n access_token:\n description: The access token issued by the authorization server.\n type: string\n example: \"4E4F54205245414C2044415441202D207468697320\"\n token_type:\n description: The access token type provides the client with the information required to successfully utilize the access token to make a protected resource request (along with type-specific attributes).\n type: string\n default: \"bearer\"\n expires_in:\n description: The lifetime in seconds of the access token.\n type: integer\n format: int32\n default: 3600\n refresh_token:\n description: The credentials used to obtain a new access token using the same authorization grant done previously by the client.\n type: string\n example: \"4E4F54205245414C2044415441202D207468697320\"\n refresh_expires_in:\n description: The lifetime in seconds of the refresh token.\n type: integer\n format: int32\n default: 3600\n scope:\n description: The scope of the access token, given by the authorization server. This scope can be composed of a single (read:resource) or several access requests (list).\n type: string\n default: \"Token scope\"\n Oauth2ErrorProblem:\n type: object\n x-nymos-problem-type: https://developer.nymos.io/v1/problems/oauth2-error\n x-nymos-problem-title: Bad Request.\n x-nymos-problem-status: 400\n properties:\n error:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Oauth2Error\"\n error_description:\n description: Human-readable ASCII [USASCII] text providing additional information, used to assist the client developer in understanding the error that occurred.\n type: string\n example: \"Provider hasn't been found\"\n error_uri:\n description: An URI identifying a human-readable web page with information about the error, used to provide the client developer with additional information about the error.\n type: string\n example: \"https://example.com/\"\n Oauth2Error:\n type: string\n example: \"invalid_request\"\n description: |\n The grant type being used for authentication.\n enum:\n - invalid_request\n - invalid_client\n - invalid_grant\n - unauthorized_client\n - unsupported_grant_type\n GenerateAccessTokenRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - user_id\n - scopes\n properties:\n provider:\n type: string\n example: nfrontSdk|nfrontSignup\n user_id:\n type: string\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n device_id:\n type: string\n example: f3c9f184-9ce4-4f78-bf6b-4427865736a6\n signup_channel:\n type: string\n example: IB|MB\n signup_session:\n type: string\n signup_trusted:\n type: boolean\n scopes:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n RefreshAccessTokenRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - refresh_token\n properties:\n refresh_token:\n type: string\n validationData:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/RefreshAccessTokenValidationData\"\n RefreshAccessTokenValidationData:\n type: object\n properties:\n user_id:\n type: string\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n device_id:\n type: string\n example: f3c9f184-9ce4-4f78-bf6b-4427865736a6\n signup_session:\n type: string\n CreateOtpSettingsRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - operation_type\n - operation_code\n - is_active\n - otp_types\n - duration\n - length\n - max_retries\n - format\n - is_split\n - alert_type\n - rate_limit\n - lock_duration\n - bypass_on_trusted_device\n properties:\n operation_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpOperationType\"\n operation_code:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpOperationCode\"\n is_active:\n type: boolean\n otp_types:\n type: array\n minItems: 0\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpType\"\n duration:\n type: integer\n description: Duration in seconds for which OTP remains valid\n length:\n type: integer\n description: Number of digits\n max_retries:\n type: integer\n description: Maximum invalid retries\n format:\n type: string\n description: OTP format\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpFormat\"\n is_split:\n type: boolean\n description: Split OTP Flag (true / false)\n alert_type:\n type: array\n minItems: 1\n description: Alert type\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AlertType\"\n rate_limit:\n type: integer\n default: 10\n description: Rate limit specifies the number of requests that are allowed during rate limit cycle\n lock_duration:\n type: integer\n default: 600\n description: Lock duration specifies the duration for which OTP generation on a particular operation will be suspended for the user (seconds)\n bypass_on_trusted_device:\n type: boolean\n bypass_on_untrusted_device:\n type: boolean\n UpdateOtpSettingsRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n operation_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpOperationType\"\n operation_code:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpOperationCode\"\n is_active:\n type: boolean\n otp_types:\n type: array\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpType\"\n duration:\n type: integer\n description: Duration in seconds for which OTP remains valid\n length:\n type: integer\n description: Number of digits\n max_retries:\n type: integer\n description: Maximum invalid retries\n format:\n type: string\n description: OTP format\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpFormat\"\n is_split:\n type: boolean\n description: Split OTP Flag (true / false)\n alert_type:\n type: array\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n minItems: 1\n description: Alert type\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AlertType\"\n rate_limit:\n type: integer\n lock_duration:\n type: integer\n bypass_on_trusted_device:\n type: boolean\n bypass_on_untrusted_device:\n type: boolean\n OtpSettingsCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Last element id from previous page\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load\"\n data:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpSettings\"\n OtpSettings:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_otp_settings\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n description: \"Otp entry id\"\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n maxLength: 36\n operation_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpOperationType\"\n operation_code:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpOperationCode\"\n is_active:\n type: boolean\n otp_types:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpType\"\n duration:\n type: integer\n description: Duration in seconds for which OTP remains valid\n length:\n type: integer\n description: Number of OTP digits\n max_retries:\n type: integer\n description: Maximum invalid retries\n format:\n type: string\n description: OTP format\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpFormat\"\n is_split:\n type: boolean\n description: Split OTP Flag (true / false)\n alert_type:\n type: array\n description: Alert type\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AlertType\"\n rate_limit:\n type: integer\n default: 10\n description: Rate limit specifies the number of requests that are allowed during rate limit cycle\n lock_duration:\n type: integer\n default: 600\n description: Lock duration specifies the duration for which OTP generation on a particular operation will be suspended for the user (seconds)\n bypass_on_trusted_device:\n type: boolean\n bypass_on_untrusted_device:\n type: boolean\n OtpFormat:\n type: string\n enum:\n - NUMERIC\n - ALPHANUMERIC\n AlertType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - SMS\n - EMAIL\n - WHATSAPP\n OtpRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - user_id\n - fingerprint\n - operation_type\n - operation_code\n properties:\n user_id:\n type: string\n fallback_email:\n type: string\n fallback_mobile:\n type: string\n channel:\n type: string\n trusted_device:\n type: boolean\n description: \"if request is made from a trusted device\"\n fingerprint:\n type: string\n operation_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpOperationType\"\n operation_code:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpOperationCode\"\n otp_id:\n type: string\n otp_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpType\"\n description: \"Selected OTP type, required when multiple options presented\"\n otp_email:\n type: string\n description: \"Code received by email\"\n otp_sms:\n type: string\n description: \"Code received by sms\"\n otp_auth:\n type: string\n description: \"User passcode or password, biometric info in future\"\n auto_expire:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Determines if positive verification expires Otp\"\n device_id:\n type: string\n description: \"Device id\"\n OtpRequestAnonymous:\n type: object\n required:\n - fingerprint\n - operation_type\n - operation_code\n properties:\n email:\n type: string\n mobile:\n type: string\n fingerprint:\n type: string\n operation_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpOperationType\"\n operation_code:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpOperationCode\"\n otp_id:\n type: string\n otp_email:\n type: string\n otp_sms:\n type: string\n auto_expire:\n type: boolean\n OtpResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n otp_id:\n type: string\n response_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpResponseType\"\n otp_types:\n type: array\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpType\"\n otp_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpResponseSettings\"\n OtpResponseType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - OTP_REQUIRED_OTP_TYPE\n - OTP_REQUIRED_EMAIL_CODE\n - OTP_REQUIRED_SMS_CODE\n - OTP_REQUIRED_EMAIL_SMS_CODE\n - OTP_REQUIRED_AUTHENTICATION\n - OTP_MISSING_USER_EMAIL\n - OTP_MISSING_USER_MOBILE\n - OTP_MISSING_USER_EMAIL_MOBILE_BOTH\n - OTP_MISSING_USER_EMAIL_MOBILE_ANY\n - OTP_MISSING_USER_AUTHENTICATION\n - OTP_EXPIRED_USER_AUTHENTICATION\n - OTP_INVALID_CODE\n - OTP_INVALID_MESSAGE\n - OTP_RETRIES_EXHAUSTED\n - OTP_EXPIRED\n - OTP_NOT_FOUND\n - OTP_GENERATED\n - DEVICE_NOT_TRUSTED\n - OTP_GENERATED_DEVICE_NOT_TRUSTED\n - OTP_VALIDATED\n Otp:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_otp\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n description: \"Auto generated identifier\"\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n user_id:\n type: string\n description: \"Customer id for whom otp is generated\"\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n maxLength: 36\n x-nymos-index: true\n email:\n type: string\n description: \"Email to which the code will be sent\"\n example: bob@email.com\n x-nymos-index: true\n mobile:\n type: string\n description: \"Phone number to which the code will be sent\"\n example: +551185249635\n x-nymos-index: true\n otp_type:\n type: string\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpType\"\n otp_sms:\n type: string\n description: \"Encrypted SMS OTP value\"\n otp_email:\n type: string\n description: \"Encrypted EMAIL OTP value\"\n maxLength: 36\n operation_type:\n type: string\n description: \"Type of operation for which OTP is generated\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpOperationType\"\n operation_code:\n type: string\n description: \"Operation code which uniquely identifies a transaction / service\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpOperationCode\"\n max_retries:\n type: integer\n description: \"Maximum invalid retries that customer can do\"\n available_retry:\n type: integer\n description: \"Remaining retry count\"\n validated:\n type: boolean\n description: \"if otp was completed by user\"\n default: false\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: \"The creation time of otp\"\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: \"The creation time of otp\"\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n expiry:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: \"The expiry time of otp\"\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n x-nymos-index: desc\n fingerprint:\n type: string\n description: \"Cryptogram signature of the request for which OTP is generated\"\n device_id:\n type: string\n OtpType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - OTP\n - AUTH_PASSWORD\n - AUTH_PASSCODE\n - VOUCHERCODE\n - BIOMETRIC\n OtpOperationType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - SERVICE\n - TRANSACTION\n OtpOperationCode:\n type: string\n enum:\n - DEFAULT\n - LOGIN\n - VERIFY_USER\n - SET_PASSWORD\n - RESET_PASSWORD\n - REVEAL_CARD\n - CHANGE_PIN\n - SHOW_PIN\n - ACTIVATE_CARD\n - REACTIVATE_CARD\n - BLOCK_CARD\n - FUNDS_TRANSFER\n - MC_CROSS_BORDER\n - BILLERS_PAYMENT\n - CL_TOPUP\n - CL_FIRSTTOPUP\n - CL_WITHDRAWAL\n - USER_ALIAS_CREATE\n - USER_ALIAS_CHANGE\n - CHECKOUT_PAYMENT\n - UPDATE_BALANCE_LIMIT\n - UPDATE_VELOCITY_LIMIT\n - ENABLE_BIOMETRICS\n - DISABLE_BIOMETRICS\n OtpResponseProblem:\n x-nymos-problem-type: https://developer.nymcard.com/v1/problems/forbidden\n x-nymos-problem-title: Forbidden\n x-nymos-problem-status: 401\n x-nymos-problem-status-factory: true\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/Problem'\n - type: object\n properties:\n otp_response:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpResponse\"\n OtpResponseSettings:\n type: object\n properties:\n otp_type:\n type: string\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpType\"\n duration:\n type: integer\n description: Duration in seconds for which OTP remains valid\n length:\n type: integer\n description: Number of OTP digits\n max_retries:\n type: integer\n description: Maximum invalid retries\n format:\n type: string\n description: OTP format\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OtpFormat\"\n is_split:\n type: boolean\n description: Split OTP Flag (true / false)\n alert_type:\n type: array\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n description: Alert type\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AlertType\"\n OtpRequestInternal:\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/OtpRequest'\n - type: object\n properties:\n email:\n type: string\n mobile:\n type: string\n OtpImplementationType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - OTP\n - OTP_ANONYMOUS\n - OTP_AUTHENTICATION\n PermissionCollection:\n properties:\n data:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PermissionResponse\"\n Permission:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_rbac_permissions\n properties:\n id:\n x-nymos-key: true\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique identifier of the permission\n example: p:users\n maxLength: 36\n scope:\n description: |\n Scope of permission\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PermissionScope\"\n PermissionResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique identifier of the permission\n example: p:users\n maxLength: 36\n scope:\n description: |\n Scope of permission\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PermissionScope\"\n PermissionScope:\n type: object\n description: permission scope\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n name of the permission\n example: \"Search User\"\n maxLength: 50\n display_name:\n type: string\n description: |\n displayed name of the permission\n example: \"View User Detail (Tab)\"\n maxLength: 50\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n permission id\n example: \"p:users:cardtransactions\"\n maxLength: 50\n parent_id:\n type: string\n description: |\n parent permission id\n example: \"p:users\"\n maxLength: 50\n sort_order:\n type: integer\n description: |\n sort order as number\n example: 2\n ui_visible:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n visibility of permission in ui\n example: true\n default: true\n type:\n description: |\n permission type\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PermissionType\"\n RoleCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load\"\n data:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Role\"\n RoleIndexCollection:\n x-nymos-collection: RoleIndex\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/Pageable'\n - type: object\n properties:\n data:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/RoleIndex\"\n CreateRoleRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - name\n - category\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 300\n category:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/RoleCategory\"\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/RoleStatus\"\n permissions:\n type: array\n minItems: 1\n items:\n type: string\n UpdateRoleRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 300\n category:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/RoleCategory\"\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/RoleStatus\"\n permissions:\n type: array\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n type: string\n Role:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_rbac_roles\n required:\n - name\n - category\n - status\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n name:\n type: string\n description:\n type: string\n category:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/RoleCategory\"\n permissions:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/RoleStatus\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n RoleIndex:\n type: object\n x-nymos-document-index: nfront_rbac_roles_index\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-id: true\n x-nymos-document-field-type: TEXT\n name:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: TEXT\n category:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: TEXT\n created:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: TEXT\n RoleCategory:\n type: string\n enum:\n - ADMIN\n - RESTRICTED\n - GENERAL\n - MOBILE\n RoleStatus:\n type: string\n enum:\n - ACTIVE\n - INACTIVE\n PermissionType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - ADMIN\n - RESTRICTED\n - GENERAL\n - MOBILE\n AccessChannel:\n type: string\n enum:\n - BACKOFFICE\n - PORTAL\n - MOBILE\n ResolvePermissionsRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n roles:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n ResolvePermissionsResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n permissions:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n HierarchyCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load\"\n data:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Hierarchy\"\n CreateHierarchyRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - name\n - levels\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: \"The unique identifier of the hierarchy\"\n name:\n type: string\n description: \"Unique name of the tenant / hierarchy\"\n enforce_levels:\n type: boolean\n description: \"If true, system will enforce the escalation levels as per the configured hierarchy otherwise system will not escalate for approval as per the hierarchy.\"\n default: false\n levels:\n type: array\n description: \"Hierarchy / Escalation levels\"\n minItems: 1\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/HierarchyLevel\"\n UpdateHierarchyRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: \"Unique name of the tenant / hierarchy\"\n enforce_levels:\n type: boolean\n description: \"If true, system will enforce the escalation levels as per the configured hierarchy otherwise system will not escalate for approval as per the hierarchy.\"\n default: false\n levels:\n type: array\n description: \"Hierarchy / Escalation levels\"\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/HierarchyLevel\"\n Hierarchy:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_rbac_hierarchies\n required:\n - name\n - levels\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique identifier of the hierarchy\n x-nymos-key: true\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n Unique name of the tenant / hierarchy\n created:\n type: string\n description: |\n Created date\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n modified:\n type: string\n description: |\n Modified date\n format: date-time\n enforce_levels:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n If true, system will enforce the escalation levels as per the configured hierarchy otherwise system will not escalate for approval as per the hierarchy.\n default: false\n levels:\n type: array\n description: |\n Hierarchy / Escalation levels\n minItems: 1\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/HierarchyLevel\"\n HierarchyLevel:\n type: object\n required:\n - id\n - name\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n Unique level Id\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n Unique level name\n parent:\n type: string\n description: |\n Parent level Id\n RbacRoles:\n type: string\n enum:\n - \"admin\"\n - \"agent\"\n SdkInitRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - user_id\n - device_id\n properties:\n user_id:\n type: string\n device_id:\n type: string\n TokenResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n user_id:\n type: string\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n access_token:\n description: The access token issued by the authorization server.\n type: string\n example: 4E4F54205245414C2044415441202D207468697320\n token_type:\n description: The access token type provides the client with the information required to successfully utilize the access token to make a protected resource request (along with type-specific attributes).\n type: string\n default: bearer\n expires_in:\n description: The lifetime in seconds of the access token.\n type: integer\n format: int32\n default: 3600\n ChannelSettings:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_sdk_channel_settings\n properties:\n channel_id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n channel_name:\n type: string\n signup_flow:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SdkSignupFlow\"\n signup_identification_types:\n type: array\n minItems: 1\n uniqueItems: true\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SdkSignupIdentificationType\"\n allowed_trusted_devices_number:\n type: integer\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n internal_deeplink:\n type: string\n user_notification_required:\n type: boolean\n ChannelSettingsCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n data:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ChannelSettings\"\n SdkSignupFlow:\n type: string\n description: Supported flows\n enum:\n - PASSWORD\n - PASSWORD_WITH_PASSCODE\n - PASSCODE\n SdkSignupIdentificationType:\n type: string\n description: Supported signup identification types\n enum:\n - EMAIL\n - MOBILE\n SdkSettingsV2:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_sdk_settings\n properties:\n tenant_id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n card_types:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardType\"\n card_products:\n type: array\n items:\n description: Supported card products\n type: string\n master_card_product:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n activate_cards_upon_top_up:\n type: boolean\n notification_provider:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationProvider\"\n card_currency_products:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardCurrencyProduct\"\n notification_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationSettings\"\n child_auto_card_creation:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardAutoCreationSettings\"\n parent_auto_card_creation:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardAutoCreationSettings\"\n app_download_link:\n type: string\n app_login_link:\n type: string\n onboarding_token_expiry:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n user_id_generation_required:\n type: boolean\n user_id_generation_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserIdGenerationSettings\"\n is_preferred_currency_enabled:\n type: boolean\n NFrontUser:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_users\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n SdkSettingsCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - card_types\n - card_products\n - notification_provider\n properties:\n card_types:\n type: array\n minItems: 1\n uniqueItems: true\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardType\"\n card_products:\n type: array\n minItems: 1\n uniqueItems: true\n items:\n description: Supported card products\n type: string\n master_card_product:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n activate_cards_upon_top_up:\n type: boolean\n notification_provider:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationProvider\"\n card_currency_products:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardCurrencyProduct\"\n notification_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationSettings\"\n child_auto_card_creation:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardAutoCreationSettings\"\n parent_auto_card_creation:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardAutoCreationSettings\"\n app_download_link:\n type: string\n app_login_link:\n type: string\n onboarding_token_expiry:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n user_id_generation_required:\n type: boolean\n user_id_generation_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserIdGenerationSettings\"\n SdkSettingsUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n card_types:\n type: array\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n minItems: 1\n uniqueItems: true\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardType\"\n card_products:\n type: array\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n minItems: 1\n uniqueItems: true\n items:\n description: Supported card products\n type: string\n master_card_product:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n activate_cards_upon_top_up:\n type: boolean\n notification_provider:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationProvider\"\n card_currency_products:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardCurrencyProduct\"\n notification_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationSettings\"\n child_auto_card_creation:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardAutoCreationSettings\"\n parent_auto_card_creation:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardAutoCreationSettings\"\n app_download_link:\n type: string\n app_login_link:\n type: string\n onboarding_token_expiry:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n user_id_generation_required:\n type: boolean\n user_id_generation_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserIdGenerationSettings\"\n CreateChannelSettingsRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - channel_id\n - channel_name\n - signup_flow\n - signup_identifiers\n - allowed_trusted_devices_number\n properties:\n channel_id:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SdkChannel\"\n channel_name:\n type: string\n signup_flow:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SdkSignupFlow\"\n signup_identification_types:\n type: array\n minItems: 1\n uniqueItems: true\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SdkSignupIdentificationType\"\n allowed_trusted_devices_number:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 99\n internal_deeplink:\n type: string\n maxLength: 200\n user_notification_required:\n type: boolean\n UpdateChannelSettingsRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n channel_name:\n type: string\n signup_flow:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SdkSignupFlow\"\n signup_identification_types:\n type: array\n minItems: 1\n uniqueItems: true\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SdkSignupIdentificationType\"\n allowed_trusted_devices_number:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 99\n internal_deeplink:\n type: string\n maxLength: 200\n user_notification_required:\n type: boolean\n NotificationSettings:\n type: object\n properties:\n card_linked:\n type: boolean\n description: It indicates if the notification of Card Linkage should be sent to selected NotificationProvider\n card_created:\n type: boolean\n description: It indicates if the notification of Card Creation should be sent to selected NotificationProvider\n card_status_change:\n type: boolean\n description: It indicates if the notification of Card Status Change should be sent to selected NotificationProvider\n user_status_change:\n type: boolean\n description: It indicates if the notification of User Status Change should be sent to selected NotificationProvider\n transaction:\n type: boolean\n description: It indicates if the notification of Transactions should be sent to Firebase\n notification_triggers:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NfrontNotificationTrigger\"\n NfrontNotificationTrigger:\n type: object\n properties:\n enabled:\n type: boolean\n template_id:\n type: string\n notification_category:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NFrontPushNotificationType\"\n NFrontPushNotificationType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - CARD_ACTIVATED\n - USER_ACTIVATED\n - USER_VERIFICATION_FAILED\n - USER_IDENTITY_DOC_ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE\n - USER_IDENTITY_DOC_EXPIRED\n - USER_TERMINATED\n - USER_SUSPENDED\n - LEAN_BENEFICIARY_UPDATED\n - TRANSACTION_WALLET_TRANSFER_SENT\n - TRANSACTION_WALLET_TRANSFER_RECEIVED\n - TRANSACTION_BILLERS\n - TRANSACTION_LOAD_VIA_CHECKOUT\n - TRANSACTION_LOAD_VIA_LEAN\n - TRANSACTION_CURRENCY_EXCHANGE\n - TRANSACTION_REMITTANCES\n - TRANSACTION_ECOMMERCE\n - TRANSACTION_PURCHASE\n - TRANSACTION_CASH_WITHDRAWAL\n - TRANSACTION_CASHBACK\n - TRANSACTION_REVERSAL_CREDIT\n - TRANSACTION_REVERSAL_DEBIT\n CardAutoCreationSettings:\n type: object\n properties:\n enabled:\n type: boolean\n card_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardType\"\n account_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountType\"\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n CardType:\n type: string\n description: Supported card types\n enum:\n - PHYSICAL\n - VIRTUAL\n AccountType:\n type: string\n description: Supported account types.\n enum:\n - PREPAID\n - DEBIT\n - CREDIT\n - SAVINGS\n - COLLATERAL\n - SECURITY\n - MASTER\n NotificationProvider:\n type: string\n description: Supported notification providers\n enum:\n - FIREBASE\n CardCurrencyProduct:\n type: object\n properties:\n currency:\n type: string\n product:\n type: string\n SdkChannel:\n type: string\n enum:\n - IB\n - MB\n - ATM\n - BO\n - KIOSK\n - POS\n - CRM\n - API\n UserIdGenerationSettings:\n type: object\n properties:\n prefix:\n type: string\n description: BO2 (prefix value if any value is required to prepend).\n length:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n format:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserIdGenerationFormat\"\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserIdGenerationType\"\n UserIdGenerationFormat:\n type: string\n enum:\n - NUMERIC\n - ALPHANUMERIC\n - NUMERIC\n - ALPHANUMERIC\n UserIdGenerationType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - RANDOM\n - SEQUENCE\n SdkSettings:\n type: object\n properties:\n tenant_id:\n type: string\n card_types:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardType\"\n card_products:\n type: array\n items:\n description: Supported card products\n type: string\n master_card_product:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n activate_cards_upon_top_up:\n type: boolean\n notification_provider:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationProvider\"\n card_currency_products:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardCurrencyProduct\"\n notification_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationSettings\"\n child_auto_card_creation:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardAutoCreationSettings\"\n parent_auto_card_creation:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardAutoCreationSettings\"\n app_download_link:\n type: string\n app_login_link:\n type: string\n onboarding_token_expiry:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n user_id_generation_required:\n type: boolean\n user_id_generation_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserIdGenerationSettings\"\n SdkSettingsCreateRequestV2:\n type: object\n required:\n - card_types\n - card_products\n - notification_provider\n properties:\n card_types:\n type: array\n minItems: 1\n uniqueItems: true\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardType\"\n card_products:\n type: array\n minItems: 1\n uniqueItems: true\n items:\n description: Supported card products\n type: string\n master_card_product:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n activate_cards_upon_top_up:\n type: boolean\n notification_provider:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationProvider\"\n card_currency_products:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardCurrencyProduct\"\n notification_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationSettings\"\n child_auto_card_creation:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardAutoCreationSettings\"\n parent_auto_card_creation:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardAutoCreationSettings\"\n app_download_link:\n type: string\n app_login_link:\n type: string\n onboarding_token_expiry:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n user_id_generation_required:\n type: boolean\n user_id_generation_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserIdGenerationSettings\"\n is_preferred_currency_enabled:\n type: boolean\n SdkSettingsUpdateRequestV2:\n type: object\n properties:\n card_types:\n type: array\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n minItems: 1\n uniqueItems: true\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardType\"\n card_products:\n type: array\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n minItems: 1\n uniqueItems: true\n items:\n description: Supported card products\n type: string\n master_card_product:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n activate_cards_upon_top_up:\n type: boolean\n notification_provider:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationProvider\"\n card_currency_products:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardCurrencyProduct\"\n notification_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationSettings\"\n child_auto_card_creation:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardAutoCreationSettings\"\n parent_auto_card_creation:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardAutoCreationSettings\"\n app_download_link:\n type: string\n app_login_link:\n type: string\n onboarding_token_expiry:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n user_id_generation_required:\n type: boolean\n user_id_generation_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserIdGenerationSettings\"\n is_preferred_currency_enabled:\n type: boolean\n SignupCreateUserRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - username\n - otp_id\n - identification\n properties:\n username:\n type: string\n description: The user name.\n example: \"John\"\n password:\n type: string\n description: The password.\n example: \"12345\"\n passcode:\n type: string\n description: The passcode.\n example: \"3453\"\n register_trusted_device:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether trusted device is registered.\n example: true\n device_name:\n type: string\n description: The device name.\n example: \"SAMSUNG\"\n otp_id:\n type: string\n description: OTP ID.\n example: \"39573047680-486\"\n notification_email:\n type: string\n maxLength: 80\n description: Notification email.\n example: \"example@gmail.com\"\n identification:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupIdentification\"\n SignupVerifyCreateUserRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - identification\n properties:\n notification_email:\n type: string\n maxLength: 80\n description: Notification email.\n example: \"example@gmail.com\"\n identification:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupIdentification\"\n SignupLoginUserRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n identification:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupIdentification\"\n username:\n type: string\n description: The user name.\n example: \"John\"\n password:\n type: string\n description: The password.\n example: \"12345\"\n passcode:\n type: string\n description: The passcode.\n example: \"3453\"\n register_trusted_device:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether trusted device is registered.\n example: true\n device_name:\n type: string\n description: The device name.\n example: \"SAMSUNG\"\n biometrics_token:\n type: string\n description: The biometrics token.\n example: \"3068304986034860938908907\"\n biometrics_id:\n type: string\n description: The biometrics ID.\n example: \"67cd4a54-39af-49c6-9d55-c8112a613a8a\"\n SignupVerifyLoginRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n username:\n type: string\n description: The user name.\n example: \"John\"\n identification:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupIdentification\"\n SignupSession:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Session ID.\n example: \"d0cd4a54-39af-49c6-9d55-c8112a613a8a\"\n user:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupUser\"\n flow:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupSessionFlow\"\n access_token:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupAccessToken\"\n trusted_device:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether device is trusted.\n example: true\n available_auth_methods:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupUserAuthMethod\"\n SignupSessionInternal:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_signup_session\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n user_id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-index: true\n channel:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupUserChannel\"\n session_status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupSessionStatus\"\n session:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupSession\"\n request_principal:\n $ref: '#/definitions/RequestPrincipal'\n refresh_token_hash:\n type: string\n expires_at:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n SignupSessionStatus:\n type: string\n description: The sign-up session status.\n example: \"ACTIVE\"\n enum:\n - ACTIVE\n - INACTIVE\n - TERMINATED\n SignupSessionFlow:\n type: string\n description: The sign-up session flow.\n example: \"initialization\"\n enum:\n - initialization\n - password_change\n - passcode_change\n - success\n SignupAccessToken:\n type: object\n description: Sign-up access token.\n properties:\n token:\n type: string\n description: Token itself.\n example: \"309630946034960\"\n refresh_token:\n type: string\n description: Refresh token.\n example: \"308645409860587\"\n expires_in:\n description: The lifetime in seconds of the access token.\n type: integer\n format: int32\n example: 120\n refresh_expires_in:\n description: The lifetime in seconds of the refresh token.\n type: integer\n format: int32\n example: 900\n scopes:\n type: array\n description: An array of scopes.\n items:\n type: string\n description: Scopes.\n example: \"m:users\"\n SignupVerifyResetPasswordRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - username\n - identification\n properties:\n username:\n type: string\n description: The user name.\n example: \"John\"\n identification:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupIdentification\"\n SignupResetPasswordRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - otp_id\n - username\n - identification\n properties:\n username:\n type: string\n description: The user name.\n example: \"John\"\n password:\n type: string\n description: The password.\n example: \"12345\"\n passcode:\n type: string\n description: The passcode.\n example: \"3453\"\n otp_id:\n type: string\n description: OTP ID.\n example: \"39573047680-486\"\n identification:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupIdentification\"\n OnboardingTokenResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n username:\n type: string\n description: The user name.\n example: \"John\"\n parent_user_id:\n type: string\n description: Parent user ID.\n example: \"6688bf36-9356-4437-a11f-b2e425556096\"\n is_minor:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether token is minor.\n example: false\n issue_date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The issue date and time.\n example: \"2024-05-04T19:42:23.987Z\"\n expiry_date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The expiry date and time.\n example: \"2025-05-04T19:42:23.987Z\"\n BiometricNonceRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n identification:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupIdentification\"\n username:\n type: string\n description: The user name.\n example: \"John\"\n BiometricNonceResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Biometric Nonce ID.\n example: \"5e18bf36-9356-4437-a11f-b2e425556096\"\n nonce:\n type: string\n description: Biometric nonce.\n example: \"X2N1cnJ...Q\"\n SignupUser:\n type: object\n description: Sign-up user.\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_signup_users\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n description: Sign-up user ID.\n example: \"5e18bf36-9356-4437-a11f-b2e425556096\"\n username:\n type: string\n x-nymos-index: true\n description: User name.\n example: \"John\"\n verified_mobile:\n x-nymos-index: true\n type: string\n description: User name.\n example: \"+971502562929\"\n verified_email:\n type: string\n description: Verified email.\n example: \"example@gmail.com\"\n x-nymos-index: true\n notification_email:\n type: string\n description: Notificartion email.\n example: \"example2@gmail.com\"\n parent_user_id:\n type: string\n description: Parent user ID.\n example: \"6688bf36-9356-4437-a11f-b2e425556096\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n SignupIdentification:\n type: object\n description: Sign-up identification.\n required:\n - type\n - value\n properties:\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupIdentificationType\"\n value:\n type: string\n description: The value.\n example: \"2\"\n SignupIdentificationType:\n type: string\n description: Sign-up identification type.\n example: \"EMAIL\"\n enum:\n - EMAIL\n - MOBILE\n SignupUserChannel:\n type: string\n description: Sign-up user channel.\n example: \"IB\"\n enum:\n - IB\n - MB\n - ATM\n - BO\n - KIOSK\n - POS\n - CRM\n - API\n SignupUserStatus:\n type: string\n description: Sign-up user status.\n example: \"ACTIVE\"\n enum:\n - ACTIVE\n - LOCKED\n - SUSPENDED\n - TERMINATED\n SignupPasswordPolicy:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_signup_password_policy\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n description: Sign-up password policy ID.\n example: \"5e18bf36-9356-4437-a11f-b2e425556096\"\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupPasswordType\"\n name:\n type: string\n description: The name of sign-up password policy.\n example: \"Policy 1\"\n description:\n type: string\n description: The description of sign-up password policy.\n example: \"Some info\"\n is_active:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether sign-up password policy is active.\n example: true\n is_default:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether sign-up password policy is default.\n example: false\n rules:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupPasswordPolicyRule\"\n settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupPasswordPolicySettings\"\n SignupPasswordPolicySettings:\n type: object\n description: The sign-up password policy settings.\n properties:\n password_expiration_days:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: The number of password expiration days.\n example: 30\n password_reuse_restriction_number:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: The password reuse restriction number.\n example: 5\n invalid_login_attempts_number:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: The number of invalid login attempts.\n example: 3\n invalid_login_attempts_lock_minutes:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: The amount of lock minutes for invalid login attempt.\n example: 5\n min_length:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: The minimum length of the password.\n example: 8\n max_length:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: The maximum length of the password.\n example: 30\n SignupPasswordPolicyRule:\n type: object\n description: The sign-up password policy rule.\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: The name of sign-up password policy rule.\n example: \"Rule1\"\n description:\n type: string\n description: The description of sign-up password policy rule.\n example: \"Some info\"\n regex:\n type: string\n description: The regex.\n example: \"^([0-9]{4,4})$\"\n SignupPasswordType:\n type: string\n description: The sign-up password type.\n example: \"PASSWORD\"\n enum:\n - PASSWORD\n - PASSCODE\n SignupChangePasswordRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n old_password:\n type: string\n description: The old password.\n example: \"12345\"\n old_passcode:\n type: string\n description: The old passcode.\n example: \"1234\"\n new_password:\n type: string\n description: The new password.\n example: \"505087\"\n new_passcode:\n type: string\n description: The new passcode.\n example: \"9797\"\n SignupChangePasswordResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n available_auth_methods:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupUserAuthMethod\"\n SignupUserAuthMethod:\n type: object\n properties:\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupPasswordType\"\n expires_at:\n type: string\n description: The date and time of expiration.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n format: date-time\n SignupUserCredential:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_signup_credentials\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n description: \"SignupUser.username\"\n credentials:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupUserCredentialItem\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n SignupUserCredentialItem:\n type: object\n properties:\n channel:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupUserChannel\"\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupUserStatus\"\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupPasswordType\"\n password:\n type: string\n expires_at:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n SignupSessionSummary:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n is_active:\n type: boolean\n SignupUserCredentialHistory:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_signup_credentials_history\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n description: \"SignupUser.username\"\n credentials:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupUserCredentialHistoryItem\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n SignupUserCredentialHistoryItem:\n type: object\n properties:\n channel:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupUserChannel\"\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupPasswordType\"\n password:\n type: string\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n SignupPasswordPolicyCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load\"\n data:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupPasswordPolicy\"\n SignupPasswordPolicyRuleRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - name\n - description\n - regex\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n regex:\n type: string\n maxLength: 250\n SignupPasswordPolicySettingsRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - password_expiration_days\n - password_reuse_restriction_number\n - invalid_login_attempts_number\n - invalid_login_attempts_lock_minutes\n - min_length\n - max_length\n properties:\n password_expiration_days:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n password_reuse_restriction_number:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 10\n invalid_login_attempts_number:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 10\n invalid_login_attempts_lock_minutes:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n min_length:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 50\n max_length:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 50\n SignupCreatePasswordPolicyRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - name\n - type\n - description\n - is_active\n - rules\n - settings\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupPasswordType\"\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n is_active:\n type: boolean\n rules:\n type: array\n minItems: 1\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupPasswordPolicyRuleRequest\"\n settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupPasswordPolicySettingsRequest\"\n SignupUpdatePasswordPolicyRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n is_active:\n type: boolean\n rules:\n type: array\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n minItems: 1\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupPasswordPolicyRuleRequest\"\n settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupPasswordPolicySettingsRequest\"\n SignupSetPasswordRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n password:\n type: string\n passcode:\n type: string\n SignupSetPasswordResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n available_auth_methods:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupUserAuthMethod\"\n SignupUserAuthInfo:\n type: object\n properties:\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupPasswordType\"\n expires_at:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupPasswordPolicySettings\"\n SignupUserAuthVerificationRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupPasswordType\"\n password:\n type: string\n SignupUserWithCredential:\n type: object\n properties:\n user:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupUser\"\n credential:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupUserCredential\"\n SignupUserTrustedDevice:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_signup_trusted_devices\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n user_id:\n type: string\n description: \"SignupUser.id\"\n device_id:\n type: string\n device_name:\n type: string\n channel:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupUserChannel\"\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupUserTrustedDeviceStatus\"\n status_reason_code:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupUserStatusReasonCode\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n SignupUpdateTrustedDeviceRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupUserTrustedDeviceStatus\"\n status_reason_code:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupUserStatusReasonCode\"\n CreateTrustedDeviceRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n device_id:\n type: string\n device_name:\n type: string\n SignupUserTrustedDeviceStatus:\n type: string\n enum:\n - INACTIVE\n - ACTIVE\n - SUSPENDED\n - TERMINATED\n SignupUserStatusReasonCode:\n type: string\n enum:\n - I0\n - A0\n - S0\n - T0\n Sequence:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_proxysdk_sequence\n description: Collection to store sequence id for different entities.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n entity_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/EntityType\"\n sequence_id:\n type: string\n prefix:\n type: string\n description: BO2 (prefix value if any value is required to prepend).\n length:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n format:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserIdGenerationFormat\"\n issued_on:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2024-05-04T19:42:23.987Z\"\n EntityType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - USER\n OnboardingToken:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_onboarding_tokens\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n maxLength: 36\n username:\n type: string\n parent_user_id:\n type: string\n is_minor:\n type: boolean\n issue_date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n expiry_date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n CreateSupplementaryUserRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - parent_user_id\n properties:\n parent_user_id:\n type: string\n is_minor:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n username:\n type: string\n identification:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SupplementaryUserIdentification\"\n SupplementaryUserIdentification:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - value\n properties:\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SupplementaryUserIdentificationType\"\n value:\n type: string\n SupplementaryUserIdentificationType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - MOBILE\n UserWithOnboardingToken:\n type: object\n properties:\n user:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SignupUser\"\n token:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OnboardingToken\"\n SignupUserBiometricsDevice:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_signup_biometrics_devices\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n user_id:\n type: string\n device_id:\n type: string\n public_key:\n type: string\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n SignupUserBiometricsNonce:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_signup_biometrics_nonce\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n user_id:\n type: string\n device_id:\n type: string\n token:\n type: string\n x-nymos-index: true\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n BiometricEnableRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - public_key\n properties:\n public_key:\n type: string\n VerifyBiometricsRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - user_id\n - device_id\n - token\n - token_signature\n properties:\n user_id:\n type: string\n device_id:\n type: string\n token:\n type: string\n token_signature:\n type: string\n BiometricsStatusResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n biometric_enabled:\n type: boolean\n description: Indicates if biometrics is enabled\n NfrontTransaction:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: nfront_transactions\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n parent_transaction_id:\n type: string\n to_amount:\n type: number\n from_amount:\n type: number\n reversed_amount:\n type: number\n to_currency:\n type: string\n from_currency:\n type: string\n reversed_currency:\n type: string\n fee_amount:\n type: number\n transaction_timestamp:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n notes:\n type: string\n sender_account_id:\n type: string\n recipient_account_id:\n type: string\n sender_name:\n type: string\n sender_user_id:\n type: string\n recipient_name:\n type: string\n recipient_alias:\n type: string\n recipient_nickname:\n type: string\n recipient_mobile:\n type: string\n recipient_user_id:\n type: string\n load_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NfrontLoadTransactionType\"\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NfrontTransactionType\"\n parent_transaction_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NfrontTransactionType\"\n merchant_name:\n type: string\n sku:\n type: string\n sku_name:\n type: string\n exchange_rate:\n type: number\n payment_mode:\n type: string\n sender_card_last4:\n type: string\n recipient_card_last4:\n type: string\n network_transaction_id:\n type: string\n fee_currency:\n type: string\n external_reference_number:\n type: string\n sender_mobile:\n type: string\n status_code:\n type: string\n status_description:\n type: string\n rrn:\n type: string\n receiver_bank_name:\n type: string\n receiver_bank_account:\n type: string\n sender_iban:\n type: string\n transaction_sources:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NfrontTransactionSource\"\n NfrontTransactionType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - FUNDS_TRANSFER\n - BILL_PAYMENT\n - CURRENCY_EXCHANGE\n - LOAD\n - LOAD_LEAN\n - LOAD_CHECKOUT\n - LOAD_CARDLESS\n - UNLOAD\n - UNLOAD_CARDLESS\n - CASH_WITHDRAWAL\n - ECOMMERCE\n - PURCHASE\n - REMITTANCES\n - CASHBACK\n - REVERSAL\n NfrontLoadTransactionType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - HOLD\n - POST\n - RELEASE\n - COMPLETION\n NfrontTransactionSource:\n type: string\n enum:\n - NFRONT\n - NCORE\n NfrontTransactionIndex:\n type: object\n x-nymos-document-index: nfront_transaction_index\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-id: true\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n parent_transaction_id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n to_amount:\n type: number\n x-nymos-document-field-type: NUMBER\n from_amount:\n type: number\n x-nymos-document-field-type: NUMBER\n reversed_amount:\n type: number\n x-nymos-document-field-type: NUMBER\n to_currency:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n from_currency:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n reversed_currency:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n fee_amount:\n type: number\n x-nymos-document-field-type: NUMBER\n transaction_timestamp:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: DATE\n notes:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n sender_account_id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n recipient_account_id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n sender_name:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n sender_user_id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n recipient_name:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n recipient_alias:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n recipient_nickname:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n recipient_mobile:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n recipient_user_id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n load_type:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n type:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n parent_transaction_type:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n merchant_name:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n sku:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n sku_name:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n exchange_rate:\n type: number\n x-nymos-document-field-type: NUMBER\n payment_mode:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n sender_card_last4:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n recipient_card_last4:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n network_transaction_id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n fee_currency:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n external_reference_number:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n sender_mobile:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n status_code:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n status_description:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n rrn:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n receiver_bank_name:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n receiver_bank_account:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n sender_iban:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n NfrontTransactionIndexCollection:\n x-nymos-collection: NfrontTransactionIndex\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/Pageable'\n - type: object\n properties:\n data:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NfrontTransactionIndex\"\n ServiceEnv:\n type: string\n enum:\n - dev\n - stag\n - prod\n HttpMethod:\n type: string\n enum:\n - delete\n - get\n - head\n - post\n - pull\n - put\n Pageable:\n type: object\n discriminator: data\n properties:\n paging:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Paging\"\n AddressV2:\n type: object\n discriminator: country_code\n description: |\n Address associated with the User.\n properties:\n apartment_room:\n type: string\n description: |\n The apartment and/or room number.\n\n Format: Alphanumeric, UTF-8 whitespace.\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*$'\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 32\n building:\n type: string\n description: |\n Information about the building, such as name and/or number.\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 32\n street:\n type: string\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 32\n city:\n type: string\n description: |\n The city associated with the user address.\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 32\n district:\n type: string\n description: |\n The district.\n\n Format: Alphabetic.\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 32\n state:\n type: string\n description: |\n The state, governorate or province.\n\n Format: Alphabetic.\n minLength: 3\n maxLength: 16\n postal_code:\n type: string\n description: |\n The postal code associated with the user address.\n Note: This field does not support spaces (\" \") in the middle of\n characters.\n\n Format: Alphabetic, numeric, e.g. spaces are not allowed.\n example: G1R 4P5\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*$'\n minLength: 3\n maxLength: 16\n country_code:\n type: string\n description: |\n Country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.\n\n Format: Alphabetic.\n maxLength: 2\n Gender:\n type: string\n description: |\n User gender in profile.\n enum:\n - male\n - female\n CardBundle:\n type: object\n description: |\n A collection of info related to Assets used on a Card. This entity\n includes internally a list of Asset Metadatas and a list of Assets\n References, but it does not carry any real Asset content.\n required:\n - \"metadata\"\n - \"references\"\n properties:\n metadata:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AssetsMetadata\"\n references:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AssetRef\"\n AssetsMetadata:\n type: object\n description: |\n Assets metadata related with the Digital Card.\n properties:\n short_description:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short description of the card to be used for\n notifications on the mobile device (on the lock screen).\n Format: alpha, numeric\n maxLength: 32\n example: \"The bank Card\"\n long_description:\n type: string\n description: |\n A longer description of the card that could appear\n inside the mobile wallet.\n Format: alpha, numeric\n maxLength: 64\n example: \"The Bank Card Platinum Rewards\"\n foreground_color:\n type: string\n description: |\n Foreground color of the mobile wallet entry for the\n card. Specified as CSS style hex format.\n minLength: 6\n maxLength: 6\n pattern: \"^[a-fA-F0-9]+$\"\n example: \"F0F0F0\"\n background_color:\n type: string\n description: |\n Background color of the mobile wallet UI entry\n (\"space\") for the card. Specified as CSS style hex format.\n minLength: 6\n maxLength: 6\n pattern: \"^[a-fA-F0-9]+$\"\n example: \"F0F0F0\"\n label_color:\n type: string\n description: |\n Label color of the mobile wallet entry for the card.\n Specified as CSS style hex format.\n minLength: 6\n maxLength: 6\n pattern: \"^[a-fA-F0-9]+$\"\n example: \"F0F0F0\"\n issuer_name:\n type: string\n description: |\n Name of the issuing bank.\n\n It may be used in combination with other text strings;\n e.g. if contactName is XYZ Bank, it may be used to\n construct a string Contact XYZ Bank or XYZ Bank Contact Information.\n AssetRef:\n type: object\n description: |\n Asset reference for a asset.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AssetType\"\n Asset:\n type: object\n description: |\n Assets related with the Digital Card.\n required:\n - id\n - type\n - contents\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The Asset Id on the origin Network.\n alt_text:\n type: string\n description: |\n Alternative text\n maxLength: 32\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AssetType\"\n contents:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AssetContent\"\n AssetType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - card_art\n - card_art_background\n - card_brand\n - terms_and_conditions\n AssetContent:\n type: object\n properties:\n mime_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MimeType\"\n width:\n type: string\n description: |\n Width of the asset (when image), in pixels.\n height:\n type: string\n description: |\n Height of asset (when image), in pixels.\n encoded_data:\n type: string\n description: |\n Content data, base64 encoded.\n MimeType:\n type: string\n description: |\n MIME type.\n enum:\n - image/png\n - image/pdf\n - text/plain\n - text/html\n Problem:\n x-nymos-problem-root: true\n x-nymos-problem-type: about:blank\n x-nymos-problem-title: Generic Problem\n x-nymos-problem-status: 520\n type: object\n discriminator: type\n required:\n - type\n - status\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n An absolute URI that identifies the problem type. When dereferenced,\n it will provide human-readable documentation for the problem type\n (e.g., using HTML).\n example: 'https://developer.nymcard.com/v1/problems/out-of-credit'\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, summary of the problem type. Written in english and readable\n for engineers (usually not suited for non technical stakeholders and\n not localized); example: Service Unavailable\n example: You do not have enough credit\n status:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence\n of the problem.\n minimum: 100\n maximum: 600\n exclusiveMaximum: true\n example: 403\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A human readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the\n problem.\n example: Your current balance is $30, but that costs $50\n instance:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n An absolute URI that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.\n It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n example: /wallets/46ff4236-06ac-4c9e-b1f5-e8f9c2b8f1f3/pay\n BadRequestProblem:\n x-nymos-problem-type: https://developer.nymcard.com/v1/problems/bad-request\n x-nymos-problem-title: Bad Request\n x-nymos-problem-status: 400\n x-nymos-problem-status-factory: true\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/Problem'\n - type: object\n UnauthorizedProblem:\n x-nymos-problem-type: https://developer.nymcard.com/v1/problems/unauthorized\n x-nymos-problem-title: Unauthorized\n x-nymos-problem-status: 401\n x-nymos-problem-status-factory: true\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/Problem'\n - type: object\n ForbiddenProblem:\n x-nymos-problem-type: https://developer.nymcard.com/v1/problems/forbidden\n x-nymos-problem-title: Forbidden\n x-nymos-problem-status: 403\n x-nymos-problem-status-factory: true\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/Problem'\n - type: object\n properties:\n rate_limit:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/RateLimit\"\n NotFoundProblem:\n x-nymos-problem-type: https://developer.nymcard.com/v1/problems/not-found\n x-nymos-problem-title: Not Found\n x-nymos-problem-status: 404\n x-nymos-problem-status-factory: true\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/Problem'\n - type: object\n RequestTimeoutProblem:\n x-nymos-problem-type: https://developer.nymcard.com/v1/problems/request-timeout\n x-nymos-problem-title: Request Timeout\n x-nymos-problem-status: 408\n x-nymos-problem-status-factory: true\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/Problem'\n - type: object\n ConflictProblem:\n x-nymos-problem-type: https://developer.nymcard.com/v1/problems/conflict\n x-nymos-problem-title: Conflict\n x-nymos-problem-status: 409\n x-nymos-problem-status-factory: true\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/ValidationProblem'\n - type: object\n properties:\n conflict:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Conflict\"\n TooManyRequestsProblem:\n x-nymos-problem-type: https://developer.nymcard.com/v1/problems/too-many-requests\n x-nymos-problem-title: Too Many Requests\n x-nymos-problem-status: 429\n x-nymos-problem-status-factory: true\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenProblem'\n - type: object\n properties:\n retry_after:\n type: integer\n InternalServerErrorProblem:\n x-nymos-problem-type: https://developer.nymcard.com/v1/problems/internal-server-error\n x-nymos-problem-title: Internal Server Error\n x-nymos-problem-status: 500\n x-nymos-problem-status-factory: true\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/Problem'\n - type: object\n NotImplementedProblem:\n x-nymos-problem-type: https://developer.nymcard.com/v1/problems/not-implemented\n x-nymos-problem-title: Not Implemented\n x-nymos-problem-status: 501\n x-nymos-problem-status-factory: true\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/Problem'\n - type: object\n BadGatewayProblem:\n x-nymos-problem-type: https://developer.nymcard.com/v1/problems/bad-gateway\n x-nymos-problem-title: Bad Gateway\n x-nymos-problem-status: 502\n x-nymos-problem-status-factory: true\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/Problem'\n - type: object\n ServiceUnavailableProblem:\n x-nymos-problem-type: https://developer.nymcard.com/v1/problems/service-unavailable\n x-nymos-problem-title: Service Unavailable\n x-nymos-problem-status: 503\n x-nymos-problem-status-factory: true\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/Problem'\n - type: object\n GatewayTimeoutProblem:\n x-nymos-problem-type: https://developer.nymcard.com/v1/problems/gateway-timeout\n x-nymos-problem-title: Gateway Timeout\n x-nymos-problem-status: 504\n x-nymos-problem-status-factory: true\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/Problem'\n - type: object\n ValidationProblem:\n x-nymos-problem-type: https://developer.nymcard.com/v1/problems/validation\n x-nymos-problem-title: Validation Error\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenProblem'\n - type: object\n properties:\n fields:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Field\"\n ProtocolUnmarshalProblem:\n x-nymos-problem-type: https://developer.nymcard.com/v1/problems/protocol-unmarshal\n x-nymos-problem-title: Protocol Unmarshal\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/BadRequestProblem'\n - type: object\n ConstraintViolationProblem:\n x-nymos-problem-type: https://developer.nymcard.com/v1/problems/constraint-violation\n x-nymos-problem-title: Constraint Violation\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/BadRequestProblem'\n - type: object\n properties:\n violations:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Field\"\n AccountBlockedProblem:\n x-nymos-problem-type: https://developer.nymcard.com/v1/problems/account-blocked\n x-nymos-problem-title: Account Blocked\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/ValidationProblem'\n - type: object\n RateLimit:\n type: object\n properties:\n max_attempts:\n type: integer\n used_attempts:\n type: integer\n Field:\n type: object\n properties:\n field:\n type: string\n message:\n type: string\n Conflict:\n type: object\n properties:\n kind:\n type: string\n id:\n type: string\n SearchCriteriaPublic:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/SearchCriteria\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n tenant_id:\n type: string\n RequestPrincipal:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n scopes:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n accept:\n type: string\n accept_language:\n type: string\n user_agent:\n type: string\n device_id:\n type: string\n advertiser_id:\n type: string\n correlation_id:\n type: string\n request_id:\n type: string\n idempotency_key:\n type: string\n remote_addr:\n type: string\n advertiser:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/RequestAdvertiser\"\n geoip_location:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/RequestLocation\"\n device_location:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/RequestLocation\"\n client:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/RequestClient\"\n RequestAdvertiser:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n enabled:\n type: boolean\n RequestLocation:\n type: object\n properties:\n country:\n type: string\n region:\n type: string\n city:\n type: string\n lat:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n lng:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n RequestClient:\n type: object\n properties:\n project_id:\n type: string\n app_id:\n type: string\n app_version:\n type: string\n sdk_version:\n type: string\n platform:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/RequestClientPlatform\"\n RequestClientPlatform:\n type: string\n enum:\n - android\n - ios\n - web\n - other\n AccountCustomBalanceLimitCreateRequest:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountCustomBalanceLimitScope\"\n - type: object\n required:\n - min_amount\n - max_amount\n - description\n properties:\n active:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter defines whether the balance limits are going to be activated or not at the time of its creation. By default the balance limit is activated on its creation.\n min_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The minimum amount of a transaction.\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n max_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n description: The maximum amount of a transaction.\n maximum: 999999999999\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n description: Some additional info.\n example: \"Some info\"\n\n CardCustomVelocityLimitCreateRequest:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/CardCustomVelocityLimitScope\"\n - type: object\n required:\n - min_amount\n - max_amount\n - frequency\n - description\n properties:\n active:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter defines whether the velocity limits are going to be activated or not at the time of its creation. By default the velocity limit is activated on its creation.\n min_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n example: 1500.10\n description: The minimum amount of a transaction. The transaction amount can not be lesser than the amount defined here.\n max_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n example: 1600.10\n maximum: 999999999999\n description: The maximum amount of a transaction. The transaction amount can not be greater than the amount defined here.\n frequency:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n example: 5\n maximum: 999999999\n description: It restricts a number of transactions a user can perform within a specified period of time.\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n description: Some additional info.\n example: \"Some info\"\n CardCustomAdvancedVelocityLimitCreateRequest:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/CardCustomAdvancedVelocityLimitScope\"\n - type: object\n required:\n - amount\n - frequency\n - description\n properties:\n active:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter describes if advanced velocity limit is activated or not.\n per_transaction:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PerTransaction\"\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 1500.10\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n description: The maximum amount of a transaction. The transaction amount can not be greater than the amount defined here.\n frequency:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999\n description: It restricts a number of transactions a user can perform within a specified period of time.\n name:\n type: string\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 100\n description: The name of advanced velocity limit.\n example: \"limit1\"\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n description: The additional information.\n example: \"Some description\"\n num_of_days:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999\n description: |\n During transaction, it will bring the transaction data starting from the ‘currentDay - numberOfDays’\n and apply the limit accordingly. This field will only be used when ‘period’ = ‘num_of_days’\n example: 15\n effective_from:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time from which the limit is effective.\n effective_to:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n default: \"2099-12-31T11:59:59.999Z\"\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time to which the limit is effective.\n group:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Group\"\n default: \"SINGLE\"\n Beneficiary:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: beneficiary\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary ID.\n example: \"77a02486-10e2-4d55-9788-d0d49ed03d23\"\n x-nymos-key: true\n name:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary name.\n example: \"John Smith\"\n email:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary email.\n example: \"example@gmail.com\"\n phone:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary phone.\n example: \"+923323556323\"\n nickname:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary nickname.\n example: \"Commettie Group\"\n relationship:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary relationship.\n example: \"Partner\"\n category:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BeneficiaryCategory'\n subcategory:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BeneficiarySubcategory'\n instrument_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/InstrumentType'\n instrument_value:\n type: string\n description: The instrument value.\n example: \"03323556323\"\n instrument_currency:\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n example: \"AED\"\n description: The instrument currency.\n beneficiary_user_id:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary user ID.\n example: \"4906486\"\n user_id:\n type: string\n description: User ID.\n example: \"John1\"\n country:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary country.\n example: \"UAE\"\n bank:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary bank.\n example: \"ING\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: Date and time when beneficiary was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: Date and time when beneficiary was updated.\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BeneficiaryStatus'\n is_deleted:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This field indicates whether beneficiary was deleted or not. Default value is false.\n\n BeneficiaryCategory:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary category.\n example: \"DAPI\"\n enum: [ DAPI, LEAN, WU, MCSEND, VISADIRECT, CHECKOUT, BILRS, P2P ]\n\n BeneficiarySubcategory:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary subcategory.\n example: \"ALIAS\"\n enum: [ BILR, TELCO, PAN, ALIAS, IBAN ]\n\n InstrumentType:\n type: string\n description: Instrument type.\n example: \"CARD\"\n enum: [ CARD, ACCOUNT ]\n\n BeneficiaryStatus:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary status.\n example: \"ACTIVE\"\n enum: [ ACTIVE, INACTIVE ]\n\n BeneficiaryCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - name\n - email\n - phone\n - nickname\n - status\n - category\n - instrument_value\n - user_id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7558\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: ID for the new Beneficiary. If ID is not provided then it will be auto generated.\n name:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary name.\n example: \"John Smith\"\n email:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary email.\n example: \"example@gmail.com\"\n phone:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary phone.\n example: \"+923323556323\"\n nickname:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary nickname.\n example: \"Commettie Group\"\n relationship:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary relationship.\n example: \"Partner\"\n category:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BeneficiaryCategory'\n subcategory:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BeneficiarySubcategory'\n instrument_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/InstrumentType'\n instrument_value:\n type: string\n description: The instrument value.\n example: \"03323556323\"\n instrument_currency:\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n example: \"AED\"\n description: The instrument currency.\n beneficiary_user_id:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary user ID.\n example: \"4906486\"\n user_id:\n type: string\n description: User ID.\n example: \"John1\"\n country:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary country.\n example: \"UAE\"\n bank:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary bank.\n example: \"ING\"\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BeneficiaryStatus'\n\n BeneficiaryUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary name.\n example: \"John Smith\"\n email:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary email.\n example: \"example@gmail.com\"\n phone:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary phone.\n example: \"+923323556323\"\n nickname:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary nickname.\n example: \"Commettie Group\"\n relationship:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary relationship.\n example: \"Partner\"\n category:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BeneficiaryCategory'\n subcategory:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BeneficiarySubcategory'\n instrument_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/InstrumentType'\n instrument_value:\n type: string\n description: The instrument value.\n example: \"03323556323\"\n instrument_currency:\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n example: \"AED\"\n description: The instrument currency.\n beneficiary_user_id:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary user ID.\n example: \"4906486\"\n user_id:\n type: string\n description: User ID.\n example: \"John1\"\n country:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary country.\n example: \"UAE\"\n bank:\n type: string\n description: Beneficiary bank.\n example: \"ING\"\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BeneficiaryStatus'\n\n BeneficiaryCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load.\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Beneficiary\"\n\n MxbTransactionDetailsResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n status_name:\n type: string\n description: Status.\n example: \"PENDING RELEASE\"\n status_id:\n type: string\n description: Status ID.\n example: \"R\"\n tf_pin:\n type: string\n description: Transaction reference number.\n example: \"33TF119564665\"\n cancellation_reason:\n type: string\n description: The reason why transaction was cancelled.\n example: \"01\"\n transaction_date:\n type: string\n description: Transaction date.\n example: \"2023-07-07T14:41:29.723-04:00\"\n sender:\n type: object\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbTransactionSender\"\n receiver:\n type: object\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbTransactionReceiver\"\n transaction_info:\n type: object\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbTransactionInfo\"\n compliance:\n type: object\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbTransactionCompliance\"\n\n MxbTransactionSender:\n type: object\n description: Transaction sender info.\n properties:\n sender_id:\n type: integer\n description: The unique identifier of a sender.\n example: \"10794159\"\n name:\n type: string\n description: Sender's name.\n example: \"MOHAMMED FAIZAL\"\n account_number:\n type: string\n description: Account number.\n example: \"75757577897\"\n address:\n type: string\n description: Address.\n example: \"THE GARDENS\"\n phone_mobile:\n type: string\n description: Mobile phone.\n example: \"0503848530\"\n phone_home:\n type: string\n description: Home phone number.\n example: \"0979079557\"\n phone_work:\n type: string\n description: Work phone number.\n example: \"26352745273\"\n is_individual:\n type: boolean\n description: Whether sender account is individual or not.\n example: true\n country_iso_code:\n type: string\n description: Country ISO code.\n example: \"AE\"\n country_name:\n type: string\n description: Country name.\n example: \"UNITED ARAB EMIRATES\"\n state_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the state.\n example: \"UAE\"\n city_name:\n type: string\n description: City name.\n example: \"DUBAI\"\n city_id:\n type: integer\n description: The unique identifier of the city.\n example: 90047\n type_of_id:\n type: string\n description: ID type.\n example: \"EI\"\n id_number:\n type: string\n description: ID number.\n example: \"198006372612356\"\n id_expiry_date:\n type: string\n description: ID expiry date.\n example: \"2023-06-24T00:00:00.000-04:00\"\n date_of_birth:\n type: string\n description: Date of birth.\n example: \"1989-06-01T00:00:00.000-04:00\"\n email:\n type: string\n description: Sender Email.\n example: \"example@gmail.com\"\n nationality_iso_code:\n type: string\n description: Sender nationality ISO code.\n example: \"IN\"\n sender_occupation:\n type: integer\n description: Sender occupation.\n example: \"Accountant\"\n\n MxbTransactionReceiver:\n type: object\n description: Transaction receiver info.\n properties:\n full_name:\n type: string\n description: Full name.\n example: \"SAYUJ SATHYAN\"\n full_name_other_language:\n type: string\n description: Full name in other language.\n example: \"SAYUJ SATHYAN\"\n first_name:\n type: string\n description: First name.\n example: \"SAYUJ\"\n first_name_other_language:\n type: string\n description: First name in other language.\n example: \"SAYUJ\"\n second_name:\n type: string\n description: Middle name.\n example: \"SATHYAN\"\n second_name_other_language:\n type: string\n description: Middle name in other language.\n example: \"SATHYAN\"\n last_name:\n type: string\n description: Last name.\n example: \"Khan\"\n last_name_other_language:\n type: string\n description: Last name in other language.\n example: \"Khan\"\n second_last_name:\n type: string\n description: Second last name.\n example: \"Kin\"\n second_last_name_other_language:\n type: string\n description: Second last name in other language.\n example: \"Kin\"\n complete_address:\n type: string\n description: Complete address.\n example: \"CASH PICK-UP AT THOUSANDS OF PARTNER LOCATIONS\"\n complete_address_other_language:\n type: string\n description: Complete address in other language.\n example: \"CASH PICK-UP AT THOUSANDS OF PARTNER LOCATIONS\"\n date_of_birth:\n type: string\n description: Date of birth.\n example: \"1988-06-01T00:00:00.000-04:00\"\n mobile_phone:\n type: string\n description: Receiver’s mobile phone number.\n example: \"0562315682\"\n home_phone:\n type: string\n description: Home phone number.\n example: \"8968769054\"\n work_phone:\n type: string\n description: Work phone number.\n example: \"9235830975\"\n is_individual:\n type: boolean\n description: Whether reciever account is individual or not.\n example: true\n country_iso_code:\n type: string\n description: Country ISO code.\n example: \"IN\"\n country_name:\n type: string\n description: Country name.\n example: \"INDIA\"\n state_name:\n type: string\n description: State name.\n example: \"KERALA\"\n state_id:\n type: string\n description: State ID.\n example: \"IN013\"\n city_name:\n type: string\n description: City.\n example: \"ERNAKULAM\"\n city_id:\n type: integer\n description: City ID.\n example: 48932\n town_name:\n type: string\n description: Town name.\n example: \"Bay\"\n town_id:\n type: string\n description: Town ID.\n example: 4857\n notes:\n type: string\n description: Some notes.\n example: \"Some notes\"\n receiver_id_number:\n type: string\n description: Receiver ID number.\n example: \"385683\"\n receiver_type_id:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: Receiver ID type.\n example: 142\n email:\n type: string\n description: Receiver’s email address.\n example: \"alice@abc.com\"\n cpf:\n type: string\n description: CPF in Brazil. Note, this field is also used for Russia.\n example: \"12312312311\"\n receiver_id:\n type: string\n description: Receiver ID.\n example: \"12312312311\"\n id_relationship_with_sender:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: Receiver relationship with sender.\n example: 1\n\n MxbTransactionInfo:\n type: object\n description: Transaction info.\n properties:\n payment_mode_id:\n type: string\n description: Mode of delivery ID.\n example: \"2\"\n payment_mode_name:\n type: string\n description: Mode of delivery.\n example: \"CASH PICK UP\"\n receive_currency_iso_code:\n type: string\n description: Currency ISO Code.\n example: \"INR\"\n purpose_of_remittance_id:\n type: integer\n description: Purpose.\n example: 1\n bank_id:\n type: string\n description: Receiving Bank ID.\n example: \"375638675\"\n bank_name:\n type: string\n description: Receiving Bank name.\n example: \"ING\"\n bank_branch_id:\n type: string\n description: Payout channel.\n example: \"45\"\n account:\n type: string\n description: Receiving Bank Account number.\n example: \"203583098535\"\n payer_name:\n type: string\n description: Payer name.\n example: \"TRANSFAST CASH PICKUP ANYWHERE\"\n payer_id:\n type: string\n description: Payer ID.\n example: \"ID99\"\n paying_branch_id:\n type: string\n description: Pay-out branch ID.\n example: \"ID99000001\"\n paying_branch_name:\n type: string\n description: Pay-out branch name.\n example: \"TRANSFAST CASH PICKUP ANYWHERE\"\n source_currency_name:\n type: string\n description: Source currency.\n example: \"USD\"\n source_currency_iso_code:\n type: string\n description: Source currency ISO code.\n example: \"USD\"\n rate:\n type: number\n description: Exchange Rate.\n example: 73.0300\n total_sent_amount:\n type: number\n description: Total Sent Amount.\n example: 70.9650\n service_fee:\n type: number\n description: Service fee.\n example: 2.5000\n form_of_payment_id:\n type: string\n description: The form of payment collected from the Sender.\n example: \"CA\"\n form_of_payment_name:\n type: string\n description: Form of payment.\n example: \"CASH\"\n payout:\n type: number\n description: Pay-out.\n example: 5000.0000\n sent_amount:\n type: number\n description: Net Amount.\n example: 68.4650\n receive_amount:\n type: number\n description: Pay-out Amount.\n example: 5000.0000\n payer_branch_adress:\n type: string\n description: Pay-out branch address.\n example: \"CASH PICK-UP AT THOUSANDS OF PARTNER LOCATIONS\"\n payer_branch_phone1:\n type: string\n description: Pay-out branch phone.\n example: \"845398465\"\n payer_branch_phone2:\n type: string\n description: Pay-out branch second phone.\n example: \"507850687\"\n reference_number:\n type: string\n description: Reference Number.\n example: \"AB21281064007141\"\n source_of_funds:\n type: string\n description: Source of funds.\n example: \"Salary\"\n backend_fee:\n type: number\n description: Backend Fee.\n example: 0.0000\n invoice_status_time_stamps:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbTransactionInvoiceStatusTimeStamps\"\n\n MxbTransactionInvoiceStatusTimeStamps:\n type: object\n description: Transaction invoice status timestamps.\n properties:\n receiver_id:\n type: string\n description: Receiver identifier.\n example: \"8\"\n cashier:\n type: string\n description: User.\n example: \"WB020005XB\"\n change_status_date:\n type: string\n description: Date that the status (flag) happened.\n example: \"2023-07-07T06:41:29.850-04:00\"\n flag_id:\n type: string\n description: Flag/status identifier.\n example: \"R\"\n flag_name:\n type: string\n description: Flag or status.\n example: \"PENDING RELEASE\"\n\n MxbTransactionCompliance:\n type: object\n description: Transaction compliance info.\n properties:\n accumulation:\n type: number\n description: Accumulation number.\n example: 0.0\n is_ssn_required:\n type: boolean\n description: Whether SSN is required or not.\n example: false\n is_second_id_required:\n type: boolean\n description: Whether additional ID is required or not.\n example: false\n source_of_funds_required:\n type: boolean\n description: Whether source of funds is required or not.\n example: false\n\n MxbCitiesResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n total_count:\n type: integer\n description: Total number of found cities.\n example: \"1\"\n cities:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbCity\"\n\n MxbCity:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the city.\n example: \"10097\"\n name:\n type: string\n description: The city name.\n example: \"Abbeville\"\n state_id:\n type: string\n description: Record ID of the state in Trans-Fast.\n example: \"UA001\"\n country_code:\n type: string\n description: Country code in ISO alpha 2-character code format.\n example: \"US\"\n\n MxbPaymentDetailsResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n country_code:\n type: string\n description: Country code in ISO alpha 2-character code format.\n example: \"US\"\n cash_pickup_anywhere:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether country code exists or not in the list of countries supporting cash pickup anywhere.\n example: true\n payment_modes:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbPaymentMode\"\n\n MxbPaymentMode:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Record ID of the payment mode in Trans-Fast.\n example: \"2\"\n name:\n type: string\n description: Mode of delivery / service.\n example: \"CASH PICK UP\"\n currencies:\n type: array\n description: An array of currencies.\n items:\n type: string\n description: Currency code in 3-letter ISO_4217 code format.\n example: \"NPR\"\n\n MxbPayerDetailsCollection:\n type: object\n description: The list of payers for a given country, city, currency, mode of payment, etc.\n properties:\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load.\"\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbPayerDetail\"\n\n MxbPayerDetail:\n type: object\n description: Payer details.\n properties:\n payer_id:\n type: string\n description: Payer ID from where the cash will be picked.\n example: \"KS01\"\n payer_name:\n type: string\n description: Payer name from where the cash will be picked.\n example: \"ENJAZ\"\n branch:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbBranch\"\n\n MxbBranch:\n type: object\n description: The branch.\n properties:\n branch_id:\n type: string\n description: Branch ID from where the cash will be picked.\n example: \"KE060002\"\n branch_name:\n type: string\n description: Branch name from where the cash will be picked.\n example: \"AFRICAN BANKING CORP. - BANK DEPOSIT THIRD PARTY\"\n\n MxbCatalogPayersResponse:\n type: object\n description: Retrieve a list of payers for a given country, city, currency, mode of payment, etc.\n properties:\n MasterPayerResults:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbCatalogMasterPayer\"\n TotalCount:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: Total Count\n example: 1\n\n MxbCatalogMasterPayer:\n type: object\n description: Master Payer\n properties:\n PayerInternalCode:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: Internal Code of Payer\n example: 4\n PayerName:\n type: string\n description: Bank name\n example: Laxmi Bank\n CustomerRate:\n type: number\n description: Transaction Exchange Rate\n example: 116.1000\n IsThirdParty:\n type: boolean\n description: Is third party?\n example: true\n IsAnywhere:\n type: boolean\n description: Does the payer pay-out anywhere within their network?\n example: false\n Label:\n type: string\n description: Label\n example: Label\n PayerDetailsResults:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbCatalogPayerDetails\"\n\n MxbErrorResponse:\n type: object\n description: Mastercard API Business and Data Validation errors\n properties:\n BusinessErrors:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/MxbError'\n DataValidationErrors:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/MxbError'\n\n MxbError:\n type: object\n description: Mastercard API error\n properties:\n ErrorCode:\n type: string\n description: Error code\n Message:\n type: string\n description: Error message\n FieldName:\n type: string\n description: Error field name\n\n MxbCatalogPayerDetails:\n type: object\n description: Payer Details\n properties:\n BranchInternalCode:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: Internal Code of Branch\n example: 1\n PayerInternalCode:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: Internal Code of Payer\n example: 4\n ThirdPayerId:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: Third Payer Id\n example: 7549\n IsAnywhere:\n type: boolean\n description: Does the payer pay-out anywhere within their network?\n example: false\n IsDefaultLocation:\n type: boolean\n description: Is default location?\n example: false\n DefaultLocation:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: Default Location\n example: 0\n PayerId:\n type: string\n description: Record Id of the bank in Trans-Fast\n example: NP01\n PayerName:\n type: string\n description: Bank name\n example: Laxmi Bank\n BranchId:\n type: string\n description: Pay-out location Id\n example: NP0100001\n BranchName:\n type: string\n description: Name of the pay-out location\n example: Laxmi Bank Ltd.\n BranchAddress:\n type: string\n description: Address of the pay-out location\n example: AFRICAN BANKING CORP DEPOSITS TO ALL AFFILIATED BANKS\n BankId:\n type: string\n description: Bank Id\n example: KE001\n BankName:\n type: string\n NeedBank:\n type: string\n description: Does the payer require a bank name? (A = Active; I = Inactive)\n example: I\n CustomerRate:\n type: number\n description: Transaction Exchange Rate\n example: 116.1000\n MasterRate:\n type: number\n description: Master Rate\n example: 60.0000\n BranchLevelRate:\n type: boolean\n description: Branch Level Rate\n example: false\n IsOldPayer:\n type: boolean\n description: Is old payer?\n example: false\n\n MxbReceiveCountriesResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n countries:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbCountry\"\n\n MxbCountry:\n type: object\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: Country name.\n example: \"ALBANIA\"\n country_code:\n type: string\n description: Country code in ISO alpha 2-character code format.\n example: \"AL\"\n\n MxbCashPickupCountriesResponse:\n type: object\n description: The list of countries supporting cash pickup anywhere.\n properties:\n countries:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbCashPickupCountry\"\n\n MxbCashPickupCountry:\n type: object\n description: The country supporting cash pickup anywhere.\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: Country Name.\n example: \"Bahrain\"\n iso_code:\n type: string\n description: Country ISO Code.\n example: \"BH\"\n has_town:\n type: string\n description: Indicator of Town (A = Active; I = Inactive).\n example: \"I\"\n\n MxbCatalogCashPickupCountriesResponse:\n type: object\n description: Returns the list of countries supporting cash pickup anywhere\n properties:\n Countries:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbCatalogCountry\"\n\n MxbCatalogCountry:\n type: object\n description: The country from catalog.\n properties:\n Name:\n type: string\n description: Name of the country.\n example: Bahrain\n IsoCode:\n type: string\n description: The country's ISO code.\n example: BH\n HasTown:\n type: string\n description: Indicates if the country supports towns (A = Active; I = Inactive).\n example: I\n\n MxbCountryDetailsResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n country_code:\n type: string\n description: Country code in ISO alpha 2-character code format.\n example: \"AL\"\n states:\n type: array\n description: An array of states.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbCountryState\"\n id_types:\n type: array\n description: An array of ID types.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbCatalogReceiverIdTypeDetails\"\n remittance_purposes:\n type: array\n description: An array of remittance purposes.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbCatalogRemittancePurposeDetails\"\n source_of_funds:\n type: array\n description: An array of fund sources.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbCatalogRemittanceSourceOfFunds\"\n\n MxbCountryState:\n type: object\n description: Country states.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: States ID.\n example: \"AL\"\n name:\n type: string\n description: States name.\n example: \"ALABAMA\"\n\n MxbCatalogReceiverIdTypeDetails:\n type: object\n description: ID types available in particular destination countries (like CNIC, passport, driving license, e_id etc.)\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: ID of identification type.\n example: \"142\"\n name:\n type: string\n description: Name of identification type.\n example: \"Passport\"\n expdate_required:\n type: string\n description: This field indicates whether expiry date is required or not. Possible values A or I (`A` means `required`, `I` means `not Required`.)\n example: \"A\"\n issuedate_required:\n type: string\n description: This field indicates whether issue date is required or not. Possible values A or I (`A` means `required`, `I` means `not Required`.)\n example: \"A\"\n\n MxbCatalogRemittancePurposeDetails:\n type: object\n description: Purpose of remittance.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: ID of remittance purpose.\n example: \"1\"\n name:\n type: string\n description: Remittance purpose description.\n example: \"FAMILY MAINTENANCE\"\n\n MxbCatalogRemittanceSourceOfFunds:\n type: object\n description: Source of funds (salary, business etc.).\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: ID of fund source.\n example: \"1\"\n name:\n type: string\n description: Fund source description.\n example: \"ACCUMULATED OWN SALARY\"\n\n MxbRelationShipWithSender:\n type: object\n description: Relationship with sender info.\n properties:\n id:\n type: integer\n description: ID of the relationship with sender.\n example: 41\n name:\n type: string\n description: Relationship with sender.\n example: \"IMPORTER/EXPORTER\"\n\n MxbRelationShipWithSenderResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n RelationShipWithSender:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbRelationShipWithSender\"\n\n MxbCatalogRelationShipWithSender:\n type: object\n description: Relationship with sender info.\n properties:\n ID:\n type: integer\n description: ID of the relationship with sender.\n example: 41\n Name:\n type: string\n description: Relationship with sender.\n example: \"IMPORTER/EXPORTER\"\n\n NymcardTransactionCallback:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the transaction.\n example: \"LoadTransaction01\"\n transaction_timestamp:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2021-12-16T14:04:24.593Z\"\n description: The date and time when transaction was performed.\n parent_transaction_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the parent transaction.\n example: \"5efss08-0558-47ac-b722-4e45r176fb4f\"\n network:\n type: object\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Network\"\n message_type:\n type: object\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MessageType\"\n transaction_type:\n type: object\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransactionExtendedType\"\n transaction_description:\n type: string\n description: Additional description of the transaction if required.\n example: \"Wallet Credit\"\n transmission_date_time:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time of the transaction when it is submitted to the network by the acquirer.\n date_time_acquirer:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date of the transaction at the acquirer end when this transaction was performed.\n card_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n example: \"45678912314567891231456789123121\"\n card_first_6_digits:\n type: string\n pattern: '^[0-9]{6}$'\n description: The first six digits of the card.\n example: \"494964\"\n card_last_4_digits:\n type: string\n pattern: '^[0-9]{4}$'\n description: The last four digits of the card.\n example: \"6404\"\n card_expiry_date:\n type: string\n pattern: '^(0[1-9]|1[0-2])\\/?([0-9]{4}|[0-9]{2})$'\n description: Expiry date of the card.\n example: \"052022\"\n user_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the user related to this transaction.\n example: \"5c0afa53-6ec0-4b08-a180-199352385c9b\"\n account_id1:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the first account which is involved in the transaction.\n example: \"5c0sds53-6ec0-4b08-a180-199352385c9b\"\n card_product_1:\n type: string\n description: Name of the card product related to Account ID 1.\n example: \"dfgafa53-6ec0-4b08-a180-199352385c9b\"\n account_id2:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the second account which is involved in the transaction.\n example: \"thfafa53-6ec0-4b08-a180-199352385c9b\"\n card_product_2:\n type: string\n description: Name of the card product related to Account ID 2.\n example: \"8uhafa53-6ec0-4b08-a180-199352385c9b\"\n acquirer_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the acquiring institution.\n example: \"12345678901\"\n merchant_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the merchant.\n example: \"CARD ACCEPTOR\"\n mcc:\n type: string\n pattern: '^[0-9]{4}$'\n description: The merchant category code.\n example: \"5947\"\n merchant_name:\n type: string\n description: The merchant name.\n example: \"ACQUIRER NAME\"\n merchant_city:\n type: string\n description: The merchant city.\n example: \"CITY NAME\"\n merchant_country:\n type: string\n description: The merchant country in 3 digit ISO Alpha country code format.\n example: \"USA\"\n terminal_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the merchant's terminal.\n example: \"TERMID01\"\n stan:\n type: string\n description: The system trace audit number of the transaction.\n example: \"000042\"\n rrn:\n type: string\n description: The retrieval reference number of the transaction.\n example: \"13501404242y\"\n auth_id_response:\n type: string\n description: The Auth ID response of the transaction.\n example: \"476628\"\n network_transaction_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique transaction ID filled by the Network/Scheme.\n example: \"234551234561008\"\n transaction_amount:\n type: number\n description: The amount of the transaction at the merchant side.\n format: decimal\n example: 500.00\n transaction_currency:\n type: string\n description: The currency of the transaction at the merchant side.\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n billing_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The amount of the transaction billed by the network to the issuer.\n example: 4.00\n billing_currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"USD\"\n description: The currency in which the network billed the transaction to the issuer.\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n billing_amount_account:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The account amount of the transaction billed by the network to the issuer.\n example: 4.00\n billing_currency_account:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n description: The account currency in which the network billed the transaction to the issuer.\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n conversion_rate_billing_account:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 4.00\n description: The account conversion rate used by the network/scheme in converting the 'account transaction amount' to 'account billing amount'.\n acquirer_fee_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 2.00\n description: The transaction fee amount charged by the merchant, it is represented in 'transaction currency'.\n conversion_rate_billing:\n type: string\n example: \"61000000\"\n description: The conversion rate used by the network/scheme in converting the 'transaction amount' to 'billing amount'.\n fee_amount:\n type: number\n example: 2.00\n description: The transaction fee amount charged by the issuer. In case of partial reversal this parameter contains the new fee amount charged by the issuer.\n format: decimal\n fee_details:\n type: array\n description: The list of fees applied to transaction by the issuer.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransactionFeeDetail\"\n original_amount:\n type: number\n example: 2.00\n description: In case of partial reversal this parameter contains the new amount charged by the merchant, it is represented in 'transaction currency'.\n format: decimal\n original_amount_billing:\n type: string\n example: \"4\"\n description: In case of partial reversal this parameter contains the new amount charged by the merchant in 'billing currency'.\n status_code:\n type: string\n example: \"0000\"\n description: The internal response code providing the status of this transaction. The full list of status codes you can find in the GSG guide using the following link https://docs.nymcard.com/get-started/transactions/transaction-endpoints-scenarios#transaction-status-codes .\n status_description:\n type: string\n example: \"Transaction approved\"\n description: >\n The textual description of the internal response code. The full list of status codes you can find in the GSG guide using the following link https://docs.nymcard.com/get-started/transactions/transaction-endpoints-scenarios#transaction-status-codes .\n sender_user_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique ID of the sender user. It is applicable only for 'WALLET_TRANSFER' transactions.\n example: \"hkuser282\"\n transfer_id:\n type: string\n example: \"234551234561008\"\n description: The unique ID of the transfer, filled only in case if transaction type is a transfer.\n load_id:\n type: string\n example: \"LoadTransaction01\"\n description: The unique ID of the load, filled only in case if transaction type is a load.\n unload_id:\n type: string\n example: \"234551234561008\"\n description: The unique ID of the unload, filled only in case if transaction type is an unload.\n eci:\n type: string\n example: \"05\"\n description: The e-commerce indicator of the transaction.\n ecommerce_security_level:\n type: string\n example: \"3DS1\"\n description: The e-commerce security level. Possible values are non-secure, 3DS1, 3DS2, 3DS2.2.\n card_entry:\n type: string\n example: \"Physical entry\"\n description: This parameter indicates how the card was acquired on the merchant side. Possible values are UNKNOWN, MANUAL_ENTRY, MAGNETIC_STRIPE, ICC, CARD_ON_FILE.\n pos_environment:\n type: string\n example: \"E-Commerce\"\n description: This parameter gives an info on the type of POS used. Possible values are UNKNOWN (in case merchant is not sending additional information), ATTENDED_POS (POS terminal where a person/cashier is involved), ECOMMERCE (purchase made in the internet).\n fallback:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: The fallback transaction, possible values are true/false.\n pin_present:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: The PIN present in transaction, possible values are true/false.\n moto:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: MOTO transaction, possible values are true/false.\n recurring:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: The recurring transaction, possible values are true/false.\n installment_transaction:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: The installment transaction, possible values are true/false.\n auth_expired_at:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The auth expired date of the transaction.\n auth_expired_by:\n type: string\n example: \"AUTO\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AuthExpiredType\"\n is_reversed:\n type: string\n example: \"YES\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ConfirmationType\"\n is_settled:\n type: string\n example: \"NO\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ConfirmationType\"\n source_channel:\n type: string\n example: \"DAPI\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransferSourceChannel\"\n notes:\n type: string\n example: \"Performing operation for 12.50 USD\"\n description: Notes about performed transaction.\n external_reference_number:\n type: string\n example: \"2b2c3e7c-a07c-11ed-a8fc-0242ac120002\"\n description: The external reference number of the transaction.\n external_reference_date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The external reference date and time of the transaction.\n reference_number:\n type: string\n example: \"04a466da-cbab-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002\"\n description: The reference number of the transaction.\n sweep_details:\n type: array\n description: An array of sweeping details. Sweeping is performed upon insufficient funds - they are pulled from the other wallets and are credited to the wallet on which transaction is received.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SweepDetails\"\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LoadTransactionType\"\n quote_id:\n type: string\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: The unique identifier of FX rate quote.\n receiver_user_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of receiver user.\n example: \"g157a80f-e641-7745-8a80-99841e4a1234\"\n\n LoadTransactionType:\n type: string\n description: Load transaction type.\n example: \"HOLD\"\n enum:\n - \"HOLD\"\n - \"POST\"\n - \"RELEASE\"\n\n SweepDetails:\n type: object\n description: An array of sweeping details. Sweeping is performed upon insufficient funds - they are pulled from the other wallets and are credited to the wallet on which transaction is received.\n properties:\n debit_from_currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: A currency of wallet from which funds are pulled.\n debit_from_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: \"100.01\"\n description: The amount pulled from the wallet.\n credit_to_currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: A currency of wallet on which funds are credited.\n credit_to_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: \"100.01\"\n description: The amount credited to the wallet.\n exchange_rate:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: \"100.01\"\n description: An exchange rate used to convert the 'debit_from_amount' into 'credit_to_amount'.\n\n SimulateTransactionSweepDetails:\n type: object\n description: An array of sweeping details. Sweeping is performed upon insufficient funds - they are pulled from the other wallets and are credited to the wallet on which transaction is received.\n properties:\n debit_from_currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: A currency of wallet from which funds are pulled.\n debit_from_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: \"100.01\"\n description: The amount pulled from the wallet.\n credit_to_currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: A currency of wallet on which funds are credited.\n credit_to_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: \"100.01\"\n description: The amount credited to the wallet.\n exchange_rate:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: \"100.01\"\n description: An exchange rate used to convert the 'debit_from_amount' into 'credit_to_amount'.\n\n AuthExpiredType:\n type: string\n description: The auth expired type of the transaction, can be either MANUAL or AUTO.\n enum:\n - \"AUTO\"\n - \"MANUAL\"\n example: \"AUTO\"\n\n ConfirmationType:\n type: string\n description: The confirmation type value.\n enum:\n - \"YES\"\n - \"NO\"\n example: \"YES\"\n\n TransferSourceChannel:\n type: string\n description: Source channel.\n enum:\n - \"API\"\n - \"DAPI\"\n - \"MPGS\"\n - \"LEAN\"\n example: \"DAPI\"\n\n Network:\n type: string\n description: The network scheme.\n enum:\n - \"VISA\"\n example: \"VISA\"\n\n MessageType:\n type: string\n description: The type of the message.\n example: \"API\"\n enum:\n - \"AUTHORIZATION\"\n - \"AUTHORIZATION_ADVICE\"\n - \"REVERSAL\"\n - \"FINANCIAL\"\n - \"FINANCIAL_ADVICE\"\n - \"REVERSAL_ADVICE\"\n - \"CLEARING\"\n - \"CLEARING_REVERSAL\"\n - \"API\"\n\n TransactionFeeDetail:\n type: object\n properties:\n fee_id:\n type: string\n example: \"ed2e2ddb-c028-470d-b08b-7f28bd84fbfe\"\n description: The unique identifier of the fee.\n description:\n type: string\n example: \"Some description\"\n description: The description of the applied fee.\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: \"100.01\"\n description: The amount of the applied fee.\n x-nymos-currency: currency\n currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"USD\"\n description: The currency of the applied fee.\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n\n TransactionExtendedType:\n type: string\n description: The type of transaction.\n\n * `PURCHASE` Any kind of card purchase, which can be identified in more detail via the 'pos_environment' field.\n\n * `CASH_WITHDRAWAL` Cardholder performed the withdrawal of cash at the ATM.\n\n * `REFUND` A credit note on the card which can happen in case the customer bought something and gave it back, for example.\n\n * `BALANCE_INQUIRY` Checking the account balance on the ATM.\n\n * `ACCOUNT_VERIFICATION` Adding the card on a payment gateway portal. Gateway will generate a transaction just to verify that the account is valid (0 amount trx).\n\n * `WALLET_DEBIT` Unloads related transaction.\n\n * `WALLET_CREDIT` Loads related transaction.\n\n * `WALLET_TRANSFER` Account to account transfer.\n\n * `QUASI_CASH` Quasi cash transaction.\n\n * `SCHEME_CREDIT` Original Credit Transaction.\n\n * `AFT` Account Funding Transaction.\n\n example: \"WALLET_CREDIT\"\n enum:\n - \"PURCHASE\"\n - \"CASH_WITHDRAWAL\"\n - \"REFUND\"\n - \"BALANCE_INQUIRY\"\n - \"ACCOUNT_VERIFICATION\"\n - \"WALLET_DEBIT\"\n - \"WALLET_CREDIT\"\n - \"WALLET_TRANSFER\"\n - \"SCHEME_CREDIT\"\n - \"QUASI_CASH\"\n - \"AFT\"\n\n\n NymcardTransactionIndex:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the transaction.\n example: \"5efbb708-0558-47ac-b722-4e30b176fb4f\"\n transaction_timestamp:\n type: string\n description: The date and time when transaction was performed.\n example: \"2021-06-17T13:56:48.000Z\"\n parent_transaction_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the parent transaction.\n example: \"5efss708-0458-47ac-b722-4e30b1744b4f\"\n network:\n type: string\n description: The network scheme.\n example: \"VISA\"\n message_type:\n type: string\n description: The type of the message.\n example: \"AUTHORIZATION\"\n transaction_type:\n type: string\n description: The type of the transaction.\n example: \"PURCHASE\"\n transaction_description:\n type: string\n description: Additional description of the transaction if required.\n example: \"Purchase\"\n transmission_date_time:\n type: string\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time of the transaction when it is submitted to the network by the acquirer.\n date_time_acquirer:\n type: string\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date of the transaction at the acquirer end when this transaction was performed.\n card_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n example: \"45678912314567891231456789123121\"\n card_first_6_digits:\n type: string\n description: The first six digits of the card.\n example: \"494964\"\n card_last_4_digits:\n type: string\n description: The last four digits of the card.\n example: \"6404\"\n card_expiry_date:\n type: string\n description: Expiry date of the card.\n example: \"052022\"\n user_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the user related to this transaction.\n example: \"5c0afa53-6ec0-4b08-a180-199352385c9b\"\n account_id1:\n type: string\n example: \"5c0sds53-6ec0-4b08-a180-199352385c9b\"\n description: The unique identifier of the first account which is involved in the transaction.\n card_product_1:\n type: string\n example: \"dfgafa53-6ec0-4b08-a180-199352385c9b\"\n description: Name of the card product related to Account ID 1.\n account_id2:\n type: string\n example: \"thfafa53-6ec0-4b08-a180-199352385c9b\"\n description: The unique identifier of the second account which is involved in the transaction.\n card_product_2:\n type: string\n example: \"8uhafa53-6ec0-4b08-a180-199352385c9b\"\n description: Name of the card product related to Account ID 2.\n acquirer_id:\n type: string\n example: \"12345678901\"\n description: The unique identifier of the acquiring institution.\n merchant_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the merchant.\n example: \"CARD ACCEPTOR\"\n mcc:\n type: string\n example: \"5947\"\n description: The merchant category code.\n merchant_name:\n type: string\n description: The merchant name.\n example: \"ACQUIRER NAME\"\n merchant_city:\n type: string\n description: The merchant city.\n example: \"CITY NAME\"\n merchant_country:\n type: string\n description: The merchant country in 3 digit ISO Alpha country code format.\n example: \"USA\"\n terminal_id:\n type: string\n example: \"TERMID01\"\n description: The unique identifier of the merchant's terminal.\n stan:\n type: string\n example: \"000042\"\n description: The system trace audit number of the transaction.\n rrn:\n type: string\n example: \"116813000042\"\n description: The retrieval reference number of the transaction.\n auth_id_response:\n type: string\n example: \"476628\"\n description: The Auth ID response of the transaction.\n network_transaction_id:\n type: string\n example: \"234551234561008\"\n description: The unique transaction ID filled by the Network/Scheme.\n transaction_amount:\n type: number\n example: 4.00\n description: The amount of the transaction at the merchant side.\n transaction_currency:\n type: string\n example: \"USD\"\n description: The currency of the transaction at the merchant side.\n billing_amount:\n type: number\n example: 4.00\n description: The amount of the transaction billed by the network to the issuer.\n billing_currency:\n type: string\n example: \"USD\"\n description: The currency in which the network billed the transaction to the issuer.\n billing_amount_account:\n type: number\n description: The account amount of the transaction billed by the network to the issuer.\n example: 4.00\n billing_currency_account:\n type: string\n description: The account currency in which the network billed the transaction to the issuer.\n example: \"USD\"\n conversion_rate_billing_account:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 4.00\n description: The account conversion rate used by the network/scheme in converting the 'account transaction amount' to 'account billing amount'.\n acquirer_fee_amount:\n type: number\n example: 2.00\n description: The transaction fee amount charged by the merchant, it is represented in 'transaction currency'.\n conversion_rate_billing:\n type: string\n example: \"61000000\"\n description: The conversion rate used by the network/scheme in converting the 'transaction amount' to 'billing amount'.\n fee_amount:\n type: number\n example: 2.00\n description: The transaction fee amount charged by the issuer. In case of partial reversal this parameter contains the new fee amount charged by the issuer.\n fee_details:\n type: array\n description: The list of fees applied to transaction by the issuer.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NymcardTransactionFeeDetail\"\n original_amount:\n type: number\n example: 2.00\n description: In case of partial reversal this parameter contains the new amount charged by the merchant, it is represented in 'transaction currency'.\n original_amount_billing:\n type: string\n example: \"4\"\n description: In case of partial reversal this parameter contains the new amount charged by the merchant in 'billing currency'.\n status_code:\n type: string\n example: \"0000\"\n description: The internal response code providing the status of this transaction.\n status_description:\n type: string\n example: \"Transaction approved\"\n description: The textual description of the internal response code.\n transfer_id:\n type: string\n example: \"234551234561008\"\n description: The unique ID of the transfer, filled only in case if transaction type is a transfer.\n load_id:\n type: string\n example: \"234556734561008\"\n description: The unique ID of the load, filled only in case if transaction type is a load.\n unload_id:\n type: string\n example: \"234551234561008\"\n description: The unique ID of the unload, filled only in case if transaction type is an unload.\n eci:\n type: string\n example: \"05\"\n description: The e-commerce indicator of the transaction.\n ecommerce_security_level:\n type: string\n example: \"3DS1\"\n description: The e-commerce security level. Possible values are non-secure, 3DS1, 3DS2, 3DS2.2.\n card_entry:\n type: string\n example: \"Physical entry\"\n description: This parameter indicates how the card was acquired on the merchant side. Possible values are UNKNOWN, MANUAL_ENTRY, MAGNETIC_STRIPE, ICC, CARD_ON_FILE.\n pos_environment:\n type: string\n example: \"E-Commerce\"\n description: This parameter gives an info on the type of POS used. Possible values are UNKNOWN (in case merchant is not sending additional information), ATTENDED_POS (POS terminal where a person/cashier is involved), ECOMMERCE (purchase made in the internet).\n fallback:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: The fallback transaction, possible values are true/false.\n pin_present:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: The PIN present in transaction, possible values are true/false.\n moto:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: MOTO transaction, possible values are true/false.\n recurring:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: The recurring transaction, possible values are true/false.\n installment_transaction:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: The installment transaction, possible values are true/false.\n auth_expired_at:\n type: string\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The auth expired date of the transaction.\n auth_expired_by:\n type: string\n example: \"AUTO\"\n description: The auth expired type of the transaction, can be either MANUAL or AUTO.\n is_reversed:\n type: string\n example: \"YES\"\n description: The confirmation type value got based on the reversal_count field information.\n is_settled:\n type: string\n example: \"NO\"\n description: The confirmation type value got based on the clearing_count field information.\n source_channel:\n type: string\n example: \"DAPI\"\n description: Type of source channel.\n notes:\n type: string\n example: \"Performing operation for 12.50 USD\"\n description: Notes about performed transfer request.\n sender_user_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique ID of the sender user. It is applicable only for 'WALLET_TRANSFER' transactions.\n example: \"hkuser282\"\n external_reference_number:\n type: string\n example: \"2b2c3e7c-a07c-11ed-a8fc-0242ac120002\"\n description: The external reference number of the transaction.\n external_reference_date:\n type: string\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The external reference date and time of the transaction.\n reference_number:\n type: string\n example: \"04a466da-cbab-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002\"\n description: The reference number of the transaction.\n sweep_details:\n type: array\n description: An array of sweeping details. Sweeping is performed upon insufficient funds - they are pulled from the other wallets and are credited to the wallet on which transaction is received.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NymcardTransactionSweepDetails\"\n type:\n type: string\n description: Load transaction type.\n example: \"HOLD\"\n quote_id:\n type: string\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: The unique identifier of FX rate quote.\n receiver_user_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of receiver user.\n example: \"g157a80f-e641-7745-8a80-99841e4a1234\"\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n custom_info:\n type: object\n additionalProperties:\n type: string\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n\n NymcardTransactionFeeDetail:\n type: object\n properties:\n fee_id:\n type: string\n example: \"ed2e2ddb-c028-470d-b08b-7f28bd84fbfe\"\n description: The unique identifier of the fee.\n description:\n type: string\n example: \"Some description\"\n description: The description of the applied fee.\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: \"100.01\"\n description: The amount of the applied fee.\n x-nymos-currency: currency\n currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"USD\"\n description: The currency of the applied fee.\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n\n NymcardTransactionSweepDetails:\n type: object\n description: An array of sweeping details. Sweeping is performed upon insufficient funds - they are pulled from the other wallets and are credited to the wallet on which transaction is received.\n properties:\n debit_from_currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: A currency of wallet from which funds are pulled.\n debit_from_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: \"100.01\"\n description: The amount pulled from the wallet.\n credit_to_currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: A currency of wallet on which funds are credited.\n credit_to_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: \"100.01\"\n description: The amount credited to the wallet.\n exchange_rate:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: \"100.01\"\n description: An exchange rate used to convert the 'debit_from_amount' into 'credit_to_amount'.\n\n NymcardTransactionIndexCollection:\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/Pageable'\n - type: object\n properties:\n data:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NymcardTransactionIndex\"\n\n TenantSettings:\n type: object\n properties:\n tenant_id:\n type: string\n description: ID of a tenant.\n example: \"tenant1\"\n tenant_name:\n type: string\n description: Tenant name.\n example: \"Tenant Name\"\n timezone_offset:\n type: number\n description: Timezone offset in minutes, can be -ve or +ve. Default value is 0.\n example: 60\n default_language:\n type: string\n description: Default language in ISO language codes. Default value is \"EN\".\n example: \"EN\"\n issuer_country:\n type: string\n description: ISO issuer country code.\n example: \"LBN\"\n require_kyc:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether KYC is required or not. The default value is 'false'.\n default: false\n supported_kyc_policies:\n type: array\n description: Supported KYC policies.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SupportedKycPolicies\"\n description: Supported KYC policies.\n supported_idv_policies:\n type: array\n description: Supported IDV policies.\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SupportedIdvPolicies'\n description: Supported IDV policies.\n require_document_verification:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: This parameter indicates whether Identification verification is required or not for all users. The value can be 'true' or 'false'.\n checks:\n type: array\n example: [ \"DOCUMENT\" ]\n description: Reports which need to be generated by the client. The values are `DOCUMENT` and `FACIAL_SIMILARITY_VIDEO`.\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/Checks'\n privacy_notices_read_consent_given:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: This parameter indicates that the privacy notices and terms of service have been read and consent has been given. The value can be 'true' or 'false'.\n auto_trigger_kyc_processing:\n type: boolean\n description: defines whether to trigger KYC processing automatically or not\n allow_cross_currency_transfers:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: Allow the transfer fund between 2 different accounts currency wallets.\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n sms_provider:\n description: Sms provider name.\n example: \"TWILIO\"\n $ref: '#/definitions/SmsProvider'\n user_verification_settings:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserVerificationSettings'\n credit_card_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CreditCardSettings\"\n allow_payment_gateway:\n type: boolean\n description: Allow payment gateway.\n supported_payment_gateway:\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PaymentGateway\"\n\n TenantSettingsCreateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n tenant_name:\n type: string\n description: Tenant name.\n example: \"Tenant Name\"\n timezone_offset:\n type: number\n description: Timezone offset in minutes, can be -ve or +ve. Default value is 0.\n example: 60\n default_language:\n type: string\n description: Default language in ISO language codes. Default value is \"EN\".\n example: \"EN\"\n issuer_country:\n type: string\n description: ISO issuer country code.\n example: \"LBN\"\n require_kyc:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether KYC is required or not. The default value is 'false'.\n default: false\n supported_kyc_policies:\n type: array\n description: Supported KYC policies.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SupportedKycPolicies\"\n description: Supported KYC policies.\n supported_idv_policies:\n type: array\n description: Supported IDV policies.\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SupportedIdvPolicies'\n description: Supported IDV policies.\n require_document_verification:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: This parameter indicates whether Identification verification is required or not for all users. The value can be 'true' or 'false'.\n checks:\n type: array\n example: [ \"DOCUMENT\" ]\n description: Reports which need to be generated by the client. The values are `DOCUMENT` and `FACIAL_SIMILARITY_VIDEO`.\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/Checks'\n privacy_notices_read_consent_given:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: This parameter indicates that the privacy notices and terms of service have been read and consent has been given. The value can be 'true' or 'false'.\n auto_trigger_kyc_processing:\n type: boolean\n description: defines whether to trigger KYC processing automatically or not\n allow_cross_currency_transfers:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: Allow the transfer fund between 2 different accounts currency wallets.\n sms_provider:\n description: Sms provider name.\n example: \"TWILIO\"\n $ref: '#/definitions/SmsProvider'\n user_verification_settings:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserVerificationSettings'\n credit_card_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CreditCardSettings\"\n allow_payment_gateway:\n type: boolean\n description: Allow payment gateway.\n supported_payment_gateway:\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PaymentGateway\"\n\n TenantSettingsUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n tenant_name:\n type: string\n description: Tenant name.\n example: \"Tenant Name\"\n timezone_offset:\n type: number\n description: Timezone offset in minutes, can be -ve or +ve. Default value is 0.\n example: 60\n default_language:\n type: string\n description: Default language in ISO language codes. Default value is \"EN\".\n example: \"EN\"\n issuer_country:\n type: string\n description: ISO issuer country code.\n example: \"LBN\"\n require_kyc:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether KYC is required or not. The default value is 'false'.\n default: false\n supported_kyc_policies:\n type: array\n description: Supported KYC policies.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SupportedKycPolicies\"\n description: Supported KYC policies.\n supported_idv_policies:\n type: array\n description: Supported IDV policies.\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SupportedIdvPolicies'\n description: Supported IDV policies.\n require_document_verification:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: This parameter indicates whether Identification verification is required or not for all users. The value can be 'true' or 'false'.\n checks:\n type: array\n example: [ \"DOCUMENT\" ]\n description: Reports which need to be generated by the client. The values are `DOCUMENT` and `FACIAL_SIMILARITY_VIDEO`.\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/Checks'\n privacy_notices_read_consent_given:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: This parameter indicates that the privacy notices and terms of service have been read and consent has been given. The value can be 'true' or 'false'.\n auto_trigger_kyc_processing:\n type: boolean\n description: defines whether to trigger KYC processing automatically or not\n allow_cross_currency_transfers:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: Allow the transfer fund between 2 different accounts currency wallets.\n sms_provider:\n description: Sms provider name.\n example: \"TWILIO\"\n $ref: '#/definitions/SmsProvider'\n user_verification_settings:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserVerificationSettings'\n credit_card_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CreditCardSettings\"\n allow_payment_gateway:\n type: boolean\n description: Allow payment gateway.\n supported_payment_gateway:\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PaymentGateway\"\n\n PaymentGateway:\n type: object\n required:\n - name\n properties:\n name:\n $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentGatewayName'\n type: string\n number_of_allowed_instruments:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n description: Optional field with default value 5.\n\n PaymentGatewayName:\n type: string\n enum:\n - CHECKOUT\n\n Fee:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Fee ID.\n maxLength: 36\n example: 4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\n description:\n type: string\n description: Fee description.\n example: \"Withdrawal Fee\"\n maxLength: 50\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: Fee status.\n example: true\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FeeType\"\n description: Fee type, either it is fixed value or percentage.\n example: percentage\n currency:\n type: string\n description: Currency code or ***. Value *** is only applicable for transaction types 'PURCHASE_FOREIGN_CURRENCY' and 'WITHDRAWAL_FOREIGN_CURRENCY'.\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^([\\\\*]{3}|[A-Z]{3})$\"\n amount:\n type: number\n description: Fee amount. It is applicable if fee type includes flat option.\n example: 2\n minimum: 0\n percentage:\n type: number\n description: Fee percentage. It is applicable if fee type includes percentage option.\n example: 5\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 100\n range:\n type: array\n description: Array of ranges where fee is applicable.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Range\"\n transaction_type:\n description: Type of transaction.\n example: \"WITHDRAWALS\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransactionType\"\n transaction_origin:\n description: Origin of transaction. This field is applicable for transaction types 'WITHDRAWALS', 'PURCHASES', 'PURCHASE_FOREIGN_CURRENCY' and 'WITHDRAWAL_FOREIGN_CURRENCY'.\n example: ANY\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransactionOrigin\"\n transfer_type:\n type: array\n description: \"Type of transfers\"\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransferType\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n source_channel:\n description: Type of source channel only applicable for transaction_type = TRANSFERS. Default value is \"ANY\".\n example: MPGS\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SourceChannel\"\n\n FeeCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - description\n - type\n - currency\n - transaction_type\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the fee. If this information is not present in the request, the system generates one automatically.\n maxLength: 36\n example: 4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\n description:\n type: string\n description: The name of the fee. We recommend using a unique string.\n example: \"Withdrawal Fee\"\n maxLength: 50\n type:\n description: Fee type, either it is fixed value or percentage.\n example: percentage\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FeeType\"\n currency:\n description: Currency code or ***. Value *** is only applicable for transaction types 'PURCHASE_FOREIGN_CURRENCY' and 'WITHDRAWAL_FOREIGN_CURRENCY'.\n example: \"USD\"\n type: string\n pattern: \"^([\\\\*]{3}|[A-Z]{3})$\"\n amount:\n description: Fee amount. It is applicable if fee type includes flat option.\n example: 2\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n percentage:\n type: number\n description: Fee percentage. It is applicable if fee type includes percentage option.\n example: 5\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 100\n range:\n type: array\n description: Array of ranges where fee is applicable.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Range\"\n transaction_type:\n description: Type of transaction.\n example: \"WITHDRAWALS\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransactionType\"\n transaction_origin:\n description: Origin of transaction. This field is applicable for transaction types 'WITHDRAWALS', 'PURCHASES', 'PURCHASE_FOREIGN_CURRENCY' and 'WITHDRAWAL_FOREIGN_CURRENCY'.\n example: ANY\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransactionOrigin\"\n transfer_type:\n type: array\n description: \"Type of transfers\"\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransferType\"\n source_channel:\n description: Type of source channel only applicable for transaction_type = TRANSFERS. Default value is \"ANY\".\n example: MPGS\n default: ANY\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SourceChannel\"\n\n FeeUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n description:\n type: string\n description: Fee description.\n example: \"Withdrawal Fee\"\n maxLength: 50\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: Fee status.\n example: true\n type:\n description: Fee type, either it is fixed value or percentage.\n example: percentage\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FeeType\"\n currency:\n description: Currency code or ***. Value *** is only applicable for transaction types 'PURCHASE_FOREIGN_CURRENCY' and 'WITHDRAWAL_FOREIGN_CURRENCY'.\n example: \"USD\"\n type: string\n pattern: \"^([\\\\*]{3}|[A-Z]{3})$\"\n amount:\n description: Fee amount. It is applicable if fee type includes flat option.\n example: 2\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n percentage:\n type: number\n description: Fee percentage. It is applicable if fee type includes percentage option.\n example: 5\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 100\n range:\n type: array\n description: Array of ranges where fee is applicable.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Range\"\n transaction_type:\n description: Type of transaction.\n example: \"WITHDRAWALS\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransactionType\"\n transaction_origin:\n description: Origin of transaction. This field is applicable for transaction types 'WITHDRAWALS', 'PURCHASES', 'PURCHASE_FOREIGN_CURRENCY' and 'WITHDRAWAL_FOREIGN_CURRENCY'.\n example: ANY\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransactionOrigin\"\n transfer_type:\n type: array\n description: \"Type of transfers\"\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransferType\"\n source_channel:\n description: Type of source channel only applicable for transaction_type = TRANSFERS. Default value is \"ANY\".\n example: MPGS\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SourceChannel\"\n\n Range:\n type: object\n properties:\n greater_than:\n type: number\n description: The 'greater than' range where fee is applicable.\n minimum: 0\n less_than_equal_to:\n type: number\n description: The 'less than equal to' range where fee is applicable.\n minimum: 0\n amount:\n type: number\n description: The 'amount' range where fee is applicable.\n minimum: 0\n percentage:\n type: number\n description: The 'percentage' range where fee is applicable.\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 100\n\n FeesCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether there are more data to load\n after:\n type: string\n description: Durable version of current results that can be used on the next sync.\n example: \"MjAxOC0wMS0wMlQxOTo0MjozMi45ODda\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of fees.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Fee\"\n\n\n TransactionType:\n type: string\n description: The type of transaction. 'PURCHASE_FOREIGN_CURRENCY' is only applicable to 'PURCHASES' in foreign currencies. 'WITHDRAWAL_FOREIGN_CURRENCY' is only applicable to 'WITHDRAWALS' in foreign currencies.\n enum:\n - WITHDRAWALS\n - PURCHASES\n - BALANCE_INQUIRIES\n - TRANSFERS\n - LOADS\n - UNLOADS\n - PURCHASE_FOREIGN_CURRENCY\n - WITHDRAWAL_FOREIGN_CURRENCY\n\n TransactionOrigin:\n type: string\n description: Origin of transaction. This field is applicable for transaction types 'WITHDRAWALS', 'PURCHASES', 'PURCHASE_FOREIGN_CURRENCY' and 'WITHDRAWAL_FOREIGN_CURRENCY'.\n enum:\n - DOMESTIC\n - FOREIGN\n - ANY\n\n FeeType:\n type: string\n description: >\n Fee types:\n * `FLAT`: A flat fee refers to a fixed amount a cardholder pays for performing a transaction regardless of a transaction amount.In case of single currency products, the currency of the flat fee is the one supported by the card product.\n * `PERCENTAGE`: A percentage fee applied on the transaction amount a cardholder pays for performing a transaction. The fee is calculated by applying the percentage to ISO field 6 billing amount coming in authorization from the payment scheme.\n * `MAX_PERC_OR_FLAT`: A maximum fee selects between an applied percentage fee and flat fee a cardholder pays for performing a transaction.\n * `MIN_PERC_OR_FLAT`: A minimum fee selects between an applied percentage fee and flat fee a cardholder pays for performing a transaction.\n * `MAX_PERC_OR_FLAT_W_CAP`: A maximum fee selects between an applied percentage fee and a flat fee. Note that the configured maximum cap limit fee will be applied if the selected fee is greater than the configured cap limit fee.\n * `MIN_PERC_OR_FLAT_W_CAP`: A minimum fee selects between an applied percentage fee and a flat fee. Note that the configured miminum cap limiy fee will be applied if the selected fee is lesser than the configured cap limit fee.\n * `RANGE`: Transaction amount based fee slabs where each slab has a configured flat fee or a percentage fee.\n * `RANGE_FLAT`: Transaction amount based fee slabs where each slab has a configured flat fee.\n * `RANGE_PERCENTAGE`: Transaction amount based fee slabs where each slab has a configured percentage fee.\n * `RANGE_MAX_PERC_OR_FLAT`: Transaction amount based fee slabs where each slab has a flat fee and a percentage fee configured and the the maximum fee between the two is applied.\n * `RANGE_MIN_PERC_OR_FLAT`: Transaction amount based fee slabs where each slab has a flat fee and a percentage fee configured and the the minimum fee between the two is applied.\n * `RANGE_MAX_PERC_OR_FLAT_W_CAP`: A maximum fee selects between an applied percentage fee and a flat fee based on transaction amount range. Note that the configured maximum cap limit fee will be applied if the selected fee is greater than the configured cap limit fee.\n * `RANGE_MIN_PERC_OR_FLAT_W_CAP`: A minimum fee selects between an applied percentage fee and a flat fee based on transaction amount range. Note that the configured minimum cap limit fee will be applied if the selected fee is lesser than the configured cap limit fee.\n enum:\n - FLAT\n - PERCENTAGE\n - MAX_PERC_OR_FLAT\n - MIN_PERC_OR_FLAT\n - MAX_PERC_OR_FLAT_W_CAP\n - MIN_PERC_OR_FLAT_W_CAP\n - RANGE\n - RANGE_FLAT\n - RANGE_PERCENTAGE\n - RANGE_MAX_PERC_OR_FLAT\n - RANGE_MIN_PERC_OR_FLAT\n - RANGE_MAX_PERC_OR_FLAT_W_CAP\n - RANGE_MIN_PERC_OR_FLAT_W_CAP\n\n FeeConditionTypeCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - code\n - type\n properties:\n code:\n type: string\n description: |\n Fee condition type Code, Unique value\n example: \"MCC\"\n maxLength: 36\n description:\n type: string\n description: |\n Fee Description\n example: \"Merchant Category Code\"\n maxLength: 40\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FeeConditionValueType\"\n regex:\n type: string\n example: \"^([0-9]{4,4})$\"\n maxLength: 60\n\n FeeConditionTypeUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n code:\n type: string\n description: |\n Fee condition type Code, Unique value\n example: \"MCC\"\n maxLength: 36\n description:\n type: string\n description: |\n Fee Description\n example: \"Merchant Category Code\"\n maxLength: 40\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FeeConditionValueType\"\n regex:\n type: string\n example: \"^([0-9]{4,4})$\"\n maxLength: 60\n\n FeeConditionType:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: fees_condition_types\n required:\n - code\n - description\n - type\n - regex\n - created\n - modified\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n Unique ID for the Fee.\n example: \"77a02486-10e2-4d55-9788-d0d49ed03d23\"\n maxLength: 36\n x-nymos-key: true\n code:\n type: string\n description: |\n Fee condition type Code, Unique value\n example: \"MCC\"\n maxLength: 36\n description:\n type: string\n description: |\n Fee Description\n example: \"Merchant Category Code\"\n maxLength: 40\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FeeConditionValueType\"\n regex:\n type: string\n example: \"^([0-9]{4,4})$\"\n maxLength: 60\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2023-12-19T16:20:00.000Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2023-12-19T16:20:00.000Z\"\n\n FeeConditionTypeCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next sync\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load\"\n data:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FeeConditionType\"\n\n FeeConditionValueType:\n type: string\n description: |\n Input type of the condition type of fee\n enum:\n - string\n - decimal\n - integer\n\n FeeConditionTypeSortBy:\n type: string\n description: |\n Sorting order when listing items, CODE is default\n enum:\n - id\n - code\n - description\n - regex\n\n\n AdvancedFee:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: fees_advanced_fees\n required:\n - id\n - name\n - type\n - description\n - currency\n - transaction_type\n - active\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the advanced fee.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n x-nymos-key: true\n maxLength: 36\n name:\n type: string\n description: Advanced fee name.\n example: \"withdrawal-fee\"\n maxLength: 100\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FeeType\"\n description: Type of fee (whether it is fixed value or percentage).\n example: \"PERCENTAGE\"\n description:\n type: string\n description: Fee description.\n example: \"Withdrawal Fee\"\n maxLength: 400\n currency:\n type: string\n description: Currency code or ***. *** is applicable for transaction types PURCHASE_FOREIGN_CURRENCY, WITHDRAWAL_FOREIGN_CURRENCY.\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^([\\\\*]{3}|[A-Z]{3})$\"\n transaction_type:\n description: Type of transaction.\n example: \"WITHDRAWALS\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdvancedTransactionTypeValue\"\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: Fee status (whether it is active or not). Default value is \"true\".\n example: true\n amount:\n type: number\n description: Fee amount (applicable if fee type includes flat option).\n example: 2\n minimum: 0\n percentage:\n type: number\n description: Fee percentage (applicable if fee type includes percentage option).\n example: 5\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 100\n range:\n type: array\n description: An array of ranges where fee is applicable.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Range\"\n conditions:\n type: array\n description: An array of conditions.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdvancedCondition\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n x-nymos-index: desc\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n is_forex_fee:\n type: boolean\n description: Is forex fee flag.\n\n AdvancedCondition:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - values\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: Condition type.\n\n * \"PURCHASE_TYPE\" has such enums as PURCHASE and ECOMMERCE.\n\n * \"TRANSACTION_ORIGIN\" has such enums as DOMESTIC and FOREIGN.\n\n * \"API_CHANNEL\" has such enums as API, MPGS, DAPI, LEAN, MASTERCARD_CROSS_BORDER, VISA_DIRECT, EXTERNAL\n\n * \"SCHEME_SCOPE\" has such enums as VISA, MASTERCARD, MERCURY, UNIONPAY.\n\n * \"PAYMENT_TYPE\" has such enums as C, 2, g.\n\n example: \"TRANSACTION_ORIGIN\"\n enum:\n - \"MCC\"\n - \"MERCHANT_ID\"\n - \"ACQUIRER_COUNTRY\"\n - \"SCHEME_SCOPE\"\n - \"API_CHANNEL\"\n - \"KYC_LEVEL\"\n - \"TRANSACTION_ORIGIN\"\n - \"TRANSFER_TYPE\"\n - \"PURCHASE_TYPE\"\n - \"RECEIVER_COUNTRY\"\n - \"PAYMENT_TYPE\"\n - \"RECEIVER_CURRENCY\"\n - \"PURPOSEOFREMITTANCEID\"\n - \"SOURCEOFFUNDS\"\n - \"SOURCECITY\"\n\n operator:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ConditionOperator\"\n description: Condition operator.\n values:\n type: array\n description: An array of values.\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n type: string\n description: Some value.\n example: \"DOMESTIC\"\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: Condition status (whether it is active or not). Default value is \"true\".\n example: true\n\n AdvancedFeeCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - name\n - type\n - description\n - currency\n - transaction_type\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of the advanced fee.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n name:\n type: string\n description: Advanced fee name.\n example: \"withdrawal-fee\"\n maxLength: 100\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FeeType\"\n description: Type of fee (whether it is fixed value or percentage).\n example: \"PERCENTAGE\"\n description:\n type: string\n description: Fee description.\n example: \"Withdrawal Fee\"\n maxLength: 400\n currency:\n type: string\n description: Currency code or ***. *** is applicable for transaction types PURCHASE_FOREIGN_CURRENCY, WITHDRAWAL_FOREIGN_CURRENCY\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^([\\\\*]{3}|[A-Z]{3})$\"\n transaction_type:\n description: Type of transaction.\n example: \"WITHDRAWALS\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdvancedTransactionTypeValue\"\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: Fee status (whether it is active or not). Default value is \"true\".\n example: true\n amount:\n type: number\n description: Fee amount (applicable if fee type includes flat option).\n example: 2\n minimum: 0\n percentage:\n type: number\n description: Fee percentage (applicable if fee type includes percentage option).\n example: 5\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 100\n range:\n type: array\n description: An array of ranges where fee is applicable.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Range\"\n conditions:\n type: array\n description: An array of conditions.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdvancedCondition\"\n is_forex_fee:\n type: boolean\n description: Indicates whether fee is a forex fee.\n\n AdvancedFeeUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: Unique advanced fee name.\n example: \"withdrawal-fee\"\n maxLength: 100\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FeeType\"\n description: Type of fee (whether it is fixed value or percentage).\n example: \"PERCENTAGE\"\n description:\n type: string\n description: Fee description.\n example: \"Withdrawal Fee\"\n maxLength: 400\n currency:\n type: string\n description: Currency code or ***. *** is applicable for transaction types PURCHASE_FOREIGN_CURRENCY, WITHDRAWAL_FOREIGN_CURRENCY\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^([\\\\*]{3}|[A-Z]{3})$\"\n transaction_type:\n description: Type of transaction.\n example: \"WITHDRAWALS\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdvancedTransactionTypeValue\"\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: Fee status (whether it is active or not). Default value is \"true\".\n example: true\n amount:\n type: number\n description: Fee amount (applicable if fee type includes flat option).\n example: 2\n minimum: 0\n percentage:\n type: number\n description: Fee percentage (applicable if fee type includes percentage option).\n example: 5\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 100\n range:\n type: array\n description: An array of ranges where fee is applicable.\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Range\"\n conditions:\n type: array\n description: An array of conditions.\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdvancedCondition\"\n is_forex_fee:\n type: boolean\n description: Indicates whether fee is a forex fee.\n\n AdvancedFeesCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether there are more data to load.\n after:\n type: string\n description: Durable version of current results that can be used on the next sync.\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdvancedFee\"\n\n AdvancedTransactionTypeValue:\n type: string\n description: Advanced transaction type.\n example: \"WITHDRAWALS\"\n enum:\n - WITHDRAWALS\n - PURCHASES\n - BALANCE_INQUIRIES\n - TRANSFERS\n - LOADS\n - UNLOADS\n\n ConditionOperator:\n type: string\n description: Condition operator. Default value is \"any_of\".\n example: \"any_of\"\n enum:\n - any_of\n - all_of\n - none_of\n - less_than\n - less_or_equal\n - greater_than\n - greater_or_equal\n\n AdvancedFeeSortBy:\n type: string\n description: This parameter indicates by which parameter you want to sort an advanced fee.\n example: \"id\"\n enum:\n - id\n - name\n - description\n - active\n - type\n - currency\n - amount\n - percentage\n - range\n - transaction_type\n - created\n - modified\n\n VelocityLimitCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - description\n - currency\n - transaction_scope\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique identifier of the velocity limit. If this information is not present in the request, the system generates one automatically.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n maxLength: 36\n description:\n type: string\n description: |\n The name of the velocity limit. We recommend using a unique string.\n example: \"Some description of the velocity Limit\"\n maxLength: 40\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter defines whether the velocity limits are going to be activated or not at the time of its creation. By default the velocity limit is activated on its creation.\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VelocityLimitType\"\n min_amount:\n type: number\n description: |\n The minimum amount of a transaction. The transaction amount can not be lesser than the amount defined here.\n format: decimal\n example: 1500.10\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n max_amount:\n type: number\n description: |\n The maximum amount of a transaction. The transaction amount can not be greater than the amount defined here.\n format: decimal\n example: 1500.10\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"EUR\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: \"3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\"\n frequency:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999\n description: |\n It restricts a number of transactions a user can perform within a specified period of time.\n period:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Period\"\n num_of_days:\n type: integer\n description: |\n During transaction, it will bring the transaction data starting from the ‘currentDay - numberOfDays’\n and apply the limit accordingly. This field will only be used when ‘period’ = ‘NUM_OF_DAYS’.\n example: 15\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999\n transaction_scope:\n type: array\n description: This parameter is to define a transaction scope for this velocity limit.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransactionScope\"\n minItems: 1\n channel_scope:\n description: This parameter is used to create a velocity limit for the channels defined in the system, e.g. Visa.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ChannelScopeValues\"\n\n VelocityLimitUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n description:\n type: string\n description: |\n Velocity limit description.\n example: \"Some description of the velocity Limit\"\n maxLength: 40\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter describes if velocity limit is activated or not.\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VelocityLimitType\"\n min_amount:\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n description: |\n The minimum amount of a transaction. The transaction amount can not be lesser than the amount defined here.\n format: decimal\n example: 1500.10\n max_amount:\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n description: |\n The maximum amount of a transaction. The transaction amount can not be greater than the amount defined here.\n format: decimal\n example: 1500.10\n currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"EUR\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n frequency:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999\n description: |\n It restricts a number of transactions a user can perform within a specified period of time.\n period:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Period\"\n num_of_days:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999\n description: |\n During transaction, it will bring the transaction data starting from the ‘currentDay - numberOfDays’\n and apply the limit accordingly. This field will only be used when ‘period’ = ‘NUM_OF_DAYS’’\n example: 15\n transaction_scope:\n type: array\n description: This parameter array contains the transaction scope for this velocity limit.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransactionScope\"\n minItems: 1\n channel_scope:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ChannelScopeValues\"\n\n VelocityLimit:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n Unique ID for the velocity Limit.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n maxLength: 36\n description:\n type: string\n description: |\n Velocity Description.\n example: \"Some description of the velocity Limit\"\n maxLength: 40\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter describes if velocity limit is activated or not.\n consumed_limit:\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n example: 883.05\n description: |\n Consumed limit.\n consumed_frequency:\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n example: 2.10\n description: |\n Consumed frequency.\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VelocityLimitType\"\n min_amount:\n type: number\n description: |\n Minimum amount.\n format: decimal\n example: 100\n max_amount:\n type: number\n description: |\n Maximum amount.\n format: decimal\n example: 1000\n currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"EUR\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n frequency:\n type: integer\n description: |\n Frequency.\n period:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Period\"\n num_of_days:\n type: integer\n description: |\n During transaction, it will bring the transaction data starting from the ‘currentDay - numberOfDays’\n and apply the limit accordingly. This field will only be used when ‘period’ = ‘NUM_OF_DAYS’’\n example: 15\n transaction_scope:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransactionScope\"\n channel_scope:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ChannelScopeValues\"\n program_level:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter describes if velocity limit is activated on program level or not.\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n\n AdvancedVelocityLimitCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - name\n - type\n - currency\n - transaction_scope\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n Unique ID for the advanced velocity limit.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n maxLength: 36\n name:\n type: string\n description: The name of advanced velocity limit.\n example: \"limit1\"\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 100\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdvancedVelocityLimitType\"\n description:\n type: string\n description: The additional information.\n example: \"Some description\"\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 400\n currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"EUR\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n transaction_scope:\n type: array\n description: The transaction scope.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransactionScope\"\n active:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: |\n This parameter describes if advanced velocity limit is activated or not.\n amount:\n type: number\n description: |\n The maximum amount of a transaction. The transaction amount can not be greater than the amount defined here.\n format: decimal\n example: 1500.10\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n frequency:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999\n description: |\n It restricts a number of transactions a user can perform within a specified period of time.\n period:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdvancedVelocityLimitPeriod\"\n description: The period of advanced velocity limit.\n example: \"Some period\"\n num_of_days:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999\n description: |\n During transaction, it will bring the transaction data starting from the ‘currentDay - numberOfDays’\n and apply the limit accordingly. This field will only be used when ‘period’ = ‘num_of_days’\n example: 15\n effective_from:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time from which the limit is effective.\n effective_to:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time to which the limit is effective.\n default: \"2099-12-31T11:59:59.999Z\"\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n conditions:\n type: array\n description: An array of conditions.\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Conditions\"\n group:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Group\"\n default: \"SINGLE\"\n description: The advanced velocity limit group.\n\n Group:\n type: string\n example: \"SINGLE\"\n description: The advanced velocity limit group.\n enum:\n - SINGLE\n - AGGREGATE\n\n AdvancedVelocityLimitUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 100\n description: The name of advanced velocity limit.\n example: \"limit1\"\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdvancedVelocityLimitType\"\n description:\n type: string\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 400\n description: The additional information.\n example: \"Some description\"\n currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"EUR\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n transaction_scope:\n type: array\n description: The transaction scope.\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransactionScope\"\n active:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: |\n This parameter describes if advanced velocity limit is activated or not.\n amount:\n type: number\n description: |\n The maximum amount of a transaction. The transaction amount can not be greater than the amount defined here.\n format: decimal\n example: 1500.10\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n frequency:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999\n description: |\n It restricts a number of transactions a user can perform within a specified period of time.\n period:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdvancedVelocityLimitPeriod\"\n description: The period of advanced velocity limit.\n example: \"Some period\"\n num_of_days:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999\n description: |\n During transaction, it will bring the transaction data starting from the ‘currentDay - numberOfDays’\n and apply the limit accordingly. This field will only be used when ‘period’ = ‘num_of_days’\n example: 15\n effective_from:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time from which the limit is effective.\n effective_to:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time to which the limit is effective.\n conditions:\n type: array\n description: An array of conditions.\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Conditions\"\n group:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Group\"\n description: The advanced velocity limit group.\n default: \"SINGLE\"\n\n AdvancedVelocityLimit:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: limits_advanced_limits\n required:\n - name\n - type\n - currency\n - transaction_scope\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n Unique ID for the advanced velocity limit.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n x-nymos-key: true\n maxLength: 36\n name:\n type: string\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 100\n description: The name of advanced velocity limit.\n example: \"limit1\"\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdvancedVelocityLimitType\"\n description:\n type: string\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 400\n description: The additional information.\n example: \"Some description\"\n currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"EUR\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n transaction_scope:\n type: array\n description: The transaction scope.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransactionScope\"\n active:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: |\n This parameter describes if advanced velocity limit is activated or not.\n consumed_limit:\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n example: 883.05\n description: |\n Consumed limit.\n consumed_frequency:\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n example: 2.10\n description: |\n Consumed frequency.\n amount:\n type: number\n description: |\n The maximum amount of a transaction. The transaction amount can not be greater than the amount defined here.\n format: decimal\n example: 1500.10\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n frequency:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999\n description: |\n It restricts a number of transactions a user can perform within a specified period of time.\n period:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdvancedVelocityLimitPeriod\"\n description: The period of advanced velocity limit.\n example: \"Some period\"\n num_of_days:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999\n description: |\n During transaction, it will bring the transaction data starting from the ‘currentDay - numberOfDays’\n and apply the limit accordingly. This field will only be used when ‘period’ = ‘num_of_days’\n example: 15\n effective_from:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time from which the limit is effective.\n effective_to:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time to which the limit is effective.\n program_level:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: |\n This parameter describes if advanced velocity limit is activated on program level or not.\n conditions:\n type: array\n description: An array of conditions.\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Conditions\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n x-nymos-index: desc\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n group:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Group\"\n description: The advanced velocity limit group.\n default: \"SINGLE\"\n\n AdvancedVelocityLimitCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next sync\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AdvancedVelocityLimit\"\n\n VelocityLimitCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next sync.\"\n example: 4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether there are more data to load.\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of velocity limits.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VelocityLimit\"\n\n ChannelScopeValues:\n type: string\n description: This parameter is used to create a velocity limit for the channels defined in the system.\n enum:\n - VISA\n - MASTERCARD\n - WESTERNUNION\n\n VelocityLimitType:\n type: string\n description: |\n Type of velocity limit.\n enum:\n - PER_TRANSACTION\n - PER_CARD\n - PER_ACCOUNT\n - PER_USER\n\n AdvancedVelocityLimitType:\n type: string\n description: |\n Type of advanced velocity limit.\n enum:\n - PER_CARD\n - PER_ACCOUNT\n - PER_USER\n\n Period:\n type: string\n description: |\n It specifies the time period of the velocity limit for the transaction frequency.\n enum:\n - DAILY\n - MONTHLY\n - YEARLY\n - ALL_TIME\n - NUM_OF_DAYS\n\n AdvancedVelocityLimitPeriod:\n type: string\n description: |\n It specifies the time period of the advanced velocity limit for the transaction frequency.\n enum:\n - DAILY\n - WEEKLY\n - MONTHLY\n - YEARLY\n - ALL_TIME\n - NUM_OF_DAYS\n\n TransactionScope:\n type: string\n description: |\n Transaction Scope. Two or more items from transaction scope can share the same limit in case it will be a group based limit.\n enum:\n - WITHDRAWALS\n - PURCHASES\n - OUTGOING_TRANSFERS\n - UNLOADS\n - SCHEME_ACCOUNT_FUNDING\n - QUASI_CASH\n - PURCHASES_CONTACTLESS_NO_PIN\n - LOADS\n - INCOMING_TRANSFERS\n - SCHEME_CREDITS\n - INITIAL_LOAD\n\n BalanceLimitCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - description\n - min_amount\n - max_amount\n - currency\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique identifier of the balance limit. If this information is not present in the request, the system generates one automatically.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n description:\n type: string\n description: |\n The name of the balance limit. We recommend using a unique string.\n example: \"Some description of the balance limit\"\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter defines whether the balance limits are going to be activated or not at the time of its creation. By default the balance limit is activated on its creation.\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BalanceLimitType\"\n min_amount:\n type: number\n description: |\n The minimum balance an account can hold.\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n example: 1500.10\n max_amount:\n type: number\n description: |\n The maximum balance an account can hold.\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n example: 1500.10\n currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"EUR\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: \"3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency\"\n\n BalanceLimitUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n description:\n type: string\n description: |\n The name of the balance limit. We recommend using a unique string.\n example: \"Some description of the balance limit\"\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter defines whether the balance limits are going to be activated or not at the time of its creation. By default the balance limit is activated on its creation.\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BalanceLimitType\"\n min_amount:\n type: number\n description: |\n The minimum balance an account can hold.\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n example: 1500.10\n max_amount:\n type: number\n description: |\n The maximum balance an account can hold.\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n example: 1500.10\n currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"EUR\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: \"3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency\"\n\n BalanceLimit:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique identifier of the balance limit.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n description:\n type: string\n description: |\n The name of the balance limit. We recommend using a unique string.\n example: \"Some description of the balance limit\"\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter defines whether the balance limits are going to be activated or not at the time of its creation. By default the balance limit is activated on its creation.\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BalanceLimitType\"\n min_amount:\n type: number\n description: |\n The minimum balance an account can hold.\n format: decimal\n example: 1500.10\n max_amount:\n type: number\n description: |\n The maximum balance an account can hold.\n format: decimal\n example: 1500.10\n currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"EUR\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: \"3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency\"\n program_level:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter describes if the balance limit is activated on program level or not.\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n\n BalanceLimitCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next sync.\"\n example: 4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether there are more data to load.\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of balance limits.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BalanceLimit\"\n\n BalanceLimitType:\n type: string\n description: |\n Type of balance limit.\n enum:\n - PER_ACCOUNT\n\n CardProduct:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Unique ID for the Card Product.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n maxLength: 36\n description:\n type: string\n description: |\n The name of the card product. We recommend using a unique string.\n example: \"Some description of the card product\"\n maxLength: 40\n product_category:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n description: \"Category of the Card Product\"\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductStatus\"\n currency_settings:\n type: array\n description: An array of currency settings to define the related characteristics such as supported currencies, settlement currencies, priority, currency status, etc. for the card product.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CurrencySettings\"\n card_settings:\n description: An array of card settings to define the related characteristics such as bin, pan length, pan range, card validity code, etc. for the card product.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardSettings\"\n credit_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductCreditSettings\"\n description: An array of credit settings to define the related characteristics such as statement on, payment due on, security amount, delinquency setting etc. for the card product.\n account_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountSettings\"\n description: An array of account settings to define the related characteristics such as link account to card, number of cards per account etc. for the card product.\n pin_settings:\n description: An array of PIN settings to define the related characteristics such as PIN type, PIN length, and PIN retries for the card product.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PinSettings\"\n auth_settings:\n description: An array of authorization settings to define the related characteristics such as transaction controlling (enabling/disabling), authorization aging, etc. for the card product. Note that auth settings cannot be updated for an ACTIVE card product.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductAuthSettings\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n pan_format_token:\n type: string\n description: Identifier for the Pan Format Token. If not provided then default PAN format will be used.\n example: \"default_pan_format\"\n maxLength: 36\n track_format_token:\n type: string\n description: Identifier for the Track Format. If not provided then default Track format will be used.\n example: \"default_track_format\"\n maxLength: 36\n proxy_format_token:\n type: string\n description: Identifier for Proxy format. If not provided then default Track format will be used.\n example: \"default_proxy_format\"\n maxLength: 36\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductType\"\n sub_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductSubType\"\n is_multi_currency_product:\n type: boolean\n description: Indicates whether the product is single currency or multi currency supported.\n example: true\n wallet_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WalletSettings\"\n description: Wallet settings.\n fxrates_settings:\n type: array\n description: An array of FX rates settings.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRatesSettings\"\n\n CardProductCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - description\n - currency_settings\n - card_settings\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the card product. If this information is not present in the request, the system generates one automatically.\n example: \"cardproduct1\"\n pattern: \"^[a-zA-Z\\\\-0-9]+$\"\n maxLength: 36\n description:\n type: string\n description: |\n The name of the card product. We recommend using a unique string.\n example: \"Some description of the cardproduct1\"\n maxLength: 40\n product_category:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n description: \"Category of the Card Product\"\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductStatusCreate\"\n currency_settings:\n type: array\n description: An array of currency settings to define the related characteristics such as supported currencies, settlement currencies, priority, currency status, etc. for the card product.\n minItems: 1\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CurrencySettings\"\n card_settings:\n description: An array of card settings to define the related characteristics such as bin, pan length, pan range, card validity code, etc. for the card product.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardSettings\"\n credit_limits:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductCreditLimits\"\n account_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountSettings\"\n description: An array of account settings to define the related characteristics such as link account to card, number of cards per account etc. for the card product.\n pin_settings:\n description: An array of PIN settings to define the related characteristics such as PIN type, PIN length, and PIN retries for the card product.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PinSettings\"\n auth_settings:\n description: An array of authorization settings to define the related characteristics such as transaction controlling (enabling/disabling), authorization aging, etc. for the card product. Note that auth settings cannot be updated for an ACTIVE card product.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AuthSettings\"\n credit_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductCreditSettings\"\n description: An array of credit settings to define the related characteristics such as statement on, payment due on, security amount, delinquency setting etc. for the card product.\n pan_format_token:\n type: string\n description: Identifier for the Pan Format Token. If not provided then default PAN format will be used.\n example: \"default_pan_format\"\n maxLength: 36\n track_format_token:\n type: string\n description: Identifier for the Track Format. If not provided then default Track format will be used.\n example: \"default_track_format\"\n maxLength: 36\n proxy_format_token:\n type: string\n description: Identifier for Proxy format\n example: \"default_proxy_format\"\n maxLength: 36\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductType\"\n sub_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductSubType\"\n is_multi_currency_product:\n type: boolean\n description: Indicates whether the product is single currency or multi currency supported.\n example: true\n default: false\n wallet_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WalletSettings\"\n description: Wallet settings.\n fxrates_settings:\n type: array\n description: An array of FX rates settings.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRatesSettings\"\n\n CardProductPatchRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductStatus\"\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductType\"\n credit_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductCreditSettings\"\n\n CardProductUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n description:\n type: string\n description: |\n The name of the card product. We recommend using a unique string.\n example: \"Some description of the card product\"\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductStatus\"\n currency_settings:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of currency settings to define the related characteristics such as supported currencies, settlement currencies, priority, currency status, etc. for the card product.\n Already added currencies cannot be deleted but can be marked as inactive.\n When product status is active then currency fields can't be modified for currency with priority = 1.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CurrencySettings\"\n product_category:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n description: \"Category of the Card Product\"\n card_settings:\n description: An array of card settings to define the related characteristics such as bin, pan length, pan range, card validity code, etc. for the card product.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardSettingsUpdateRequest\"\n account_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountSettings\"\n description: An array of account settings to define the related characteristics such as link account to card, number of cards per account etc. for the card product.\n pin_settings:\n description: An array of PIN settings to define the related characteristics such as PIN type, PIN length, and PIN retries for the card product.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PinSettings\"\n auth_settings:\n description: An array of authorization settings to define the related characteristics such as transaction controlling (enabling/disabling), authorization aging, etc. for the card product. Note that auth settings cannot be updated for an ACTIVE card product.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AuthSettings\"\n credit_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductCreditSettings\"\n description: An array of credit settings to define the related characteristics such as statement on, payment due on, security amount, delinquency setting etc. for the card product.\n pan_format_token:\n type: string\n description: Identifier for the Pan Format Token. If not provided then default PAN format will be used.\n example: \"default_pan_format\"\n maxLength: 36\n track_format_token:\n type: string\n description: Identifier for the Track Format. If not provided then default Track format will be used.\n example: \"default_track_format\"\n maxLength: 36\n proxy_format_token:\n type: string\n description: Identifier for Proxy format\n example: \"default_proxy_format\"\n maxLength: 36\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductType\"\n is_multi_currency_product:\n type: boolean\n description: Indicates whether the product is single currency or multi currency supported.\n example: true\n wallet_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WalletSettings\"\n description: Wallet settings.\n fxrates_settings:\n type: array\n description: An array of FX rates settings.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRatesSettings\"\n\n WalletSettings:\n type: object\n description: Wallet settings. If 'is_multi_currency_product' = true, then it becomes mandatory.\n properties:\n initial_num_of_wallets_offered:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: It is optional field. If provided, then value should be >=2 and <= number of supported currencies.\n maximum_active_wallets_allowed:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: It is optional field. If provided, then value should be >=2 and <= number of supported currencies\n maximum_wallets_allowed_in_sweep:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: If user provides this value, then it is stored. Otherwise default value [1] is used.\n\n FxRatesSettings:\n type: object\n required:\n - transaction_type\n - rate_group_id\n properties:\n transaction_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRateTransactionType\"\n rate_group_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of custom FX rate group.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n maxLength: 36\n\n InitialVirtualCardStatus:\n type: string\n description: |\n Initial Card status. Default value is ACTIVE.\n default: ACTIVE\n enum:\n - INACTIVE\n - ACTIVE\n\n InitialPhysicalCardStatus:\n type: string\n description: |\n Initial Card status. Default value is INACTIVE.\n default: INACTIVE\n enum:\n - INACTIVE\n - ACTIVE\n\n CardProductStatus:\n type: string\n description: |\n This is the card product status. When card product is created, it has status 'INACTIVE'. Once a card is issued for the card product, the status will become 'ACTIVE'.\n enum:\n - INACTIVE\n - ACTIVE\n - TERMINATED\n\n CardProductStatusCreate:\n type: string\n description: |\n This is the card product status. When card product is created, it has status 'INACTIVE'. Once a card is issued for the card product, the status will become 'ACTIVE'.\n enum:\n - INACTIVE\n - ACTIVE\n\n CurrencySettings:\n type: object\n required:\n - supported_currency\n - settlement_currency\n properties:\n supported_currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"EUR\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: |\n This is the currency that is supported by the card product, funds shall be allowed to be maintained for this currency.\n The format should be 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n Must not repeat.\n settlement_currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"EUR\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: |\n This is the currency in which the supported currency transactions shall be settled with the payment scheme.\n The format should be 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n May repeat.\n priority:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n example: 1\n description: |\n For a multi-currency product this field gives the priority in which the currency wallets are used in funds sweeping.\n * This is an incremental number and shall start from 1.\n * Field is mandatory if there are more than one currencies.\n * `allow_xxx` fields must be true when `priority` = 1.\n * `status` must be active when `priority` = 1.\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CurrencyStatus\"\n allow_loads:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter governs whether loading funds to this currency wallet is allowed or not. For multi-currency card product, it should be set to 'true' for currency of priority = 1.\n example: true\n default: true\n allow_unloads:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter governs whether unloading funds from this currency wallet is allowed or not. For multi-currency card product, it should be set to 'true' for currency of priority = 1.\n example: true\n default: true\n allow_scheme_debit_txn:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter governs whether debit transactions from payment schemes (like purchase, withdrawal etc.)\n are allowed to be authorized using the funds in this currency or not. For multi-currency card product, it should be set to 'true' for currency of priority = 1.\n example: true\n default: true\n allow_scheme_credit_txn:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter governs whether credit transactions from payment schemes (like OCT, MoneySend)\n are allowed to be credited to the funds held in this currency or not. For multi-currency card product, it should be set to 'true' for currency of priority = 1.\n example: true\n default: true\n allow_incoming_transfer:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter governs whether incoming transfers (peer transfers or currency exchange transfers)\n are allowed to this currency or not. For multi-currency card product, it should be set to 'true' for currency of priority = 1.\n example: true\n default: true\n allow_outgoing_transfer:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter governs whether outgoing transfers (peer transfers or currency exchange transfers)\n are allowed from this currency or not. For multi-currency card product, it should be set to 'true' for currency of priority = 1.\n example: true\n default: true\n allow_incoming_sweeps:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter governs whether incoming sweeps are allowed to this currency or not. For multi-currency card product, it should be set to 'true' for currency of priority = 1.\n example: true\n default: true\n allow_outgoing_sweeps:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter governs whether outgoing sweeps are allowed from this currency or not. For multi-currency card product, it should be set to 'true' for currency of priority = 1.\n example: true\n default: true\n allow_initial_load:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether initial load is allowed or not. The default value is 'false'.\n default: false\n\n CurrencyStatus:\n type: string\n description: For a multi-currency product, if this field is set to 'INACTIVE' then the wallets of this currency cannot be used in any transactions. Default value is 'ACTIVE'.\n enum:\n - INACTIVE\n - ACTIVE\n\n CardSettings:\n type: object\n description: An array of card settings to define the related characteristics such as bin, pan length, pan range, card validity code, etc. for the card product.\n required:\n - bin\n - pan_range\n properties:\n bin:\n type: string\n description: This is the Bank Identification Number assigned by the payment schemes.\n pattern: \"^([0-9]{6}|[0-9]{8})$\"\n example: \"450002\"\n pan_length:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n example: 16\n default: 16\n minimum: 16\n maximum: 19\n description: This is the length of the PAN (card number) that is to be generated.\n pan_range:\n type: array\n description: >\n Primary account number range. Within a BIN there is an allowed range of PANs from which a PAN can be generated. The following conditions must be true to pass validations -\n * start_range and end_range are >= 0;\n * start_range <= end_range;\n * Range intersections are not allowed when multiple ranges provided.\n\n The following maximum length is allowed for start_range and end_range -\n * BIN length = 6, PAN length = 16, maximum allowed length is 9 for start_range and end_range;\n * BIN length = 6, PAN length = 17, maximum allowed length is 10 for start_range and end_range;\n * BIN length = 6, PAN length = 18, maximum allowed length is 11 for start_range and end_range;\n * BIN length = 6, PAN length = 19, maximum allowed length is 12 for start_range and end_range;\n * BIN length = 8, PAN length = 16, maximum allowed length is 7 for start_range and end_range;\n * BIN length = 8, PAN length = 17, maximum allowed length is 8 for start_range and end_range;\n * BIN length = 8, PAN length = 18, maximum allowed length is 9 for start_range and end_range;\n * BIN length = 8, PAN length = 19, maximum allowed length is 10 for start_range and end_range.\n minItems: 1\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PanRange\"\n card_validity_term:\n type: number\n description: This is the term (in months) for which a newly created card will be valid for.\n format: int32\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 99\n example: 36\n default: 36\n service_code:\n type: string\n description: Service code is a 3-digit code with the values ranging from 000 to 999.\n pattern: '^[0-9]{3}$'\n example: \"201\"\n allow_new_card_creation:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter determines if new cards can be created for this card product.\n example: true\n default: true\n num_of_physical_cards_per_user:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: |\n Number of non-terminated physical cards allowed per user.\n example: 5\n default: 5\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 99\n num_of_virtual_cards_per_user:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: |\n Number of non-terminated virtual cards allowed per user.\n example: 5\n default: 5\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 99\n initial_status_of_physical_card:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/InitialPhysicalCardStatus\"\n initial_status_of_virtual_card:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/InitialVirtualCardStatus\"\n generate_proxy_number:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter describes if the proxy number is generated when card is issued.\n example: false\n create_account_with_card:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: |\n If true - account will be created & linked when 'Create card' API is called; If false - account won't be created.\n design_code:\n type: string\n description: The identifier for card design.\n example: \"CD_01\"\n maxLength: 10\n pattern: '^[ A-Za-z0-9_@./#&+-]*$'\n soft_expiry_period:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: |\n Number of months for defining the soft expiry period.\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 99\n example: 1\n virtual_to_physical_expiry_duration:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n example: 3\n description: This parameter indicates card expiry duration while migrating it from virtual to physical. It is measured in months. The default value is 3 months.\n soft_expiry_update_allowed:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates whether soft expiry update is allowed or not. The default value is false.\n soft_expiry_setting:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SoftExpirySetting\"\n\n CardSettingsUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n description: An array of card settings to define the related characteristics such as bin, pan length, pan range, card validity code, etc. for the card product.\n properties:\n bin:\n type: string\n description: This is the Bank Identification Number assigned by the payment schemes. BIN should not be passed in the 'update card product' request.\n pattern: \"^([0-9]{6}|[0-9]{8})$\"\n example: \"999999\"\n pan_length:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n example: 16\n minimum: 16\n maximum: 19\n description: This is the length of the PAN (card number) that is to be generated.\n pan_range:\n type: array\n description: >\n Primary account number range. Within a BIN there is an allowed range of PANs from which a PAN can be generated. PAN range(s) cannot be updated. However, new PAN range(s) can be added. The following conditions must be true to pass validations -\n * start_range and end_range are >= 0;\n * start_range <= end_range;\n * Range intersections are not allowed when multiple ranges provided.\n\n The following maximum length is allowed for start_range and end_range -\n * BIN length = 6, PAN length = 16, maximum allowed length is 9 for start_range and end_range;\n * BIN length = 6, PAN length = 17, maximum allowed length is 10 for start_range and end_range;\n * BIN length = 6, PAN length = 18, maximum allowed length is 11 for start_range and end_range;\n * BIN length = 6, PAN length = 19, maximum allowed length is 12 for start_range and end_range;\n * BIN length = 8, PAN length = 16, maximum allowed length is 7 for start_range and end_range;\n * BIN length = 8, PAN length = 17, maximum allowed length is 8 for start_range and end_range;\n * BIN length = 8, PAN length = 18, maximum allowed length is 9 for start_range and end_range;\n * BIN length = 8, PAN length = 19, maximum allowed length is 10 for start_range and end_range.\n minItems: 1\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PanRange\"\n card_validity_term:\n type: number\n description: This is the term (in months) for which a newly created card will be valid for.\n format: int32\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 99\n example: 36\n service_code:\n type: string\n description: Service code is a 3-digit code with the values ranging from 000 to 999.\n pattern: '^[0-9]{3}$'\n example: \"201\"\n allow_new_card_creation:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter determines if new cards can be created for this card product.\n example: true\n num_of_physical_cards_per_user:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: |\n Number of non-terminated physical cards allowed per user.\n example: 5\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 99\n num_of_virtual_cards_per_user:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: |\n Number of non-terminated virtual cards allowed per user.\n example: 5\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 99\n initial_status_of_physical_card:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/InitialPhysicalCardStatus\"\n initial_status_of_virtual_card:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/InitialVirtualCardStatus\"\n generate_proxy_number:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter describes if the proxy number is generated when card is issued.\n example: false\n create_account_with_card:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: |\n If true - account will be created & linked when 'Create card' API is called; If false - account won't be created.\n design_code:\n type: string\n description: The identifier for card design.\n example: \"CD_01\"\n maxLength: 10\n pattern: '^[ A-Za-z0-9_@./#&+-]*$'\n soft_expiry_period:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: |\n Number of months for defining the soft expiry period.\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 99\n example: 1\n virtual_to_physical_expiry_duration:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n example: 3\n description: This parameter indicates card expiry duration while migrating it from virtual to physical. It is measured in months. The default value is 3 months.\n soft_expiry_update_allowed:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates whether soft expiry update is allowed or not. The default value is false.\n soft_expiry_setting:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SoftExpirySetting\"\n\n AccountSettings:\n type: object\n description: An array of account settings to define the related characteristics such as link account to card, number of cards per account etc. for the card product.\n properties:\n link_account_to_card:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: |\n If false - account will not be linked to the card; If true - account will be linked to the card.\n num_of_cards_per_account:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n default: 1\n description: |\n The max number of cards that can be linked to a single account.\n\n PanRange:\n type: object\n required:\n - start_range\n - end_range\n description: |\n Within a BIN there is an allowed range of PANs from which a PAN can be generated.\n\n The following conditions must be true to pass validations:\n * start_range and end_range are >= 0;\n * start_range <= end_range;\n * Range intersections are not allowed when multiple ranges provided.\n\n The following maximum length is allowed for start_range and end_range:\n * BIN length = 6, PAN length = 16, maximum allowed length is 9 for start_range and end_range;\n * BIN length = 6, PAN length = 17, maximum allowed length is 10 for start_range and end_range;\n * BIN length = 6, PAN length = 18, maximum allowed length is 11 for start_range and end_range;\n * BIN length = 6, PAN length = 19, maximum allowed length is 12 for start_range and end_range.\n\n\n properties:\n start_range:\n type: integer\n description: The first value of the PAN range. This is the part of the PAN after the BIN and excluding the last check digit.\n format: int64\n minimum: 0\n example: 111111111\n end_range:\n type: integer\n description: The last value of the PAN range. This is the part of the PAN after the BIN and excluding the last check digit.\n format: int64\n minimum: 0\n example: 999999999\n\n PinSettings:\n type: object\n description: An array of PIN settings to define the related characteristics such as PIN type, PIN length, and PIN retries for the card product.\n properties:\n pin_type:\n type: string\n example: ONLINE_PIN_ONLY\n description: This parameter indicates the type of PIN supported by the card product. Values can be \"ONLINE_PIN_ONLY\" and \"BOTH_ONLINE_OFFLINE\".\n pin_length:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 4\n maximum: 12\n description: This is the length of the PIN to be supported. A PIN can have a length of 4 to 12 digits allowed by the payment schemes. Note that 'pin_length' parameter is for the first-time random PIN generation only.\n pin_retries:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 3\n maximum: 5\n description: This is the number of successive bad PIN retries allowed for a card.\n\n CardProductAuthSettings:\n type: object\n description: An array of authorization settings to define the related characteristics such as transaction controlling (enabling/disabling), authorization aging, etc. for the card product. Note that auth settings cannot be updated for an ACTIVE card product.\n properties:\n allow_atm:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if ATM transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_pos:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if transactions originating from point of sales are allowed or not.\n allow_chip:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if chip transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_magstripe:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if magnetic stripe transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_chip_fallback:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if chip fallback to magnetic stripe transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_without_pin:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if authorization transactions without PIN are allowed or not.\n allow_ecommerce_non_3DS:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if Ecommerce non-3DS transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_ecommerce_3DS:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if Ecommerce 3DS transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_ecommerce_without_CVV:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if Ecommerce transactions without CVV2/CVN2 are allowed or not.\n allow_account_verification_without_CVV:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if Ecommerce account verification transactions without CVV2/CVN2 are allowed or not.\n allow_quasi_cash:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if a quasi cash transaction is allowed or not.\n allow_scheme_account_funding:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if a scheme account funding transaction is allowed or not.\n allow_scheme_credits:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if scheme credit transactions like Visa OCT or MC MoneySend are allowed or not.\n allow_contactless:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if contactless transactions are allowed or not.\n auth_aging:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n example: 10\n description: This parameter indicates the number of days for which a scheme authorization can continue to block the funds without receiving a clearing from the merchant (default = 30 days).\n atc_threshold:\n type: string\n pattern: '^[A-F0-9]{1,2}$'\n description: ATC (application transaction counter), is an EMV tag maintained at chip level which is incremented for every transaction.\n example: \"FF\"\n allowed_mccs_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: Allowed MCCS identifier.\n example: \"a8180db3-b2e9-4ae0-93cd-2a0b52a99737\"\n allowed_countries_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: Allowed countries identifier.\n example: \"8358c501-56a3-43b0-b2b3-a2c49f3c33ab\"\n allow_atm_deposit:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: Allowed ATM deposit for MEEZA only.\n allow_cash_in:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: Allowed cash in for MEEZA only.\n allow_cash_out:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: Allowed cash out for MEEZA only.\n allow_initial_load:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether initial load is allowed or not. The default value is 'false'.\n default: false\n\n AuthSettings:\n type: object\n description: An array of authorization settings to define the related characteristics such as transaction controlling (enabling/disabling), authorization aging, etc. for the card product. Note that auth settings cannot be updated for an ACTIVE card product.\n properties:\n allow_atm:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if ATM transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_pos:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if transactions originating from point of sales are allowed or not.\n allow_chip:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if chip transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_magstripe:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if magnetic stripe transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_chip_fallback:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if chip fallback to magnetic stripe transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_without_pin:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if authorization transactions without PIN are allowed or not.\n allow_ecommerce_non_3DS:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if Ecommerce non-3DS transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_ecommerce_3DS:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if Ecommerce 3DS transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_ecommerce_without_CVV:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if Ecommerce transactions without CVV2/CVN2 are allowed or not.\n allow_account_verification_without_CVV:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if Ecommerce account verification transactions without CVV2/CVN2 are allowed or not.\n allow_quasi_cash:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if a quasi cash transaction is allowed or not.\n allow_scheme_account_funding:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if a scheme account funding transaction is allowed or not.\n allow_scheme_credits:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if scheme credit transactions like Visa OCT or MC MoneySend are allowed or not.\n allow_contactless:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if contactless transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_initial_load:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether initial load is allowed or not. The default value is 'false'.\n default: false\n auth_aging:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n example: 10\n description: This parameter indicates the number of days for which a scheme authorization can continue to block the funds without receiving a clearing from the merchant (default = 30 days).\n atc_threshold:\n type: string\n pattern: '^[A-F0-9]{1,2}$'\n description: ATC (application transaction counter), is an EMV tag maintained at chip level which is incremented for every transaction.\n example: \"FF\"\n allowed_countries_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: Allowed countries identifier.\n example: \"8358c501-56a3-43b0-b2b3-a2c49f3c33ab\"\n\n CardProductCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether there are more data to load.\n\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of card products\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProduct\"\n\n CardProductLinkIds:\n type: object\n properties:\n ids:\n type: array\n description: An array of IDs.\n items:\n type: string\n example: \"limit04\"\n\n UserCollection:\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\"\n example: \"Durable version of current results\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load.\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: User data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/User\"\n\n UserFilter:\n type: object\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: Filter by first, middle and last names of the user. Search works for complete or partial string.\n example: \"John\"\n mobile:\n type: string\n description: Filter by mobile number of the user. Search works for complete or partial string.\n example: \"+559999999995\"\n email:\n type: string\n description: Filter by user's email. Search works for complete or partial string.\n example: \"johndoe@example.com\"\n status:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n enum:\n - ACTIVE\n - PENDINGKYC\n - PENDINGKYB\n - PENDINGIDVERIFICATION\n - SUSPENDED\n - TERMINATED\n description: Filter by user's status.\n example: [ \"ACTIVE\" ]\n user_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserType\"\n description: Filter by user type.\n business_legal_name:\n type: string\n example: \"Insurance corporation\"\n description: Filter by business legal name, search for complete or partial string.\n business_dba_name:\n type: string\n example: \"John Smith insurance corporation\"\n description: Filter by business DBA name, search for complete or partial string.\n website:\n type: string\n example: \"example.com\"\n description: Filter by website, search for complete or partial string.\n created_from:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Search users created on this date and onwards.\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n created_to:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Search users created prior to this date.\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n modified_from:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Search users modified on this date and onwards.\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n modified_to:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Search users modified prior to this date.\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n limit:\n type: integer\n description: This is the maximum number of objects that may be returned. A query may return fewer than the value\n of limit once reached the end of the list of data.\n example: \"10\"\n after:\n type: string\n description: This is the cursor that points to the end of the page of data that has been returned.\n example: \"MTA=\"\n sort_by:\n type: string\n description: The way results should be sorted.\n example: \"created\"\n order_by:\n description: The way results should be ordered.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SortDirection\"\n\n User:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n ID parameter serves as the unique identifier of the user. If it is not included in the 'Create user' request, then the\n system generates it automatically. This field is used in other API calls to identify the user and\n cannot be updated.\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n title:\n description: |\n Title of a person. Possible values are MR/MRS/MISS.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserTitle\"\n first_name:\n description: |\n User's first name.\n example: \"John\"\n type: string\n middle_name:\n description: |\n User's middle name.\n example: \"Anthony\"\n type: string\n last_name:\n description: |\n User's last name.\n example: \"Smith\"\n type: string\n native_name:\n description: |\n Native name of the user.\n example: \"John Smith\"\n type: string\n native_last_name:\n description: Native last name.\n example: \"Júañ Hérreró\"\n maxLength: 60\n type: string\n full_legal_name:\n description: |\n Individual user name use for document verification process. It should has the same name as on legal ID document.\n example: \"John Smith\"\n type: string\n full_name_local_language:\n description: |\n User's full name in local language. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n type: string\n example: \"Volodymyr\"\n maxLength: 50\n father_name:\n description: |\n User's father’s name. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n type: string\n example: \"John Smith\"\n maxLength: 50\n mother_name:\n description: |\n User's mother's name. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n type: string\n example: \"Mary Ann\"\n maxLength: 50\n grandfather_name:\n description: |\n User's grandfather’s name.\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"Andrew\"\n family_name:\n description: |\n User's family name.\n type: string\n example: \"Smith\"\n maxLength: 50\n marital_status:\n description: |\n User's marital status.\n type: string\n example: \"Divorced\"\n employment_status:\n description: |\n User's employment status.\n type: string\n example: \"Worker\"\n business_type:\n description: |\n User / Agent's business type information.\n type: string\n example: \"LCC\"\n maxLength: 50\n legal_form:\n description: |\n User / Agent's legal form information.\n type: string\n example: \"Company\"\n maxLength: 50\n date_of_birth:\n type: string\n description: |\n The date of birth of the user in the following format - yyyy-mm-dd.\n format: date\n example: \"2012-05-04\"\n email:\n description: |\n A valid email address for the user.\n example: \"bob@example.com\"\n maxLength: 255\n type: string\n mobile:\n description: |\n Mobile number of the user (including area code), appended with \"+\" symbol and the first three digits to identify the country calling code. Please do not include hyphens, spaces or parentheses.\n example: \"+551185249635\"\n type: string\n address:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Address\"\n gender:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserGender\"\n education_level:\n description: |\n Education level.\n example: \"Graduate\"\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n preferred_language:\n description: |\n A selected language for 3D Secure and digital wallet token notifications sent to this user. By default, notifications are sent in English. The supported value should be provided in ISO language format.\n example: EN\n type: string\n place_of_birth:\n description: |\n The place of birth of the user. The format should be ISO alpha 3-character country code.\n example: USA\n type: string\n place_of_birth_city:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: The city of birth.\n example: \"Toronto\"\n nationality:\n description: |\n Nationality; must be one of ISO alpha 3-character country code.\n example: USA\n type: string\n parent_user_id:\n description: |\n Unique identifier of parent user\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n type: string\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n created_by:\n description: |\n Identifier of user's creator.\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified_by:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: This field indicates the user who executed the operation.\n default: \"API\"\n country_residence:\n type: string\n maxLength: 3\n description: |\n The country where the individual user resides or is currently citizen of. The format is ISO alpha 3-character country code.\n example: \"USA\"\n x-nymos-country: true\n country_tax_residence:\n type: string\n maxLength: 3\n description: |\n The country for which the tax rules apply to the individual/business user and the user pays tax according to it. The format is ISO alpha 3-character country code.\n example: \"USA\"\n x-nymos-country: true\n employment_type:\n description: |\n The employment type of the individual user.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/EmploymentType\"\n employment_title:\n type: string\n example: \"QAE\"\n description: |\n The job title (designation) for user_type = INDIVIDUAL. For user_type = BUSINESS this field can give the designation of the primary contact person of the business.\n maxLength: 50\n monthly_salary:\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n example: \"12000\"\n description: |\n The monthly salary of the user_type = INDIVIDUAL.\n company_name:\n type: string\n example: \"Example\"\n description: |\n The company name for which the individual works for in case of SALARIED OR company name that the individual runs in case of SELF-EMPLOYED or BUSINESS_OWNER. This parameter is required if \"employment_type\" = 'SALARIED\", \"EMPLOYED\" or \"BUSINESS_OWNER\".\n maxLength: 200\n company_address:\n type: object\n description: |\n The company name for which the individual works for in case of SALARIED OR company name that the individual runs in case of SELF-EMPLOYED OR BUSINESS_OWNER.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Address\"\n company_country:\n type: string\n maxLength: 3\n description: |\n Company country in format of ISO alpha 3-character country code. For user_type = INDIVIDUAL this field indicates the country in which the company is registered and conducts its business and activities.\n For user_type = BUSINESS this field indicates the country in which the business is registered and conducts its activities.\n example: \"USA\"\n x-nymos-country: true\n industry_type:\n type: object\n description: |\n For user_type = INDIVIDUAL and employment_type = SALARIED or employment_type = SELF-EMPLOYED or employment_type = BUSINESS_OWNER, for the individual who is employed in a company or running a company this field indicates the type of the industry in which the company operates.\n For user_type = BUSINESS, this field indicates the type of the industry in which the business operates.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/IndustryType\"\n expected_monthly_balance:\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n example: \"100000\"\n description: |\n For user_type = INDIVIDUAL this field indicates the expected monthly balance the individual user is planning to maintain in his accounts.\n For user_type = BUSINESS this field indicates the expected monthly balance the business is planning to maintain in its accounts.\n relationship_with_parent:\n type: object\n description: |\n For a child user this field indicates the relationship of the child user with the parent user. This field is allowed to be filled only in case of child user.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/RelationshipWithParent\"\n user_type:\n type: object\n description: |\n This parameter indicates type of the user. The default value 'INDIVIDUAL' is used if the parameter value is not explicitly specified in the received request.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserType\"\n business_legal_name:\n type: string\n example: \"Insurance corporation\"\n description: |\n The business legal name. This field may be used for KYB verification. Applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n maxLength: 200\n business_dba_name:\n type: string\n example: \"John Smith insurance corporation\"\n description: |\n The business’s secondary name. This field may be used for KYB verification, if the business name is different from the legal business name. Applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n maxLength: 50\n date_established:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The established date and time. Applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n phone_number:\n example: \"+551185249635\"\n pattern: '^\\+\\d+'\n type: string\n description: The telephone number.\n website:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: The website. Applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n example: \"example.com\"\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserStatus'\n status_reason_code:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserStatusReasonCode'\n kyc_policy_passed:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SupportedKycPolicies'\n designation:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: CEO\n description: |\n It is mandatory to provide this parameter if 'user_type' is DIRECTOR or SIGNATURE. The valid designation should be provided, such as: CEO, CPO, CEO - (region name).\n shares_percentage:\n type: number\n format: float\n example: 100\n description: It is mandatory to provide this parameter if 'user_type' is SHAREHOLDER or SHAREHOLDER_BUSINESS.\n share_controller_name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 100\n example: Nabil Benaissa\n description: It is mandatory to provide this parameter if 'user_type' is SHAREHOLDER or SHAREHOLDER_BUSINESS.\n local_address:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Address\"\n description: It is mandatory to provide this parameter if 'user_type' is SHAREHOLDER.\n incorporation_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserIncorporationType'\n description: This indicates whether this business entity is Limited, LLC, Free-zone or anything else.\n entity_registered_no:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"2233445533\"\n description: This parameter describes the business/entity registered number.\n old_entity_name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"Old name\"\n description: This parameter describes the business’s old name.\n old_entity_ops_start_date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: It is the start date when the business was operated under old name.\n example: \"2012-05-04\"\n old_entity_ops_end_date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: It is the end date when the business was operated under old name.\n example: \"2014-05-04\"\n regulated_entity:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates if the entity is a regulated entity or no. Possible values are true/false.\n regulator_name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"ABC\"\n description: This parameter indicates the regulator’s name. It is applicable if 'regulated_entity' parameter is set as 'true'.\n business_activities:\n type: string\n maxLength: 1000\n example: \"IT Services\"\n description: |\n This parameter describes the business/entity activities such as Payment Service Provider, IT service provider etc. It can be a comma separated values.\n other_operated_countries:\n type: string\n example: \"US\"\n description: This parameter indicates the valid country's name(s), where the business is operated.\n tax_residence_country:\n type: string\n example: \"UAE\"\n maxLength: 50\n description: This parameter indicates the name of a country, where the business has a tax residence.\n tin:\n type: string\n example: \"1122334455\"\n maxLength: 50\n description: Tax identification number.\n external_auditor_name:\n type: string\n example: \"ABC\"\n maxLength: 50\n description: Name of the external auditor.\n director_list:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n example: \"director_id1\"\n description: The list of directors. Up to 10 directors can be linked to a business user; but directors should be created prior creating the business user (if providing any ID in the list), else you can link the user later with the business.\n signature_list:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n example: \"signature_id1\"\n description: The list of signatures. Up to 10 signatures can be linked to a business user; but the signatures should be created prior creating the business user (if providing any ID in the list), else you can link the user later with the business.\n shareholder_list:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n example: \"shareholder_id1\"\n description: The list of shareholders. Up to 50 shareholders can be linked to a business user; but the shareholders should be created prior creating the business user (if providing any ID in the list), else you can link the user later with the business.\n company_onbehalf:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates if the company is opened on behalf of another person. Possible values are true/false.\n company_onbehalf_relation:\n type: string\n example: \"John Smith\"\n maxLength: 50\n description: In this parameter you should confirm the relationship of the beneficial owner. It is applicable if 'company_onbehalf' parameter is set as 'true'.\n group_additional_info:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserGroupAdditionalInfo'\n pep_check_info:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserPepCheckInfo'\n no_of_employees:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserNoOfEmployees'\n accept_cash_check:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether the corporate company accepts cash from end users or not. Possible values are true/false.\n annual_turnover:\n type: number\n description: This parameter describes the annual turnover of the business entity.\n source_of_funds:\n type: string\n example: \"Business\"\n maxLength: 50\n description: This parameter describes how is the company being funded.\n source_fund_uae:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether the business source of funds is derived from outside of the UAE or no. Possible values are true/false.\n due_diligence_declaration:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDueDiligenceDeclaration'\n license_type:\n type: string\n maxLength: 100\n example: \"Test License Updated\"\n description: The license type. This parameter is applicable for 'user_type' = SHAREHOLDER_BUSINESS.\n license_expiry:\n type: string\n format: date\n example: \"2025-06-06\"\n description: The license expiry. This parameter is applicable for 'user_type' = SHAREHOLDER_BUSINESS.\n estimated_activity_through_nymcard:\n type: string\n example: \"ABCD\"\n description: This parameter is optional and applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n expected_number_of_cards:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n example: \"1\"\n description: This parameter is optional and applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n expected_use_of_ncs_services:\n type: string\n example: \"ABCD\"\n description: This parameter is optional and applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n custom_info:\n type: object\n additionalProperties:\n type: string\n description: This parameter holds additional fields configured in tenant settings. This parameter is optional.\n\n UserGender:\n type: string\n example: \"MALE\"\n description: The gender of the user. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n enum:\n - MALE\n - FEMALE\n\n UserCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - first_name\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Unique identifier of the user. If this information is not present in the request, the system generates one automatically. Please note that this token ID is necessary for use in other API calls, so we recommend that rather than let the system generate one, you use a simple string that is easy to remember. This value cannot be updated.\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n title:\n description: |\n Title of a person. Possible values are MR/MRS/MISS.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserTitle\"\n first_name:\n description: |\n User's first name. This parameter is optional for 'user_type'=BUSINESS. Note, that when you want to simulate an Identity Verification process, please provide both the user's 'first_name' and 'last_name' parameters. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n example: \"John\"\n maxLength: 60\n type: string\n middle_name:\n description: |\n User's middle name. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n example: \"Anthony\"\n maxLength: 60\n type: string\n last_name:\n description: |\n User's last name. This parameter is mandatory to provide when Identity verification is required. Note, that when you want to simulate an Identity Verification process, please provide both the user's 'first_name' and 'last_name' parameters. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n example: \"Smith\"\n maxLength: 60\n type: string\n native_name:\n description: |\n Native name of the user. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n example: \"John Smith\"\n maxLength: 60\n type: string\n native_last_name:\n description: Native last name.\n example: \"Júañ Hérreró\"\n maxLength: 60\n type: string\n full_legal_name:\n description: |\n Individual user name use for document verification process. It should has the same name as on legal ID document.\n example: \"John Smith\"\n maxLength: 200\n type: string\n full_name_local_language:\n description: |\n User's father’s name. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n type: string\n example: \"Volodymyr\"\n maxLength: 50\n father_name:\n description: |\n User's father’s name. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n type: string\n maxLength: 60\n example: \"John Smith\"\n mother_name:\n description: |\n User's mother's name. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n type: string\n maxLength: 60\n example: \"Mary Ann\"\n grandfather_name:\n description: |\n User's grandfather’s name.\n type: string\n maxLength: 60\n example: \"Andrew\"\n family_name:\n description: |\n User's family name.\n type: string\n maxLength: 60\n example: \"Smith\"\n marital_status:\n description: |\n User's marital status.\n type: string\n example: \"Divorced\"\n employment_status:\n description: |\n User's employment status.\n type: string\n example: \"Worker\"\n business_type:\n description: |\n User / Agent's business type information.\n type: string\n example: \"LCC\"\n maxLength: 50\n legal_form:\n description: |\n User / Agent's legal form information.\n type: string\n example: \"Company\"\n maxLength: 50\n date_of_birth:\n type: string\n description: |\n The date of birth of the user in the following format - yyyy-mm-dd. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n format: date\n example: \"2012-05-04\"\n email:\n description: |\n A valid email address for the user.\n example: \"bob@example.com\"\n type: string\n maxLength: 255\n mobile:\n description: |\n Mobile number of the user (including area code), appended with \"+\" symbol and the first three digits to identify the country calling code. Please do not include hyphens, spaces or parentheses.\n example: \"+551185249635\"\n type: string\n address:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Address\"\n gender:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserGender\"\n education_level:\n description: |\n Education level.\n example: \"Graduate\"\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n preferred_language:\n description: |\n A selected language for 3D Secure and digital wallet token notifications sent to this user. By default, notifications are sent in English. The supported value should be provided in ISO language format.\n example: EN\n type: string\n place_of_birth:\n description: |\n The place of birth of the user. The format should be ISO alpha 3-character country code. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n example: USA\n type: string\n place_of_birth_city:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: The city of birth.\n example: \"Toronto\"\n nationality:\n description: |\n Nationality; must be one of ISO alpha 3-character country code. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n example: USA\n type: string\n parent_user_id:\n description: |\n Unique identifier of parent user. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n type: string\n created_by:\n description: |\n Identifier of user's creator.\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n country_residence:\n type: string\n maxLength: 3\n description: |\n The country where the individual user resides or is currently citizen of. The format is ISO alpha 3-character country code. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n example: \"USA\"\n x-nymos-country: true\n country_tax_residence:\n type: string\n maxLength: 3\n description: |\n The country for which the tax rules apply to the individual/business user and the user pays tax according to it. The format is ISO alpha 3-character country code.\n example: \"USA\"\n x-nymos-country: true\n employment_type:\n description: |\n The employment type of the individual user.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/EmploymentType\"\n employment_title:\n type: string\n example: \"QAE\"\n description: |\n The job title (designation) for user_type = INDIVIDUAL. For user_type = BUSINESS this field can give the designation of the primary contact person of the business.\n maxLength: 50\n monthly_salary:\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n example: \"12000\"\n description: |\n The monthly salary of the user_type = INDIVIDUAL.\n company_name:\n type: string\n example: \"Example\"\n description: |\n The company name for which the individual works for in case of SALARIED or company name that the individual runs in case of SELF-EMPLOYED or BUSINESS_OWNER. This parameter is required if \"employment_type\" = 'SALARIED\", \"EMPLOYED\" or \"BUSINESS_OWNER\".\n maxLength: 200\n company_address:\n type: object\n description: |\n The company name for which the individual works for in case of SALARIED or company name that the individual runs in case of SELF-EMPLOYED or BUSINESS_OWNER.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Address\"\n company_country:\n type: string\n maxLength: 3\n description: |\n Company country in format of ISO alpha 3-character country code. For user_type = INDIVIDUAL this field indicates the country in which the company is registered and conducts its business and activities.\n For user_type = BUSINESS this field indicates the country in which the business is registered and conducts its activities.\n example: \"USA\"\n x-nymos-country: true\n industry_type:\n type: object\n description: |\n For user_type = INDIVIDUAL and employment_type = SALARIED or employment_type = SELF-EMPLOYED or employment_type = BUSINESS_OWNER, for the individual who is employed in a company or running a company this field indicates the type of the industry in which the company operates.\n For user_type = BUSINESS, this field indicates the type of the industry in which the business operates.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/IndustryType\"\n expected_monthly_balance:\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n example: \"100000\"\n description: |\n For user_type = INDIVIDUAL this field indicates the expected monthly balance the individual user is planning to maintain in his accounts.\n For user_type = BUSINESS this field indicates the expected monthly balance the business is planning to maintain in its accounts.\n relationship_with_parent:\n type: object\n description: |\n For a child user this field indicates the relationship of the child user with the parent user. This field is allowed to be filled only in case of child user.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/RelationshipWithParent\"\n user_type:\n type: object\n description: |\n This parameter indicates type of the user. The default value 'INDIVIDUAL' should be used if the parameter value is not explicitly specified in the received request.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserType\"\n business_legal_name:\n type: string\n example: \"Insurance corporation\"\n description: |\n The business legal name. This field may be used for KYB verification. Applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n maxLength: 200\n business_dba_name:\n type: string\n example: \"John Smith insurance corporation\"\n description: |\n The business’s secondary name. This field may be used for KYB verification, if the business name is different from the legal business name. Applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n maxLength: 50\n date_established:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The established date and time. Applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n phone_number:\n example: \"+551185249635\"\n pattern: '^\\+\\d+'\n description: The telephone number.\n type: string\n website:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"example.com\"\n description: The website. Applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n designation:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: CEO\n description: |\n It is mandatory to provide this parameter if 'user_type' is DIRECTOR or SIGNATURE. The valid designation should be provided, such as: CEO, CPO, CEO - (region name).\n shares_percentage:\n type: number\n format: float\n example: 100\n description: It is mandatory to provide this parameter if 'user_type' is SHAREHOLDER or SHAREHOLDER_BUSINESS.\n share_controller_name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 100\n example: Nabil Benaissa\n description: It is mandatory to provide this parameter if 'user_type' is SHAREHOLDER or SHAREHOLDER_BUSINESS.\n local_address:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Address\"\n description: It is mandatory to provide this parameter if 'user_type' is SHAREHOLDER.\n incorporation_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserIncorporationType'\n description: This indicates whether this business entity is Limited, LLC, Free-zone or anything else.\n entity_registered_no:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"2233445533\"\n description: This parameter describes the business/entity registered number.\n old_entity_name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"Old name\"\n description: This parameter describes the business’s old name.\n old_entity_ops_start_date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: It is the start date when the business was operated under old name.\n example: \"2012-05-04\"\n old_entity_ops_end_date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: It is the end date when the business was operated under old name.\n example: \"2014-05-04\"\n regulated_entity:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates if the entity is a regulated entity or no. Possible values are true/false.\n regulator_name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"ABC\"\n description: This parameter indicates the regulator’s name. It is applicable if 'regulated_entity' parameter is set as 'true'.\n business_activities:\n type: string\n maxLength: 1000\n example: \"IT Services\"\n description: |\n This parameter describes the business/entity activities such as Payment Service Provider, IT service provider etc. It can be a comma separated values.\n other_operated_countries:\n type: string\n example: \"US\"\n description: This parameter indicates the valid country's name(s), where the business is operated.\n tax_residence_country:\n type: string\n example: \"UAE\"\n maxLength: 50\n description: This parameter indicates the name of a country, where the business has a tax residence.\n tin:\n type: string\n example: \"1122334455\"\n maxLength: 50\n description: Tax identification number.\n external_auditor_name:\n type: string\n example: \"ABC\"\n maxLength: 50\n description: Name of the external auditor.\n director_list:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n example: \"director_id1\"\n description: The list of directors. Up to 10 directors can be linked to a business user; but directors should be created prior creating the business user (if providing any ID in the list), else you can link the user later with the business.\n signature_list:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n example: \"signature_id1\"\n description: The list of signatures. Up to 10 signatures can be linked to a business user; but the signatures should be created prior creating the business user (if providing any ID in the list), else you can link the user later with the business.\n shareholder_list:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n example: \"shareholder_id1\"\n description: The list of shareholders. Up to 50 shareholders can be linked to a business user; but the shareholders should be created prior creating the business user (if providing any ID in the list), else you can link the user later with the business.\n company_onbehalf:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates if the company is opened on behalf of another person. Possible values are true/false.\n company_onbehalf_relation:\n type: string\n example: \"John Smith\"\n maxLength: 50\n description: In this parameter you should confirm the relationship of the beneficial owner. It is applicable if 'company_onbehalf' parameter is set as 'true'.\n group_additional_info:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserGroupAdditionalInfo'\n pep_check_info:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserPepCheckInfo'\n no_of_employees:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserNoOfEmployees'\n accept_cash_check:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether the corporate company accepts cash from end users or not. Possible values are true/false.\n annual_turnover:\n type: number\n description: This parameter describes the annual turnover of the business entity.\n source_of_funds:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"Business\"\n description: This parameter describes how is the company being funded.\n source_fund_uae:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether the business source of funds is derived from outside of the UAE or no. Possible values are true/false.\n due_diligence_declaration:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDueDiligenceDeclaration'\n license_type:\n type: string\n maxLength: 100\n example: \"Test License Updated\"\n description: The license type. This parameter is applicable for 'user_type' = SHAREHOLDER_BUSINESS.\n license_expiry:\n type: string\n format: date\n example: \"2025-06-06\"\n description: The license expiry. This parameter is applicable for 'user_type' = SHAREHOLDER_BUSINESS.\n estimated_activity_through_nymcard:\n type: string\n example: \"ABCD\"\n description: This parameter is optional and applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n expected_number_of_cards:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n example: \"1\"\n minimum: 0\n description: This parameter is optional and applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n expected_use_of_ncs_services:\n type: string\n example: \"ABCD\"\n description: This parameter is optional and applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n custom_info:\n type: object\n additionalProperties:\n type: string\n description: This parameter holds additional fields configured in tenant settings. This parameter is optional.\n\n UserUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n description: |\n This model allows the user to perform updates on user.\n properties:\n title:\n description: |\n Title of a person. Possible values are MR/MRS/MISS.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserTitle\"\n first_name:\n description: |\n User's first name. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n example: \"John\"\n type: string\n middle_name:\n description: |\n User's middle name. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n example: \"Anthony\"\n type: string\n last_name:\n description: |\n User's last name. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n example: \"Smith\"\n type: string\n native_name:\n description: |\n Native name of the user. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n example: \"John Smith\"\n type: string\n native_last_name:\n description: Native last name.\n example: \"Júañ Hérreró\"\n maxLength: 60\n type: string\n full_legal_name:\n description: |\n Individual user name use for document verification process. It should has the same name as on legal ID document.\n example: \"John Smith\"\n type: string\n full_name_local_language:\n description: |\n User's full name in local language. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n type: string\n example: \"Volodymyr\"\n maxLength: 50\n father_name:\n description: |\n User's father’s name. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n type: string\n example: \"John Smith\"\n maxLength: 50\n mother_name:\n description: |\n User's mother's name. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n type: string\n example: \"Mary Ann\"\n maxLength: 50\n grandfather_name:\n description: |\n User's grandfather’s name.\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"Andrew\"\n family_name:\n description: |\n User's family name.\n type: string\n example: \"Smith\"\n maxLength: 50\n marital_status:\n description: |\n User's marital status.\n type: string\n example: \"Divorced\"\n employment_status:\n description: |\n User's employment status.\n type: string\n example: \"Worker\"\n business_type:\n description: |\n User / Agent's business type information.\n type: string\n example: \"LCC\"\n maxLength: 50\n legal_form:\n description: |\n User / Agent's legal form information.\n type: string\n example: \"Company\"\n maxLength: 50\n date_of_birth:\n type: string\n description: |\n The date of birth of the user in the following format - yyyy-mm-dd. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n format: date\n example: \"2012-05-04\"\n email:\n description: |\n A valid email address for the user.\n example: \"bob@example.com\"\n type: string\n maxLength: 255\n mobile:\n description: |\n Mobile number of the user (including area code), appended with \"+\" symbol and the first three digits to identify the country calling code. Please do not include hyphens, spaces or parentheses.\n example: \"+551185249635\"\n type: string\n address:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Address\"\n gender:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserGender\"\n education_level:\n description: |\n Education level.\n example: \"Graduate\"\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n preferred_language:\n description: |\n A selected language for 3D Secure and digital wallet token notifications sent to this user. By default, notifications are sent in English. The supported value should be provided in ISO language format.\n example: EN\n type: string\n place_of_birth:\n description: |\n The place of birth of the user. The format should be ISO alpha 3-character country code. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n example: USA\n type: string\n place_of_birth_city:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: The city of birth.\n example: \"Toronto\"\n nationality:\n description: |\n Nationality; must be one of ISO alpha 3-character country code. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n example: USA\n type: string\n parent_user_id:\n description: |\n Unique identifier of parent user. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n type: string\n country_residence:\n type: string\n maxLength: 3\n description: |\n The country where the individual user resides or is currently citizen of. The format is ISO alpha 3-character country code. Note, that if KYC settings=true at the tenant level, this parameter can not be updated for user with ACTIVE status.\n example: \"USA\"\n x-nymos-country: true\n country_tax_residence:\n type: string\n maxLength: 3\n description: |\n The country for which the tax rules apply to the individual/business user and the user pays tax according to it. The format is ISO alpha 3-character country code.\n example: \"USA\"\n x-nymos-country: true\n employment_type:\n description: |\n The employment type of the individual user.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/EmploymentType\"\n employment_title:\n type: string\n example: \"QAE\"\n description: |\n The job title (designation) for user_type = INDIVIDUAL. For user_type = BUSINESS this field can give the designation of the primary contact person of the business.\n maxLength: 50\n monthly_salary:\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n example: \"12000\"\n description: |\n The monthly salary of the user_type = INDIVIDUAL.\n company_name:\n type: string\n example: \"Example\"\n description: |\n The company name for which the individual works for in case of SALARIED OR company name that the individual runs in case of SELF-EMPLOYED OR BUSINESS_OWNER. This parameter is required if \"employment_type\" = 'SALARIED\", \"EMPLOYED\" or \"BUSINESS_OWNER\".\n maxLength: 200\n company_address:\n type: object\n description: |\n The company name for which the individual works for in case of SALARIED OR company name that the individual runs in case of SELF-EMPLOYED OR BUSINESS_OWNER.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Address\"\n company_country:\n type: string\n maxLength: 3\n description: |\n Company country in format of ISO alpha 3-character country code. For user_type = INDIVIDUAL this field indicates the country in which the company is registered and conducts its business and activities.\n For user_type = BUSINESS this field indicates the country in which the Business is registered and conducts its activities.\n example: \"USA\"\n x-nymos-country: true\n industry_type:\n type: object\n description: |\n For user_type = INDIVIDUAL and employment_type = SALARIED or employment_type = SELF-EMPLOYED or employment_type = BUSINESS_OWNER, for the individual who is employed in a company or running a company this field indicates the type of the industry in which the company operates.\n For user_type = BUSINESS, this field indicates the type of the industry in which the business operates.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/IndustryType\"\n expected_monthly_balance:\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n example: \"100000\"\n description: |\n For user_type = INDIVIDUAL this field indicates the expected monthly balance the individual user is planning to maintain in his accounts.\n For user_type = BUSINESS this field indicates the expected monthly balance the business is planning to maintain in its accounts.\n relationship_with_parent:\n type: object\n description: |\n For a child user this field indicates the relationship of the child user with the parent user. This field is allowed to be filled only in case of child user.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/RelationshipWithParent\"\n business_legal_name:\n type: string\n example: \"Insurance corporation\"\n description: |\n The business legal name. This field may be used for KYB verification. Applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n maxLength: 200\n business_dba_name:\n type: string\n example: \"John Smith insurance corporation\"\n description: |\n The business’s secondary name. This field may be used for KYB verification, if the business name is different from the legal business name. Applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n maxLength: 50\n date_established:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The established date and time. Applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n phone_number:\n example: \"+551185249635\"\n pattern: '^\\+\\d+'\n type: string\n description: The telephone number.\n website:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"example.com\"\n description: The website. Applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n designation:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: CEO\n description: |\n It is mandatory to provide this parameter if 'user_type' is DIRECTOR or SIGNATURE. The valid designation should be provided, such as: CEO, CPO, CEO - (region name).\n shares_percentage:\n type: number\n format: float\n example: 100\n description: It is mandatory to provide this parameter if 'user_type' is SHAREHOLDER or SHAREHOLDER_BUSINESS.\n share_controller_name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 100\n example: Nabil Benaissa\n description: It is mandatory to provide this parameter if 'user_type' is SHAREHOLDER or SHAREHOLDER_BUSINESS.\n local_address:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Address\"\n description: It is mandatory to provide this parameter if 'user_type' is SHAREHOLDER.\n incorporation_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserIncorporationType'\n description: This indicates whether this business entity is Limited, LLC, Free-zone or anything else.\n entity_registered_no:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"2233445533\"\n description: This parameter describes the business/entity registered number.\n old_entity_name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"Old name\"\n description: This parameter describes the business’s old name.\n old_entity_ops_start_date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: It is the start date when the business was operated under old name.\n example: \"2012-05-04\"\n old_entity_ops_end_date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: It is the end date when the business was operated under old name.\n example: \"2014-05-04\"\n regulated_entity:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates if the entity is a regulated entity or no. Possible values are true/false.\n regulator_name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"ABC\"\n description: This parameter indicates the regulator’s name. It is applicable if 'regulated_entity' parameter is set as 'true'.\n business_activities:\n type: string\n maxLength: 1000\n example: \"IT Services\"\n description: |\n This parameter describes the business/entity activities such as Payment Service Provider, IT service provider etc. It can be a comma separated values.\n other_operated_countries:\n type: string\n example: \"US\"\n description: This parameter indicates the valid country's name(s), where the business is operated.\n tax_residence_country:\n type: string\n example: \"UAE\"\n maxLength: 50\n description: This parameter indicates the name of a country, where the business has a tax residence.\n tin:\n type: string\n example: \"1122334455\"\n maxLength: 50\n description: Tax identification number.\n external_auditor_name:\n type: string\n example: \"ABC\"\n maxLength: 50\n description: Name of the external auditor.\n director_list:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n example: \"director_id1\"\n description: The list of directors. Up to 10 directors can be linked to a business user; but directors should be created prior creating the business user (if providing any ID in the list), else you can link the user later with the business.\n signature_list:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n example: \"signature_id1\"\n description: The list of signatures. Up to 10 signatures can be linked to a business user; but the signatures should be created prior creating the business user (if providing any ID in the list), else you can link the user later with the business.\n shareholder_list:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n example: \"shareholder_id1\"\n description: The list of shareholders. Up to 50 shareholders can be linked to a business user; but the shareholders should be created prior creating the business user (if providing any ID in the list), else you can link the user later with the business.\n company_onbehalf:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates if the company is opened on behalf of another person. Possible values are true/false.\n company_onbehalf_relation:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"John Smith\"\n description: In this parameter you should confirm the relationship of the beneficial owner. It is applicable if 'company_onbehalf' parameter is set as 'true'.\n group_additional_info:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserGroupAdditionalInfo'\n pep_check_info:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserPepCheckInfo'\n no_of_employees:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserNoOfEmployees'\n accept_cash_check:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether the corporate company accepts cash from end users or not. Possible values are true/false.\n annual_turnover:\n type: number\n description: This parameter describes the annual turnover of the business entity.\n source_of_funds:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"Business\"\n description: This parameter describes how is the company being funded.\n source_fund_uae:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether the business source of funds is derived from outside of the UAE or no. Possible values are true/false.\n due_diligence_declaration:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDueDiligenceDeclaration'\n license_type:\n type: string\n maxLength: 100\n example: \"Test License Updated\"\n description: The license type. This parameter is applicable for 'user_type' = SHAREHOLDER_BUSINESS.\n license_expiry:\n type: string\n format: date\n example: \"2025-06-06\"\n description: The license expiry. This parameter is applicable for 'user_type' = SHAREHOLDER_BUSINESS.\n estimated_activity_through_nymcard:\n type: string\n example: \"ABCD\"\n description: This parameter is optional and applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n expected_number_of_cards:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n example: \"1\"\n minimum: 0\n description: This parameter is optional and applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n expected_use_of_ncs_services:\n type: string\n example: \"ABCD\"\n description: This parameter is optional and applicable for 'user_type' = BUSINESS.\n custom_info:\n type: object\n additionalProperties:\n type: string\n description: This parameter holds additional fields configured in tenant settings. This parameter is optional.\n\n UserType:\n type: string\n example: \"INDIVIDUAL\"\n description: The type of the user. You can find all necessary fields per each user type in this GSG doc - https://docs.nymcard.com/get-started/program-management/necessary-parameters-per-user-type. Note, that 'AGENT' user can have a 'parent_user_id' corresponding to an 'AGENT' or 'BUSINESS' user (and not the other user types).\n enum:\n - INDIVIDUAL # default value\n - BUSINESS\n - DIRECTOR\n - SIGNATURE\n - SHAREHOLDER\n - SHAREHOLDER_BUSINESS\n - AGENT\n\n EmploymentType:\n type: string\n example: \"SALARIED\"\n description: The employment type of the individual user.\n enum:\n - SALARIED\n - SELF_EMPLOYED\n - RETIRED\n - NOT_EMPLOYED\n - BUSINESS_OWNER\n - STUDENT\n - HOMEMAKER\n - OTHER\n\n IndustryType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - I01 # Gambling/Casinos\n - I02 # Defence/Military goods or Arms Dealers and Manufacturers\n - I03 # Exchange Companies / Bureaus de Change, Money Changers, Hawala dealers / Other Finance Companies (For e.g. Derivatives Trading, Hedge Funds, Unregistered/Pvt Collective Investment Schemes)\n - I04 # Real Estate Brokers / Real Estate Agencies / Real Estate Developers (Non-Govt)\n - I05 # Charity Organizations, Religious/Social/Non-Profit Organizations, Cooperative/Social/Professional Societies & associations\n - I06 # Auction Houses\n - I07 # Dealers in Luxury Goods: (Definition of Luxury Goods include: Precious metals & Stones, Jewelry & Antiques, Art, Furs, Yachts , Executive/Private Jets)\n - I08 # Trust Service Providers, Lawyers, Accountants, Tax Advisers, Auditors\n - I09 # Private Banking Relationship\n - I11 # Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting\n - I12 # Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction\n - I13 # Utilities (water, gas, electricity)\n - I14 # Telecommunications\n - I15 # Construction\n - I16 # Manufacturing\n - I17 # Wholesale Trade\n - I18 # Retail Trade and Commerce\n - I19 # Transportation and Warehousing\n - I20 # Technology\n - I21 # Finance and Insurance\n - I22 # Real Estate and Rental and Leasing\n - I23 # Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services\n - I24 # Management of Companies and Enterprises\n - I25 # Educational Services\n - I26 # Health Care and Social Assistance\n - I27 # Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation\n - I28 # Hotels and Food Services\n - I29 # Public Administration\n - I30 # Administrative and Support and Waste Management\n - I00 # Other\n description: >\n Type of industry:\n * `I01`: Gambling/Casinos\n * `I02`: Defence/Military goods or Arms Dealers and Manufacturers\n * `I03`: Exchange Companies / Bureaus de Change, Money Changers, Hawala dealers / Other Finance Companies (For e.g. Derivatives Trading, Hedge Funds, Unregistered/Pvt Collective Investment Schemes)\n * `I04`: Real Estate Brokers / Real Estate Agencies / Real Estate Developers (Non * Govt)\n * `I05`: Charity Organizations, Religious/Social/Non * Profit Organizations, Cooperative/Social/Professional Societies & associations\n * `I06`: Auction Houses\n * `I07`: Dealers in Luxury Goods: (Definition of Luxury Goods include: Precious metals & Stones, Jewelry & Antiques, Art, Furs, Yachts , Executive/Private Jets)\n * `I08`: Trust Service Providers, Lawyers, Accountants, Tax Advisers, Auditors\n * `I09`: Private Banking Relationship\n * `I11`: Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting\n * `I12`: Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction\n * `I13`: Utilities (water, gas, electricity)\n * `I14`: Telecommunications\n * `I15`: Construction\n * `I16`: Manufacturing\n * `I17`: Wholesale Trade\n * `I18`: Retail Trade and Commerce\n * `I19`: Transportation and Warehousing\n * `I20`: Technology\n * `I21`: Finance and Insurance\n * `I22`: Real Estate and Rental and Leasing\n * `I23`: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services\n * `I24`: Management of Companies and Enterprises\n * `I25`: Educational Services\n * `I26`: Health Care and Social Assistance\n * `I27`: Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation\n * `I28`: Hotels and Food Services\n * `I29`: Public Administration\n * `I30`: Administrative and Support and Waste Management\n * `I00`: Other\n\n RelationshipWithParent:\n type: string\n description: For a child user this field indicates the relationship of the child user with the parent user.\n enum:\n - SON\n - DAUGHTER\n - NEPHEW\n - NIECE\n - HUSBAND\n - WIFE\n - FATHER\n - MOTHER\n - EMPLOYEE\n - OTHER\n\n UserTitle:\n type: string\n description: The user's title/prefix.\n enum:\n - MR\n - MRS\n - MISS\n\n Address:\n type: object\n description: The details of the address. \"ADDRESS\" parameter stands for user's address. \"COMPANY_ADDRESS\" parameter stands for company's address. \"LOCAL_ADDRESS\" parameter stands for designated address shared in onboarding form for shareholders. It is mandatory to provide \"LOCAL_ADDRESS\" parameter if 'user_type' is SHAREHOLDER.\n properties:\n address_line1:\n type: string\n maxLength: 100\n description: |\n Address Line 1.\n example: \"Flat 1904\"\n address_line2:\n type: string\n maxLength: 100\n description: |\n Address Line 2.\n example: \"Glass Tower\"\n city:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: |\n City.\n example: \"New York City\"\n state:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: |\n State.\n example: \"New York\"\n postal_code:\n type: string\n maxLength: 10\n description: |\n Postal code.\n example: \"12345\"\n country:\n type: string\n maxLength: 3\n description: |\n Country; must be one of ISO alpha 3-character country code.\n example: \"USA\"\n province:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: |\n Province name.\n example: \"Dakota\"\n district:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: |\n District name.\n example: \"Bronx\"\n street:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: |\n Street name.\n example: \"Ivy lane\"\n building:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: |\n Building number.\n example: \"12\"\n nearest_place:\n type: string\n maxLength: 100\n description: |\n Nearest place.\n example: \"Burj Khalifa\"\n\n UserAlias:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of user alias.\n example: \"3e9392df-4093-4389-a0ad-92456a181b8a\"\n alias:\n type: string\n description: The alias.\n example: \"Smith\"\n status:\n type: boolean\n description: The alias status.\n example: true\n user_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of user.\n example: \"4e9392df-4093-4389-a0ad-69376a181b8a\"\n account_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of account.\n example: \"5e9392df-4093-4389-a0ad-036746a181b8a\"\n full_name:\n type: string\n description: The full name.\n example: \"John Smith\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n\n UserAliasCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - alias\n - account_id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of user alias.\n example: \"3e9392df-4093-4389-a0ad-92456a181b8a\"\n alias:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n description: The alias.\n example: \"Smith\"\n status:\n type: boolean\n description: The alias status.\n example: true\n account_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of account.\n example: \"5e9392df-4093-4389-a0ad-036746a181b8a\"\n\n UserAliasUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n alias:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n description: The alias.\n example: \"Smith\"\n status:\n type: boolean\n description: The alias status.\n example: true\n account_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of account.\n example: \"5e9392df-4093-4389-a0ad-036746a181b8a\"\n\n TitleFetchRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - value\n properties:\n type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/TitleFetchType'\n value:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n description: The title fetch value.\n example: \"3908340680\"\n\n TitleFetchResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n account_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of account.\n example: \"5e9392df-4093-4389-a0ad-036746a181b8a\"\n full_name:\n type: string\n description: The full name.\n example: \"John Smith\"\n\n TitleFetchType:\n type: string\n description: The title fetch type.\n enum:\n - ALIAS\n\n Identification:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Identification ID.\n example: \"3e9392df-4093-4389-a0ad-92456a181b8a\"\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/IdentificationType\"\n title:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n example: \"SELFIE\"\n description: The document title.\n user_id:\n type: string\n example: \"132123123\"\n description: Unique identifier of the user.\n number:\n type: string\n example: \"132123123\"\n description: The document number.\n issuance_authority:\n type: string\n example: \"Ministry of defense\"\n description: The name of issuance authority.\n place_of_issuance:\n type: string\n example: \"Lebanon\"\n description: The place of issuance.\n issuance_date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The issuance date of the document.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n expiration_date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The expiration date of the document.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n document_status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/IdentificationStatus\"\n document_status_reason:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/IdentificationStatusReasonCode\"\n files:\n type: array\n description: An array of file upload data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FileRef\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n identification_note:\n type: string\n maxLength: 100\n description: A note, which contains details about the identification type.\n example: \"Some note\"\n\n IdentificationCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - number\n properties:\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/IdentificationType\"\n title:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n example: \"SELFIE\"\n description: The document title.\n number:\n type: string\n example: \"132123123\"\n description: The document number.\n issuance_authority:\n type: string\n example: \"Ministry of defense\"\n description: The name of issuance authority.\n place_of_issuance:\n type: string\n example: \"Lebanon\"\n description: The place of issuance.\n expiration_date:\n type: string\n description: The expiration date of the document.\n example: \"2022-05-04\"\n issuance_date:\n type: string\n description: The issuance date of the document.\n example: \"2012-05-04\"\n identification_note:\n type: string\n maxLength: 100\n description: A note, which contains details about the identification type.\n example: \"Some note\"\n\n IdentificationUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n title:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n example: \"SELFIE\"\n description: The document title.\n number:\n type: string\n example: \"132123123\"\n description: The document number.\n issuance_authority:\n type: string\n example: \"Ministry of defense\"\n description: The name of issuance authority.\n place_of_issuance:\n type: string\n example: \"Lebanon\"\n description: The place of issuance.\n expiration_date:\n type: string\n description: The expiration date of the document.\n example: \"2012-05-04\"\n issuance_date:\n type: string\n description: The issuance date of the document.\n example: \"2012-05-04\"\n identification_note:\n type: string\n maxLength: 100\n description: A note, which contains details about the identification type.\n example: \"Some note\"\n\n IdentificationStatus:\n type: string\n description: The identification status.\n enum:\n - PENDINGKYB # default\n\n IdentificationStatusReasonCode:\n type: string\n description: The identification status reason code.\n enum:\n - I0 # default\n\n IdentificationType:\n type: string\n description: The identification type of file to be uploaded.\n enum:\n - PASSPORT\n - VISA\n - NATIONAL_ID\n - CIVIL_ID\n - TRADE_LICENSE\n - COMMERCIAL_LICENSE\n - INCORPORATION_CERT\n - INCUMBENCY_CERT\n - MEMORANDUM_ARTICLES\n - BANK_STATEMENT\n - ADDITIONAL\n\n IdentificationDocumentType:\n type: string\n description: The identification document type of file to be uploaded.\n enum:\n - NATIONAL_ID_FRONT\n - NATIONAL_ID_BACK\n - PASSPORT_PAGE1\n - PASSPORT_PAGE2\n - VISA\n - ADDITIONAL_PAGE_1\n - ADDITIONAL_PAGE_2\n\n UserIdentificationCollection:\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of user identification data\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Identification\"\n\n FileRef:\n type: object\n description: File data.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Unique file ID.\n example: 9e354f40-2ea5-43a9-92ec-2f967c3981f9.png\n file_name:\n type: string\n description: File name.\n example: 9e354f40-2ea5-43a9-92ec-2f967c3981f9.png\n content_type:\n type: string\n description: File's data content type.\n example: \"application/pdf\"\n size:\n type: integer\n format: int64\n description: File size.\n example: 4562\n identification_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/IdentificationType\"\n identification_document_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/IdentificationDocumentType\"\n version:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: The version of the document.\n example: 1\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when file was created.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n title:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n example: \"SELFIE\"\n description: The document title.\n\n FileUploadMetadata:\n type: object\n description: File upload metadata.\n properties:\n location:\n type: string\n description: File's location(file_path + file_name).\n example: \"tenant1/user120/e9f2cefe-e859-4a02-89bc-7fc3792cac74.pdf\"\n file_path:\n type: string\n description: File's path.\n example: \"tenant1/user120/e9f2cefe-e859-4a02-89bc-7fc3792cac74.pdf\"\n file_name:\n type: string\n description: File name.\n example: \"e9f2cefe-e859-4a02-89bc-7fc3792cac74.pdf\"\n original_file_name:\n type: string\n description: File name passed while uploading file.\n example: \"a2.pdf\"\n content_type:\n type: string\n description: File's data content type.\n example: \"application/pdf\"\n md5:\n type: string\n description: MD5 hash of file's data encoded in base64.\n example: \"957789812c1767bb6939ea0089b75a00\"\n etag:\n type: string\n description: HTTP 1.1 Entity tag for the file.\n example: \"957789812c1767bb6939ea0089b75a00\"\n size:\n type: integer\n format: int64\n example: 1000\n description: Content length of the data in bytes.\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when file was created.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n\n FileUploadContent:\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/FileUpload'\n - type: object\n properties:\n content:\n type: string\n example: \"2rl0Dvc1gTrOTTqzgNaK62wj9tT91kEZRjUGF2kWWeBN4BGy7xYdAR7Mc6duajDBLQ_y8pBKeXaxRPUXIcK5K734Z7rmtAYIzMam2RClvKcU\"\n description: Content data, base64 encoded (urlsafe, no padding, no wrap).\n\n FileUpload:\n type: object\n discriminator: id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Unique file ID.\n user_id:\n type: string\n example: \"user120\"\n description: The link to user_id. Might be usefull for retrieving all uploads for account_id.\n metadata:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FileUploadMetadata\"\n\n Cursors:\n type: object\n description: Cursors\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\"\n example: John Smith\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"This parameter indicates whether there are more data to load.\"\n\n Paging:\n type: object\n description: Paging\n properties:\n cursors:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Cursors\"\n CardCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\n example: \"MjAxOC0wMS0wMlQxOTo0MjozMi45ODda\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: Indicates whether there are more data to load.\n data:\n type: array\n description: Card data\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Card\"\n\n Card:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n user_id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: Token identifier of the user who owns this card.\n card_type:\n description: Type of card which should be issued. Applicable values are virtual/physical.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardType\"\n card_product_id:\n description: The unique identifier of the card product. This token id is referred to as an existing card product.\n type: string\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n reference_card_id:\n type: string\n description: Token identifier of the card to refer to when creating a card linked to an existing account.\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n bulk_issuance_id:\n type: string\n description: Token identifier of the bulk issuance request to which this card belongs to.\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n name_on_card:\n type: string\n description: Name to print on the card and track data. If this field finds empty in the request, then the name of the user profile will be printed on the card.\n example: \"John Smith\"\n maxLength: 20\n card_product_name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: description from Card Product used as a card product name\n shipping_details:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardShippingDetails\"\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardStatus\"\n status_reason:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardStatusReason\"\n description: Status reason\n type: string\n example: 's0'\n fulfillment_status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FulfillmentStatus\"\n bin:\n type: string\n description: Card BIN number.\n example: \"123456\"\n last_four:\n type: string\n description: Card last four digits.\n example: \"5789\"\n expiry_date:\n type: string\n description: Card expiry date.\n example: \"01/2025\"\n pin_retries:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: When the cardholder performs a bad PIN, a counter is maintained at the card level to keep track of successive bad PIN attempts.\n proxy_number:\n type: string\n description: Alternate card identifier.\n example: \"0000367466\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified_by:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n default: \"API\"\n description: This field indicates the user who executed the operation.\n extra_embossing_line:\n type: string\n maxLength: 20\n description: Extra embossing line.\n example: \"CLASSIC\"\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9\\s]+$'\n card_soft_expiry:\n type: string\n description: Card soft expiry date.\n example: \"01/2025\"\n auth_settings:\n description: An array of authorization settings.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/InternalAuthSettings\"\n is_account_linked:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameters becomes true once account is linked with card.\n example: true\n delivery_charge_id:\n type: string\n description: Identifier of the delivery charge.\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-5680-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n change_to_physical:\n type: boolean\n description: Set this parameter as true, if you want to change virtual card to physical.\n example: true\n\n CardCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - card_product_id\n - user_id\n - card_type\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of the card. If you do not include a token, the system generates one automatically. This token is necessary for use in other API calls and this value cannot be updated.\n user_id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: Token identifier of the user who owns this card.\n card_type:\n description: The type of the card. Supported values are physical and virtual.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardType\"\n card_product_id:\n description: The unique identifier of the card product. This token id is referred to as an existing card product. The card creating with this card product token will inherit all of its characteristics.\n type: string\n example: \"aabc9d-996azam799-9ac99879b9a9bC99\"\n reference_card_id:\n type: string\n description: Token identifier of the card to refer to when creating a card linked to an existing account.\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n bulk_issuance_id:\n type: string\n description: Token identifier of the bulk issuance request to which this card belongs to.\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n name_on_card:\n type: string\n description: Name to print on the card and track data. If this field finds empty in the request, then the name of the user profile will be printed on the card.\n example: \"John Smith\"\n maxLength: 20\n shipping_details:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardShippingDetails\"\n dry_run:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: |\n This field value decides whether to create a resource or not after performing all necessary operations. Applicable values for this field are true/false and the default value is false.\n card_validity_term:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 99\n example: 36\n description: |\n This is the term (in months) for which a newly created card will be valid for.\n Used to set the expiry date for the card. The expiry date shall be calculated from the date of card creation till the number of months given by this parameter. This field is optional; if it is empty, then card_validity_term from card_product shall be used. Card validity term of the card can not be greater than that of the card product.\n extra_embossing_line:\n type: string\n maxLength: 20\n description: Extra embossing line.\n example: \"CLASSIC\"\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9\\s]+$'\n credit_settings:\n $ref: '#/definitions/CreditSettingsRequest'\n credit_limits:\n $ref: '#/definitions/CreditLimitsRequest'\n delivery_charge_id:\n type: string\n description: Identifier of the delivery charge.\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-7880-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n\n CardUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n bulk_issuance_id:\n type: string\n description: Token identifier of the bulk issuance request to which this card belongs to.\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n name_on_card:\n type: string\n description: Name to print on the card and track data. If this field finds empty in the request, then the name of the user profile will be printed on the card.\n example: \"John Smith\"\n maxLength: 20\n shipping_details:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardShippingDetails\"\n extra_embossing_line:\n type: string\n maxLength: 20\n description: Extra embossing line.\n example: \"CLASSIC\"\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9\\s]+$'\n change_to_physical:\n type: boolean\n credit_settings:\n $ref: '#/definitions/CreditSettingsRequest'\n credit_limits:\n $ref: '#/definitions/CreditLimitsRequest'\n\n CreditSettingsRequest:\n type: object\n description: The exposed revolving credit settings.\n properties:\n statement_on:\n type: number\n format: integer\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 28\n example: 25\n description: Statement day of the month.\n grace_period:\n type: number\n format: integer\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 27\n example: 25\n description: This field defines the number of days to add in the billing date to calculate the due date of a billing cycle.\n late_payment_grace_period:\n type: number\n format: integer\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 5\n example: 3\n description: The period of time granted by a financial institution during which a borrower or debtor can make a payment after the due date without late fee.\n delinquency_grace_period:\n type: number\n format: integer\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 5\n example: 3\n description: The specified period of time granted by a financial institution during which a borrower or debtor can make a payment after the due date without having an impact on their credit score and other punitive actions.\n\n CreditLimitsRequest:\n type: object\n description: the exposed revolving credit limits in the create-card/update-card API\n properties:\n assigned_credit_limit:\n type: number\n format: int\n example: 50\n cash_adv_limit_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashAdvLimitType\"\n cash_adv_limit_value:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 50.00\n description: The value of cash advance limit.\n\n\n CardShippingMethod:\n type: string\n description: Shipping method, for example by courier.\n enum:\n - COURIER\n\n CardShippingDetails:\n type: object\n description: Details of card shipping destination.\n properties:\n method:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardShippingMethod\"\n description: Shipping method, for example by courier.\n return_address:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ReturnAddress\"\n description: Address details of where the card will be returned if the card cannot be delivered.\n shipping_address:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardAddress\"\n description: Address to which the card will be shipped. If empty then the name, mobile, and address will be taken from the user profile.\n\n ReturnAddress:\n type: object\n description: Address details of where the card will be returned if the card cannot be delivered.\n properties:\n first_name:\n type: string\n description: First name of card recipient.\n maxLength: 60\n example: John\n middle_name:\n type: string\n description: Middle name of card recipient.\n maxLength: 60\n example: Anthony\n last_name:\n type: string\n description: Last name of card recipient.\n maxLength: 60\n example: Smith\n mobile:\n type: string\n description: Mobile number of card recipient.\n maxLength: 20\n example: \"+551185249635\"\n address_line1:\n type: string\n maxLength: 255\n example: \"Flat 1904\"\n description: |\n Address line 1.\n 255 char max, though lower limits may be imposed by providers.\n Perfect Plastic Printing and IDEMIA limit chars to 100, and Arroweye Solutions limits chars to 50.\n address_line2:\n type: string\n maxLength: 255\n example: \"Glass Tower\"\n description: |\n Address line 2.\n 255 char max, though lower limits may be imposed by providers.\n Perfect Plastic Printing and IDEMIA limit chars to 100, and Arroweye Solutions limits chars to 50.\n city:\n type: string\n description: City\n maxLength: 40\n example: \"New York City\"\n state:\n type: string\n description: State\n example: \"New York\"\n maxLength: 32\n country:\n type: string\n description: Country to which the card will be returned. The format is 3-letter ISO_4217 code.\n example: \"USA\"\n maxLength: 3\n postal_code:\n type: string\n description: Postal code\n maxLength: 10\n example: \"12345\"\n\n CardAddress:\n type: object\n description: Address to which the card will be shipped.\n properties:\n first_name:\n type: string\n description: First name of card recipient.\n maxLength: 60\n example: John\n middle_name:\n type: string\n description: Middle name of card recipient.\n maxLength: 60\n example: Anthony\n last_name:\n type: string\n description: Last name of card recipient.\n maxLength: 60\n example: Smith\n mobile:\n type: string\n description: Mobile number of card recipient.\n maxLength: 20\n example: \"+551185249635\"\n address_line1:\n type: string\n maxLength: 255\n example: \"Flat 1904\"\n description: |\n Address line 1.\n 255 char max, though lower limits may be imposed by providers.\n Perfect Plastic Printing and IDEMIA limit chars to 100, and Arroweye Solutions limits chars to 50.\n address_line2:\n type: string\n maxLength: 255\n example: \"Glass Tower\"\n description: |\n Address line 2.\n 255 char max, though lower limits may be imposed by providers.\n Perfect Plastic Printing and IDEMIA limit chars to 100, and Arroweye Solutions limits chars to 50.\n city:\n type: string\n description: City\n maxLength: 40\n example: \"New York City\"\n state:\n type: string\n description: State\n example: \"New York\"\n maxLength: 32\n country:\n type: string\n description: Country to which the card will be shipped. The format is 3-letter ISO_4217 code.\n example: \"USA\"\n maxLength: 3\n postal_code:\n type: string\n description: Postal code\n maxLength: 10\n example: \"12345\"\n\n CardInfo:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/Card\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n number:\n type: string\n description: PAN - primary account number. It is printed on the front of the card.\n example: \"9999999999999999\"\n cvv2:\n type: string\n description: CVV2 - card verification value.\n example: \"999\"\n\n CardStatus:\n type: string\n description: The status of a card.\n enum:\n - INACTIVE\n - ACTIVE\n - SUSPENDED\n - TERMINATED\n\n CardStatusReason:\n type: string\n enum:\n - I0\n - I1\n - I2\n - I3\n - A0\n - A1\n - A3\n - AT\n - S0\n - S1\n - S2\n - S3\n - S4\n - S5\n - S6\n - S7\n - ST\n - T0\n - T1\n - T2\n - T3\n - T4\n - T5\n - T6\n - T7\n - T8\n - T9\n - T10\n - T11\n - T12\n - T13\n - T14\n - T15\n - T16\n - T17\n - T18\n\n description: >\n Status Reason Code:\n * `I0`: First time created: when the card is created.\n * `I1`: Embossing generated: when the card is embossed.\n * `I2`: Card created with no account.\n * `I3`: Embossing generated with no account.\n * `A0`: First time activation: when activated from Inactive to Active status.\n * `A1`: Resumed from Suspended status: when card is moved back to Active status.\n * `A3`: Activated by admin.\n * `AT`: Active in transition phase.\n * `S0`: Temporary suspension: initiated by the user or system user or the system.\n * `S1`: PIN retries exhausted: when bad PIN retries are exhausted.\n * `S2`: Card validity expired.\n * `S3`: Admin rejected due to ID verification failed.\n * `S4`: Suspended by admin.\n * `S5`: Admin rejected due to ID verification failed.\n * `S6`: Suspended by admin.\n * `S7`: Admin suspended due to being delinquent for a certain amount of time\n * `ST`: Suspended in transition phase.\n * `T0`: Card Lost.\n * `T1`: Card Stolen.\n * `T2`: Card Expired.\n * `T3`: Card Damaged.\n * `T4`: Closed by user.\n * `T5`: Closed by issuer.\n * `T6`: Closed by issuer after renewal\n * `T7`: Admin terminated due to limited time exceeded and action taken for ID verification fail.\n * `T8`: Terminated by admin.\n * `T9`: Admin terminated due to ID verification failed.\n * `T10`: Admin terminated due to limited time exceeded and action taken for KYB fail.\n * `T11`: Terminated by Admin.\n * `T12`: System terminated due to ID verification rejected.\n * `T13`: System terminated due to ID verification suspected.\n * `T14`: Failed KYC.\n * `T15`: Terminated by admin.\n * `T16`: Terminated by admin.\n * `T17`: Admin terminated due to ID verification failed.\n * `T18`: Admin terminated due to KYC failed.\n\n\n FulfillmentStatus:\n type: string\n description: Fulfilment status of the card.\n enum:\n - CREATED\n - ORDERED\n\n UserStatusChangeRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - status\n - status_reason_code\n properties:\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserStatus\"\n status_reason_code:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserStatusReasonCode\"\n note:\n type: string\n example: \"Some note regarding the reason of user status change.\"\n description: This field is to capture additional information while changing the user status.\n modified_by:\n type: string\n default: \"API\"\n description: This field indicates the user who executed the operation.\n\n UserStatus:\n type: string\n description: The status of the user.\n enum:\n - PENDINGKYC\n - PENDINGKYB\n - ACTIVE\n - SUSPENDED\n - TERMINATED\n - PENDINGIDVERIFICATION\n\n UserStatusReasonCode:\n type: string\n description: >\n Status Change Reason Code:\n * `I0`: Initial status.\n * `A0`: First time activation: when activated from PENDINGKYC to ACTIVE status.\n * `A1`: Resumed from Suspended status: when user is moved back to ACTIVE status.\n * `A2`: Admin Activated the user from status suspended.\n * `A3`: Admin activated the user by manual intervention from the dashboard.\n * `A4`: Admin Activated the business user from status suspended.\n * `A5`: Admin Activated.\n * `A6`: Document expired or about to expire.\n * `A7`: ID renewed.\n * `A8`: ID re-verification failed after document expiration.\n * `B0`: Documents are uploaded successfully for identity verification.\n * `B0I`: Documents are uploaded successfully, but user profile is not complete.\n * `B1`: Identity is not verified, manual intervention required.\n * `B1I`: Documents are verified, manual intervention required.\n * `B2`: SDK token is no longer valid, please generate a new SDK token.\n * `B3`: Admin approved, proceed to KYC verification flow.\n * `B4`: Name mismatched.\n * `B5`: Identity verification consider with caution status and name mismatched.\n * `B6`: Identity verification consider.\n * `B7`: Date of birth consider.\n * `B8`: Documents are uploaded successfully for identity verification (where provider is not Onfido).\n * `B9`: Document issuing country mismatch.\n * `B10`: Identity verification consider with caution status and document issuing country mismatch.\n * `B11`: Documents are uploaded successfully for identity verification (multiple providers).\n * `B1E`: Identity is not verified, manual intervention required in Re-Uploading Case.\n * `B2E`: Generate SDK token, document expired (same as B2).\n * `B0E`: Documents re-uploaded after document expiration for identity verification (same as B0).\n * `B9E`: Document issuing country mismatch upon IDV re-verification after document expiration.\n * `B10E`: Identity verification consider with caution status and document issuing country mismatch upon IDV re-verification after document expiration.\n * `B11E`: Documents re-uploaded after document expiration for identity verification (Onfido) - same as B0E (multiple providers configured).\n * `B12`: Resubmission of document (configured provider is not Onfido).\n * `B19`: Allowed number of users per National ID/Passport limit is exceeded.\n * `S0`: Temporary suspension: initiated by the user or system user or the system.\n * `S1`: Inactivity over time.\n * `S2`: Suspended by Admin.\n * `S3`: Suspended by Admin.\n * `S4`: Suspended by Admin.\n * `S5`: Suspended by Admin.\n * `S6`: Suspended by Admin.\n * `S7`: IDV not renewed and document expiration grace period reached.\n * `S8`: Allowed number of users per National ID/Passport limit is exceeded.\n * `S9`: Suspended by Host.\n * `T0`: Closed by user.\n * `T1`: Closed by issuer.\n * `T2`: Failed KYC.\n * `T3`: Terminated by Admin.\n * `T4`: Terminated by Admin.\n * `T5`: Admin terminated due to ID verification failed.\n * `T6`: Admin terminated due to KYC failed.\n * `T7`: Admin terminated due to limited time exceeded and action taken for ID verification fail.\n * `T8`: Terminated by Admin.\n * `T9`: Admin terminated due to ID verification failed.\n * `T10`: Admin terminated due to limited time exceeded and action taken for KYB fail.\n * `T11`: Admin terminated due to certain reason.\n * `T12`: System terminated due to ID verification rejected.\n * `T13`: System terminated due to ID verification suspected.\n * `T12E`: System terminated due to ID verification rejected after document expiration for identity verification (same as T12).\n * `T13E`: System terminated due to ID verification suspected after document expiration for identity verification (same as T13).\n * `T14`: Allowed number of users per National ID/Passport limit is exceeded.\n * `O1`: Other reason.\n enum:\n - I0\n - A0\n - A1\n - A2\n - A3\n - A4\n - A5\n - A6\n - A7\n - A8\n - B0\n - B0I\n - B1\n - B1I\n - B2\n - B3\n - B4\n - B5\n - B6\n - B7\n - B8\n - B9\n - B10\n - B11\n - B1E\n - B2E\n - B0E\n - B9E\n - B10E\n - B11E\n - B12\n - B19\n - S0\n - S1\n - S2\n - S3\n - S4\n - S5\n - S6\n - S7\n - S8\n - S9\n - T0\n - T1\n - T2\n - T3\n - T4\n - T5\n - T6\n - T7\n - T8\n - T9\n - T10\n - T11\n - T12\n - T13\n - T12E\n - T13E\n - T14\n - O1\n\n StatusChangeRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - status\n - status_reason_code\n properties:\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardStatus\"\n description: Card status\n status_reason_code:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/StatusChangeReason\"\n note:\n description: This field is to capture additional information by the user while changing the card status. E.g. how the card got stolen, what is the reason behind a damage, etc.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CoreNote\"\n modified_by:\n type: string\n default: \"API\"\n description: This field indicates the user who executed the operation.\n\n\n\n CardSoftExpiryChangeRequest:\n type: object\n description: A request payload to change card soft expiry.\n required:\n - period\n - extend_soft_expiry\n properties:\n period:\n description: Card soft expiry period unit.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardSoftExpiryPeriod\"\n extend_soft_expiry:\n description: Card soft expiry period number. The unit of this value depends on provided period unit.\n type: integer\n minimum: 1\n example: 1\n note:\n description: An optional note.\n type: string\n example: \"Some info\"\n modified_by:\n description: This field indicates Who updated card's soft expiry setting. Default is 'API'.\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n default: \"API\"\n\n CardSoftExpiryPeriod:\n type: string\n description: Card soft expiry period.\n example: \"MONTH\"\n enum:\n - MONTH\n\n\n\n AccountsCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\n example: \"MjAxOC0wMS0wMlQxOTo0MjozMi45ODda\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: Account data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Account\"\n\n AccountStatus:\n type: string\n enum:\n - ACTIVE\n - SUSPENDED\n - TERMINATED\n description: |\n Account status.\n\n 1. The card account when created shall be in Active status.\n While in Active status the account can be used for loading/unloading of funds and\n to process card authorizations and clearings.\n\n 2. The account status can be changed from Active to Suspended status.\n When in Suspended status the account does not allow loading/unloading of funds\n and to process card authorizations. However clearings coming from the scheme are processed.\n Suspended status is a temporary status and the account status is allowed to change back to Active status.\n\n 3. The account status can be changed to Terminated status. This is a permanent status,\n the account status can be changed to Terminated status only when card account closure\n operation is explicitly performed. You can update account status to Terminated if account has no balance or account has no pending authorizations.\n\n\n AccountSubType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - REVOLVING\n - SECURE\n description: Account Sub-type\n\n UpdateAccountType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - PREPAID\n - MASTER\n description: The type of account.\n\n AccountCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - user_id\n - card_product_id\n - type\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of the account. If this information is not present in the request,the system generates one automatically.\n user_id:\n type: string\n example: \"gg5a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a55555\"\n description: The unique identifier of the user.\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: The unique identifier of the card product. This token ID is referred to as an existing card product.\n type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/AccountType'\n description: The type of account.\n currencies:\n type: array\n description: An array of currencies. It is used to create account with several currencies. If currency is not passed in this API, account is created with only 1 currency (base currency).\n items:\n type: string\n example: \"USD\"\n\n UpdateAccountRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n wallet_details:\n type: array\n description: An array of wallet details.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WalletDetails\"\n\n\n UpdateAccountCreditSettings:\n type: object\n properties:\n late_payment_grace_period:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 5\n description: |\n The period of time granted by a financial institution during which a borrower or debtor can make a payment after the due date without late fee.\n delinquency_grace_period:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 5\n description: |\n The specified period of time granted by a financial institution during which a borrower or debtor can make a payment after the due date without having an impact on their credit score and other punitive actions\n\n\n UpdateAccountResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n description: The unique identifier of the account.\n user_id:\n type: string\n example: \"gg5a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a55555\"\n description: The unique identifier of the user.\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: The unique identifier of the card product.\n type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateAccountType'\n description: The type of account.\n balances:\n type: object\n example: { USD: 125.58, EUR: 400.20 }\n additionalProperties:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 99.95\n description: Account balance amount in relevant currency.\n description: Account balances.\n ledger_balances:\n type: object\n example: { USD: 125.58, EUR: 400.20 }\n additionalProperties:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 99.95\n description: Ledger balance amount in relevant currency.\n description: Ledger balances.\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/AccountStatus'\n currencies:\n type: array\n description: An array of currencies. It is used to create account with several currencies. If currency is not passed in 'Create account' API, account is created with only 1 currency (base currency).\n items:\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n example: \"USD\"\n wallet_details:\n type: array\n description: An array of wallet details.\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/WalletDetails'\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: Date and time when account was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: Date and time when account was updated.\n\n\n Account:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n description: The unique identifier of the account.\n user_id:\n type: string\n example: \"gg5a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a55555\"\n description: The unique identifier of the user.\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: The unique identifier of the card product.\n type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/AccountType'\n description: The type of account.\n subType:\n $ref: '#/definitions/AccountSubType'\n description: The subtype of account.\n balances:\n type: object\n example: { USD: 125.58, EUR: 400.20 }\n additionalProperties:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 99.95\n description: Account balance amount in relevant currency.\n description: Account balances.\n ledger_balances:\n type: object\n example: { USD: 125.58, EUR: 400.20 }\n additionalProperties:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 99.95\n description: Ledger balance amount in relevant currency.\n description: Ledger balances.\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/AccountStatus'\n currencies:\n type: array\n description: An array of currencies. It is used to create account with several currencies. If currency is not passed in 'Create account' API, account is created with only 1 currency (base currency).\n items:\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n example: \"USD\"\n wallet_details:\n type: array\n description: An array of wallet details.\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/WalletDetails'\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: Date and time when account was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: Date and time when account was updated.\n modified_by:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n default: \"API\"\n description: This field indicates the user who executed the operation.\n\n\n ChangeAccountStatusRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - status\n properties:\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/AccountStatus'\n modified_by:\n type: string\n default: \"API\"\n description: This field indicates the user who executed the operation.\n\n CardsLinkToAccountRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - ids\n - dry_run\n properties:\n ids:\n type: array\n description: The unique identifier or the proxy number of the card(s).\n example: [ \"card327\" ]\n items:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier or the proxy number of the card(s).\n dry_run:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: false\n description: This field value decides whether to create a resource or not after performing all necessary operations. Applicable values for this field are true/false, and the default value is false.\n\n AccountFundsRequest:\n type: object\n description: Information about account funds request.\n required:\n - currency\n - amount\n properties:\n currency:\n type: string\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 123.45\n description: Funds amount of the operation.\n note:\n type: string\n description: Additional description to the load account funds operation that is being performed can be added in this field.\n example: Performing operation for 123.45 USD\n dry_run:\n type: boolean\n description: This field value decides whether to create a resource or not after performing all necessary operations. Applicable values for this field are true/false, and the default value is false.\n example: false\n default: false\n reference_number:\n type: string\n example: 3e50d5f7-6c18-4768-81c5-e4bc31f209db\n description: This parameter is searched against 'transaction_id'. This parameter is optional.\n\n\n AccountFundsTransactionResult:\n type: object\n description: Information about account funds transaction result.\n required:\n - fee_amount\n - status\n properties:\n fee_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: Total fees for account funds transaction.\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountFundsTransactionResultStatus\"\n status_reason:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountFundsTransactionResultStatusReason\"\n status_description:\n type: string\n description: Status description of account funds transaction.\n\n\n AccountFundsTransactionResultStatus:\n type: string\n enum:\n - PROCESSING\n - SETTLED\n - DECLINED\n - CANCELLED\n - ERROR\n\n AccountFundsTransactionResultStatusReason:\n type: string\n enum:\n - NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS\n - ACCOUNT_LIMITS_REACHED\n - INVALID_ACCOUNT\n - VELOCITY_USAGE_LIMIT_REACHED\n - VELOCITY_AMOUNT_LIMIT_REACHED\n - FX_RATE_NOT_CONFIGURED\n - UNKNOWN\n\n AccountCreditSettings:\n type: object\n properties:\n statement_date:\n type: number\n format: integer\n created_on:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n last_updated_at:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n grace_period:\n type: number\n format: integer\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 27\n late_payment_grace_period:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 5\n description: |\n The period of time granted by a financial institution during which a borrower or debtor can make a payment after the due date without late fee.\n delinquency_grace_period:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 5\n description: |\n The specified period of time granted by a financial institution during which a borrower or debtor can make a payment after the due date without having an impact on their credit score and other punitive actions\n\n AccountCreditLimits:\n type: object\n required:\n - assigned_credit_limit\n - cash_adv_limit\n properties:\n assigned_credit_limit:\n type: number\n format: integer\n cash_adv_limit_value:\n type: number\n format: integer\n example: 50.00\n description: The value of cash advance limit.\n cash_adv_limit_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashAdvLimitType\"\n assigned_cash_adv_limit:\n type: number\n format: integer\n\n ### Non exposed entities:\n\n AccountStatusChangeHistory:\n type: object\n required:\n - account_id\n - history\n properties:\n account_id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n description: Account ID of status change history.\n history:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/AccountStatusChangeEvent'\n\n AccountStatusChangeEvent:\n type: object\n required:\n - new_status\n - old_status\n - modified\n properties:\n old_status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/AccountStatus'\n new_status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/AccountStatus'\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: Date and time when status of the account was changed.\n\n JCardAccountWalletPinInternal:\n type: object\n required:\n - wallet_key\n - enc_pin\n properties:\n wallet_key:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n enc_pin:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n\n AccountFundsTransaction:\n type: object\n properties:\n transaction_id:\n type: string\n example: \"123456789012\"\n description: Transaction id (RRN) of the funds request.\n account_id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n description: Account ID of status change history.\n request:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountFundsRequest\"\n description: Information about account funds request.\n result:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountFundsTransactionResult\"\n description: Information about account funds transaction result.\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: Date and time when account funds transaction was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: Date and time when account funds transaction was modified.\n source_channel:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransferSourceChannel\"\n description: Information about transaction source channel.\n\n AccountFundsLoadReversalRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - original_transaction_id\n properties:\n dry_run:\n type: boolean\n description: If true then all validation checks will be performed but the actual transfer will not be performed.\n default: false\n original_transaction_id:\n type: string\n description: Original transaction reference number\n note:\n type: string\n description: Narration of transaction (optional)\n\n AccountFundsLoadReversalResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: Reversal amount\n success:\n type: boolean\n description: Reversal result\n original_transaction_id:\n type: string\n description: Original transaction reference number\n\n CardPinResponse:\n type: object\n required:\n - enc_pin\n properties:\n enc_pin:\n type: string\n example: \"ncrypt:2:xKzHT-2NJ8yCZIv7Ra9oFQ:VETEcevv-ZyndOeLF7CqO-4aNJ6Z5Tha0wcMFoJEDAJAoLsst1ccMSeeMdbJUwq1GfKjCpm5mMwkEn51ZAFqLW43EcNkapSiPPVRJtU5V1z9u4ZGEXi4swPVzY2j0NfaM4a4aGM_WdpKSx6r7m86vhjI5901GXRd2vpyGAztfL9krOMA7KgLGaVlqj1i-xIaxvGbIDhFVepIWcxTxiSHqwZxLMN1HMojtf2pJacwoq5nOBP3DX3DgdapIdJN8AWCSIpZ8M6nwf4-2Wr8GGTJrUChU1eJiALKZ-lliP8RvIERG9zP3Z41kQDoWP9JlEFr547xREvXIf6IS4a_ixuwrg:1Ya9e6e0Los\"\n description: Encrypted card PIN.\n\n CardPinChangeRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - enc_pin\n properties:\n enc_pin:\n type: string\n example: \"ncrypt:2:bP6dZTzopk6TTYeP4lETrw:kjQRz3M9wzOFPU3cphAomtHoMv3aC2-CkMtAgiLvYfpy1cEwTm3ag7_caXHFThWN_SBxHpj9aviki9rr7okJKN-BqdO46d7Uu4Bx9dNo0_Tn9ZcKV7X-dAGLgNViYeAaGbA2jlcESYZZLecqPBqBADQ12DdGV4VfRtEb3pDZRO3VRP1hXL4VgN_H1vRwIwT5vTyBLuzQA3Lh3xqrlVrrRFHah42oH3YkgaY6M8mc3r3e3pBItNMiwW10wjfO50z7dy2O0yAGyy-QSWqu4LQYMLKMAPx4wsuEcAQg3Xpmnv3GmP_goAvu88ASH9u4iKWGh0OtrldQZlmUqiYcq9mWMQ:Ok9OebFuRwQ\"\n description: Encrypted card PIN.\n\n NotificationTemplates:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: |\n A unique template ID.\n language:\n type: string\n example: \"EN\"\n description: |\n A language attribute identifying the language used in the template. ISO language codes are used.\n text:\n type: string\n example:\n Dear Customer, OTP for the online transaction from <MERCHANT_NAME> of <TRANSACTION_AMOUNT> on your card ending with <CARD_LAST4_DIGITS> is <OTP>. If you did not initiate this transaction, call +97144111000.\n description: |\n A free text field for defining the SMS text.\n category:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationTemplatesCategory\"\n description: For ITSP_OTP category wallet provider field applicable.\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n description: |\n ID of the card product.\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n wallet_provider:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WalletProvider\"\n description: Wallet provider field applicable for ITSP_OTP category.\n email:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/EmailData\"\n description: Optional email OTP template. It is applicable for ITSP_OTP category only.\n\n EmailData:\n type: object\n description: Optional email OTP template. It is applicable for ITSP_OTP category only.\n properties:\n subject:\n type: string\n description: Email subject - if email body is provided then subject becomes mandatory.\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"OTP notification\"\n body:\n type: string\n description: Email body - if email subject is provided then body becomes mandatory.\n maxLength: 10000\n example: \"Dear Customer, your one-time verification code is <OTP> for the digital wallet provisioning for card <CARD_NAME> ending with <CARD_LAST4_DIGITS>. The expiration of OTP is <OTP_EXPIRY>. Do not share this code. <FINTECH_NAME> will never contact you to ask for code.\"\n\n NotificationTemplatesCategory:\n type: string\n enum:\n - THREE_D_SECURE_OTP\n - ITSP_OTP\n example: THREE_D_SECURE_OTP\n description: |\n A notification category field that informs about the type of event to which this template is associated.\n\n NotificationTemplatesCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - language\n - text\n - category\n - card_product_id\n properties:\n language:\n type: string\n example: \"EN\"\n description: |\n A language attribute identifying the language used in the template. ISO language codes are used.\n text:\n type: string\n example:\n Dear Customer, OTP for the online transaction from <MERCHANT_NAME> of <TRANSACTION_AMOUNT> on your card ending with <CARD_LAST4_DIGITS> is <OTP>. If you did not initiate this transaction, call +97144111000.\n description: |\n A free text field for defining the SMS text.\n category:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationTemplatesCategory\"\n description: For ITSP_OTP category wallet provider field applicable.\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n description: |\n The notification template is linked with the card product id shared in this parameter.\n wallet_provider:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WalletProvider\"\n description: Wallet provider field applicable for ITSP_OTP category.\n email:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/EmailData\"\n description: Optional email OTP template. It is applicable for ITSP_OTP category only.\n\n NotificationTemplatesUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n language:\n type: string\n example: \"EN\"\n description: |\n A language attribute identifying the language used in the template. ISO language codes are used.\n text:\n type: string\n example:\n Dear Customer, OTP for the online transaction from <MERCHANT_NAME> of <TRANSACTION_AMOUNT> on your card ending with <CARD_LAST4_DIGITS> is <OTP>. If you did not initiate this transaction, call +97144111000.\n description: |\n A free text field for defining the SMS text.\n category:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationTemplatesCategory\"\n description: For ITSP_OTP category wallet provider field applicable.\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n description: |\n ID of the card product.\n wallet_provider:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WalletProvider\"\n description: Wallet provider field applicable for ITSP_OTP category.\n email:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/EmailData\"\n description: Optional email OTP template. It is applicable for ITSP_OTP category only.\n\n NotificationTemplatesOperation:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: notificationtemplates_operation\n properties:\n id:\n x-nymos-key: true\n type: string\n example: \"789-748\"\n description: |\n A unique operation ID field.\n maxLength: 36\n code:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationTemplatesOperationCode\"\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationTemplatesOperationType\"\n\n NotificationTemplatesOperationCode:\n type: object\n description: Notification template operation code.\n example: \"PURCHASES\"\n enum:\n - PURCHASES\n - WITHDRAWALS\n - PURCHASES_CONTACTLESS_NO_PIN\n - INCOMING_TRANSFERS\n - OUTGOING_TRANSFERS\n - LOADS\n - UNLOADS\n - INITIAL_LOAD\n - GENERATE_PIN\n - CHANGE_PIN\n - ACTIVATE_CARD\n - SUSPEND_CARD\n - REACTIVATE_CARD\n - BLOCK_CARD\n - REPLACE_CARD\n - RENEW_CARD\n - ACTIVATE_USER\n - SUSPEND_USER\n - REACTIVATE_USER\n - TERMINATE_USER\n - LOGIN\n - SET_PASSWORD\n - CHANGE_PASSWORD\n - OTP\n - THREE_D_SECURE_OTP\n - ITSP_OTP\n - ONBOARDING_SMS\n\n NotificationTemplatesOperationType:\n type: object\n description: Notification template operation type.\n example: \"TRANSACTION\"\n enum:\n - TRANSACTION\n - SERVICE\n -\n Placeholder:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: notificationtemplates_placeholders\n properties:\n id:\n x-nymos-key: true\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: |\n A unique template ID field\n placeholder:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationTemplatesPlaceholderEnum\"\n source:\n type: string\n maxLength: 30\n masking:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n\n NotificationTemplatesPlaceholderEnum:\n type: string\n enum:\n - \"<TRANSACTION_AMOUNT>\"\n - \"<MERCHANT_NAME>\"\n - \"<CARD_LAST4_DIGITS>\"\n - \"<CARD_FIRST6_DIGITS>\"\n - \"<FEE_AMOUNT>\"\n - \"<DATE-TIME>\"\n - \"<USER_ID>\"\n - \"<TRANSACTION_CURRENCY>\"\n - \"<TRANSACTION_TYPE>\"\n - \"<SENDER_ACCOUNT_ID>\"\n - \"<RECIPIENT_ACCOUNT_ID>\"\n - \"<RECEIVER_USER_ID>\"\n - \"<OLD_STATUS>\"\n - \"<NEW_STATUS>\"\n\n NotificationtemplatesPlaceholder:\n type: string\n enum:\n - \"<OTP>\"\n - \"<OTP_EXPIRY>\"\n - \"<MERCHANT_NAME>\"\n - \"<MERCHANT_URL>\"\n - \"<TRANSACTION_AMOUNT>\"\n - \"<TRANSACTION_CURRENCY>\"\n - \"<CARD_LAST4_DIGITS>\"\n - \"<CARD_NAME>\"\n - \"<FINTECH_NAME>\"\n example: \"<OTP>\"\n description: |\n The list of placeholders to support for 3DS OTP authentication.\n\n NotificationTemplateCreateRequestV3:\n type: object\n required:\n - language\n - channel\n - body\n - operations\n - created\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"789-748\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: |\n The unique identifier of the Notification Template\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n example: \"XXA\"\n description: |\n A card product id\n language:\n type: string\n x-nymos-language: true\n example: \"EN\"\n description: Language used in the template\n channel:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationChannelV3\"\n title:\n type: string\n example: \"Dear Customer\"\n maxLength: 50\n description: Notification title\n body:\n type: string\n example: Some text in the notification\n description: A free text field for defining the SMS/Email/Push Notification body.\n maxLength: 10000\n operations:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationTemplatesOperationCode\"\n description: List of operations against which we want to send Notifications\n response_code:\n type: string\n example: \"200\"\n description: Response code of the transactions against which we need to send notification\n active:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n default: true\n description: Status of the notification template\n\n NotificationTemplateUpdateRequestV3:\n type: object\n properties:\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n example: \"XXA\"\n description: |\n A card product id\n language:\n type: string\n x-nymos-language: true\n example: \"EN\"\n description: Language used in the template\n channel:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationChannelV3\"\n title:\n type: string\n example: \"Dear Customer\"\n maxLength: 50\n description: Notification title\n body:\n type: string\n example: Some text in the notification\n description: A free text field for defining the SMS/Email/Push Notification body.\n maxLength: 10000\n operations:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationTemplatesOperationCode\"\n description: List of operations against which we want to send Notifications\n response_code:\n type: string\n example: \"200\"\n description: Response code of the transactions against which we need to send notification\n active:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n default: true\n description: Status of the notification template\n\n NotificationTemplateViewV3:\n type: object\n required:\n - id\n - language\n - channel\n - body\n - operations\n - created\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"789-748\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: |\n The unique identifier of the Notification Template\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n example: \"XXA\"\n description: |\n A card product id\n language:\n type: string\n x-nymos-language: true\n example: \"EN\"\n description: Language used in the template\n channel:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationChannelV3\"\n title:\n type: string\n example: \"Dear Customer\"\n maxLength: 50\n description: Notification title\n body:\n type: string\n example: Some text in the notification\n description: A free text field for defining the SMS/Email/Push Notification body.\n maxLength: 10000\n operations:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationTemplatesOperationCode\"\n description: List of operations against which we want to send Notifications\n response_code:\n type: string\n example: \"200\"\n description: Response code of the transactions against which we need to send notification\n active:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n default: true\n description: Status of the notification template\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when record is created in this table.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when record is modified in this table.\n\n NotificationChannelV3:\n type: string\n enum:\n - SMS\n - EMAIL\n - PUSH_NOTIFICATION\n - WHATSAPP\n\n NotificationTemplateCollectionV3:\n type: object\n properties:\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n after:\n type: string\n data:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NotificationTemplateViewV3\"\n\n NotificationTemplateSortByV3:\n type: string\n enum:\n - created\n\n CardBulkIssuanceCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - card_product_id\n - number_of_cards\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"2ca78c19-5a4e-4123-a069-6d84f6aa1b54\"\n description: The unique identifier of the bulk issuance card request. If you do not include a token, the system generates one automatically. This token is necessary for use in other API calls and this value cannot be updated.\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: ID of a card product for which card will be created.\n number_of_cards:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 5000\n example: 1000\n description: Number of cards to create. Can be 0 only for draft bulk issuance to create an open bulk card order. The maximum amount is up to 5000 cards.\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 100\n minimum: 0\n description: The amount which shall be preloaded on card. If set, then currency is required.\n currency:\n type: string\n example: USD\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency. If set, then amount is required.\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n name_on_card:\n type: string\n example: \"Gift Card\"\n maxLength: 20\n description: Name on card to be printed. For example, GIFT CARD, DRIVER CARD, TRAVEL CARD etc.. If not provided, then name from the product definition will be taken.\n card_validity_term:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n example: 36\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 99\n description: Number of months of expiry. If not provided, then value from the product definition will be taken.\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardBulkIssuanceStatusCreateRequest\"\n shipping_details:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardShippingDetails\"\n dry_run:\n type: boolean\n description: This field value decides whether to create a resource or not after performing all necessary operations. Applicable values for this field are true/false and the default value is false.\n default: false\n extra_embossing_line:\n type: string\n maxLength: 20\n description: Extra embossing line.\n example: \"CLASSIC\"\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9\\s]+$'\n card_type:\n description: Type of card which should be issued. Applicable values are virtual/physical.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardType\"\n\n\n CardBulkIssuanceUpdateRequest:\n properties:\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: The unique identifier of the card product. This token id is referred to as an existing card product. The cards in bulk creating with this card product token will inherit all of its characteristics.\n number_of_cards:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 5000\n example: 1000\n description: |\n Number of cards to create. The maximum amount is up to 5000 cards. Can be zero for an open bulk card order.\n Submitted card bulk issuance request must have 'number of cards' higher than 0, or it must have\n at least 1 personalized card in the card bulk issuance request.\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 123.45\n minimum: 0\n description: The amount which shall be preloaded on card. If set, then currency is required.\n currency:\n type: string\n example: USD\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency. If set, then amount is required.\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n name_on_card:\n type: string\n example: \"Diamond Card\"\n maxLength: 20\n description: Name on card to be printed. For example, GIFT CARD, DRIVER CARD, TRAVEL CARD etc.. If not provided, then name from the product definition will be taken.\n card_validity_term:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n example: 36\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 99\n description: Number of months of expiry. If not provided, then value from the product definition will be taken.\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardBulkIssuanceStatusUpdateRequest\"\n shipping_details:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardShippingDetails\"\n extra_embossing_line:\n type: string\n maxLength: 20\n description: Extra embossing line.\n example: \"CLASSIC\"\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9\\s]+$'\n card_type:\n description: Type of card which should be issued. Applicable values are virtual/physical.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardType\"\n\n CardBulkIssuance:\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"2ca78c19-5a4e-4123-a069-6d84f6aa1b54\"\n description: The unique identifier of the bulk issuance\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: ID of a card product for which card will be created\n card_product_name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: description from Card Product used as a card product name\n number_of_cards:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 5000\n example: 1000\n description: Number of cards to create. Can be zero to create an open bulk card order. The maximum amount is up to 5000 cards.\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 123.45\n minimum: 0\n description: The amount which shall be preloaded on card. If set, then currency is required.\n currency:\n type: string\n example: USD\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency. If set, then amount is required.\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n name_on_card:\n type: string\n example: \"Diamond Card\"\n maxLength: 20\n description: Name on card to be printed. For example, GIFT CARD, DRIVER CARD, TRAVEL CARD etc.. If not provided, then name from the product definition will be taken.\n card_validity_term:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n example: 36\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 99\n description: Number of months of expiry. If not provided, then value from the product definition will be taken.\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardBulkIssuanceStatus\"\n shipping_details:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardShippingDetails\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n extra_embossing_line:\n type: string\n maxLength: 20\n description: Extra embossing line.\n example: \"CLASSIC\"\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9\\s]+$'\n card_type:\n description: Type of card which should be issued. Applicable values are virtual/physical.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardType\"\n\n CreateCardBulkIssuance:\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"2ca78c19-5a4e-4123-a069-6d84f6aa1b54\"\n description: The unique identifier of the bulk issuance\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: ID of a card product for which card will be created\n number_of_cards:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 5000\n example: 1000\n description: Number of cards to create. Can be zero to create an open bulk card order. The maximum amount is up to 5000 cards.\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 123.45\n minimum: 0\n description: The amount which shall be preloaded on card. If set, then currency is required.\n currency:\n type: string\n example: USD\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency. If set, then amount is required.\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n name_on_card:\n type: string\n example: \"Diamond Card\"\n maxLength: 20\n description: Name on card to be printed. For example, GIFT CARD, DRIVER CARD, TRAVEL CARD etc.. If not provided, then name from the product definition will be taken.\n card_validity_term:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n example: 36\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 99\n description: Number of months of expiry. If not provided, then value from the product definition will be taken.\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardBulkIssuanceStatusCreateRequest\"\n shipping_details:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardShippingDetails\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n extra_embossing_line:\n type: string\n maxLength: 20\n description: Extra embossing line.\n example: \"CLASSIC\"\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9\\s]+$'\n\n UpdateCardBulkIssuance:\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"2ca78c19-5a4e-4123-a069-6d84f6aa1b54\"\n description: The unique identifier of the bulk issuance\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: ID of a card product for which card will be created\n number_of_cards:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 5000\n example: 1000\n description: Number of cards to create. Can be zero to create an open bulk card order. The maximum amount is up to 5000 cards.\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 123.45\n minimum: 0\n description: The amount which shall be preloaded on card. If set, then currency is required.\n currency:\n type: string\n example: USD\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency. If set, then amount is required.\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n name_on_card:\n type: string\n example: \"Diamond Card\"\n maxLength: 20\n description: Name on card to be printed. For example, GIFT CARD, DRIVER CARD, TRAVEL CARD etc.. If not provided, then name from the product definition will be taken.\n card_validity_term:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n example: 36\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 99\n description: Number of months of expiry. If not provided, then value from the product definition will be taken.\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardBulkIssuanceStatusUpdateRequest\"\n shipping_details:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardShippingDetails\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n extra_embossing_line:\n type: string\n maxLength: 20\n description: Extra embossing line.\n example: \"CLASSIC\"\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9\\s]+$'\n\n CardBulkIssuanceCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n example: \"MjAyMS0wMy0yOVQxNToyMjo1Mi40NDJa\"\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load.\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of card bulk issuance data\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardBulkIssuance\"\n\n CardBulkIssuanceStatusCreateRequest:\n type: string\n description: Status of bulk issuance request.\n enum:\n - DRAFT\n - SUBMITTED\n\n CardBulkIssuanceStatusUpdateRequest:\n type: string\n default: \"SUBMITTED\"\n description: Status of bulk issuance request. Default status is 'SUBMITTED'.\n enum:\n - SUBMITTED\n - CANCELLED\n\n CardBulkIssuanceStatus:\n type: string\n description: Status of bulk issuance request. Default status is 'SUBMITTED'.\n enum:\n - DRAFT\n - SUBMITTED\n - COMPLETED\n - CANCELLED\n\n LutOperation:\n type: string\n description: The LUT creation is based on the supported operations such as, \"show_clear_card_details\", \"get_pin\", \"activate_card\", and \"change_pin\".\n enum:\n - SHOW_CLEAR_CARD_DETAILS\n - GET_PIN\n - ACTIVATE_CARD\n - CHANGE_PIN\n\n LutCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - source_id\n - operation\n properties:\n source_id:\n type: string\n example: \"ae31cd18-7ed6-4b03-8e6b-4857f11d380d\"\n description: The source identifier is used to identify the PCI source to get the cipher key.\n operation:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LutOperation\"\n\n LutResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n token:\n type: string\n example: \"152e8a03-719e-40b6-a901-ed981d31d52f\"\n description: Created Limited Usage Token.\n\n LutKey:\n type: object\n required:\n - token\n - source_id\n - card_id\n - operation\n properties:\n token:\n type: string\n example: \"bdd3228e-37ee-4cb0-a9dc-420ed7aca07a\"\n description: Unique Limit Usage Token.\n source_id:\n type: string\n example: \"ae31cd18-7ed6-4b03-8e6b-4857f11d380d\"\n description: Identifies the PCI source to get cipher key.\n card_id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n description: Card ID.\n operation:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LutOperation\"\n\n AccountTransferRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - sender_account_id\n - recipient_account_id\n - amount\n - currency\n properties:\n sender_account_id:\n type: string\n description: Sender account Identifier.\n example: bc121529-e6e9-45f1-b820-8c46ce7f005a\n recipient_account_id:\n type: string\n description: Recipient account Identifier.\n example: 39dbff34-5505-4181-9e81-727b71e72186\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: Amount which should be transfered.\n example: 12.50\n minimum: 0\n currency:\n type: string\n pattern: '^[A-Z]{3}'\n example: USD\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n notes:\n type: string\n description: Notes about performed transfer request.\n example: \"Performing operation for 12.50 USD\"\n dry_run:\n type: boolean\n description: This field value decides whether to create a resource or not after performing all necessary operations. Applicable values for this field are true/false and the default value is false.\n default: false\n\n AccountTransferTransaction:\n type: object\n properties:\n transaction_id:\n type: string\n example: \"123456789012\"\n description: Transaction id (RRN) of the funds request.\n sender_account_id:\n type: string\n description: Sender account Identifier.\n example: bc121529-e6e9-45f1-b820-8c46ce7f005a\n recipient_account_id:\n type: string\n description: Receipient account Identifier.\n example: 39dbff34-5505-4181-9e81-727b71e72186\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: Amount which should be transfered.\n example: 12.50\n sender_user_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique ID of the sender user. It is applicable only for 'WALLET_TRANSFER' transactions.\n example: \"hkuser282\"\n currency:\n type: string\n pattern: '^[A-Z]{3}$'\n example: USD\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n fee_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: Fee amount for the transfer.\n example: 2.50\n fee_details:\n type: array\n description: The list of fees applied to transaction by the issuer.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountTransferTransactionFeeDetail\"\n notes:\n type: string\n description: Notes about performed transfer request.\n example: Performing operation for 12.50 USD\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n source_channel:\n type: string\n example: \"DAPI\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TransferSourceChannel\"\n receiver_user_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of receiver user.\n example: \"g157a80f-e641-7745-8a80-99841e4a1234\"\n\n AccountTransferTransactionFeeDetail:\n type: object\n properties:\n fee_id:\n type: string\n example: \"ed2e2ddb-c028-470d-b08b-7f28bd84fbfe\"\n description: The unique identifier of the fee.\n description:\n type: string\n example: \"Some description\"\n description: The description of the applied fee.\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: \"100.01\"\n description: The amount of the applied fee.\n x-nymos-currency: currency\n currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"USD\"\n description: The currency of the applied fee.\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n\n CardLinkRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n activation_token:\n type: string\n example: \"671BD682A4FD7CB04B87EBE005866BF81B706F0AA4A3E5F337E810CEC7074325\"\n description: Activation token is a card data encrypted with secure hash algorithm SHA-512. SHA-512 is formed in the following way - (card.pan + card.expiryDate_yyMM + card.cvv2).toUpperCase().\n maxLength: 255\n user_id:\n type: string\n example: \"c489509d-a973-4892-9135-42c214212cdf\"\n description: ID of a user to whom the card should be linked.\n activate_card:\n type: boolean\n description: Set this parameter as 'true' to activate the card.\n card_id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n proxy_number:\n type: string\n description: The unique short identifier of the card.\n example: \"d089a80f28kl\"\n\n TransfersCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load.\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of transfer transaction data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountTransferTransaction\"\n\n Webhook:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Unique webhook ID.\n example: b012776c-ab74-4ece-8403-0bbb9130508c\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: If webhook is active the notifications will be sent, otherwise, not.\n example: true\n events:\n type: array\n description: Webhook event\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WebhookEvent\"\n endpoint:\n type: string\n description: The enpoint to which the message will be delivered.\n example: https://example.com/\n config:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WebhooksConfig\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n\n WebhookCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - endpoint\n - events\n properties:\n endpoint:\n type: string\n description: The enpoint to which the message will be delivered.\n example: https://example.com/\n events:\n type: array\n description: Events to which you can subscribe. Please note that CARD_PROVISIONING event is only applicable for VISA at the moment.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WebhookEvent\"\n config:\n description: Authentication config, supports basic auth and custom headers.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WebhooksConfig\"\n\n WebhookNotification:\n type: object\n required:\n - event\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Unique event ID.\n example: 306e38e4-54be-469f-beca-4297129289d6\n event:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WebhookEvent\"\n description: Event for which notification is sent.\n example: card_status_change\n endpoint:\n type: string\n description: The enpoint to which the message will be delivered.\n example: http://example.com\n payload:\n type: string\n description: Payload of the notification which is sent.\n example: \"{}\"\n tries:\n type: array\n description: Array with information of each attempt to deliver the notification.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WebhookTry\"\n expired:\n type: boolean\n description: After maximum number of attempts, notification is considered expired.\n example: true\n response:\n type: string\n description: Response of notification.\n example: \"Success\"\n config:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WebhooksConfig\"\n\n WebhookEvent:\n type: string\n description: Webhook event.\n enum:\n - CARD_STATUS_CHANGE\n - TRANSACTION\n - KYC_RESULT\n - USER_CREATED\n - USER_STATUS_CHANGE\n - USER_DOCUMENT_ALERT\n - IDENTITY_VERIFICATION\n - PIN_CHANGE\n - EXPIRED_AUTH\n - CHARGE_APPLIED\n - CARD_PROVISIONING\n - ACCOUNT_STATUS_CHANGE\n - TOKEN_NOTIFICATION\n - CHECKOUT_PAYMENTS\n - SUCCESSFULLY_CREATED\n\n WebhookTry:\n type: object\n required:\n - when\n - status\n properties:\n when:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n status:\n type: string\n example: \"success\"\n\n WebhooksConfig:\n type: object\n description: Authentication config, supports basic auth and custom headers.\n properties:\n basic_auth_username:\n type: string\n description: Username used when auth method is Basic Auth.\n example: \"username\"\n basic_auth_password:\n type: string\n description: Password used when auth method is Basic Auth.\n example: \"password\"\n custom_headers:\n type: array\n description: Custom header data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CustomHeader\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n\n WebhookCardProvisioningMessage:\n type: object\n required:\n - event\n - user_id\n - card_id\n - network\n - wallet_identifier\n - status\n - created\n properties:\n event:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WebhookEvent\"\n user_id:\n type: string\n card_id:\n type: string\n network:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NetworkType\"\n wallet_identifier:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WalletIdentifier\"\n token_number:\n type: string\n token_type:\n type: string\n device_name:\n type: string\n device_type:\n type: string\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProvisioningStatus\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n\n WalletIdentifier:\n type: string\n enum:\n - APPLEPAY\n - SAMSUNGPAY\n - GOOGLEPAY\n - VISACLICKPAY\n - FITBITPAY\n - GARMINPAY\n - OTHER\n\n CardProvisioningStatus:\n type: string\n enum:\n - APPROVED\n - CONDITIONAL_APPROVED\n - FAILED\n\n NetworkType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - VISA\n - MASTERCARD\n - UNIONPAY\n\n CustomHeader:\n type: object\n description: Custom header data.\n required:\n - name\n - value\n properties:\n header_name:\n type: string\n description: Custom header name.\n example: \"apikey\"\n header_value:\n type: string\n description: Custom header value.\n example: \"306e38e4-54be-469f-beca-4297129289d6\"\n\n SearchCriteria:\n type: object\n properties:\n query:\n type: string\n description: A search query.\n example: \"Transfer\"\n sort_by:\n type: string\n description: The way results should be sorted.\n example: \"By name\"\n order_by:\n description: The way results should be ordered.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SortDirection\"\n matcher:\n description: Search matcher.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SearchMatcher\"\n filters:\n type: array\n description: An array of search filters.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SearchFilter\"\n cursors:\n description: Search cursors.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Cursors\"\n limit:\n type: integer\n description: Search limit.\n format: int32\n\n SortDirection:\n type: string\n description: The way results should be ordered (ascending or descending).\n enum:\n - asc\n - desc\n\n SearchMatcher:\n description: Search matcher.\n type: string\n enum:\n - and\n - or\n\n SearchFilter:\n type: object\n properties:\n field:\n type: string\n description: Search filter field. This field is common for several search APIs. Below you can find supported fields for different searches.\n\n\n `For webhooks` -\n\n * webhook_id\n\n * webhook_notification_id\n\n * event\n\n * endpoint\n\n * payload\n\n * response\n\n\n `For KYC requests` -\n\n * id\n\n * user_id\n\n * kyc_policy\n\n * note\n\n * status\n\n * status_reason_code\n\n * status_reason\n\n\n `For user identifications` -\n\n * id\n\n * user_id\n\n * type\n\n * number\n\n * issuance_authority\n\n * place_of_issuance\n\n * issuance_date\n\n * expiration_date\n\n * files\n\n\n `For transactions` -\n\n * transaction_timestamp\n\n * parent_transaction_id\n\n * message_type\n\n * transaction_type\n\n * transmission_date_time\n\n * card_id\n\n * user_id\n\n * account_id1\n\n * account_id2\n\n * card_product_1\n\n * card_product_2\n\n * mcc\n\n * merchant_name\n\n * rrn\n\n * network_transaction_id\n\n * transaction_amount\n\n * transaction_currency\n\n * billing_amount\n\n * billing_currency\n\n * billing_amount_account\n\n * billing_currency_account\n\n * status_code\n\n * transfer_id\n\n * auth_expired_by\n\n * auth_expired_at\n\n * reference_number\n\n * sender_user_id\n\n * receiver_user_id\n\n\n To search, for example, by 'transaction_type', you may use the following values.\n\n * `PURCHASE` Any kind of card purchase, which can be identified in more detail via the 'pos_environment' field.\n\n * `CASH_WITHDRAWAL` Cardholder performed the withdrawal of cash at the ATM.\n\n * `REFUND` A credit note on the card which can happen in case the customer bought something and gave it back, for example.\n\n * `BALANCE_INQUIRY` Checking the account balance on the ATM.\n\n * `ACCOUNT_VERIFICATION` Adding the card on a payment gateway portal. Gateway will generate a transaction just to verify that the account is valid (0 amount trx).\n\n * `WALLET_DEBIT` Unloads related transaction.\n\n * `WALLET_CREDIT` Loads related transaction.\n\n * `WALLET_TRANSFER` Account to account transfer.\n\n * `OCT` Original Credit Transaction.\n\n * `AFT` Account Funding Transaction.\n\n example: \"ID\"\n operator:\n description: Search operator attributes.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SearchOperator\"\n values:\n type: array\n description: An array of values.\n items:\n type: string\n example: \"21\"\n\n SearchOperator:\n type: string\n description: You can use such formats as \"any_of\" (in list), \"all_of\" (=), \"none_of\" (<>), \"less_than\" (<), \"less_or_equal\" (<=), \"greater_than\" (>), \"greater_or_equal\" (>=).\n enum:\n - any_of\n - all_of\n - none_of\n - less_than\n - less_or_equal\n - greater_than\n - greater_or_equal\n\n WebhooksIndex:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Webhook ID.\n example: \"400ad4b4-84f3-49c8-8892-b5f67c39be2f\"\n webhook_config_id:\n type: string\n description: Webhook configuration ID.\n example: \"129642d3-62b6-4009-9c75-b08867d7661d\"\n event:\n type: string\n description: Webhook event.\n example: \"TRANSACTION\"\n endpoint:\n type: string\n description: Webhook endpoint.\n example: \"https://webhook.site/bb123022-a739-410c-a2fe-341b4e9dcff5\"\n payload:\n type: string\n description: Notification payload.\n example: \"payload sample\"\n response:\n type: string\n description: Notification response.\n example: \"This URL has no default content configured.\"\n tries:\n type: string\n description: Number of tries.\n example: \"1\"\n last_try_date:\n type: string\n description: Date of last attempt.\n example: \"2024-05-16T12:57:58.720Z\"\n last_try_status:\n type: string\n description: Status of last attempt.\n example: \"success\"\n created:\n type: string\n description: Date and time of webhook creation.\n example: \"2024-05-16T12:57:58.720Z\"\n\n WebhooksIndexCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n paging:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Paging\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of webhooks data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WebhooksIndex\"\n\n FxRatesUpsertRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - card_product_id\n - fxrates\n properties:\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: ID of a card product for which FX rates are updated.\n fxrates:\n type: array\n minItems: 1\n description: An array of 'fxrates' parameters.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRateUpsert\"\n\n FxRateUpsert:\n type: object\n required:\n - from_currency\n - to_currency\n - fx_rate\n properties:\n force_update:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: If true then the system ignores the variance percentage check and store the provided FX rate.\n from_currency:\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}\"\n example: USD\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency, from which we are converting.\n to_currency:\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}\"\n example: USD\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency, to which we are converting.\n fx_rate:\n type: string\n example: \"1234567890.1234567890\"\n description: Numeric FX conversation rate, must be higher than 0.\n\n FxRatesResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: ID of a card product for which FX rates are updated.\n fxrates:\n type: array\n minItems: 1\n description: An array of 'fxrates' parameters.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRateResponse\"\n\n FxRateResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n force_update:\n type: boolean\n description: If true then the system ignores the variance percentage check and stores the provided FX rate.\n from_currency:\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}\"\n example: USD\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency, from which we are converting.\n to_currency:\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}\"\n example: USD\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency, to which we are converting.\n fx_rate:\n type: string\n example: \"1234567890.1234567890\"\n description: Numeric FX conversation rate, must be higher than 0.\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: Date and time when FX rate was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: Date and time when FX rate was updated.\n\n CardReplaceRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - reference_card_id\n properties:\n reference_card_id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7459\"\n description: Original terminated card ID for replacement. The replaced card should have status “TERMINATED”.\n activate_card:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter is used to activate a card. The default value is 'true'.\n default: true\n\n CardVelocityLimitsLinkRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n ids:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n type: string\n example: \"velocitylimit02\"\n description: Velocity limits IDs.\n\n CardVelocityLimitsUnlinkRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n ids:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n type: string\n example: \"velocitylimit02\"\n description: Velocity limits IDs.\n\n AllowedCountries:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of the allowed countries list.\n name:\n type: string\n example: \"Country list 1\"\n description: The country list name.\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 50\n allow:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: If this parameter is set as 'true', then it is a whitelist of country codes. If it is set as 'false', then it is a blacklist of country codes.\n active:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: If this parameter is set as 'true', then the country list must be checked. If it is set as 'false', then the country list must not be checked. Default value is 'true'.\n country_codes:\n type: array\n description: ISO alpha 3-character country codes (e.g. USA, CAN etc.). At least one country code should be provided.\n items:\n type: string\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n\n AllowedCountriesRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - name\n - allow\n - country_codes\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of the allowed countries list.\n name:\n type: string\n example: \"Country list 1\"\n description: The country list name.\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 50\n allow:\n type: boolean\n description: If this parameter is set as 'true', then it is a whitelist of country codes. If it is set as 'false', then it is a blacklist of country codes.\n example: true\n active:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: If this parameter is set as 'true', then the country list must be checked. If it is set as 'false', then the country list must not be checked. Default value is 'true'.\n country_codes:\n minItems: 1\n type: array\n description: ISO alpha 3-character country codes (e.g. USA, CAN etc.). At least one country code should be provided.\n items:\n type: string\n\n AllowedCountriesResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of the allowed countries list.\n name:\n type: string\n example: \"Country list 1\"\n description: The country list name.\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 50\n allow:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: If this parameter is set as 'true', then it is a whitelist of country codes. If it is set as 'false', then it is a blacklist of country codes.\n active:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: If this parameter is set as 'true', then the country list must be checked. If it is set as 'false', then the country list must not be checked. Default value is 'true'.\n country_codes:\n type: array\n description: ISO alpha 3-character country codes (e.g. USA, CAN etc.). At least one country code should be provided.\n items:\n type: string\n\n MccInfo:\n type: object\n description: The MCC information.\n required:\n - allow\n - mcc_id\n properties:\n mcc_id:\n type: string\n description: 4-characters long MCC. At least one MCC should be provided.\n example: \"9852\"\n maxLength: 4\n allow:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: If this parameter is set as 'true', then it is a whitelist of MCCs. If it is set as 'false', then it is a blacklist of MCCs.\n\n AllowedMccs:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of the allowed MCCs list.\n name:\n type: string\n example: \"MCC List 01\"\n description: The MCC list name.\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 50\n active:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: If this parameter is set as 'true', then the MCC list must be checked. If it is set as 'false', then the MCC list must not be checked. Default value is 'true'.\n mccs:\n type: array\n description: The MCC information.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MccInfo\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n\n AllowedMccsRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - name\n - allow\n - mccs\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of the allowed MCCs list.\n name:\n type: string\n example: \"MCC List 01\"\n description: The MCC list name.\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 50\n active:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: If this parameter is set as 'true', then the MCC list must be checked. If it is set as 'false', then the MCC list must not be checked. Default value is 'true'.\n mccs:\n type: array\n description: The MCC information.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MccInfo\"\n type: string\n maxLength: 4\n\n AllowedMccsResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: Unique identifier of the MCCs.\n name:\n type: string\n example: \"Country list 1\"\n description: MCC list name.\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 50\n active:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: If this parameter is set as 'true', then the MCC list must be checked. If it is set as 'false', then the MCC list must not be checked. Default value is 'true'.\n mccs:\n type: array\n description: The MCC information.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MccInfo\"\n\n AllowedCountriesCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load.\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of allowed countries data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AllowedCountries\"\n\n AllowedCountriesUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n example: \"Country list 1\"\n description: The country list name.\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 50\n allow:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: If this parameter is set as 'true', then it is a whitelist of country codes. If it is set as 'false', then it is a blacklist of country codes.\n active:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: If this parameter is set as 'true', then the country list must be checked. If it is set as 'false', then the country list must not be checked. Default value is 'true'.\n country_codes:\n type: array\n description: ISO alpha 3-character country codes (e.g. USA, CAN etc.). At least one country code should be provided.\n items:\n type: string\n\n AllowedMccsCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load.\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of allowed MCCs data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AllowedMccs\"\n\n AllowedMccsUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n active:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: If this parameter is set as 'true', then the MCC list must be checked. If it is set as 'false', then the MCC list must not be checked. Default value is 'true'.\n mccs:\n type: array\n description: The MCC information.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MccInfo\"\n\n CardAuthSettings:\n type: object\n properties:\n allow_atm:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if ATM transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_pos:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if transactions originating from point of sales are allowed or not.\n allow_chip:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if chip transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_magstripe:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if magnetic stripe transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_chip_fallback:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if chip fallback to magnetic stripe transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_without_pin:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if authorization transactions without PIN are allowed or not.\n allow_ecommerce_non_3DS:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if e-commerce non-3DS transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_ecommerce_3DS:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if e-commerce 3DS transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_ecommerce_without_CVV:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if e-commerce transactions without CVV2/CVN2 are allowed or not.\n allow_account_verification_without_CVV:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if e-commerce account verification transactions without CVV2/CVN2 are allowed or not.\n allow_quasi_cash:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if a quasi cash transaction is allowed or not.\n allow_scheme_account_funding:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if a scheme account funding transaction is allowed or not.\n allow_scheme_credits:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if scheme credit transactions like Visa OCT or MC MoneySend are allowed or not.\n allow_contactless:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if contactless transactions are allowed or not.\n allowed_mccs_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: Allowed MCCS identifier.\n example: \"a8180db3-b2e9-4ae0-93cd-2a0b52a99737\"\n allowed_countries_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: Allowed countries identifier.\n example: \"8358c501-56a3-43b0-b2b3-a2c49f3c33ab\"\n\n UpdateCardAuthSettings:\n type: object\n properties:\n allow_atm:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if ATM transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_pos:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if transactions originating from point of sales are allowed or not.\n allow_chip:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if chip transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_magstripe:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if magnetic stripe transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_chip_fallback:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if chip fallback to magnetic stripe transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_without_pin:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if authorization transactions without PIN are allowed or not.\n allow_ecommerce_non_3DS:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if e-commerce non-3DS transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_ecommerce_3DS:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if e-commerce 3DS transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_ecommerce_without_CVV:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if e-commerce transactions without CVV2/CVN2 are allowed or not.\n allow_account_verification_without_CVV:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if e-commerce account verification transactions without CVV2/CVN2 are allowed or not.\n allow_quasi_cash:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if a quasi cash transaction is allowed or not.\n allow_scheme_account_funding:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if a scheme account funding transaction is allowed or not.\n allow_scheme_credits:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This parameter indicates if scheme credit transactions like Visa OCT or MC MoneySend are allowed or not.\n allow_contactless:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This parameter indicates if contactless transactions are allowed or not.\n allowed_mccs_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: Allowed MCCS identifier.\n example: \"a8180db3-b2e9-4ae0-93cd-2a0b52a99737\"\n allowed_countries_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: Allowed countries identifier.\n example: \"8358c501-56a3-43b0-b2b3-a2c49f3c33ab\"\n\n CardCreditSettings:\n type: object\n description: Card credit settings.\n properties:\n statement_on:\n type: number\n example: 25\n description: Statement day of the month.\n payment_due_on:\n type: number\n example: 27\n description: The day before which due amount needs to be paid for each cycle and to ensure that you will not be charged any delinquency / late fees.\n delinquency_period_passed:\n type: number\n example: 28\n description: The day when delinquency period passed.\n last_notification_sent:\n type: string\n example: \"Sent\"\n description: This field indicates whether last notification was sent.\n amount_due:\n type: number\n example: 50\n description: The due amount.\n amount_due_detail:\n $ref: '#/definitions/CardCreditSettingsAmountDueDetail'\n next_due_date:\n type: string\n description: The next due date.\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n grace_period:\n type: number\n format: integer\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 27\n example: 25\n description: This field defines the number of days to add in the billing date to calculate the due date of a billing cycle.\n late_payment_grace_period:\n type: number\n format: integer\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 5\n example: 3\n description: The period of time granted by a financial institution during which a borrower or debtor can make a payment after the due date without late fee.\n delinquency_grace_period:\n type: number\n format: integer\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 5\n example: 3\n description: The specified period of time granted by a financial institution during which a borrower or debtor can make a payment after the due date without having an impact on their credit score and other punitive actions.\n\n CardCreditSettingsAmountDueDetail:\n type: object\n description: The details of due amount.\n properties:\n cycle1:\n type: number\n example: 5\n description: The first cycle.\n cycle2:\n type: number\n example: 10\n description: The second cycle.\n\n CardCreditLimits:\n type: object\n properties:\n assigned_credit_limit:\n type: number\n format: integer\n cash_adv_limit_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashAdvLimitType\"\n cash_adv_limit_value:\n type: number\n format: integer\n example: 50.00\n description: The value of cash advance limit.\n assigned_cash_adv_limit:\n type: number\n format: integer\n\n PerformKycCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - kyc_policy\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"6daf85ea-f5f6-4e0b-b381-de5b7a9834e2\"\n description: Unique identifier of the KYC request.\n note:\n type: string\n example: \"Some note\"\n description: KYC note.\n maxLength: 500\n kyc_policy:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SupportedKycPolicies'\n\n UserExternalBankAccountDetailsRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n iban:\n type: string\n maxLength: 34\n description: IBAN.\n example: \"AE460090000000123456789\"\n swift_code:\n type: string\n maxLength: 11\n description: SWIFT code.\n example: \"CBAUAEAAXXX\"\n bank_name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: Bank name.\n example: \"CENTRAL BANK OF THE U.A.E\"\n routing_number:\n type: string\n maxLength: 10\n description: Routing number (unique, nine-digit number that functions as an address for the bank).\n example: \"800110101\"\n status:\n type: string\n description: User bank account details status.\n example: \"ACTIVE\"\n required:\n - iban\n - swift_code\n - bank_name\n\n UserExternalBankAccountDetailsUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n iban:\n type: string\n maxLength: 34\n description: IBAN.\n example: \"AE460090000000123456789\"\n swift_code:\n type: string\n maxLength: 11\n description: SWIFT code.\n example: \"CBAUAEAAXXX\"\n bank_name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: Bank name.\n example: \"CENTRAL BANK OF THE U.A.E\"\n routing_number:\n type: string\n maxLength: 10\n description: Routing number (unique, nine-digit number that functions as an address for the bank).\n example: \"800110101\"\n status:\n type: string\n description: User bank account details status.\n example: \"TERMINATED\"\n\n UserExternalBankAccountDetailsResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n user_id:\n type: string\n description: Unique identifier of the user.\n example: \"a34b6c8e-28e5-4370-8234-aeca2b58c48d\"\n bank_details_id:\n type: string\n description: Unique identifier of the bank details.\n example: \"c5cebaf4-9b16-4e50-bae6-dca00210283c\"\n iban:\n type: string\n description: IBAN.\n example: \"AE460090000000123456789\"\n swift_code:\n type: string\n description: SWIFT code.\n example: \"CBAUAEAAXXX\"\n bank_name:\n type: string\n description: Bank name.\n example: \"CENTRAL BANK OF THE U.A.E\"\n routing_number:\n type: string\n description: Routing number (unique, nine-digit number that functions as an address for the bank).\n example: \"800110101\"\n\n Kyc:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Unique identifier of the KYC request.\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n maxLength: 36\n user_id:\n type: string\n example: \"055ef899-9650-4700-9497-e71826dd2825\"\n description: Unique identifier of the user.\n kyc_policy:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SupportedKycPolicies'\n note:\n type: string\n example: \"Some note\"\n description: KYC note.\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/KycStatus'\n status_reason_code:\n $ref: '#/definitions/KycStatusReasonCode'\n status_reason:\n example: \"KYC status reason\"\n description: The reason of KYC status.\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n\n KycStatus:\n type: string\n description: KYC status.\n enum:\n - SUBMITTED\n - INPROGRESS\n - PASS\n - FAIL\n - INCONCLUSIVE\n\n KycStatusReasonCode:\n type: string\n description: >\n KYC Status Reason Code:\n * `S0`: SUBMITTED. KYC initial request submitted.\n * `I0`: INPROGRESS. KYC process is in-progress.\n * `P0`: PASS. KYC process is completed and passed.\n * `F0`: FAIL. KYC process is completed and failed.\n * `C0`: INCONCLUSIVE. KYC process outcome is inconclusive.\n * `C1`: INCONCLUSIVE. Refer to issuer.\n enum:\n - S0\n - I0\n - P0\n - F0\n - C0\n - C1\n\n SupportedKycPolicies:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n description: Supported KYC policies.\n enum:\n - UAE_INDIVIDUAL_PRIMARY\n - UAE_INDIVIDUAL_SECONDARY\n\n UserKycCollection:\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of KYC requests.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Kyc\"\n\n OrderCreateRequest:\n type: object\n description: The order request data.\n required:\n - account_id\n - amount\n - currency\n - payment_method\n properties:\n dry_run:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: This field value decides whether to create a resource or not after performing all necessary operations. Applicable values for this field are true/false and the default value is false.\n account_id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: Unique identifier of the account in NymCard platform in which amount will be loaded.\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 123.45\n x-nymos-currency: currency\n description: Amount which should be loaded in the account.\n currency:\n type: string\n example: AED\n description: Currency of the amount which should be loaded. The format is 3-letter ISO_4217 code. \"AED” is the only supported currency for now.\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n note:\n type: string\n maxLength: 500\n description: Additional description to the load account funds operation that is being performed.\n example: \"Funds load\"\n payment_method:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderPaymentMethod\"\n redirect_url:\n type: string\n maxLength: 1000\n description: If payment_method is HOSTED_CHECKOUT, then this field is mandatory.\n example: \"https://localhost/redirect-url\"\n\n OrderPaymentMethod:\n type: string\n description: The payment gateway loading flow.\n enum:\n - HOSTED_CHECKOUT\n\n OrderStatus:\n type: string\n description: The order status.\n enum:\n - SUCCESS\n - ERROR\n - FAILED\n - CANCELED\n\n OrderResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n order_id:\n type: string\n example: \"e82c3059-33af-4ed0-969a-7c23801dd770\"\n description: Unique identifier of the order.\n session_id:\n type: string\n example: \"SESSION0002034447366K45355737H1\"\n description: Unique identifier of the session.\n transaction_id:\n type: string\n example: \"111c3059-33af-4ed0-969a-7c23801dd555\"\n description: Unique identifier of the order transaction.\n merchant_id:\n type: string\n example: \"500532\"\n description: Unique identifier of the merchant.\n merchant_currency:\n type: string\n example: \"AED\"\n description: Merchant currency. The format is 3-letter ISO_4217 code. \"AED” is the only supported currency for now.\n reference_number:\n type: string\n example: \"1644426451325\"\n description: This parameter is relevant to DAPI orders.\n request:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderCreateRequest\"\n result:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderResult\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was updated.\n\n OrderResult:\n type: object\n description: The order result data.\n properties:\n fee_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 10.05\n description: Fee amount.\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderStatus\"\n status_reason:\n type: string\n example: \"INVALID_MFA\"\n description: The reason of order status. Below you can find the list of possible values, but be aware that new values can be added in future.\n\n * `ORDER_CREATED`\n\n * `SESSION_CREATION_FAILED`\n\n * `AUTHORIZED`\n\n * `ORDER_VOID`\n\n * `ORDER_VOID_FAILED`\n\n * `CANCELLED_BY_CARDHOLDER`\n\n * `TIMED_OUT`\n\n * `FAILED`\n\n * `INVALID_REQUEST`\n\n * `REQUEST_REJECTED`\n\n * `SERVER_BUSY`\n\n * `SERVER_FAILED`\n\n * `ABORTED`\n\n * `ACQUIRER_SYSTEM_ERROR`\n\n * `APPROVED`\n\n * `APPROVED_AUTO`\n\n * `APPROVED_PENDING_SETTLEMENT`\n\n * `AUTHENTICATION_FAILED`\n\n * `AUTHENTICATION_IN_PROGRESS`\n\n * `BALANCE_AVAILABLE`\n\n * `BALANCE_UNKNOWN`\n\n * `BLOCKED`\n\n * `CANCELLED`\n\n * `DECLINED`\n\n * `DECLINED_AVS`\n\n * `DECLINED_AVS_CSC`\n\n * `DECLINED_CSC`\n\n * `DECLINED_DO_NOT_CONTACT`\n\n * `DECLINED_INVALID_PIN`\n\n * `DECLINED_PAYMENT_PLAN`\n\n * `DECLINED_PIN_REQUIRED`\n\n * `DEFERRED_TRANSACTION_RECEIVED`\n\n * `DUPLICATE_BATCH`\n\n * `EXCEEDED_RETRY_LIMIT`\n\n * `EXPIRED_CARD`\n\n * `INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS`\n\n * `INVALID_CSC`\n\n * `LOCK_FAILURE`\n\n * `NOT_ENROLLED_3D_SECURE`\n\n * `NOT_SUPPORTED`\n\n * `NO_BALANCE`\n\n * `PARTIALLY_APPROVED`\n\n * `PENDING`\n\n * `REFERRED`\n\n * `SUBMITTED`\n\n * `SYSTEM_ERROR`\n\n * `UNKNOWN`\n\n * `UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE`\n\n CreateOrderTokenRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - account_id\n properties:\n account_id:\n type: string\n example: \"e6b500c7-b37b-46cf-baae-e1b4f43e8749\"\n description: ID of the account, to which funds will be loaded.\n\n OrderTokenResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n token:\n type: string\n description: The token itself.\n example: \"42504465-5410-46fc-94e8-aa5bc062ada9%7Ctenant\"\n expire_at:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when token will expire.\n\n DapiEnvironment:\n type: string\n enum:\n - sandbox\n - production\n\n OrderDapiConfigurationResponse:\n type: object\n required:\n - app_key\n - environment\n - bank_countries\n - beneficiary_currency\n properties:\n app_key:\n type: string\n example: \"b68cb28a4818eede3b436ea1e7e6a915e098fc6ffa145b6c19ddddc6b72b1e8e\"\n environment:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/DapiEnvironment\"\n bank_countries:\n type: array\n example: [ \"AE\",\"SA\",\"QA\",\"US\",\"JO\",\"MX\",\"KW\",\"ZA\",\"EG\",\"PK\" ]\n items:\n type: string\n beneficiary_currency:\n type: string\n example: USD\n description: Currency of amount to be loaded\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n\n LinkOrderDapiBankRequest:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiUserInputs\"\n - type: object\n required:\n - connection_id\n - user_secret\n - access_code\n properties:\n connection_id:\n type: string\n description: Connection ID from DAPI connect layer response\n user_secret:\n type: string\n description: User secret from DAPI connect layer response\n access_code:\n type: string\n description: Access code from DAPI connect layer response\n\n LinkOrderDapiBankResponse:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiUserInputs\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n result:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiResult\"\n bank:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiBankResponse\"\n\n OrderDapiUnlinkBankResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n result:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiResult\"\n\n OrderDapiStatus:\n type: string\n enum:\n - DONE\n - FAILED\n - USER_INPUT_REQUIRED\n - INITIALIZED\n\n OrderDapiResult:\n required:\n - status\n properties:\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiStatus\"\n status_reason:\n type: string\n example: \"UNAUTHORIZED\"\n description: Error status reason. Which may include [UNAUTHORIZED, INVALID_CREDENTIALS, INVALID_MFA, INVALID_REQUEST] and more error reasons\n status_description:\n type: string\n example: \"Invalid credentials\"\n\n OrderDapiBankResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n bank_id:\n type: string\n example: \"DAPIBANK_AE_MSHRQ\"\n bank_name:\n type: string\n example: \"Mashreq Bank\"\n sort_code:\n type: string\n swift_code:\n type: string\n branch_name:\n type: string\n branch_address:\n type: string\n cooldown_period:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiBeneficiaryCoolDownPeriod\"\n cooldown_finished_at:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n description: Date and time when cooldown period finished\n unauthorized:\n type: boolean\n description: Indicates if relink is required\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n description: Date and time when account was created\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n description: Date and time when account was updated\n\n ListOrderDapiAccountsRequest:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiUserInputs\"\n\n OrderDapiAccountsResponse:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiUserInputs\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n result:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiResult\"\n accounts:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiAccount\"\n\n GetOrderDapiAccountBalanceRequest:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiUserInputs\"\n - type: object\n required:\n - dapi_account_id\n properties:\n dapi_account_id:\n type: string\n example: \"gyup9QMEn4D4KGF5SeEbVgFm6LB9WdlY5tIaOJoYwrBh2qvOHGDhJZ/UmeN6fN3y8o42KP4GPrXJkBGfqn0Zzw==\"\n\n OrderDapiAccountBalanceResponse:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiUserInputs\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n result:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiResult\"\n balance:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiAccountBalance\"\n\n OrderDapiAccountBalance:\n properties:\n account_number:\n type: string\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 123.45\n currency:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/DapiCurrency\"\n\n OrderDapiAccountFundsTransferRequest:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiUserInputs\"\n - type: object\n required:\n - source_dapi_account_id\n - amount\n properties:\n source_dapi_account_id:\n type: string\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 123.45\n minimum: 0\n exclusiveMinimum: true\n note:\n type: string\n example: \"Transfer 123.45 AED\"\n\n OrderDapiAccountFundsTransferResponse:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiUserInputs\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n result:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiResult\"\n order:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderResponse\"\n\n OrderDapiBeneficiaryCoolDownPeriod:\n type: object\n properties:\n unit:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiCooldownPeriodUnit\"\n value:\n type: integer\n format: \"int32\"\n example: 6\n finished_at:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n description: Date and time when cooldown period finished\n\n OrderDapiCooldownPeriodUnit:\n type: string\n enum:\n - HRS\n\n OrderDapiAccount:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"JeALDcxAVeG8Oou/LDJuPrdwbqysvWMBv8Uv+a+bNloiNQ64vu484yVfuEVCM6aOHkxRQttqM3XhGdLsXrrf9w==\"\n name:\n type: string\n example: \"current\"\n number:\n type: string\n example: \"1643027653264547456840\"\n iban:\n type: string\n example: \"DAPIBANKAEMSHRQ1643027653264547456840\"\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/OrderDapiAccountType\"\n favourite:\n type: boolean\n currency:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/DapiCurrency\"\n balance:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 123.45\n\n OrderDapiAccountType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - CURRENT\n - SAVINGS\n - LOAN\n - CREDIT\n - DEPOSIT\n - OTHER\n\n DapiCurrency:\n type: object\n properties:\n code:\n type: string\n example: \"AED\"\n name:\n type: string\n example: \"UNITED ARAB EMIRATES DIRHAM\"\n\n OrderDapiUserInputs:\n type: object\n description: If user inputs is present in response then user must send the request again with the same operation ID and answered user inputs.\n properties:\n operation_id:\n type: string\n example: \"DAPIBANK_AE_MSHRQ:3aa71147-9f60-4f1d-9368-f90b143519dd\"\n user_inputs:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/OrderDapiUserInput'\n\n OrderDapiUserInput:\n type: object\n required:\n - id\n - index\n - query\n - answer\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"otp\"\n answer:\n type: string\n example: \"123456\"\n index:\n type: integer\n format: \"int32\"\n example: 0\n query:\n type: string\n example: \"Please enter a Smart Pass Token from your ENBD mobile application\"\n\n VtsTokenCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of token data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VtsToken\"\n\n VtsToken:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Generated token ID.\n example: \"202ff34d-8d6f-42f3-b728-4c59f2158591\"\n token_requestor_id:\n type: string\n example: \"40000073\"\n description: Token requestor ID passed in the API request.\n token_reference_id:\n type: string\n example: \"DNI...04\"\n description: Token reference ID passed in the API request.\n pan_reference_id:\n type: string\n example: \"V-420...90\"\n description: PAN reference ID passed in the API request.\n client_wallet_account_id:\n type: string\n example: \"897...31\"\n description: Client wallet account ID passed in the API request.\n lifecycle_trace_id:\n type: integer\n format: int64\n description: Lifecycle trace ID.\n card_id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n description: System internal ID of the card that is resolved using the clear PAN coming in the API request.\n user_id:\n type: string\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n description: Internal ID of the user.\n pan_source:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PanSource\"\n card_last_four:\n type: string\n example: \"4587\"\n description: Last four PAN digits.\n consumer_entry_mode:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ConsumerEntryMode\"\n token_info:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VtsTokenTokenInfo\"\n device_info:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VtsTokenDeviceInfo\"\n risk_info:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VtsTokenRiskInfo\"\n created:\n type: string\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n x-nymos-index: desc\n updated:\n type: string\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n x-nymos-index: desc\n\n VtsTokenDeviceInfo:\n type: object\n description: The token device information.\n properties:\n device_id:\n type: string\n example: \"zmi...zA\"\n description: Received device ID.\n device_type:\n type: string\n example: \"MOBILE_PHONE\"\n description: The device type passed in the API request.\n device_name:\n type: string\n example: \"My Phone\"\n description: The device name passed in the API request.\n device_number:\n type: string\n example: \"86...30\"\n description: The device number.\n os_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/OSType'\n os_version:\n type: string\n description: The version of the operating system running on the device.\n example: \"4.4.4\"\n os_build_id:\n type: string\n description: The operating system build identifier.\n example: \"KTU84M\"\n device_manufacturer:\n type: string\n description: The manufacturer of the device.\n example: \"Samsung\"\n device_brand:\n type: string\n description: The brand name of the device.\n example: \"Galaxy\"\n device_model:\n type: string\n description: The specific model of the device.\n example: \"SGH-T999\"\n token_protection_method:\n type: string\n example: \"SECURE_ELEMENT\"\n description: The method of token protection.\n\n VtsTokenTokenInfo:\n type: object\n description: The token information.\n properties:\n token:\n type: string\n example: \"451...75\"\n description: The token itself.\n token_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/TokenType'\n token_status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/TokenStatus'\n token_expiration_date:\n type: string\n example: \"01/2021\"\n description: The token expiration date.\n token_assurance_method:\n type: string\n example: \"00\"\n description: The assurance method of the token.\n token_activation_date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The activation date of the token.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n last_token_status_modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2019-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when token status was modified.\n\n\n VtsTokenRiskInfo:\n type: object\n description: The information about token risks.\n properties:\n wallet_provider_account_score:\n type: string\n example: \"5\"\n description: The wallet provider account score.\n wallet_provider_device_score:\n type: string\n example: \"5\"\n description: The wallet provider device score.\n wallet_provider_reason_codes:\n type: string\n example: \"01,02,03,04,0D,0G\"\n description: The wallet provider reason codes.\n risk_assessment_score:\n type: string\n example: \"10\"\n description: The risk assessment score.\n visa_token_score:\n type: string\n example: \"15\"\n description: VISA token score.\n visa_token_decisioning:\n type: string\n example: \"00\"\n description: VISA token decisioning.\n\n TokenType:\n type: string\n description: The type of the token.\n example: \"ECOMMERCE\"\n enum:\n - SECURE_ELEMENT\n - HCE\n - CARD_ON_FILE\n - ECOMMERCE\n - QRC\n\n TokenStatus:\n type: string\n description: The status of the token.\n example: \"ACTIVE\"\n enum:\n - ACTIVE\n - INACTIVE\n - SUSPENDED\n - DEACTIVATED\n\n PanSource:\n type: string\n example: \"KEY_ENTERED\"\n description: The source of PAN.\n enum:\n - KEY_ENTERED\n - ON_FILE\n - MOBILE_BANKING_APP\n - TOKEN\n - CHIP_DIP\n - CONTACTLESS_TAP\n\n ConsumerEntryMode:\n type: string\n example: \"CAMERA_CAPTURED\"\n enum:\n - KEY_ENTERED\n - CAMERA_CAPTURED\n - UNKNOWN\n description: The method of consumer entry.\n\n OSType:\n type: string\n example: \"IOS\"\n description: The type of operating system.\n enum:\n - ANDROID\n - IOS\n - WINDOWS\n - BLACKBERRY\n - TIZEN\n - OTHER\n\n TokenStatusChangeRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - status\n - status_reason_code\n properties:\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/StatusToChange'\n status_reason_code:\n $ref: '#/definitions/StatusReasonCodeToChange'\n note:\n type: string\n description: Some additional notes.\n example: \"Additional info\"\n maxLength: 254\n\n StatusToChange:\n type: string\n description: New status.\n enum:\n - ACTIVE\n - SUSPENDED\n - TERMINATED\n\n StatusReasonCodeToChange:\n type: string\n description: >\n New Status Reason Code:\n * `A0`: First time activation: when activated from INACTIVE to ACTIVE status.\n * `A1`: Resumed from Suspended status: when token is moved back to ACTIVE status.\n * `S0`: Temporary suspension: initiated by the user or system user or the system.\n * `T0`: Token is closed by user.\n * `T1`: Token is closed by issuer.\n enum:\n - A0\n - A1\n - S0\n - T0\n - T1\n\n EncryptCardDetailsResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/EncryptResponseStatus\"\n status_reason_code:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ErrorCode\"\n card_details:\n type: string\n example: \"encrypted_card_details\"\n description: |\n Encrypted card details.\n This parameter is conditional and will be returned only if status=SUCCESS.\n\n EncryptResponseStatus:\n type: string\n description: Status of encrypted card details.\n enum:\n - SUCCESS\n - FAILED\n\n ErrorCode:\n type: string\n description: >\n Status reason code of encrypted card details:\n * `F0`: Internal server error.\n * `F1`: Nonce is expired.\n * `F2`: Signature is invalid.\n * `F3`: card_id is invalid.\n * `F4`: Keys required for encryption are missing in system.\n * `F5`: Tokenization setting is missing in system.\n enum:\n - F0\n - F1\n - F2\n - F3\n - F4\n - F5\n\n SimulateTransactionRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n message_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SimulateTransactionMessageType'\n example: \"AUTHORIZATION\"\n transaction_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SimulateTransactionTransactionType'\n example: \"PURCHASE\"\n card_number:\n type: string\n example: \"4434221121121123\"\n description: The card number.\n card_expiry_date:\n type: string\n example: \"2212\"\n description: The card expiry date in 'yymm' format.\n cvv2:\n type: string\n example: \"642\"\n description: The card CVV.\n transaction_amount:\n type: integer\n example: 20\n description: The amount of transaction.\n transaction_currency:\n type: string\n example: \"USD\"\n description: The currency of the transaction.\n billing_amount:\n type: integer\n example: 20\n description: The billing amount.\n billing_currency:\n type: string\n description: The billing currency.\n example: \"USD\"\n date_time_acquirer:\n type: string\n example: \"0928201947\"\n description: The date of the transaction at the acquirer end when this transaction was performed. The format is \"mmddhhmmss\" (MonthDateHoursSec).\n network:\n type: string\n example: \"VISA\"\n description: The network scheme.\n network_transaction_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique transaction ID filled by the Network/Scheme. This field is only applicable for \"MASTERCARD\" network scheme.\n example: \"234551234561008\"\n maxLength: 25\n terminal_id:\n type: string\n example: \"TERMID01\"\n description: The unique identifier of the merchant's terminal.\n merchant_id:\n type: string\n example: \"MERCHID01\"\n description: The unique identifier of the merchant.\n mcc:\n type: string\n example: \"5411\"\n description: The merchant category code.\n merchant_name:\n type: string\n description: The merchant name.\n example: \"ACQUIRER NAME\"\n maxLength: 25\n merchant_country:\n type: string\n example: \"USA\"\n description: The merchant country in 3 digit ISO Alpha country code format.\n merchant_city:\n type: string\n example: \"New York\"\n description: The merchant city.\n maxLength: 13\n pin:\n type: string\n example: \"2341\"\n description: The card PIN.\n auth_id_response:\n type: string\n example: \"123456\"\n description: auth_id_response received in response of auth transcation (used in unionpay cancellation).\n\n SimulateTransactionMessageType:\n type: string\n description: The type of transaction simulation message.\n enum:\n - AUTHORIZATION\n\n SimulateTransactionTransactionType:\n type: string\n description: The type of transaction simulation.\n enum:\n - PURCHASE\n - CASH_WITHDRAWAL\n - REFUND\n - BALANCE_INQUIRY\n - ACCOUNT_VERIFICATION\n\n SimulateTransactionResponse:\n type: object\n description: The response of transaction simulation.\n properties:\n message_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SimulateTransactionMessageType'\n example: \"AUTHORIZATION\"\n transaction_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SimulateTransactionTransactionType'\n example: \"PURCHASE\"\n transaction_amount:\n type: integer\n example: 20.00\n description: The amount of transaction.\n transaction_currency:\n type: string\n example: \"USD\"\n description: The currency of the transaction.\n billing_amount:\n type: integer\n example: 20.00\n description: The billing amount.\n billing_currency:\n type: string\n example: \"USD\"\n description: The billing currency.\n date_time_acquirer:\n type: string\n example: \"0928201947\"\n description: The date of the transaction at the acquirer end when this transaction was performed. The format is \"mmddhhmmss\" (MonthDateHoursSec).\n network:\n type: string\n example: \"VISA\"\n description: The network scheme.\n network_transaction_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique transaction ID filled by the Network/Scheme. This field is only applicable for \"MASTERCARD\" network scheme.\n example: \"234551234561008\"\n maxLength: 25\n terminal_id:\n type: string\n example: \"TERMID01\"\n description: The unique identifier of the merchant's terminal.\n merchant_id:\n type: string\n example: \"MERCHID01\"\n description: The unique identifier of the merchant.\n mcc:\n type: string\n example: \"5411\"\n description: The merchant category code.\n merchant_name:\n type: string\n description: The merchant name.\n example: \"ACQUIRER NAME\"\n maxLength: 25\n merchant_country:\n type: string\n example: \"USA\"\n description: The merchant country in 3 digit ISO Alpha country code format.\n merchant_city:\n type: string\n example: \"New York\"\n description: The merchant city.\n maxLength: 13\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"135015000017\"\n description: The transaction ID generated by the system.\n status_code:\n type: string\n example: \"00\"\n description: The status code of the transaction. Possible values are \"00\", \"55\" etc.. For more info please refer to the standard status codes defined by Visa and Mastercard.\n status_description:\n type: string\n example: \"Approved\"\n description: The short description of the transaction status (Approved/Declined). For example, \"00\" - \"Approved\", \"55\" - \"Bad PIN\" etc.. For more info please refer to the standard status codes defined by Visa and Mastercard.\n available_balance:\n type: string\n example: \"9900.00\"\n description: The available balance.\n ledger_balance:\n type: string\n example: \"10000.00\"\n description: The ledger balance.\n stan:\n type: string\n example: \"000017\"\n description: The system trace audit number of the transaction.\n rrn:\n type: string\n example: \"135015000017\"\n description: The retrieval reference number of the transaction.\n auth_id_response:\n type: string\n example: \"575620\"\n description: The Auth ID response of the transaction.\n sweep_details:\n type: array\n description: An array of sweeping details. Sweeping is performed upon insufficient funds - they are pulled from the other wallets and are credited to the wallet on which transaction is received.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SimulateTransactionSweepDetails\"\n\n\n Checks:\n type: string\n description: Reports which need to be generated by the client. The values are `DOCUMENT` and `FACIAL_SIMILARITY_VIDEO`.\n enum:\n - DOCUMENT\n - FACIAL_SIMILARITY_VIDEO\n UserIncorporationType:\n type: string\n description: This parameter indicates whether this business entity is Limited, LLC, Free-zone or anything else.\n enum:\n - LTD\n - LLC\n - FZE\n - FZCO\n - FZ-LLC\n - INC\n - FOUNDATION\n - TRUST\n - FUND\n - PUBLIC_TRADED\n - GOVT_OWNED\n - LLP\n - OTHER\n\n UserGroupAdditionalInfo:\n type: object\n description: The additional information, which describes whether entity is a part of a group etc.\n properties:\n group_entity:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter describes whether the entity is a part of a group. If yes, then the name/details should be given in the 'entity_details' field.\n independent_entity:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter describes whether the entity is acting on its own behalf. If yes, then the name should be given in the 'entity_details' field.\n special_investment:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter describes whether the entity is a special investment Vehicle/ Trust/ Foundation part of a 'structure' of the ultimate beneficial owner.\n entity_details:\n type: string\n description: The name of the individual or entity,on whose behalf the entity is acting, should be provided in this field.\n maxLength: 100\n example: \"Nexxo LLC\"\n\n UserPepCheckInfo:\n type: object\n description: The information about checking politically exposed persons (“PEPs”) among main shareholders, directors of the entity.\n properties:\n pri_pep_check:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether any of main shareholders, directors of the entity, or any other persons (signature) have ever been or currently are politically exposed persons (“PEPs”). Applicable values are true/false.\n pri_pep_check_name:\n type: string\n description: If the 'pri_pep_check' parameter is set as 'true', then a name should be provided in this field.\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"John Smith\"\n sec_pep_check:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether any family members of main shareholders, directors of the entity, or of any other persons (signature) have ever been or currently are politically exposed persons (“PEPs”). Applicable values are true/false.\n sec_pep_check_name:\n type: string\n description: If the 'sec_pep_check' parameter is set as 'true', then a name should be provided in this field.\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"Adam Smith\"\n\n UserNoOfEmployees:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n example: 25\n description: This parameter describes the number of employees for the business entity.\n\n UserDueDiligenceDeclaration:\n type: object\n description: The information about due diligence declaration.\n properties:\n bankruptcy_declaration:\n type: boolean\n description: Has the Entity, any Owner or Controlling Person ever filed for bankruptcy, been denied credit, or does the Entity, Owner, or Controlling person currently have a pending proceeding or judgment against it? Possible values are true/false. If yes, please also provide the full details including who, when, where, and any other relevant information.\n disciplinary_declaration:\n type: boolean\n description: Has the Entity, any Owner or Controlling Person ever been the subject of any interrogation, investigations, or disciplinary proceedings by any government or non- government entity, whether in the UAE or elsewhere? Possible values are true/false.\n fraud_aml_declaration:\n type: boolean\n description: Has the Entity, any Owner or Controlling Person ever been formally investigated, accused, charged, or convicted of any felony or misdemeanor such as fraud, money laundering, narcotics, drug trafficking, human smuggling or terrorist financing? Possible values are true/false. If yes, please also provide an explanation of the facts, including the date of any formal charges, date of conviction or judgment, and the court in which such charges were brought or adjudicated.\n disqualification_declaration:\n type: boolean\n description: Has the Entity, any Owner or Controlling person (s) ever been the subject of any interrogation, investigations, Disqualification or disciplinary proceedings by any government or non-government entity, whether in the UAE or elsewhere? Possible values are true/false.\n conviction_accusition_declaration:\n type: boolean\n description: Has the Entity, any Owner or Controlling person, ever been convicted or accused of practicing any unauthorized or unlicensed activities or been investigated for the possible carrying out of unauthorized or unlicensed activities, whether in the UAE or elsewhere? Possible values are true/false.\n breach_of_law_declaration:\n type: boolean\n description: Has the Entity, Any Owner or Controlling person, ever demonstrated unwillingness to comply with any laws, regulations, or instructions, or in any way helped or abetted another person in breach of any laws, regulations, or instructions, whether in the UAE or elsewhere? Possible values are true/false.\n\n LinkedRelationships:\n type: object\n properties:\n parent_user:\n type: string\n example: \"ABC\"\n description: The unique identifier of parent user.\n child_users:\n type: array\n example: \"signature1\"\n description: An array of child user IDs.\n items:\n type: string\n\n IdvPolicyResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 32\n description: The unique identifier of IDV policy.\n example: \"4b4eabfcf8394e519dc13dc25c5eddd6\"\n idv_policy_name:\n type: string\n example: \"IDV_POLICY_INDIVIDUAL_PRIMARY\"\n description: The name of IDV policy. This value can be `IDV_POLICY_INDIVIDUAL_PRIMARY` or `IDV_POLICY_INDIVIDUAL_SECONDARY`.\n checks:\n type: array\n description: Reports which need to be generated by the client. The values are `DOCUMENT` and `FACIAL_SIMILARITY_VIDEO`.\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/Checks'\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n\n IdvPolicyCollection:\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: Indicates whether there are more data to load.\n data:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/IdvPolicyResponse\"\n\n IdvPolicyUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n checks:\n type: array\n description: Reports which need to be generated by the client. The values are `DOCUMENT` and `FACIAL_SIMILARITY_VIDEO`.\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/Checks'\n\n SupportedIdvPolicies:\n type: string\n description: Supported IDV policies.\n enum:\n - IDV_POLICY_INDIVIDUAL_PRIMARY\n - IDV_POLICY_INDIVIDUAL_SECONDARY\n\n SourceChannel:\n type: string\n description: Type of source channel only applicable for transaction_type = TRANSFERS. Default value is \"ANY\".\n enum:\n - ANY\n - MPGS\n - DAPI\n - LEAN\n - API\n - CHECKOUT\n\n\n BalanceLimitObject:\n type: object\n required:\n - balance_limit_id\n properties:\n balance_limit_id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n description: The unique identifier of the balance limit.\n\n UserDocumentReportCollection:\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: User document report data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserDocumentReportResponse\"\n\n UserDocumentReportResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of report.\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n maxLength: 36\n validation_result:\n $ref: '#/definitions/ValidationResult'\n name:\n type: string\n description: The name of report.\n check_id:\n type: string\n description: The ID of the check to which the report belongs.\n created_at:\n type: string\n description: The date and time at which the report was first initiated.\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n result:\n type: string\n description: The result of the report.\n status:\n type: string\n description: The current state of the report\n sub_result:\n type: string\n description: The sub result of the report.\n\n ValidationResult:\n type: object\n description: Report results.\n properties:\n date_of_birth:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetails'\n date_of_expiry:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetails'\n document_numbers:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetails'\n document_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetails'\n first_name:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetails'\n last_name:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetails'\n gender:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetails'\n age:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetails'\n issuing_country:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetails'\n nationality:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetails'\n multiple_data_sources_present:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetails'\n additional_document_information:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetails'\n mrz:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetailsWithArrayValue'\n barcode:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetailsWithArrayValue'\n image:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetails'\n visual:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetails'\n issuing_authority:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetails'\n police_record:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetails'\n\n UserDocumentReportDetails:\n type: object\n properties:\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserReportDocumentStatus'\n description:\n type: array\n description: Parameter's description from user document report.\n items:\n type: string\n value:\n type: string\n description: Parameter's value from user document report.\n\n UserDocumentReportDetailsWithArrayValue:\n allOf:\n - $ref: '#/definitions/UserDocumentReportDetails'\n - type: object\n properties:\n value:\n type: array\n description: User document report value.\n items:\n type: string\n\n\n UserReportDocumentStatus:\n type: string\n description: Parameter's status from user document report.\n enum:\n - PASS\n - FAIL\n\n SmsProvider:\n type: string\n description: Sms provider name.\n enum:\n - TWILIO\n - ETISALAT\n\n CardProductCreditSettings:\n type: object\n description: Card product credit settings.\n properties:\n statement_on:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 28\n example: 25\n description: Statement day of the month.\n statement_cycle:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/StatementCycle\"\n grace_period:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 27\n description: |\n The number of days to add in the billing date to calculate the due date of a billing cycle.\n late_payment_grace_period:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 5\n description: |\n The period of time granted by a financial institution during which a borrower or debtor can make a payment after the due date without late fee.\n limit_late_payment_to:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LimitLatePayment\"\n delinquency_grace_period:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 5\n description: |\n The specified period of time granted by a financial institution during which a borrower or debtor can make a payment after the due date without having an impact on their credit score and other punitive actions.\n delinquency_start_after:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/DelinquencyStartAfter\"\n allow_account_level_definition:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: |\n This field allows every product level definition to be allowed at account level. This flag is only checked when account is created or being updated.\n allow_additional_card:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: |\n This field indicates whether an account can have supplementary cards or not. These supplementary cards share account level credit limit but can have their own credit limits.\n payment_due_on:\n type: number\n description: The day before which due amount needs to be paid for each cycle and to ensure that you will not be charged any delinquency / late fees.\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 28\n example: 2\n first_minimum_topup:\n type: number\n description: The minimum amount to load for the first time.\n minimum: 0\n default: 1\n notification_send_before:\n type: number\n description: |\n The number of day(s) before payment_due_on, notification need to be sent by the system.\n minimum: 0\n default: 1\n security_amount:\n type: array\n description: Security amount.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductSecurityAmount\"\n delinquency:\n type: array\n description: An array of delinquency settings for a cardholder who failed to pay required cycle's payments on time.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductSettingsDelinquency\"\n payment_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductPaymentSettings\"\n minimum_payment_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductMinimumPaymentSettings\"\n\n CardProductCreditLimits:\n type: object\n properties:\n min_credit_limit:\n type: number\n example: 5\n description: |\n The numeric number which has min credit limit boundary.\n max_credit_limit:\n type: number\n example: 15\n description: |\n The numeric number which has max credit limit boundary.\n cash_adv_limit_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashAdvLimitType\"\n cash_adv_limit_value:\n type: number\n example: 50.00\n description: The value of cash advance limit.\n cash_adv_limit_roundup_factor:\n type: number\n example: 10\n description: |\n This field defines the round up factor for the cash advance limit as multiples of 1, 10, 100 and 1000s.\n\n CreateDelinquencyRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - delinquency_actions\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of the charge.\n example: \"2\"\n delinquency_actions:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/DelinquencyAction\"\n\n UpdateDelinquencyRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n number_of_delinquency_days:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 360\n example: 30\n description: This field specifies the number of delinquency days after which actions will be triggered.\n delinquency_action:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/DelinquencyActionType\"\n delinquency_revert_rule:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/DelinquencyRevertRule\"\n delinquency_revert_action:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/DelinquencyRevertAction\"\n number_of_minimum_payments:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n example: 3\n description: This field specifies number of minimum payments that should be paid in order to revert the delinquency action.\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether delinquency is active or not.\n example: true\n\n DelinquencyCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load.\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Delinquency\"\n\n Delinquency:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: delinquencies\n required:\n - delinquency_actions\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"1d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of delinquency.\n x-nymos-key: true\n delinquency_actions:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/DelinquencyAction\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n updated:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n\n DelinquencyAction:\n type: object\n required:\n - number_of_delinquency_days\n - delinquency_action\n properties:\n number_of_delinquency_days:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 360\n example: 32\n description: This field specifies the number of delinquency days after which actions will be triggered.\n delinquency_action:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/DelinquencyActionType\"\n delinquency_revert_rule:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/DelinquencyRevertRule\"\n number_of_minimum_payments:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: This field specifies number of minimum payments that should be paid in order to revert the delinquency action.\n minimum: 0\n example: 3\n delinquency_revert_action:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/DelinquencyRevertAction\"\n active:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This flag enables the activation/deactivation of any rule at any given time.\n example: true\n\n DelinquencyActionType:\n type: string\n description: Actions to be triggered after the designated delinquency days have elapsed.\n example: \"INACTIVATE_CARD\"\n enum:\n - INACTIVATE_CARD\n - FORFEIT_REWARD_POINTS\n - SUSPEND_REWARD_POINTS\n - MARK_FOR_COLLECTION\n - APPLY_PENALTY_APR\n - CHARGEOFF_AND_CLOSE_CARD\n\n DelinquencyRevertRule:\n type: string\n example: \"NO._OF_CONSECUTIVE_MINIMUM_PAYMENTS_RECEIVED\"\n description: Revert Rule is the condition that should be met to revert the action.\n enum:\n - NO._OF_CONSECUTIVE_MINIMUM_PAYMENTS_RECEIVED\n\n DelinquencyRevertAction:\n type: string\n example: \"RESTORE_STANDARD_APR\"\n description: The action that should be taken if condition specified in the Revert Rule is met.\n enum:\n - RESTORE_STANDARD_APR\n\n DelinquencySortBy:\n type: string\n enum:\n - created\n - updated\n\n DelinquencyIdHolder:\n type: object\n required:\n - delinquency_id\n properties:\n delinquency_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of delinquency.\n example: \"1d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n\n CardProductDelinquencies:\n x-nymos-entity: card_product_delinquencies\n properties:\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of card product.\n example: \"78032a80f-e641-4045-8a80-56841e4a7458\"\n x-nymos-key: true\n delinquency_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of delinquency.\n example: \"1d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n\n CardProductMinimumPaymentSettings:\n type: object\n description: Minimum payment calculation preferences, only relevant for revolving credit products.\n properties:\n minimum_payment_calculation_method:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MinimumPaymentCalculationMethod\"\n percentage:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The percentage of the statement balance which will be considered for the calculation.\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 100\n minimum_payment_threshold:\n type: integer\n format: int64\n description: If min payment calculated for an account is below the value in this field then system will pick this value as a min payment.\n minimum: 0\n\n MinimumPaymentCalculationMethod:\n type: string\n example: \"PERCENTAGE_OF_STATEMENT_BALANCE\"\n description: The method, which is used by the system to calculate minimum payment required in the account statement.\n enum:\n - PERCENTAGE_OF_STATEMENT_BALANCE\n\n DelinquencyStartAfter:\n type: string\n default: DELINQUENCY_GRACE_DAYS\n description: This field indicated after what the delinquency starts.\n enum:\n - DUE_DATE\n - DELINQUENCY_GRACE_DAYS\n\n LimitLatePayment:\n type: string\n description: The late payment limit.\n example: \"REMAINING_MINIMUM_PAYMENT\"\n enum:\n - REMAINING_MINIMUM_PAYMENT\n - MINIMUM_PAYMENT\n\n AprProfile:\n type: object\n description: The APR profile.\n required:\n - profile_name\n - apr_name\n - fc_method_name\n - apr_value\n - effective_from\n - interest_trigger_date\n x-nymos-entity: apr_profile\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Unique ID for APR profile.\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n x-nymos-key: true\n profile_name:\n type: string\n description: Name of the profile.\n example: \"profile1\"\n apr_name:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AprName\"\n fc_method_name:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AprFcMethodName\"\n apr_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AprType\"\n apr_value:\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n description: The APR value intended for use with a specific APR ID.\n effective_from:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AprEffectiveFrom\"\n effective_date:\n type: string\n format: date\n example: \"2022-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date when new APR will become applicable. If the effective date is not provided, the system will automatically insert today’s date.\n applicable_on:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AprApplicableOn\"\n interest_trigger_date:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AprInterestTriggerDate\"\n apply_daily_compounding:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates if previous daily interest is compounded in the current day's APR calculation.\n example: false\n apply_monthly_compounding:\n type: boolean\n description: If true, then system will consider FC balance bucket as part of overall purchase balance when computing interest for the billing period. Only applicable for PURCHASE_APR.\n example: false\n\n AprName:\n type: string\n example: \"PURCHASE_APR\"\n description: The APR name for which the APR profile is being created.\n enum:\n - PURCHASE_APR\n - CASHADVANCE_APR\n\n AprFcMethodName:\n type: string\n example: \"AVERAGE_DAILY_BALANCE\"\n description: Interest calculation method to be used for the APR profile.\n enum:\n - AVERAGE_DAILY_BALANCE\n\n AprType:\n type: string\n description: The type of APR.\n default: FIXED\n enum:\n - FIXED\n\n AprEffectiveFrom:\n type: string\n example: \"SPECIFIC_DATE\"\n description: Indicate from when this APR should be applied.\n enum:\n - SPECIFIC_DATE\n\n AprApplicableOn:\n type: string\n description: Indicate the balance on which this APR should be applied.\n default: OVERALL_BALANCE\n enum:\n - OVERALL_BALANCE\n\n AprInterestTriggerDate:\n type: string\n example: \"DUE_DATE\"\n description: The date from which the interest should be charged.\n enum:\n - DUE_DATE\n - TRANSACTION_DATE\n\n AprProfileWithErrors:\n type: object\n description: APR profiles with errors.\n properties:\n apr_profile:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AprProfile\"\n errors:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n type: string\n description: Error item.\n example: \"error\"\n\n AprProfilesResponse:\n type: object\n description: The APR profile data.\n properties:\n apr_profiles:\n type: array\n description: An array of APR profiles.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AprProfile\"\n apr_profiles_with_errors:\n type: array\n description: An array of APR profiles with errors.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AprProfileWithErrors\"\n\n CardProductPaymentSettings:\n type: object\n description: This object is only relevant for revolving credit products, it holds payment distribution order and priority.\n properties:\n payment_transaction_types:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PaymentTransactionTypes\"\n payment_distribution_order:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PaymentDistributionOrder\"\n transaction_type_priority:\n type: array\n description: The sequence of the transaction types, highest priority first.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PaymentPriorityTransactionTypes\"\n\n PaymentTransactionTypes:\n type: string\n example: \"WALLET_CREDIT\"\n description:\n Transaction types which should be considered as payments.\n enum:\n - OCT\n - WALLET_CREDIT\n - CARD_TOPUP\n\n PaymentDistributionOrder:\n type: string\n description: Payment distribution order criteria to be used for payments allocation.\n example: \"TRANSACTION_TYPE\"\n enum:\n - TRANSACTION_TYPE\n\n PaymentPriorityTransactionTypes:\n type: string\n example: \"FEES_AND_CHARGES\"\n description: Transaction types that are supported for payment allocation priority. Only used if payment_distribution_order is set to TRANSACTION_TYPE.\n enum:\n - FEES_AND_CHARGES\n - PURCHASE\n - CASH_ADVANCES\n - FINANCIAL_CHARGES\n\n CardProductSecurityAmount:\n type: object\n description: Security amount.\n properties:\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductSecurityAmountType\"\n value:\n type: number\n description: The amount to park as a security deposit.\n minimum: 0\n example: 1\n\n CardProductSettingsDelinquency:\n type: object\n description: An array of delinquency settings for a cardholder who failed to pay required cycle's payments on time.\n properties:\n cycle_due_date_passed:\n type: number\n description: This parameter indicates the value of number of due date passed.\n minimum: 0\n example: 1\n charge_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductSecurityAmountType\"\n charge_value:\n type: number\n description: The amount to be charged as delinquency / late fees.\n minimum: 1\n example: 2\n card_status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductDelinquencyStatus\"\n card_status_reason:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardProductStatusReasonCode\"\n\n CardProductSecurityAmountType:\n type: string\n example: \"FLAT\"\n description: Security amount type.\n enum:\n - FLAT\n\n CardProductDelinquencyStatus:\n type: string\n example: \"SUSPENDED\"\n description: The status of card product delinquency.\n enum:\n - SUSPENDED\n - TERMINATED\n\n CardProductStatusReasonCode:\n type: string\n example: \"S2\"\n description: The card product status reason code. If card_status is 'SUSPENDED', then reason code is `S2`. If card_status is 'TERMINATED', then reason code is `T6`.\n enum:\n - S2\n - T6\n\n CardProductType:\n type: string\n example: \"PREPAID\"\n description: |\n Card product type.\n enum:\n - PREPAID\n - CREDIT\n\n CardProductSubType:\n type: string\n description: |\n Card product sub-type.\n enum:\n - SECURE\n - REVOLVING\n\n StatementCycle:\n type: string\n description: The statement cycle.\n example: \"MONTHLY\"\n enum:\n - MONTHLY\n - WEEKLY\n\n InternalAuthSettings:\n type: object\n description: An array of authorization settings.\n properties:\n allow_atm:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter shall indicate if ATM transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_pos:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter shall indicate if transactions originating from point of sales are allowed or not.\n allow_chip:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter shall indicate if chip transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_magstripe:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter shall indicate if magnetic stripe transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_chip_fallback:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter shall indicate if chip fallback to magnetic stripe transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_without_pin:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter shall indicate if authorization transactions without PIN are allowed or not.\n allow_ecommerce_non_3DS:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter shall indicate if Ecommerce non-3DS transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_ecommerce_3DS:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter shall indicate if Ecommerce 3DS transactions are allowed or not.\n allow_ecommerce_without_CVV:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter shall indicate if Ecommerce transactions without CVV2/CVN2 are allowed or not.\n allow_account_verification_without_CVV:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter shall indicate if Ecommerce account verification transactions without CVV2/CVN2 are allowed or not.\n allow_quasi_cash:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter shall indicate if a quasi cash transaction is allowed or not.\n allow_scheme_account_funding:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter shall indicate if a scheme account funding transaction is allowed or not.\n allow_scheme_credits:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter shall indicate if scheme credit transactions like Visa OCT or MC MoneySend are allowed or not.\n allow_contactless:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter shall indicate if contactless transactions are allowed or not.\n allowed_mccs_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: Allowed MCCS identifier.\n example: \"a8180db3-b2e9-4ae0-93cd-2a0b52a99737\"\n allowed_countries_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: Allowed countries identifier.\n example: \"8358c501-56a3-43b0-b2b3-a2c49f3c33ab\"\n\n AccountTokenResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n token:\n type: string\n description: The account token itself.\n example: \"ODjoP1.....k6o=\"\n expiry:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n example: 3600\n description: Token expiry time in seconds. Default value for expiry is 3600 sec.\n\n CreateTokenRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n channel:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LoadFundsChannel\"\n\n LoadFundsWithTokenRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - channel\n - token\n properties:\n dry_run:\n type: boolean\n description: If true then all validation checks will be performed but the actual fund movement will not be performed.\n default: false\n amount:\n type: number\n description: The transaction amount.\n example: 250\n token:\n type: string\n description: The generated token.\n example: \"RTjoP1.....k8o=\"\n type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/LoadFundsType'\n error_description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: Additional error information.\n example: \"Some description\"\n external_reference_number:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: The external reference number.\n example: \"MDRT1233\"\n channel:\n $ref: '#/definitions/LoadFundsChannel'\n\n LoadFundsWithTokenResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n reference_number:\n type: string\n description: The reference number.\n example: \"MUH.....22U\"\n\n LoadFundsType:\n type: string\n description: The type of load funds.\n example: \"HOLD\"\n enum:\n - HOLD\n - POST\n - RELEASE\n\n LoadFundsChannel:\n type: string\n description: Load funds channel.\n example: \"DAPI\"\n enum:\n - DAPI\n - LEAN\n\n FxRateGroupsResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of FX rate group data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRateGroupResponse\"\n\n FxRateProvidersResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of FX rate provider data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRateProviderResponse\"\n\n FxRateGroupResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: The unique identifier of a FX rate group.\n providerId:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: The unique identifier of a FX rate provider.\n providerGroupId:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: The unique identifier of a FX rate provider group.\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRateGroupStatus\"\n isDefault:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether this group is default or not.\n example: true\n decimal_places:\n type: integer\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 10\n markup:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRatesQuotesMarkup\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n\n FxRateGroupStatus:\n type: string\n description: The status of FX rate group.\n example: \"ACTIVE\"\n enum:\n - ACTIVE\n - INACTIVE\n\n FxRateProviderResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of FX rate provider.\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n example: \"Converter\"\n description: The name of FX rate provider.\n type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/FxRateProviderType'\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/FxRateProviderStatus'\n fxRateProviderGroups:\n type: array\n description: An array of FX rate provider groups.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRateProviderGroup\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n\n FxRateProviderType:\n type: string\n description: This field identifies whether the FX rate provider is third party or being managed internally by NymCard.\n example: \"INTERNAL\"\n enum:\n - INTERNAL\n - EXTERNAL\n\n FxRateProviderStatus:\n type: string\n description: FX rate provider status.\n example: \"ACTIVE\"\n enum:\n - ACTIVE\n - INACTIVE\n\n FxRateProviderGroup:\n type: object\n description: FX rate provider group.\n properties:\n provider_group_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n description: The unique identifier of a FX rate provider group.\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/FxRateProviderStatus'\n\n Charges:\n type: object\n required:\n - id\n - description\n - type\n - currency\n - charge_type\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n description: The unique identifier of the charge.\n description:\n type: string\n description: Description of the charge.\n example: \"Withdrawal charges\"\n maxLength: 50\n type:\n description: The charge type.\n example: \"FLAT\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Type\"\n currency:\n description: The charge currency.\n example: \"USD\"\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n amount:\n description: The charge amount.\n example: 2\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n x-nymos-currency: currency\n percentage:\n description: Percentage of the charge.\n example: 15\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 100\n frequency_period:\n description: Charges frequency period.\n example: 5\n default: 1\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n on_first:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether charge is applicable on first month or year. It is applicable for frequency \"MONTHLY\" and \"YEARLY\".\n example: true\n default: false\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: The charge status.\n example: true\n charge_type:\n description: The type of charge operation.\n example: \"PHYSICAL_CARD_ISSUANCE\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ChargesType\"\n frequency:\n description: Frequency of charging.\n example: \"MONTHLY\"\n $ref: '#/definitions/ChargesFrequency'\n application_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/ChargesApplicationType'\n example: \"SCHEDULED\"\n description: Application type. If \"application_type\" is \"INSTANT\", \"account_type\" should be \"MASTER\".\n account_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/ChargesAccountType'\n example: \"MASTER\"\n description: Account type.\n allow_overdraft:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether overdraft is allowed or not. The default value is 'false'.\n default: false\n wallet_provider:\n $ref: '#/definitions/ChargesWalletProvider'\n channel:\n $ref: '#/definitions/ChargesChannel'\n created:\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n\n ChargesCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - description\n - type\n - currency\n - charge_type\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n description: The unique identifier of the charge.\n description:\n type: string\n description: Description of the charge.\n example: \"Withdrawal charges\"\n maxLength: 50\n type:\n description: The charge type.\n example: \"FLAT\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Type\"\n currency:\n description: The charge currency.\n example: \"USD\"\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n amount:\n description: The charge amount.\n example: 2\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n x-nymos-currency: currency\n percentage:\n description: Percentage of the charge.\n example: 15\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 100\n frequency_period:\n description: Charges frequency period.\n example: 5\n default: 1\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n on_first:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether charge is applicable on first month or year. It is applicable for frequency \"MONTHLY\" and \"YEARLY\".\n example: true\n default: false\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: The charge status.\n example: true\n charge_type:\n description: The type of charge operation.\n example: \"PHYSICAL_CARD_ISSUANCE\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ChargesType\"\n frequency:\n description: Frequency of charging.\n example: \"MONTHLY\"\n $ref: '#/definitions/ChargesFrequency'\n application_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/ChargesApplicationType'\n example: \"SCHEDULED\"\n description: Application type. If \"application_type\" is \"INSTANT\", \"account_type\" should be \"MASTER\".\n account_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/ChargesAccountType'\n example: \"MASTER\"\n description: Account type.\n allow_overdraft:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether overdraft is allowed or not. The default value is 'false'.\n default: false\n wallet_provider:\n $ref: '#/definitions/ChargesWalletProvider'\n channel:\n $ref: '#/definitions/ChargesChannel'\n\n ChargesUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n description:\n type: string\n description: Description of the charge.\n example: \"Withdrawal charges\"\n maxLength: 50\n type:\n description: The charge type.\n example: \"FLAT\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Type\"\n currency:\n description: The charge currency.\n example: \"USD\"\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n amount:\n description: The charge amount.\n example: 2\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n x-nymos-currency: currency\n percentage:\n description: Percentage of the charge.\n example: 15\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 100\n frequency_period:\n description: Charges frequency period.\n example: 5\n default: 1\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n on_first:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether charge is applicable on first month or year. It is applicable for frequency \"MONTHLY\" and \"YEARLY\".\n example: true\n default: false\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: The charge status.\n example: true\n charge_type:\n description: The type of charge operation.\n example: \"PHYSICAL_CARD_ISSUANCE\"\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ChargesType\"\n frequency:\n description: Frequency of charging.\n example: \"MONTHLY\"\n $ref: '#/definitions/ChargesFrequency'\n application_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/ChargesApplicationType'\n example: \"SCHEDULED\"\n description: Application type. If \"application_type\" is \"INSTANT\", \"account_type\" should be \"MASTER\".\n account_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/ChargesAccountType'\n example: \"MASTER\"\n description: Account type.\n allow_overdraft:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether overdraft is allowed or not. The default value is 'false'.\n default: false\n wallet_provider:\n $ref: '#/definitions/ChargesWalletProvider'\n channel:\n $ref: '#/definitions/ChargesChannel'\n\n ChargeStatusHistory:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n description: The unique identifier of the charge history.\n history:\n type: array\n description: History of charge changes.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ChargesStatusChange\"\n\n ChargesStatusChange:\n type: object\n properties:\n old_status:\n description: Old charge status.\n type: boolean\n example: false\n new_status:\n example: true\n description: New charge status.\n type: boolean\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n\n ChargesCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether there are more data to load.\n after:\n type: string\n description: Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of charges.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Charges\"\n\n ChargesType:\n type: string\n description: The type of charge operation.\n example: \"PHYSICAL_CARD_ISSUANCE\"\n enum:\n - PHYSICAL_CARD_ISSUANCE\n - VIRTUAL_CARD_ISSUANCE\n - PHYSICAL_CARD_REPLACEMENT\n - VIRTUAL_CARD_REPLACEMENT\n - MAINTENANCE\n - CHANGE_PIN\n - LATE_PAYMENT\n - DELIVERY\n - FINANCIAL_CHARGES\n - CARD_ACTIVATION_CHARGES\n - DIGITAL_CARD_ISSUANCE\n\n ChargesSortBy:\n type: string\n enum:\n - id\n - description\n - type\n - currency\n - amount\n - transaction_type\n - created\n - modified\n\n Type:\n type: string\n description: The charge type.\n example: \"FLAT\"\n enum:\n - FLAT\n - PERCENTAGE\n - MAX_PERC_OR_FLAT\n - MIN_PERC_OR_FLAT\n\n ChargesFrequency:\n type: string\n description: Frequency of charging.\n example: \"MONTHLY\"\n enum:\n - DAYS\n - MONTHLY\n - YEARLY\n\n ChargesApplicationType:\n type: string\n description: Charges application type. If \"application_type\" is \"INSTANT\", \"account_type\" should be \"MASTER\".\n default: SCHEDULED\n enum:\n - INSTANT\n - SCHEDULED\n\n ChargesAccountType:\n type: string\n example: \"PREPAID\"\n description: Charges account type.\n enum:\n - PREPAID\n - MASTER\n\n FxRateProvider:\n type: object\n description: FX rate provider.\n properties:\n provider_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of FX rate provider.\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n provider_name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n example: \"Converter\"\n description: The name of FX rate provider.\n type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/FxRateProviderType'\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/FxRateProviderStatus'\n rate_expiry_buffer_time:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n description: The buffer time of FX rate expiry.\n fxrate_mode:\n type: array\n description: FX rate transaction mode.\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/FxRateTransactionMode'\n fxrate_provider_groups:\n type: array\n description: An array of FX rate provider groups.\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/FxRateProviderGroup'\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n sync_settings:\n $ref: '#/definitions/FxRateProviderSyncSettings'\n\n FxRateProviderSyncSettings:\n type: object\n properties:\n base_currency:\n type: string\n\n FxRateTransactionMode:\n type: object\n description: FX rate transaction mode.\n required:\n - transaction_type\n - mode\n properties:\n transaction_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/FxRateTransactionType'\n mode:\n $ref: '#/definitions/FxRateMode'\n\n\n\n WalletDetails:\n type: object\n properties:\n currency:\n type: string\n description: The currency of the wallet.\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n priority:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: This field gives the priority in which the currency wallets are used in funds sweeping.\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/WalletDetailsStatus'\n description: The status of the wallet. If it is set to 'INACTIVE', then the wallets of this currency cannot be used in any transactions.\n example: \"ACTIVE\"\n allowed_load_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/WalletDetailsAllowedLoadType'\n description: The allowed load type.\n\n WalletDetailsAllowedLoadType:\n type: string\n description: The allowed load type.\n example: \"LOAD\"\n enum:\n - INITIAL_LOAD\n - LOAD\n\n WalletDetailsStatus:\n type: string\n description: The status of wallet. If it is set to 'INACTIVE', then the wallets of this currency cannot be used in any transactions.\n enum:\n - ACTIVE\n - INACTIVE\n\n FxRatesQuotesCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load.\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of FX rate quotes data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRatesQuotes\"\n\n FxRateQuotesSortBy:\n type: string\n enum:\n - id\n - created\n - modified\n\n FxRatesQuotes:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: The unique identifier of FX rate quote.\n id_external:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of FX rate quote, provided by external FX rate provider.\n example: \"2\"\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRatesQuotesStatus\"\n example: \"BOOKED\"\n description: The status of FX rate quote.\n ts:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The current date and time.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n expiry:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Expiration date and time of the quoted exchange rate and quote amount in UTC format.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n booking_ts:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when quote is booked.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n account_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of the account.\n example: \"c1971753-2d53-4cc4-9e95-5bcb9a3fef95\"\n recipient_account_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the recipient account. This parameter is used for fund transfer between accounts of different wallet currencies.\n example: \"c1971753-2d53-4cc4-9e95-5bcb9a3fef95\"\n fxprovider_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of FX rate provider.\n example: \"34\"\n maxLength: 36\n fxrate_mode:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRatesMode\"\n description: The FX rate mode.\n example: \"ONLINE\"\n rate_group_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of FX rate group.\n example: \"R34\"\n rate_group_id_external:\n type: string\n description: The external ID of FX rate group.\n example: \"P1\"\n from_currency:\n type: string\n pattern: ^[A-Z]{3}$\n example: \"AED\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the selling currency.\n from_amount:\n type: number\n example: 57\n description: Selling amount.\n to_currency:\n type: string\n pattern: ^[A-Z]{3}$\n example: \"USD\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the buying currency.\n to_amount:\n type: number\n example: 14.82\n description: Buying amount as per standard FX rate of the provider.\n to_amount_applied:\n type: number\n example: 14.82\n description: Buying amount after addition of markup.\n exchange_rate_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of exhange rate.\n example: \"2\"\n exchange_rate:\n type: number\n example: 0.26\n description: The numeric FX conversation rate, must be higher than 0.\n exchange_rate_applied:\n type: number\n example: 0.26\n description: Modified rate after addition of markup.\n markup_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRatesQuotesMarkupType\"\n description: The markup type of FX rate quote.\n example: \"PERCENTAGE\"\n markup_value:\n type: number\n description: The markup value.\n example: 5\n transaction_id:\n type: string\n example: \"111c3059-33af-4ed0-969a-7c23801dd555\"\n description: Unique identifier of the transaction. Applicable only for a booked FX rate quote.\n derived_rate:\n type: number\n description: The derived rate.\n example: 2\n final_rate:\n type: number\n description: The final rate.\n example: 5\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n\n UserBankAccountDetails:\n properties:\n bank_details_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 34\n description: Unique identifier of the bank details.\n example: \"c5cebaf4-9b16-4e50-bae6-dca00210283c\"\n user_id:\n type: string\n description: Unique identifier of the user.\n example: \"a34b6c8e-28e5-4370-8234-aeca2b58c48d\"\n iban:\n type: string\n maxLength: 34\n description: IBAN.\n example: \"AE460090000000123456789\"\n swift_code:\n type: string\n maxLength: 11\n description: SWIFT code.\n example: \"CBAUAEAAXXX\"\n bank_name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: Bank name.\n example: \"CENTRAL BANK OF THE U.A.E\"\n routing_number:\n type: string\n maxLength: 10\n description: Routing number (unique, nine-digit number that functions as an address for the bank).\n example: \"800110101\"\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserBankAccountDetailsStatus'\n required:\n - bank_details_id\n - user_id\n - iban\n - swift_code\n - bank_name\n\n FxRatesQuotesStatus:\n type: string\n description: The status of FX rate quote.\n\n * `OFFERED` - waiting for cardholder/purchaser to accept or decline quote.\n\n * `BOOKED` - shows that the quote is booked as offered.\n\n * `EXPIRED` - quote has expired and is no longer valid.\n\n enum:\n - OFFERED\n - BOOKED\n - EXPIRED\n - ERROR\n\n\n\n UserBankAccountDetailsStatus:\n type: string\n description: Status of user bank account details.\n example: \"ACTIVE\"\n enum:\n - ACTIVE\n - TERMINATED\n\n CardProductLinkChargesIds:\n type: object\n properties:\n ids:\n type: array\n description: An array of IDs.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n items:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n\n BookFxRateQuoteResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: The unique identifier of FX rate quote.\n ts:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The current date and time.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n quote_booking_ts:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time of booking a quote.\n from_currency:\n type: string\n pattern: ^[A-Z]{3}$\n example: \"AED\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the selling currency.\n from_amount:\n type: number\n example: 57\n description: Selling amount.\n to_currency:\n type: string\n pattern: ^[A-Z]{3}$\n example: \"USD\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the buying currency.\n to_amount:\n type: number\n example: 14.82\n description: Buying amount as per standard FX rate of the provider.\n exchange_rate:\n type: number\n example: 0.26\n description: The numeric FX conversation rate, must be higher than 0.\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRatesQuotesStatus\"\n expiry:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Expiration date and time of the quoted exchange rate and quote amount in UTC format.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n transaction_id:\n type: string\n example: \"111c3059-33af-4ed0-969a-7c23801dd555\"\n description: Unique identifier of the transaction.\n fxrate_provider_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of FX rate provider.\n example: \"34\"\n fxrate_provider_name:\n type: string\n description: The name of FX rate provider.\n example: \"Converter\"\n markup_value:\n type: number\n description: The markup value.\n example: 5\n fee_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The fee amount.\n example: 2.50\n fee_details:\n type: array\n description: An array of fee details.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FeeDetail\"\n account_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the account.\n example: \"c1971753-2d53-4cc4-9e95-5bcb9a3fef95\"\n recipient_account_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the recipient account. This parameter is used for fund transfer between accounts of different wallet currencies.\n example: \"c1971753-2d53-4cc4-9e95-5bcb9a3fef95\"\n booking_ts:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when quote is booked.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n\n FeeDetail:\n type: object\n description: Fee details.\n properties:\n fee_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the fee.\n example: \"ed2e2ddb-c028-470d-b08b-7f28bd84fbfe\"\n description:\n type: string\n description: The fee description.\n example: \"Some description\"\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n x-nymos-currency: currency\n example: \"5\"\n description: The fee amount.\n currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n\n QuoteCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - account_id\n - from_currency\n - to_currency\n - amount\n properties:\n account_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the account.\n example: \"c1971753-2d53-4cc4-9e95-5bcb9a3fef95\"\n recipient_account_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the recipient account. This parameter is used for fund transfer between accounts of different wallet currencies.\n example: \"c1971753-2d53-4cc4-9e95-5bcb9a3fef95\"\n from_currency:\n type: string\n pattern: ^[A-Z]{3}$\n example: \"AED\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the selling currency.\n to_currency:\n type: string\n pattern: ^[A-Z]{3}$\n example: \"USD\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the buying currency.\n amount:\n type: number\n example: 50\n description: The amount which should be converted.\n amount_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRateAmountType\"\n\n QuoteCreateResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: The unique identifier of FX rate quote.\n ts:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The current date and time.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n account_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the account.\n example: \"c1971753-2d53-4cc4-9e95-5bcb9a3fef95\"\n recipient_account_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the recipient account. This parameter is used for fund transfer between accounts of different wallet currencies.\n example: \"c1971753-2d53-4cc4-9e95-5bcb9a3fef95\"\n from_currency:\n type: string\n pattern: ^[A-Z]{3}$\n example: \"AED\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the selling currency.\n from_amount:\n type: number\n example: 57\n description: Selling amount.\n to_currency:\n type: string\n pattern: ^[A-Z]{3}$\n example: \"USD\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the buying currency.\n to_amount:\n type: number\n example: 14.82\n description: Buying amount as per standard FX rate of the provider.\n exchange_rate:\n type: number\n example: 0.26\n description: The numeric FX conversation rate, must be higher than 0.\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRatesQuotesStatus\"\n expiry:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Expiration date and time of the quoted exchange rate and quote amount in UTC format.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n fxrate_provider_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of FX rate provider.\n example: \"34\"\n fxrate_provider_name:\n type: string\n description: The name of FX rate provider.\n example: \"Converter\"\n markup_value:\n type: number\n description: The markup value.\n example: 5\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n\n PartnerStatus:\n type: object\n description: The partner status.\n x-nymos-entity: partner_status\n x-nymos-shared-entity: true\n required:\n - name\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n description: The unique identifier of partner.\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n maxLength: 36\n name:\n type: string\n description: The name of a partner.\n example: \"WesternUnion\"\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PartnerAvailabilityStatus\"\n description: The partner availability status.\n updated:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when status was modified.\n\n PartnerAvailabilityStatus:\n type: string\n description: The partner availability status.\n enum: [ AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE ]\n\n OriginationCurrency:\n type: object\n description: The origination currency details.\n x-nymos-entity: origination_currency\n x-nymos-shared-entity: true\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n description: The unique identifier of currency.\n maxLength: 36\n cd:\n type: string\n example: \"AED\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n name:\n type: string\n example: \"Utd. Arab Emir. Dirham\"\n description: Currency name.\n prefix:\n type: string\n example: \"Dhs.\"\n description: Currency prefix.\n majorUnit:\n type: string\n example: \"Dirham\"\n description: Currency major unit.\n minorUnit:\n type: string\n example: \"Fil\"\n description: Currency minor unit.\n\n DestinationCountry:\n type: object\n description: The destination country details.\n x-nymos-entity: destination_country\n x-nymos-shared-entity: true\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n description: The unique identifier of destination country.\n maxLength: 36\n cd:\n type: string\n description: Code representing the country.\n example: \"AF\"\n name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 100\n example: \"Afghanistan\"\n description: Country name.\n originationCurrency:\n type: string\n description: The origination currency.\n example: \"AED\"\n destinationCurrencies:\n type: array\n description: An array of destination currencies.\n items:\n description: Destination currency.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/DestinationCurrency\"\n\n DestinationCurrency:\n type: object\n description: The destination currency details.\n properties:\n cd:\n type: string\n example: \"USD\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n name:\n type: string\n example: \"USDollar\"\n description: Currency name.\n prefix:\n type: string\n example: \"$\"\n description: Currency prefix.\n majorUnit:\n type: string\n example: \"Dollar\"\n description: Currency major unit.\n minorUnit:\n type: string\n example: \"Cent\"\n description: Currency minor unit.\n\n DeliveryService:\n type: object\n description: The delivery service details.\n x-nymos-entity: delivery_service\n x-nymos-shared-entity: true\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n description: The unique identifier of delivery service.\n maxLength: 36\n originationCurrency:\n type: string\n description: The origination currency.\n example: \"AED\"\n destinationCountry:\n type: string\n description: The destination country.\n example: \"IN\"\n destinationCurrency:\n type: string\n description: The destination currency.\n example: \"INR\"\n serviceCode:\n type: string\n description: The service code.\n example: \"500\"\n serviceName:\n type: string\n description: The service name.\n example: \"DIRECT TO BANK\"\n templateId:\n type: string\n description: The ID of the template.\n example: \"4020\"\n\n DeliveryOptionTemplate:\n type: object\n description: The delivery option template details.\n x-nymos-entity: delivery_option_template\n x-nymos-shared-entity: true\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n description: The unique identifier of delivery template.\n x-nymos-key: true\n maxLength: 36\n destinationCountry:\n type: string\n description: The destination country.\n example: \"BD\"\n destinationCurrency:\n type: string\n description: The destination currency.\n example: \"BDT\"\n templateId:\n type: string\n description: The ID of the template.\n example: \"4020\"\n index:\n type: string\n description: The template index.\n example: \"001\"\n description:\n type: string\n description: The additional information. You can find more info in this document https://docs.nymcard.com/get-started/funding-and-transfers/western-union-apis#get-delivery-option-template-api.\n example: \"Some description\"\n\n CascadeNode:\n type: object\n description: The cascade node details.\n discriminator: type\n properties:\n value:\n type: string\n description: The value.\n example: \"S020\"\n text:\n type: string\n description: The descriptive text.\n example: \"AB BANK LIMITED\"\n children:\n type: array\n description: An array of children data.\n items:\n description: Cascade node.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CascadeNode\"\n\n ReversalReason:\n type: object\n description: The reversal reason details.\n x-nymos-entity: reversal_reason\n x-nymos-shared-entity: true\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n description: The unique identifier of reversal.\n x-nymos-key: true\n maxLength: 36\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ReversalType\"\n description: The reversal type.\n code:\n type: string\n example: \"454\"\n description: The code.\n description:\n type: string\n example: \"Some description\"\n description: The additional information.\n\n ReversalType:\n type: string\n description: The type of reversal.\n example: \"CANCEL\"\n enum: [ CANCEL, REFUND ]\n\n StateInfo:\n type: object\n description: The state details.\n x-nymos-entity: state_info\n x-nymos-shared-entity: true\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n description: The unique identifier of state.\n x-nymos-key: true\n maxLength: 36\n countryCode:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CountryCode\"\n description: The country code.\n stateCode:\n type: string\n maxLength: 2\n example: \"USA\"\n description: The state code.\n stateName:\n type: string\n maxLength: 282\n example: \"United States\"\n description: The state name.\n city:\n type: string\n example: \"Washington\"\n description: The city name.\n\n CountryCode:\n type: string\n example: \"CA\"\n description: The country code.\n enum: [ CA, MX, US ]\n\n FeeInquireRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - senderId\n - transactionType\n - paymentDetails\n - hostBasedTaxes\n properties:\n senderId:\n type: string\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n description: The unique identifier of sender.\n maxLength: 36\n transactionType:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WuTransactionType\"\n description: WU transaction type.\n paymentDetails:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PaymentDetailsBaseRequest\"\n description: Payment details.\n hostBasedTaxes:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/HostBasedTaxes\"\n description: Host based taxes.\n\n FeeInquireResponse:\n type: object\n required:\n - senderId\n properties:\n senderId:\n type: string\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n description: The unique identifier of sender.\n maxLength: 36\n testQuestionFlag:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TestQuestionFlag\"\n description: The flag which shows if test question is required.\n serviceOptions:\n type: array\n description: An array of service options.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ServiceOption\"\n description: Service options.\n\n TestQuestionFlag:\n type: string\n enum: [ Y, N, P ]\n example: \"Y\"\n description: The flag which shows if test question is required. Y - Mandatory; N - Not Required; P - Prohibited\n\n ServiceOption:\n type: object\n description: The service option details.\n properties:\n product:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Product\"\n description: Product details.\n baseWordLimit:\n type: string\n example: \"3\"\n description: The limit for base words.\n maxLength: 3\n incrementWordLimit:\n type: string\n example: \"3\"\n description: The limit for increment words.\n maxLength: 3\n lines:\n type: string\n example: \"3\"\n description: The amount of lines.\n paymentDetails:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PaymentDetailsBaseResponse\"\n description: Payment details.\n\n AmountDetailsRequest:\n type: object\n description: The amount details.\n required:\n - principalAmount\n - currencyIsoCode\n properties:\n principalAmount:\n type: number\n description: The amount of money being sent by the sender.\n minimum: 0\n multipleOf: 0.01\n grossAmount:\n type: number\n description: The amount of money to be collected from the sender. Gross_amount = principal_amount + fees.\n minimum: 0\n multipleOf: 0.01\n currencyIsoCode:\n type: string\n description: The currency ISO code.\n example: \"USD\"\n maxLength: 3\n\n AmountDetailsResponse:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/AmountDetailsRequest\"\n - type: object\n required:\n - countryIsoCode\n properties:\n countryIsoCode:\n type: string\n description: The country ISO code.\n example: \"US\"\n maxLength: 2\n\n PayoutAmountDetails:\n type: object\n description: The payout amount details.\n required:\n - countryIsoCode\n - currencyIsoCode\n properties:\n expectedPayoutAmount:\n type: number\n description: Expected payout amount that receiver will be paid.\n example: \"10\"\n minimum: 0\n multipleOf: 0.01\n currencyIsoCode:\n type: string\n description: The currency ISO code.\n example: \"USD\"\n maxLength: 3\n countryIsoCode:\n type: string\n description: The country ISO code.\n example: \"US\"\n maxLength: 2\n stateCode:\n type: string\n maxLength: 12\n description: Payout state code.\n example: \"US\"\n city:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: Payout city name.\n example: \"Denver\"\n\n Promotion:\n type: object\n description: The promotion details.\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: Promotion name.\n example: \"Best\"\n code:\n type: string\n maxLength: 30\n description: Promo code.\n example: \"promo\"\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 80\n description: Promo description.\n example: \"Some description\"\n discount:\n type: number\n description: Discount amount.\n example: \"5\"\n minimum: 0\n multipleOf: 0.01\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PromotionStatus\"\n description: Promotion status.\n message:\n type: string\n maxLength: 80\n description: Promo message.\n example: \"Some message\"\n\n PromotionStatus:\n type: string\n description: Promotion status.\n example: \"APPLIED\"\n enum: [ APPLIED, NOT_APPLIED ]\n\n Taxes:\n type: object\n description: Taxes details.\n properties:\n taxAmount:\n type: number\n description: Tax amount on base transaction.\n example: \"3\"\n minimum: 0\n multipleOf: 0.01\n taxRate:\n type: number\n description: Tax rate.\n example: \"3\"\n minimum: 0\n multipleOf: 1\n municipalTax:\n type: number\n description: Municipal tax applied on transaction.\n example: \"0.5\"\n minimum: 0\n multipleOf: 0.01\n stateTax:\n type: number\n description: State tax applied on transaction.\n example: \"0.88\"\n minimum: 0\n multipleOf: 0.01\n countyTax:\n type: number\n description: Country tax applied on transaction.\n example: \"0.57\"\n minimum: 0\n multipleOf: 0.01\n\n Fees:\n type: object\n description: The fees details.\n properties:\n baseCharges:\n type: number\n description: Money transfer charges on base transaction.\n example: \"0.02\"\n minimum: 0\n multipleOf: 0.01\n deliveryCharges:\n type: number\n description: Delivery charges.\n example: \"0.02\"\n minimum: 0\n multipleOf: 0.01\n otherCharges:\n type: number\n description: Other service charges.\n example: \"0.02\"\n minimum: 0\n multipleOf: 0.01\n charges:\n type: number\n description: MT charges.\n example: \"0.02\"\n minimum: 0\n multipleOf: 0.01\n exchangeFee:\n type: number\n description: Exchange rate fees used to convert between currencies.\n example: \"0.02\"\n minimum: 0\n multipleOf: 0.01\n conversionFee:\n type: number\n description: Exchange rate conversion fees.\n example: \"0.02\"\n minimum: 0\n multipleOf: 0.01\n secondExchangeFee:\n type: number\n description: Second exchange fees.\n example: \"0.02\"\n minimum: 0\n multipleOf: 0.01\n\n MessageCharges:\n type: object\n description: The message charges details.\n properties:\n baseRate:\n type: number\n description: Charge rage for base message.\n example: \"0.02\"\n baseCount:\n type: number\n description: Number of characters in base message.\n example: \"0.02\"\n margRate:\n type: number\n description: Marg rate.\n example: \"0.02\"\n rateSpecial:\n type: number\n description: Special message rate.\n example: \"0.02\"\n\n IdentificationQuestion:\n type: object\n description: The identification question details.\n properties:\n question:\n type: string\n description: Identification question.\n example: \"Month of birth\"\n answer:\n type: string\n description: Identification answer.\n example: \"May\"\n bypass:\n type: string\n maxLength: 1\n description: Bypass.\n example: \"M\"\n\n SendMoneyBaseType:\n type: object\n discriminator: type\n required:\n - accountId\n - senderId\n - receiver\n - smsNotificationFlag\n - hostBasedTaxes\n - product\n - sourceOfFunds\n - transactionReason\n - senderOccupation\n - senderEmploymentPositionLevel\n properties:\n accountId:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"cf2fgj3b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n description: The unique identifier of account.\n senderId:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n description: The unique identifier of sender.\n receiver:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Receiver\"\n description: The receiver.\n smsNotificationFlag:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SmsNotificationFlag\"\n description: SMS notification flag.\n bankAccount:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BankAccount\"\n description: The bank account details.\n hostBasedTaxes:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/HostBasedTaxes\"\n description: The host based taxes.\n product:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Product\"\n description: The WU product.\n senderEmploymentPositionLevel:\n type: string\n description: Additional field for development purpose. Possible values are - `Entry Level`, `Mid-Level/Supervisory/Management`, `Senior Level/Executive`, `Owner`.\n senderOccupation:\n type: string\n description: Additional field for development purpose. Possible values are -\n\n * Airline/Maritime Employee\n\n * Art/Entertainment/Media\n\n * Civil/Government Employee\n\n * Domestic Helper\n\n * Driver\n\n * Teacher/Educator\n\n * Hotel/Restaurant/Leisure\n\n * Housewife/Child Care\n\n * IT and Tech Professional\n\n * Laborer-Agriculture\n\n * Laborer-Construction\n\n * Laborer-Manufacturing\n\n * Laborer- Oil/Gas/Mining\n\n * Medical/Health Care\n\n * Non-profit/Volunteer\n\n * Cosmetic/Personal Care\n\n * Law Enforcement/Military\n\n * Office Professional\n\n * Religious/Church Servant\n\n * Retail Sales\n\n * Retired\n\n * Sales/Insurance/Real Estate\n\n * Science/Research Professional\n\n * Security Guard\n\n * Self-Employed\n\n * Skilled Trade/Specialist\n\n * Student\n\n * Unemployed\n\n sourceOfFunds:\n type: string\n maxLength: 30\n description: Source of funds.\n example: \"Source\"\n transactionReason:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: Reason for transaction. Possible values are -\n\n * Family Support/Living Expenses\n\n * Saving/Investments\n\n * Gift\n\n * Goods & Services payment\n\n * Travel expenses\n\n * Education/School Fee\n\n * Rent/Mortgage\n\n * Emergency/Medical Aid\n\n * Charity/Aid Payment\n\n * Employee Payroll/Employee Expense\n\n * Prize or Lottery Fees/Taxes\n example: \"Gift\"\n\n Receiver:\n type: object\n description: The receiver details.\n required:\n - name\n properties:\n name:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ReceiverName\"\n description: The receiver name details.\n address:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ReceiverAddress\"\n description: The receiver address details.\n contactPhone:\n type: string\n maxLength: 31\n description: Customers home phone number.\n example: \"33498868\"\n mobileDetails:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MobileDetails\"\n description: The mobile details.\n email:\n type: string\n maxLength: 80\n description: Customers email ID.\n example: \"gmail\"\n dateOfBirth:\n type: string\n format: date\n description: Date of birth.\n example: \"2002-05-04\"\n nationality:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: Nationality.\n example: \"American\"\n resident:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether receiver is UAE resident or not.\n example: true\n reasonForSending:\n type: string\n description: Reason for sending.\n example: \"Reason\"\n relationshipToSender:\n type: string\n maxLength: 35\n description: This field indicates any relationship to sender.\n example: \"Relationship\"\n nationalIdNo:\n type: string\n maxLength: 10\n description: Receiver's ID number.\n example: \"645747\"\n walletDetails:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ReceiverWalletDetails\"\n description: The wallet details.\n\n ReceiverName:\n type: object\n description: The receiver name details.\n required:\n - nameType\n - firstName\n - lastName\n properties:\n nameType:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ReceiverNameType\"\n description: The receiver name type.\n firstName:\n type: string\n description: Receiver's first name.\n example: \"John\"\n middleName:\n type: string\n description: Receiver's middle name.\n example: \"Mike\"\n lastName:\n type: string\n description: Receiver's last name.\n example: \"Smith\"\n\n ReceiverNameType:\n type: string\n description: Receiver's name type.\n example: \"DOMESTIC\"\n enum: [ DOMESTIC, MEXICAN ]\n\n ReceiverAddress:\n description: The receiver address details.\n properties:\n addrLine1:\n type: string\n maxLength: 100\n description: Line 1 of address.\n example: \"Corn\"\n addrLine2:\n type: string\n maxLength: 84\n description: Line 2 of address.\n example: \"Street\"\n city:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: City.\n example: \"Denver\"\n state:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: State.\n example: \"USA\"\n postalCode:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n description: Postal or zip code.\n example: \"59856\"\n\n ReceiverWalletDetails:\n type: object\n description: The receiver wallet details.\n properties:\n serviceProviderCode:\n type: string\n description: Service provider code.\n example: \"577\"\n maxLength: 20\n serviceProviderType:\n type: string\n description: Service provider type.\n example: \"Type\"\n serviceProviderName:\n type: string\n description: Service provider name.\n example: \"Provider\"\n walletAccountNumber:\n type: string\n maxLength: 32\n description: Wallet account number.\n example: \"5475\"\n\n SmsNotificationFlag:\n type: string\n description: SMS notification flag.\n example: \"Y\"\n enum: [ Y, N ]\n\n BankAccount:\n type: object\n description: The bank account details.\n properties:\n bankName:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: Official bank name.\n example: \"PKAO\"\n bankLocation:\n type: string\n maxLength: 90\n description: Bank location.\n example: \"UAE\"\n branchCode:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: Branch code.\n example: \"54\"\n swiftBic:\n type: string\n maxLength: 70\n description: BIC/SWIFTBIC.\n example: \"JHIUI7G\"\n bankCode:\n type: string\n description: Bank code.\n example: \"75\"\n sortCode:\n type: string\n maxLength: 9\n description: Sort code.\n example: \"54445\"\n accountNumber:\n type: string\n maxLength: 35\n example: \"54688875\"\n description: Unique account number identifying the financial account.\n routingNumber:\n type: string\n example: \"5477555\"\n maxLength: 40\n description: Bank routing number.\n accountType:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n example: \"t2\"\n description: Bank account type.\n accountHolder:\n type: string\n example: \"tt\"\n maxLength: 20\n description: Bank account holder.\n accountPrefix:\n type: string\n example: \"RT\"\n maxLength: 14\n description: Bank account prefix.\n accountSuffix:\n type: string\n example: \"HH\"\n maxLength: 14\n description: Bank account suffix.\n rcvFinancialId:\n type: string\n maxLength: 20\n example: \"6866875\"\n description: RCV Financial ID.\n\n MobileDetails:\n type: object\n description: The mobile details.\n properties:\n cityCode:\n type: string\n maxLength: 20\n example: \"39\"\n description: Receiver city code.\n number:\n type: string\n maxLength: 15\n example: \"68656875\"\n description: Receiver phone number.\n\n MobilePhone:\n type: object\n description: The mobile phone details.\n required:\n - countryCode\n - nationalNumber\n properties:\n countryCode:\n type: string\n maxLength: 24\n example: \"464\"\n description: Phone number country code.\n nationalNumber:\n type: string\n maxLength: 14\n example: \"6867756875\"\n description: Phone number.\n\n SendMoneyValidateRequest:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/SendMoneyBaseType\"\n - type: object\n required:\n - paymentDetails\n properties:\n paymentDetails:\n description: Payment details.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PaymentDetailsBaseRequest\"\n\n SendMoneyValidateResponse:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/SendMoneyBaseType\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n paymentDetails:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PaymentDetailsResponse\"\n description: Payment details.\n tempTransactionId:\n type: string\n maxLength: 16\n example: \"6867756875456789\"\n description: Temp transaction Id (16 digit MTCN).\n transactionDigest:\n type: string\n maxLength: 80\n example: \"65\"\n description: Transaction digest.\n dateTime:\n type: string\n description: Timestamp.\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n\n\n SendMoneyStoreRequest:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/SendMoneyBaseType\"\n - type: object\n required:\n - paymentDetails\n - tempTransactionId\n - transactionDigest\n properties:\n paymentDetails:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PaymentDetailsRequest\"\n description: Payment details.\n tempTransactionId:\n type: string\n maxLength: 16\n example: \"6867756875456789\"\n description: Temp transaction Id (16 digit MTCN).\n transactionDigest:\n type: string\n maxLength: 80\n example: \"65\"\n description: Transaction digest.\n initiationId:\n type: string\n example: \"3e9392df-4093-4389-a0ad-92456a181b8a\"\n description: Unique identifier of the OTP verification.\n otpCode:\n type: string\n example: \"123456\"\n description: OTP code value.\n\n SendMoneyStoreResponse:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/SendMoneyBaseType\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n paymentDetails:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PaymentDetailsResponse\"\n description: Payment details.\n transactionId:\n type: string\n maxLength: 16\n example: \"2236280599697362\"\n description: 16 digit MTCN.\n moneyTransferControl:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MoneyTransferControl\"\n description: Money transfer control details.\n dateTime:\n type: string\n description: Timestamp.\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n\n MoneyTransferControl:\n type: object\n description: MTCN.\n properties:\n date:\n type: string\n description: \"MM-DD-YY HHMMA/P EDT\"\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n mtcn:\n type: string\n maxLength: 10\n example: \"5739473946\"\n description: 10 digit MTCN.\n\n Product:\n type: object\n description: WU product details.\n required:\n - name\n - code\n - transactionType\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n example: \"Name\"\n description: WU product name.\n code:\n type: string\n maxLength: 3\n example: \"946\"\n description: WU product code.\n transactionType:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/WuTransactionType\"\n description: WU transaction type.\n routingCode:\n type: string\n maxLength: 41\n example: \"573947394657577\"\n description: Routing code.\n message:\n type: string\n maxLength: 69\n example: \"Some message\"\n description: Message.\n\n CancelTransactionRequest:\n type: object\n description: The cancel transaction details.\n required:\n - accountId\n - cancelReasonCode\n - reverseFees\n properties:\n accountId:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"9675496749769476974\"\n description: Unique account number identifying the financial account.\n cancelReasonCode:\n type: string\n maxLength: 3\n example: \"66\"\n description: Cancel reason code.\n reverseFees:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: This field indicates whether fees should be returned.\n\n CancelTransactionResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n accountId:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"9675496749769476974\"\n description: Unique account number identifying the financial account.\n transactionId:\n type: string\n maxLength: 16\n example: \"9675496749769476\"\n description: 16 digit MTCN.\n cancelReasonCode:\n type: string\n maxLength: 3\n example: \"66\"\n description: Cancel reason code.\n reverseFees:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n description: This field indicates whether fees should be returned.\n cancelStatus:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CancelStatus\"\n description: Status of the refund transaction.\n\n CancelStatus:\n type: string\n example: \"SUCCESS\"\n description: Status of the refund transaction.\n enum: [ SUCCESS, FAILURE ]\n\n RefundTransactionRequest:\n type: object\n description: The refund transaction details.\n required:\n - accountId\n - senderId\n - refundReasonCode\n properties:\n accountId:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"9675496749769476974\"\n description: Unique account number identifying the financial account.\n senderId:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n description: The unique identifier of sender.\n refundReasonCode:\n type: string\n maxLength: 6\n example: \"4874\"\n description: Refund reason code.This code should be provided by NymCard’s Customer from Get Reason List dictionary API.\n\n RefundTransactionResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n accountId:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"9675496749769476974\"\n description: Unique account number identifying the financial account.\n senderId:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n description: The unique identifier of sender.\n transactionId:\n type: string\n maxLength: 16\n example: \"9675496749769476\"\n description: 16 digit MTCN.\n refundReasonCode:\n type: string\n maxLength: 6\n example: \"4874\"\n description: Refund reason code.\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/RefundStatus\"\n description: Status of the refund.\n dateTime:\n type: string\n description: Timestamp.\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n\n RefundStatus:\n type: object\n description: Status of the refund.\n properties:\n code:\n type: integer\n example: \"6\"\n description: Code.\n message:\n type: string\n example: \"Some text\"\n description: Message.\n referenceNo:\n type: string\n example: \"96\"\n description: Reference number.\n\n WuTransactionType:\n type: string\n example: \"WMF\"\n description: WU transaction type.\n enum: [ WMF, WMN, WMO, MOD, MOR, MOP ]\n\n HostBasedTaxes:\n type: string\n description: The host based taxes.\n example: \"Y\"\n enum: [ Y, N ]\n\n TransactionAction:\n type: string\n example: \"HOLD\"\n description: Transaction action.\n enum: [ HOLD, RELEASE, CANCEL ]\n\n PaymentDetailsRequest:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/PaymentDetailsBaseRequest\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n holdReleaseFields:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/HoldReleaseFields\"\n description: The hold/release fields details.\n\n PaymentDetailsBaseRequest:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/PaymentDetailsCommon\"\n - type: object\n required:\n - origination\n properties:\n origination:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AmountDetailsRequest\"\n description: Amount details.\n\n PaymentDetailsResponse:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/PaymentDetailsBaseResponse\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n holdReleaseFields:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/HoldReleaseFields\"\n description: The hold/release fields details.\n\n PaymentDetailsBaseResponse:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/PaymentDetailsCommon\"\n - type: object\n required:\n - origination\n properties:\n origination:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AmountDetailsResponse\"\n description: Amount details.\n\n PaymentDetailsCommon:\n type: object\n discriminator: type\n description: The payment details.\n required:\n - destination\n properties:\n destination:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PayoutAmountDetails\"\n description: Payout amount details.\n promotion:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Promotion\"\n description: Promotion details.\n taxes:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Taxes\"\n description: Taxes details.\n fees:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Fees\"\n description: Fees details.\n messageCharges:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MessageCharges\"\n description: Message charges details.\n exchangeRate:\n type: number\n example: \"0.46\"\n description: Exchange rate.\n paymentDigest:\n type: string\n example: \"4985743876487\"\n description: Key information about the session used by WU Core.\n totalUndiscountedCharges:\n type: number\n example: \"4\"\n description: Total undiscounted charges.\n totalDiscount:\n type: number\n example: \"3\"\n description: Total discount.\n totalDiscountedCharges:\n type: number\n example: \"2\"\n description: Total discounted charges.\n additionalServiceCharges:\n type: string\n maxLength: 300\n example: \"1\"\n description: Additional service charges.\n identificationQuestion:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/IdentificationQuestion\"\n description: Identification question details.\n\n\n HoldReleaseFields:\n type: object\n description: Hold/release fields details.\n properties:\n holdReleaseBuffer:\n type: string\n example: \"0101C0202BM0303AED\"\n description: Buffer.\n\n GenerateOtpRequest:\n type: object\n description: OTP request details.\n required:\n - senderId\n properties:\n senderId:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n description: The unique identifier of sender.\n\n GenerateOtpResponse:\n type: object\n description: OTP response details.\n properties:\n initiationId:\n type: string\n example: \"3e9392df-4093-4389-a0ad-92456a181b8a\"\n description: Unique identifier of the OTP verification.\n\n UserVerificationSettings:\n type: object\n properties:\n KYC:\n type: array\n description: An array of KYC data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserVerificationSettingsDefinition\"\n IDV:\n type: array\n description: An array of IDV data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/IdvUserVerificationSettingsDefinition\"\n\n UserVerificationSettingsDefinition:\n type: object\n required:\n - category\n - provider\n properties:\n category:\n type: string\n example: \"all\"\n description: User verification category.\n provider:\n type: string\n example: \"onfido/worldcheck\"\n description: The name of provider.\n\n IdvUserVerificationSettingsDefinition:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/UserVerificationSettingsDefinition\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n allowed_no_of_user_per_id:\n description: Allowed number of users per National ID/Passport settings.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AllowedNoOfUserPerId\"\n fields:\n description: Fields to be validated during IDV process\n type: array\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FieldsValidation\"\n\n FieldsValidation:\n type: string\n enum:\n - NAME\n - DATEOFBIRTH\n - ISSUINGCOUNTRY\n\n AllowedNoOfUserPerId:\n type: object\n properties:\n count:\n type: integer\n description: Allowed number of users per National ID/Passport.\n minimum: 0\n default: 1\n status:\n description: User status to set if the limit is exceeded.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AllowedNoOfUserPerIdStatus\"\n default: \"PENDINGIDVERIFICATION\"\n status_reason_code:\n description: User status reason code to set if the limit is exceeded.\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AllowedNoOfUserPerIdStatusReasonCode\"\n default: \"B19\"\n applicable_status_reason_code:\n description: Applicable user status reason codes that counts towards the limit.\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n\n AllowedNoOfUserPerIdStatus:\n type: string\n enum:\n - SUSPENDED\n - TERMINATED\n - PENDINGIDVERIFICATION\n - PENDINGKYC\n\n AllowedNoOfUserPerIdStatusReasonCode:\n type: string\n enum:\n - S8\n - T14\n - B19\n\n CreditCardSettings:\n type: object\n properties:\n cash_advance_transactions:\n type: array\n items:\n ref: \"#/definitions/TransactionScope\"\n\n CreditCardSettingsCreateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n credit_card_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CreditCardSettings\"\n\n CreditCardSettingsUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n credit_card_settings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CreditCardSettings\"\n Note:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: notes\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the note.\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n maxLength: 36\n x-nymos-key: true\n type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/NoteType'\n type_id:\n type: string\n description: Respective id like user_id, account_id or card_id.\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n maxLength: 36\n note:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserNote'\n author:\n $ref: '#/definitions/Author'\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: Date and time when note was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: Date and time when note was modified.\n UserNote:\n type: object\n description: The user note details.\n required:\n - title\n - description\n properties:\n title:\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 40\n type: string\n description: The note's title.\n example: \"Some title\"\n description:\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 50\n type: string\n description: The details of the note.\n example: \"Additional info\"\n Author:\n type: object\n description: The author details.\n required:\n - id\n - display_name\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the author.\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 36\n display_name:\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 50\n type: string\n description: The display name.\n example: \"name\"\n CreateNoteRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - type_id\n - note\n - author\n properties:\n type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/NoteType'\n type_id:\n type: string\n description: Respective id like user_id, account_id or card_id.\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n minLength: 1\n maxLength: 36\n note:\n $ref: '#/definitions/UserNote'\n author:\n $ref: '#/definitions/Author'\n NoteType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - USER\n - CARD\n - ACCOUNT\n description: The note type.\n NotesCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load.\"\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of notes data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Note\"\n SupportedAccount:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: supported_accounts\n required:\n - title\n - description\n - enum\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n maxLength: 36\n title:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: Account's title\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 100\n description: Account's description\n condition:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Condition\"\n enum:\n type: string\n maxLength: 10\n description: Assigned Enum for account (unique)\n created:\n type: string\n description: The date and time when record is created in this table.\n format: date-time\n modified:\n type: string\n description: The date and time when record is modified in this table.\n format: date-time\n AllowTransfer:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: allow_transfers\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n maxLength: 36\n source:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n destination:\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 100\n enum:\n type: string\n minLength: 0\n allowed:\n type: boolean\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n\n Condition:\n type: object\n required:\n - user_type\n - account_type\n - is_child\n properties:\n user_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ConditionUserType\"\n account_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ConditionAccountType\"\n is_child:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minLength: 0\n maxLength: 1\n\n Conditions:\n type: object\n description: Advanced velocity limit conditions.\n required:\n - type\n - active\n properties:\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ConditionType\"\n values:\n type: array\n description: An array of values.\n items:\n type: string\n example: \"4511\"\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether it is active or not.\n default: true\n\n ConditionType:\n type: string\n description: Condition type.\n\n * \"PURCHASE_TYPE\" has such enums as PURCHASE and ECOMMERCE.\n\n * \"TRANSACTION_ORIGIN\" has such enums as DOMESTIC, FOREIGN and ANY.\n\n * \"CARD_TYPE\" has such enums as VIRTUAL and PHYSICAL.\n\n example: \"MCC\"\n enum:\n - \"MCC\"\n - \"MERCHANT_ID\"\n - \"KYC_LEVEL\"\n - \"CHANNEL_SCOPE\"\n - \"API_CHANNEL\"\n - \"TRANSFER_TYPE\"\n - \"PURCHASE_TYPE\"\n - \"CARD_TYPE\"\n - \"TRANSACTION_ORIGIN\"\n - \"EXTERNAL_CARD_TYPE\"\n - \"IS_AFT\"\n\n PurchaseType:\n type: string\n description: Purchase type.\n example: \"PURCHASE\"\n enum:\n - \"PURCHASE\"\n - \"ECOMMERCE\"\n\n ConditionUserType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - \"INDIVIDUAL\"\n - \"AGENT\"\n ConditionAccountType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - \"PREPAID\"\n - \"MASTER\"\n\n CashAdvance:\n type: object\n description: The cash advance parameters.\n properties:\n cash_adv_limit_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashAdvLimitType\"\n cash_adv_limit_value:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 50.00\n description: The value of cash advance limit.\n\n CashAdvLimitType:\n type: string\n description: The cash advance limit type.\n example: \"PERCENTAGE\"\n enum:\n - PERCENTAGE\n - FIXED\n\n ResetEncryptionKeyRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - encryption_certificate_id\n - encryption_public_key\n properties:\n encryption_certificate_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 256\n encryption_public_key:\n type: string\n maxLength: 2048\n\n CertificateDetails:\n x-nymos-entity: certificate_details\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n encryption_certificate_id:\n type: string\n encryption_public_key:\n type: string\n created:\n type: string\n description: Timestamp of the token info creation time\n format: date-time\n x-nymos-index: desc\n modified:\n type: string\n description: Timestamp of the token info modification time\n format: date-time\n x-nymos-index: desc\n\n EncryptedCardResponse:\n type: object\n required:\n - encryption_certificate_id\n properties:\n encryption_certificate_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 256\n encrypted_card:\n type: string\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ExternalSystemResponse\"\n status_reason_code:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ErrorCode\"\n\n ExternalSystemResponse:\n type: string\n enum:\n - SUCCESS\n - FAILED\n\n WalletProvider:\n type: string\n description: The wallet provider.\n enum:\n - \"APPLEPAY\"\n - \"SAMSUNGPAY\"\n - \"GOOGLEPAY\"\n\n IndicativeRatesResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n tran_amount:\n type: number\n description: Total amount includes transaction + fees to be deducted from initiator.\n example: 110.00\n tran_fee_amount:\n type: number\n description: Fees that are charged by Mastercard.\n example: 10.00\n original_tran_amount:\n type: number\n description: Sender amount in sender currency.\n example: 100.00\n receiver_amount:\n type: number\n description: Amount that receiver will receive.\n example: 217.00\n receiver_currency_code:\n type: string\n description: Currency of receiver in 3-letter ISO_4217 code format.\n example: \"INR\"\n receiver_country_code:\n type: string\n description: Country of receiver in ISO alpha 2-character code format.\n example: \"IN\"\n source_currency_code:\n type: string\n description: Sender currency code in 3-letter ISO_4217 code format.\n example: \"USD\"\n transaction_rate:\n type: number\n description: Exchange rate.\n example: 2.17\n\n BillerDetailsCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BillerDetails\"\n\n BillerDetails:\n type: object\n description: The biller details.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: Biller type.\n example: \"utility\"\n category:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BillerCategory\"\n\n BillerCategory:\n type: object\n properties:\n value:\n type: string\n description: The biller category.\n example: \"Gas\"\n companies:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BillerCompany\"\n\n BillerCompany:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The identification of the biller company.\n example: \"586000000000001\"\n name:\n type: string\n description: The name of the biller company.\n example: \"SSGC (Sui Southern Gas Company)\"\n\n ProxyBillerCountry:\n type: object\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n example: \"Poland\"\n description: The country name.\n code:\n type: string\n example: \"PLN\"\n description: the country code.\n\n MobileCarrierLookupRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - MobileNumber\n properties:\n MobileNumber:\n type: string\n description: The mobile number.\n example: \"4905734976\"\n\n MobileCarrierLookupResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n ResponseCode:\n type: string\n description: The response code.\n example: \"00\"\n ResponseMessage:\n type: string\n description: The response message.\n example: \"Process complete\"\n ResponseDateTime:\n type: string\n description: The response date and time.\n example: \"2023-12-04 10:39:45\"\n Country:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CountryData\"\n Biller:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BillerData\"\n SKU:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SkuData'\n Output1:\n type: string\n description: The output.\n example: \"8801811473295\"\n\n CountryData:\n type: object\n description: The country data.\n properties:\n CountryCode:\n type: string\n description: The country code.\n example: \"BGD\"\n CountryName:\n type: string\n description: The country name.\n example: \"Bangladesh\"\n\n BillerData:\n type: object\n description: The biller data.\n properties:\n BillerID:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of biller.\n example: \"050000000000001\"\n BillerName:\n type: string\n description: The biller name.\n example: \"Airtel\"\n\n SkuData:\n type: object\n properties:\n CatalogVersion:\n type: string\n description: The catalog version.\n example: \"2021030101\"\n SKU:\n type: string\n description: The stock keeping unit.\n example: \"00000000000000000100\"\n Currency:\n type: string\n description: The currency.\n example: \"USD\"\n Type:\n type: string\n description: The type.\n example: \"Top-up\"\n Description:\n type: string\n description: Some description.\n example: \"Airtel USD $1 (BDT 60)\"\n Amount:\n type: string\n description: The amount.\n example: \"1.00\"\n MinAmount:\n type: string\n description: The minumum amount.\n example: \"1.00\"\n MaxAmount:\n type: string\n description: The maximum amount.\n example: \"1.00\"\n Talktime:\n type: string\n description: The talktime.\n example: null\n Data:\n type: string\n description: The data.\n example: null\n Validity:\n type: string\n description: The validity.\n example: null\n Benefits:\n type: string\n description: The benefits.\n example: null\n\n PerformPaymentRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - merchant_name\n - biller_id\n - sku\n - inputs\n - payment_amount\n - payment_currency\n - billing_amount\n - billing_currency\n properties:\n merchant_name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: The merchant name.\n example: \"fintech1\"\n customer_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 12\n description: The unique identifier of a customer.\n example: \"396794673\"\n biller_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of a biller.\n example: \"484000000000200\"\n sku:\n type: string\n description: The stock keeping unit.\n example: \"00000000000000000001\"\n inputs:\n type: string\n maxLength: 999\n description: Inputs.\n example: \"35535\"\n wallet_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: The unique identifier of a wallet.\n example: \"7600e9b7-5cld3-4e96-9a9d-8fd8a7705eed\"\n card_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: The unique identifier of a card.\n example: \"7600e9b7-5cd3-4e96-9a9d-8fd8a7705eed\"\n payment_amount:\n type: string\n maxLength: 10\n description: The payment amount.\n example: \"10.00\"\n payment_currency:\n type: string\n maxLength: 3\n description: The payment currency.\n example: \"AED\"\n billing_amount:\n type: string\n maxLength: 10\n description: The billing amount.\n example: \"100.00\"\n billing_currency:\n type: string\n maxLength: 3\n description: The billing currency.\n example: \"MXN\"\n note:\n type: string\n maxLength: 100\n description: Some note.\n example: \"Some info\"\n otp:\n type: string\n maxLength: 10\n description: The OTP code.\n example: \"507063\"\n initiation_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of initiation.\n example: \"6901bf10-65d4-4662-822d-e836855fa213\"\n\n PerformPaymentResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n response_code:\n type: string\n description: The response code.\n example: \"00\"\n response_message:\n type: string\n description: The response message.\n example: \"Process complete\"\n response_date_time:\n type: string\n description: The response date and time.\n example: \"2024-01-11 11:33:02\"\n confirmation_number:\n type: string\n description: The confirmation number.\n example: \"4976\"\n transaction_response_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of transaction response.\n example: \"181188\"\n transaction_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of transaction.\n example: \"921614223456\"\n payment_amount:\n type: string\n description: The payment amount.\n example: \"10.00\"\n payment_currency:\n type: string\n description: The payment currency.\n example: \"AED\"\n billing_amount:\n type: string\n description: The billing amount.\n example: \"100.00\"\n billing_currency:\n type: string\n description: The billing currency.\n example: \"MXN\"\n\n MxbGetBanksResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n totalCount:\n type: integer\n description: The total number of banks.\n example: 3\n banks:\n type: array\n description: List of banks.\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/Bank'\n\n MxbGetBankBranchesResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n totalCount:\n type: integer\n description: Total count of records.\n example: 2\n getBankBranch:\n type: array\n description: List of branches.\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BankBranch'\n\n VerifyPaymentStatusRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - merchant_name\n - original_transaction_id\n properties:\n merchant_name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: Initials of the cashier or clerk effecting the transaction.\n example: \"abc\"\n original_transaction_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: ID of the payment transaction that is being verified by the ENTITY.\n example: \"1018270\"\n\n VerifyPaymentStatusResponse:\n type: object\n required:\n - ResponseCode\n - ResponseMessage\n - ResponseDateTime\n - PayKiiTransactionID\n - EntityTransactionID\n - SettlementCurrency\n - BaseCurrency\n - FXRate\n properties:\n ResponseCode:\n type: string\n description: 00 – Successful. Any other value is an error code.\n example: \"00\"\n ResponseMessage:\n type: string\n description: Description for field ResponseCode.\n example: \"Process complete\"\n ResponseDateTime:\n type: string\n description: Date and time of the response, according to the BILRS Transaction Hub.\n example: \"2024-01-11 11:33:02\"\n ConfirmationNumber:\n type: string\n description: Transaction confirmation number issued by the Biller.\n example: \"987987\"\n TicketCaption:\n type: string\n description: Text caption to be printed on the ticket.\n example: \"text\"\n PayKiiTransactionID:\n type: string\n description: Unique transaction ID assigned by BILRS.\n example: \"180246\"\n EntityTransactionID:\n type: string\n description: Transaction ID assigned by the ENTITY, the same that was sent in the Request.\n example: \"1018270\"\n SettlementCurrency:\n type: string\n description: Local currency code associated with the amount paid as defined by ISO 4217 (e.g. MXN – Mexican Pesos).\n example: \"MXN\"\n BaseCurrency:\n type: string\n description: Base currency code used for funding transactions as defined by ISO 4217 (e.g. USD – United States Dollars).\n example: \"USD\"\n FXRate:\n type: string\n description: Valid exchange rate for the price of the BaseCurrency in terms of the SettlementCurrency (i.e. local currency of the transaction). For example, assuming USD as BaseCurrency and MXN as SettlementCurrency, an FX Rate of 18.1349 indicates the exchange rate of one USD in MXN.\n example: \"279.4632\"\n\n Bank:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the bank.\n example: \"AE003\"\n name:\n type: string\n description: The name of the bank.\n example: \"ABU DHABI COMMERCIAL BANK (ADCB)\"\n\n BankBranch:\n type: object\n properties:\n bankBranchId:\n type: string\n description: Branch ID.\n example: \"HLALAEAA\"\n bankBranchName:\n type: string\n description: Branch name.\n example: \"OTHER (NOT LISTED)\"\n bankId:\n type: string\n description: Bank ID.\n example: \"AE022\"\n\n BillerPaymentDetails:\n type: object\n properties:\n biller_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the biller.\n example: \"586000000000023\"\n sku:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/SKU'\n\n CountryCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load.\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Country\"\n\n CityCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load.\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/City\"\n Country:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: countries\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n description: Serves as the unique identifier of the country, generates automatically.\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n maxLength: 36\n country_code:\n type: integer\n description: Unique identifier of collection.\n example: \"UAE\"\n name:\n type: string\n example: \"UNITED ARAB EMIRATES\"\n description: Country name.\n iso_code_3:\n type: string\n example: \"UAE\"\n minLength: 3\n maxLength: 3\n description: 3 Digit ISO code.\n iso_code_2:\n type: string\n example: \"AE\"\n minLength: 2\n maxLength: 2\n description: 2 Digit ISO code.\n iban_length:\n type: integer\n description: Length of IBAN account in country.\n example: 34\n iban_format:\n type: string\n example: \"AE\\\\d{21}\"\n description: Regex for validation.\n\n StateCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load.\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/State\"\n\n State:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: states\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n description: Serves as the unique identifier of the state, generates automatically.\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n maxLength: 36\n state_code:\n type: integer\n description: Unique identifier of collection.\n example: \"PK\"\n state_id:\n type: string\n example: \"PK001\"\n description: State ID.\n name:\n type: string\n example: \"SINDH\"\n description: State name.\n country_code:\n type: integer\n description: Country code used for reference in country collection.\n example: \"UAE\"\n alternative_name:\n type: string\n description: This field serves if alternative name is available.\n example: \"Emirates\"\n\n City:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: cities\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n description: Serves as the unique identifier of the city, generates automatically.\n example: \"cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\"\n maxLength: 36\n city_code:\n type: integer\n description: Unique identifier of collection.\n example: \"PKC\"\n city_id:\n type: string\n example: \"PKC001\"\n description: City ID 3 digit code.\n name:\n type: string\n example: \"KARACHI\"\n description: City name.\n country_code:\n type: integer\n description: Country code used for reference in country table.\n example: \"UAE\"\n state_code:\n type: integer\n description: State code used for reference in state table.\n example: \"PK001\"\n\n SKU:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of SKU.\n example: \"00000000000000000100\"\n description:\n type: string\n description: Some description.\n example: \"Electricity\"\n currency:\n type: string\n description: The currency.\n example: \"USD\"\n amount:\n type: number\n description: The amount.\n example: 1.0\n min_amount:\n type: number\n description: The minimum amount.\n example: 1.0\n max_amount:\n type: number\n description: The maximum amount.\n example: 1.0\n perform_inquiry:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether inquiry is performed or not.\n example: false\n amount_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/AmountType'\n io_fields:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/IOField'\n\n IOField:\n type: object\n description: The IO field.\n properties:\n io_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of IO.\n example: \"1\"\n name:\n type: string\n description: The name.\n example: \"Mobile number\"\n description:\n type: string\n description: The description.\n example: \"12-digit mobile number including international dialing prefix\"\n operation:\n type: integer\n description: The operation.\n example: 2\n data_type:\n type: string\n description: The data type.\n example: \"Numeric\"\n max_length:\n type: integer\n description: The maximum length.\n example: 12\n min_length:\n type: integer\n description: The minimum length.\n example: 12\n\n AmountType:\n type: string\n description: The type of amount.\n example: \"EDITABLE\"\n enum: [ NONEDITABLE, EDITABLE, UPPERCAP, LOWERCAP ]\n\n CardsLimitsSearchResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n user_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the user.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n velocity_limits:\n type: array\n description: An array of velocity limits.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardVelocityLimitLinked\"\n balance_limits:\n type: array\n description: An array of balance limits.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardBalanceLimitLinked\"\n advanced_velocity_limits:\n type: array\n description: An array of advanced velocity limits.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardAdvancedVelocityLimitLinked\"\n\n CardVelocityLimitLinked:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/VelocityLimit\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n linked_to:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardLimitsInfoLinkedTo\"\n\n CardBalanceLimitLinked:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/BalanceLimit\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n linked_to:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardLimitsInfoLinkedTo\"\n\n CardAdvancedVelocityLimitLinked:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/AdvancedVelocityLimit\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n linked_to:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardLimitsInfoLinkedTo\"\n\n CardLimitsInfoLinkedTo:\n type: string\n description: This parameter indicates whether card limits are linked to card, product or account.\n example: \"CARD\"\n enum:\n - CARD\n - PRODUCT\n - ACCOUNT\n\n PaymentInquiryRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - transaction_id\n - biller_id\n - sku\n - inputs\n properties:\n merchant_name:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: The merchant name.\n example: \"fintech1\"\n transaction_id:\n type: integer\n format: int64\n maxLength: 12\n description: The unique identifier of transaction.\n example: \"398759048753\"\n customer_id:\n type: integer\n format: int64\n maxLength: 12\n description: The unique identifier of a customer.\n example: \"385738475\"\n biller_id:\n type: integer\n format: int64\n description: The unique identifier of a biller.\n example: \"586000000000007\"\n sku:\n type: integer\n format: int64\n description: SKU.\n example: \"00000000000000000001\"\n inputs:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: The inputs.\n example: \"0509320091734\"\n\n PaymentInquiryResponse:\n type: object\n required:\n - destination\n properties:\n transaction_response_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of transaction response.\n example: \"1009781\"\n transaction_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of transaction.\n example: \"987654123456\"\n bill_due_date:\n type: string\n description: The billing due date.\n example: \"2023-01-31\"\n customer_name:\n type: string\n description: The name of a customer.\n example: \"John\"\n output1:\n type: string\n description: The output 1.\n example: \"0509320091734|78DTS96DGS\"\n bills_due:\n type: integer\n description: The due bills.\n example: 1\n output2:\n type: string\n description: The output 2.\n example: null\n indicative_fxrate:\n type: string\n description: The indicative FX rate.\n example: \"280.3478\"\n details_billing_currency:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/DetailsCurrency\"\n details_base_currency:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/DetailsCurrency\"\n\n DetailsCurrency:\n type: object\n description: The currency details.\n properties:\n amount:\n type: string\n description: The amount.\n example: \"1844.00\"\n currency:\n type: string\n description: The currency.\n example: \"PKR\"\n total_amount_due:\n type: string\n description: The total due amount.\n example: \"1844.00\"\n mandatory_fee:\n type: string\n description: The mandatory fee.\n example: \"20.00\"\n mandatory_fee_type:\n type: string\n description: The type of mandatory fee.\n example: \"Fixed Amount\"\n additional_fee:\n type: string\n description: The additional fee.\n example: \"2\"\n additional_fee_type:\n type: string\n description: The type of additional fee.\n example: \"Percentage\"\n final_amount:\n type: string\n description: The final amount.\n example: \"1900.88\"\n\n NymcardTransactionChargebackCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - amount\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: Unique identifier.\n type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/NymcardTransactionChargebackType'\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n note:\n type: string\n maxLength: 250\n created_by:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n\n NymcardTransactionChargebackCreateResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: Unique identifier.\n user_id:\n type: string\n description: cardholder user_id\n card_id:\n type: string\n description: card id\n card_first_6_digits:\n type: string\n description: card first 6 digits\n card_last_4_digits:\n type: string\n description: card last 4 digits\n transaction_id:\n type: string\n type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/NymcardTransactionChargebackType'\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n transaction_date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n network_name:\n type: string\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/NymcardTransactionChargebackStatus'\n note:\n type: string\n maxLength: 250\n comments:\n type: string\n maxLength: 250\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n created_by:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n\n NymcardTransactionChargeback:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n maxLength: 36\n description: Unique identifier.\n user_id:\n type: string\n description: cardholder user_id\n card_id:\n type: string\n description: card id\n card_first_6_digits:\n type: string\n description: card first 6 digits\n card_last_4_digits:\n type: string\n description: card last 4 digits\n transaction_id:\n type: string\n type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/NymcardTransactionChargebackType'\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n transaction_date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n network_name:\n type: string\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/NymcardTransactionChargebackStatus'\n note:\n type: string\n maxLength: 250\n comments:\n type: string\n maxLength: 250\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n created_by:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified_by:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n\n NymcardTransactionChargebackType:\n type: string\n description: Chargeback transaction type\n enum:\n - \"FULL\"\n - \"PARTIAL\"\n\n NymcardTransactionChargebackStatus:\n type: string\n description: Chargeback transaction status\n enum:\n - \"PENDING\"\n - \"APPROVED\"\n - \"DECLINE\"\n\n NymcardTransactionChargebackCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n after:\n type: string\n data:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NymcardTransactionChargeback\"\n RemittancePurposesResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n remittancePurposes:\n type: array\n description: List of VISA payment purposes\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/VisaPaymentPurpose'\n\n VisaPaymentPurpose:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: visa_payment_purposes\n x-nymos-shared-entity: true\n properties:\n code:\n x-nymos-key: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the payment purpose.\n example: \"03\"\n description:\n type: string\n description: Description of purpose.\n example: \"Some info\"\n\n FundsSourcesResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n sourceOfFunds:\n type: array\n description: List of VISA payment purposes.\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/VisaFundsSource'\n\n VisaFundsSource:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: visa_funds_sources\n x-nymos-shared-entity: true\n properties:\n code:\n x-nymos-key: true\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the funds source.\n example: \"03\"\n description:\n type: string\n description: Description of payment source.\n example: \"Some info\"\n\n CardProductAdvancedFees:\n x-nymos-entity: card_product_fees\n properties:\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the card product.\n example: \"5b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c3fjdd6\"\n x-nymos-key: true\n advanced_fee_ids:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: Advanced fee IDs linked to card product.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c3eddd6\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n x-nymos-index: desc\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n\n CardProductAdvancedFeeIds:\n type: object\n properties:\n ids:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: Advanced fee ID.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c3eddd6\"\n\n CardProductCreditSettingsRequest:\n type: object\n description: The exposed revolving credit settings.\n properties:\n statement_on:\n type: number\n format: integer\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 28\n example: 25\n description: Statement day of the month.\n grace_period:\n type: number\n format: integer\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 27\n example: 25\n description: This field defines the number of days to add in the billing date to calculate the due date of a billing cycle.\n late_payment_grace_period:\n type: number\n format: integer\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 5\n example: 3\n description: The period of time granted by a financial institution during which a borrower or debtor can make a payment after the due date without late fee.\n delinquency_grace_period:\n type: number\n format: integer\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 5\n example: 3\n description: The specified period of time granted by a financial institution during which a borrower or debtor can make a payment after the due date without having an impact on their credit score and other punitive actions.\n\n InitiateTransactionMastercardRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - sender\n - receiver\n - transaction_info\n properties:\n sender:\n $ref: '#/definitions/InitiateTransactionSender'\n receiver:\n $ref: '#/definitions/InitiateTransactionReceiver'\n transaction_info:\n $ref: '#/definitions/InitiateTransactionInfo'\n compliance:\n $ref: '#/definitions/InitiateTransactionCompliance'\n\n InitiateTransactionSender:\n type: object\n description: Transaction sender info.\n required:\n - name\n - address\n - country_code\n - card_id\n - state_id\n - city_id\n - date_of_birth\n - nationality_code\n properties:\n card_id:\n type: string\n description: Sender card ID, which is used to fetch sender information along with for amount debit purpose.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c3eddd6\"\n initiation_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique OTP identifier of the sender.\n example: \"4b4dd6\"\n otp_code:\n type: string\n description: OTP code.\n example: \"476688\"\n name:\n type: string\n description: Sender name.\n example: \"John\"\n address:\n type: string\n description: Sender address.\n example: \"New York\"\n phone_mobile:\n type: string\n description: Sender mobile phone.\n example: \"94537497\"\n country_code:\n description: Country Code in ISO 3166 format.\n pattern: ^[A-Za-z]{3}$\n type: string\n example: \"USA\"\n state_id:\n type: string\n description: State ID.\n example: \"497\"\n city_id:\n type: integer\n description: City ID.\n example: \"47\"\n type_of_id:\n $ref: '#/definitions/MxbTypeOfId'\n id_number:\n type: string\n description: Sender’s ID Number.\n example: \"4957349679797\"\n id_expiry_date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Expiration date of the ID provided.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n date_of_birth:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Sender’s birth date.\n example: \"1988-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n nationality_code:\n type: string\n description: Nationality ISO code.\n example: \"IN\"\n is_individual:\n type: boolean\n description: Whether account is individual or not.\n example: true\n\n MxbTypeOfId:\n type: string\n description: ID type.\n example: \"PASSPORT\"\n enum:\n - PASSPORT\n - GCC_ID\n - EMIRATES_ID\n - NATIONAL_ID\n\n InitiateTransactionReceiver:\n type: object\n description: Transaction receiver info.\n required:\n - first_name\n - last_name\n - mobile_phone\n - country_iso_code\n - nationality_iso_code\n - state_id\n - city_id\n properties:\n first_name:\n type: string\n description: Receiver’s first name.\n example: \"David\"\n last_name:\n type: string\n description: Receiver’s last name.\n example: \"Monk\"\n address:\n type: string\n description: Receiver’s address.\n example: \"Paris\"\n mobile_phone:\n type: string\n description: Receiver’s mobile phone number.\n example: \"0562315682\"\n country_iso_code:\n type: string\n description: Receiver’s country of nationality in ISO code format.\n example: \"USA\"\n nationality_iso_code:\n type: string\n description: Nationality ISO code.\n example: \"IN\"\n is_individual:\n type: boolean\n description: Whether account is individual or not.\n example: true\n state_id:\n type: string\n description: State ID.\n example: \"58\"\n city_id:\n type: string\n description: City ID.\n example: \"KR\"\n email:\n type: string\n description: Receiver’s email address.\n example: \"abc@nymcard.com\"\n receiver_type_id:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: Receiver’s ID Type.\n example: 8\n id_relationship_with_sender:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: Receiver Relationship with Sender ID.\n example: 2\n cpf:\n type: string\n description: Receiver ID number.\n example: \"12312312322\"\n\n InitiateTransactionInfo:\n type: object\n description: Transaction info.\n required:\n - payment_mode_id\n - receive_currency_iso_code\n - purpose_of_remittance_id\n - sent_amount\n properties:\n source_currency_iso_code:\n type: string\n description: Source currency ISO code.\n example: \"PLN\"\n sent_amount:\n type: number\n description: Sent amount.\n example: 250.00\n fee_amount:\n type: number\n description: Fee amount.\n example: 2.00\n payment_mode_id:\n type: string\n description: Payment mode ID.\n example: \"564\"\n receive_currency_iso_code:\n type: string\n description: Destination currency ISO code.\n example: \"USD\"\n purpose_of_remittance_id:\n type: string\n description: Purpose of remittance ID.\n example: \"777\"\n form_of_payment_id:\n type: string\n default: ACH\n description: The form of payment collected from the Sender.\n bank_id:\n type: string\n description: Bank ID.\n example: \"777772424\"\n bank_branch_id:\n type: string\n description: Bank branch ID.\n example: \"3085048\"\n account:\n type: string\n description: Account.\n example: \"8465864\"\n payer_id:\n type: string\n description: Payer ID from where the cash will be picked.\n example: \"KS01\"\n paying_branch_id:\n type: string\n description: Paying branch ID from where the cash will be picked.\n example: \"KS01000088\"\n account_type_id:\n type: string\n description: Receiver’s bank account type (C = CHECKING; P = SAVINGS)\n example: \"C\"\n\n InitiateTransactionCompliance:\n type: object\n description: Transaction compliance info.\n properties:\n country_issue_iso_code:\n type: string\n description: Issue country ISO code.\n example: \"UAE\"\n source_of_funds:\n type: string\n description: Source of funds.\n example: \"Salary\"\n receiver_full_name:\n type: string\n description: Receiver full name.\n example: \"John Smith\"\n\n MxbTransactionCreationResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n description: |\n Serves as the unique identifier of the user, if not included in the create user request then the\n system generates it automatically. This field is used in other API calls to identify the user and\n cannot be updated.\n example: cf2de83b-ac68-441b-bc54-21de60014d57\n maxLength: 36\n StatusName:\n type: string\n description: Status name.\n example: \"R\"\n StatusId:\n type: string\n description: Status ID.\n example: \"38634869\"\n TfPin:\n type: string\n description: Transaction number.\n example: \"0000045\"\n TransactionDate:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Date of transaction.\n example: \"2023-06-01T00:00:00.000-04:00\"\n CanBeCancelled:\n type: boolean\n description: Whether it can be cancelled or not.\n example: false\n RequiresPreAml:\n type: boolean\n description: Whether it requires pre AML or not.\n example: false\n RequiresPostAml:\n type: boolean\n description: Whether it requires post AML or not.\n example: false\n Sender:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbTransactionSender\"\n Receiver:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbTransactionReceiver\"\n TransactionInfo:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/MxbTransactionInfo\"\n\n EditTransactionRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - tfPin\n properties:\n tfPin:\n description: Tfpin (Transaction number).\n type: string\n example: \"33TF010994059\"\n receiver:\n $ref: '#/definitions/TransactionReceiverUpdateRequest'\n transaction_info:\n $ref: '#/definitions/TransactionInfoUpdateRequest'\n\n TransactionReceiverUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n description: Transaction receiver's info.\n properties:\n full_name:\n type: string\n description: Transaction receiver's full name.\n example: \"John Smith\"\n first_name:\n type: string\n description: Transaction receiver's first name.\n example: \"John\"\n second_name:\n type: string\n description: Transaction receiver's second name.\n example: \"Jack\"\n last_name:\n type: string\n description: Transaction receiver's last name.\n example: \"Smith\"\n second_last_name:\n type: string\n description: Transaction receiver's second last name.\n example: \"Farrel\"\n complete_address:\n type: string\n description: Transaction receiver's complete address.\n example: \"1 avenue New York\"\n date_of_birth:\n type: string\n description: Transaction receiver's date of birth.\n format: date-time\n example: \"1988-06-01T00:00:00.000-04:00\"\n mobile_phone:\n type: string\n description: Transaction receiver's mobile phone.\n example: \"95350948085\"\n maxLength: 15\n home_phone:\n type: string\n description: Transaction receiver's home phone.\n example: \"30583040383\"\n maxLength: 15\n work_phone:\n type: string\n description: Transaction receiver's work home.\n maxLength: 15\n example: \"39579753209\"\n notes:\n type: string\n description: Additional information.\n example: \"Some notes\"\n maxLength: 200\n receiver_id_number:\n type: string\n description: ID number of the receiver.\n example: \"FT467329\"\n receiver_type_id:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n description: The type of receiver's ID.\n example: 142\n email:\n type: string\n description: Transaction receiver's email.\n example: \"johndoe@example.com\"\n minLength: 5\n maxLength: 64\n\n TransactionInfoUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n description: Transaction info.\n properties:\n routing_number:\n type: string\n maxLength: 10\n example: \"5477555\"\n description: Bank routing number.\n bank_branch_id:\n type: string\n description: Bank branch ID.\n example: \"3983985\"\n maxLength: 10\n account:\n type: string\n maxLength: 35\n description: The account.\n example: \"058480084060408\"\n\n EditTransactionResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n message:\n type: string\n description: Response message.\n example: \"Some text\"\n\n PushFundsRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - cardId\n - recipientType\n - amount\n - recipientAccountType\n - recipientPrimaryAccountNumber\n - recipientName\n - sourceOfFundsCode\n - purposeOfPayment\n properties:\n cardId:\n type: string\n description: Sender card ID, that is used to fetch sender information along with for amount debit purpose\n initiationId:\n type: string\n description: The unique OTP identifier of the sender\n otpCode:\n type: string\n description: OTP code\n recipientType:\n $ref: '#/definitions/PushFundsRecipientType'\n amount:\n type: number\n description: The transaction amount to be delivered to the recipient\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999.999\n multipleOf: 0.001\n recipientAccountType:\n type: string\n default: \"00\"\n description: This is used to identify the account type of the recipientPrimaryAccountNumber in the request (00-Not applicable, 10-Saving account, 20-Checking account, 30-Credit card account, 40-Universal account)\n recipientPrimaryAccountNumber:\n type: string\n description: PAN or Alias (if “recipientType” is Alias than Alias value and if “recipientType” is PAN than PAN value)\n recipientName:\n type: string\n description: This field contains the recipient's name and is required for cross-border enhanced money transfer done with Visa cards\n sourceOfFundsCode:\n type: string\n description: Visa prepaid\n purposeOfPayment:\n type: string\n description: This is an alphanumeric value. Purpose of payment is required in certain markets to clearly identify the purpose of the payment based on the standard values defined for respective market.\n\n PushFundsRecipientType:\n type: string\n enum: [ PAN, ALIAS ]\n description: Either “PAN” or “Alias” to identify recipient card\n\n PushFundsResponse:\n type: object\n required:\n - actionCode\n - responseCode\n - transactionIdentifier\n - transmissionDateTime\n properties:\n actionCode:\n type: string\n description: The results of the transaction request\n responseCode:\n type: string\n description: The source for the response; typically, either the recipient issuer or a Visa system.\n transactionIdentifier:\n type: integer\n format: int64\n description: The VisaNet reference number for the transaction\n transmissionDateTime:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2018-11-09T22:52:46.000Z\n description: This field contains the date and time the request is submitted to VisaNet.\n prepaidBalance:\n type: string\n description: Applicable only for Top Up Transactions\n prepaidBalanceCurrency:\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n example: \"AED\"\n description: Refer to ISO Codes\n\n PushFundsTransactionResponse:\n type: object\n required:\n - actionCode\n - responseCode\n - transactionIdentifier\n - transmissionDateTime\n properties:\n actionCode:\n type: string\n description: The results of the transaction request\n responseCode:\n type: string\n description: The source for the response; typically, either the recipient issuer or a Visa system.\n transactionIdentifier:\n type: integer\n format: int64\n description: The VisaNet reference number for the transaction\n transmissionDateTime:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2018-11-09T22:52:46.000Z\n description: This field contains the date and time the request is submitted to VisaNet.\n\n BillerCountry:\n type: object\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n example: \"Poland\"\n description: The country name.\n code:\n type: string\n example: \"PLN\"\n description: the country code.\n\n CashbackCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - description\n - type\n - applicable_on\n - transaction\n - source_channel\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: Unique identifier of cashback.\n example: \"casback_001_06may\"\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: The name of cashback.\n example: \"casback_001\"\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashbackType\"\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The cashback amount. It is applicable if cashback type includes flat option.\n example: 10\n percentage:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The cashback percentage. It is applicable if cashback type includes percentage option.\n example: 5\n range:\n type: array\n description: An array of ranges where cashback is applicable.\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashbackRange\"\n min_applicable_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: Minimum amount on which cashback should be applied. If 'type' is FIXED then this field is mandatory.\n example: 200\n max_amount_cap:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The maximum amount threshold for which cashback will be given to customer.\n example: 500\n applicable_on:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashbackApplicableOn\"\n transaction:\n type: array\n description: An array of transaction data.\n minItems: 1\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashbackTransactionType\"\n mcc:\n type: array\n description: An array of MCC data.\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n type: string\n description: The MCC.\n example: \"9852\"\n merchant_id:\n type: array\n description: An array of merchant ID data.\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n type: string\n description: The merchant ID.\n example: \"500532\"\n source_channel:\n type: array\n description: An array of source channel data.\n minItems: 1\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashbackSourceChannel\"\n\n CashbackUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n description: The name of cashback.\n example: \"casback_001\"\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashbackType\"\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The cashback amount. It is applicable if cashback type includes flat option.\n example: 10\n percentage:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The cashback percentage. It is applicable if cashback type includes percentage option.\n example: 5\n range:\n type: array\n description: An array of ranges where cashback is applicable.\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashbackRange\"\n min_applicable_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: Minimum amount on which cashback should be applied. If 'type' is FIXED then this field is mandatory.\n example: 200\n max_amount_cap:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The maximum amount threshold for which cashback will be given to customer.\n example: 500\n applicable_on:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashbackApplicableOn\"\n transaction:\n type: array\n description: An array of transaction data.\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashbackTransactionType\"\n mcc:\n type: array\n description: An array of MCC data.\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n type: string\n description: The MCC.\n example: \"9852\"\n merchant_id:\n type: array\n description: An array of merchant ID data.\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n type: string\n description: The merchant ID.\n example: \"500532\"\n source_channel:\n type: array\n description: An array of source channel data.\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashbackSourceChannel\"\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether cashback is active or not. Default value is true.\n default: true\n\n CashbackCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load.\"\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load.\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of cashback data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Cashback\"\n\n Cashback:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: cashbacks\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n maxLength: 36\n description: Unique identifier of cashback.\n example: \"casback_001_06may\"\n description:\n type: string\n description: The name of cashback.\n example: \"casback_001\"\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashbackType\"\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The cashback amount. It is applicable if cashback type includes flat option.\n example: 10\n percentage:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The cashback percentage. It is applicable if cashback type includes percentage option.\n example: 5\n range:\n type: array\n description: An array of ranges where cashback is applicable.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashbackRange\"\n min_applicable_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: Minimum amount on which cashback should be applied. If 'type' is FIXED then this field is mandatory.\n example: 200\n max_amount_cap:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The maximum amount threshold for which cashback will be given to customer.\n example: 500\n applicable_on:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashbackApplicableOn\"\n transaction:\n type: array\n description: An array of transaction data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashbackTransactionType\"\n mcc:\n type: array\n description: An array of MCC data.\n items:\n type: string\n description: The MCC.\n example: \"9852\"\n merchant_id:\n type: array\n description: An array of merchant ID data.\n items:\n type: string\n description: The merchant ID.\n example: \"500532\"\n source_channel:\n type: array\n description: An array of source channel data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CashbackSourceChannel\"\n active:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: This field indicates whether cashback is active or not. Default value is true.\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2024-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2024-02-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n\n CashbackRange:\n type: object\n description: The cashback range.\n required:\n - greater_than\n - less_than_equal_to\n properties:\n greater_than:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The 'greater than' range where fee is applicable.\n example: 10\n less_than_equal_to:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The 'less than equal to' range where fee is applicable.\n example: 100\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The 'amount' range where fee is applicable.\n example: 50\n percentage:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The 'percentage' range where fee is applicable.\n example: 2\n\n CashbackType:\n type: string\n description: The type of cashback.\n example: \"FIXED\"\n enum: [ FIXED, PERCENTAGE, RANGE ]\n\n CashbackApplicableOn:\n type: string\n description: This field indicates whether cashback is applicable on transaction or fee.\n example: \"TRANSACTION\"\n enum: [ TRANSACTION, FEE ]\n\n CashbackTransactionType:\n type: string\n description: Cashback transaction type.\n example: \"WITHDRAWALS\"\n enum: [ WITHDRAWALS, PURCHASES, BALANCE_INQUIRIES, TRANSFERS, LOADS, UNLOADS ]\n\n CashbackSourceChannel:\n type: string\n description: Cashback source channel.\n example: \"ANY\"\n enum: [ ANY, MPGS, DAPI, LEAN, API, CHECKOUT, MASTERCARD, VISA, BILRS, WESTERNUNION ]\n\n CardholderStatementRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - account_id\n - statement_date\n properties:\n account_id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n description: \"Identifier for the account to which the statement is attached.\"\n statements_limit:\n type: integer\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 12\n description: \"Number of statements to be retrieved.\"\n statement_date:\n type: string\n format: date\n example: \"10/01/2023\"\n description: \"Statement date from which statements will be retrieved. In MM/DD/YYYY format.\"\n\n CardholderStatementResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n account_id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n description: Identifier for the account to which the statement is attached.\n statementCurrencyCode:\n type: string\n description: \"Billing currency of the card.\"\n example: \"USD\"\n statement_stats:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/StatementStatsProxy'\n description: An array of statement stats.\n\n StatementStatsProxy:\n type: object\n properties:\n statement_date:\n type: string\n format: date\n description: The date upon which the statement is released.\n example: \"10/01/2023\"\n due_date:\n type: string\n format: date\n description: The due date for the statement cycle.\n example: \"11/01/2023\"\n statement_start_date:\n type: string\n format: date\n description: The start date of the statement cycle.\n example: \"09/01/2023\"\n statement_end_date:\n type: string\n format: date\n description: The end date of the statement cycle.\n example: \"09/30/2023\"\n credit_limit:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: Assigned limit of the card.\n example: 1000.00\n cash_advance_limit:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: Assigned cash advance limit of the card.\n example: 250.00\n statement_balance:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: Overall consumption of the card.\n example: 88.00\n remaining_statement_balance:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The remaining amount that has to be paid by the user.\n example: 50.00\n minimum_payment:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: Minimum amount to be paid for the statement cycle.\n example: 20.00\n remaining_minimum_payment:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: Remaining minimum amount to be paid for the cycle.\n example: 10.00\n fee_balance:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: Total fees charged in a billing cycle. This can be taken from fee column of each transaction in a billing cycle.\n example: 8.00\n total_payment_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n description: Sum of total payment transaction amounts initiated by the user regarding this statement.\n example: 50.00\n previous_statement_total_payments:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n description: Total payment amount of previous statement.\n cash_advance_balance:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n example: 50.00\n description: Amount taken as a cash advance in a statement cycle.\n purchase_balance:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n example: 50.00\n description: Total purchases made in a cycle.\n available_credit_limit:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n example: 950.00\n description: The difference of assigned credit limit - statement balance.\n available_cash_advance_limit:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n example: 200.00\n description: The difference of assigned cash advance limit - cash advance balance.\n previous_statement_balance:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: Last cycle's statement balance.\n example: 150.00\n interest_balance:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 2.00\n description: Amount taken as a interest in a statement cycle.\n financial_charges_details:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/FinancialChargesDetailsProxy'\n description: Array of financial charges details.\n\n FinancialChargesDetailsProxy:\n type: object\n properties:\n apr_profile_id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n description: Unique identifier of APR.\n apr_value:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 2.00\n description: APR value.\n balance_subject_to_fc:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 250.00\n description: Balance subject to financial charges.\n financial_charges:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 10.00\n description: Financial charges.\n\n FxRatesQuotesMarkup:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - percentage\n properties:\n type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRatesQuotesMarkupType\"\n percentage:\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 100\n\n CheckoutUserDetailsResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n user_id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-nullable-field: true\n description: The unique identifier of user.\n example: \"cus_cdx7jda7tk4uhnkhqu4rgrzr54\"\n name:\n type: string\n x-nymos-nullable-field: true\n description: The name of user.\n example: \"John Smith\"\n link_card_count:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n x-nymos-nullable-field: true\n description: The count of linked cards.\n example: \"1\"\n instruments:\n type: array\n description: An array of instruments.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CheckoutUserInstrument\"\n\n CheckoutUserInstrument:\n type: object\n description: Checkout user instrument.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of instrument.\n example: \"src_3ufzpcd64m5ufa5auvg3ruxsau\"\n scheme:\n type: string\n description: The scheme type.\n example: \"VISA\"\n card_type:\n type: string\n description: The card type.\n example: \"CREDIT\"\n card:\n type: string\n description: The card.\n example: \"454347******9996\"\n\n PerformCheckoutPaymentRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - card_id\n - amount\n - currency\n - fee_deduction_type\n properties:\n instrument_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of instrument.\n example: \"src_3ufzpcd64m5ufa5auvg3ruxsau\"\n external_card_details:\n type: string\n description: The external card details.\n example: \"J2bkUwMRmU+2WL/aOaHbgVGRauy457qRRjXqzv2VY/\"\n card_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of card.\n example: \"7f56e4b7-57f2-421d-9b0b-a4ea9b05a3bc\"\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The money amount.\n example: 10\n currency:\n type: string\n minLength: 3\n maxLength: 3\n description: The currency.\n example: \"USD\"\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 100\n description: The additional information.\n example: \"Some info\"\n fee_deduction_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FeeDeductionType\"\n authentication_url:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CheckoutAuthenticationUrl\"\n\n FeeDeductionType:\n type: string\n description: The type of fee deduction.\n example: \"DEDUCT_FEE_FROM_AMOUNT\"\n enum:\n - DEDUCT_FEE_FROM_AMOUNT\n - DEDUCT_FEE_OTHER_THAN_AMOUNT\n\n PerformCheckoutPaymentResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n transaction_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of transaction.\n example: \"MuhayCheckoutTestKey0408\"\n processed_date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date when transaction was processed.\n example: \"2024-04-25T07:08:00.494Z\"\n acquirer_transaction_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of acquirer transaction.\n example: \"784210771761654858912\"\n auth_code:\n type: string\n description: The authorization code.\n example: \"419150\"\n last4:\n type: string\n description: The last 4 digits.\n example: \"9996\"\n bin:\n type: string\n description: The BIN.\n example: \"454347\"\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The money amount.\n example: 10\n currency:\n type: string\n description: The currency.\n example: \"AED\"\n approved:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether transaction is approved or not.\n example: true\n status:\n type: string\n description: The status.\n example: \"Authorized\"\n response_code:\n type: string\n description: The response code.\n example: \"10000\"\n response_summary:\n type: string\n description: The response summary.\n example: \"Approved\"\n is_card_linked:\n type: boolean\n description: This parameter indicates whether card is linked or not.\n example: false\n redirect_url:\n type: string\n description: Redirect URL.\n example: \"https:/example.com\"\n\n UploadAccountBulkListResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load\"\n data:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UploadBulkAccountsResponse\"\n\n UploadBulkAccountsResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n file_name:\n type: string\n file_template_name:\n type: string\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BulkUploadStatus'\n status_reason_code:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BulkUploadStatusReasonCode'\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Date time created from\n processed_on:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Date time processed\n\n BulkUploadFileData:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d377441a-7621-4312-8354-bc2f27f3decf\"\n x-nymos-key: true\n file_name:\n type: string\n file_template_name:\n type: string\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BulkUploadStatus'\n status_reason_code:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BulkUploadStatusReasonCode'\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Date time created from\n processed_on:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Date time processed\n content:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BulkDataEntry'\n\n ProcessBulkDataEntitiesRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - file_id\n - record_ids\n properties:\n file_id:\n type: string\n description: Unique id of the file that is being uploaded\n record_ids:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: Ids of the records from uploaded file that are to be uploaded\n\n BulkProcessingStatus:\n type: string\n enum:\n - SUCCESS\n - PROCESSING\n - FAILED\n description: |\n SUCCESS - bulk processing passed successfully\n PROCESSING - bulk processing is in progress\n FAILED - Failure, check reason code for more details\n\n ProcessBulkDataEntity:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d377441a-7621-4312-8354-bc2f27f3decf\"\n description: Id\n x-nymos-key: true\n file_id:\n type: string\n description: id of the bulk execution\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BulkProcessingStatus\"\n status_reason_code:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/BulkUploadStatusReasonCode\"\n processing_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BulkProcessingType'\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Date time created from\n total_converted_amount:\n type: number\n total_amount_AED:\n type: number\n processed_items:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/ProcessedItem'\n\n ProcessedItem:\n type: object\n properties:\n bulk_entry_id:\n type: string\n account_id:\n type: string\n amount_AED:\n type: number\n converted_amount:\n type: number\n\n\n BulkUploadStatus:\n type: string\n enum:\n - COMPLETED\n - PROCESSING\n - UPLOADED\n - FAILED\n description: |\n PROCESSED - Item has been processed successfully (uploaded data processed in full volume)\n UPLOADED - Item has been uploaded successfully\n FAILED - Failure, check reason code for more details\n\n BulkUploadStatusReasonCode:\n type: string\n enum:\n - P0\n - P1\n - P2\n - P3\n - P4\n - P5\n - P6\n - P7\n - P8\n - P9\n - P10\n - P11\n - P12\n - R0\n - R1\n - R2\n - R3\n - R4\n - R5\n - R6\n - R7\n - R8\n description: |\n P0 – Parsed successfully\n P1 – Parsed partially\n P2 – Failed while reading from file, please check the provided file is either corrupt or read restricted\n P3 – File size exceeds the maximum allowed size\n P4 – Provided file template doesn’t exist\n P5 – Invalid field type provided\n P6 – Unable to find a required field / column in file\n P7 – Field value exceeds the maximum allowed length\n P8 – Field value does not comply with the specified type of the field\n P9 – Field value does not comply with the specified format of the field\n P10 – Under processing\n P11 – Processed successfully\n P12 – Processing failed\n R0 – Error while parsing record, see field level error for further details\n R1 – User_id does not belong to this tenant\n R2 – Account_id does not belong to the user provided\n R3 – amount should be greater then zero.\n R4 – invalid currency format\n R5 – user does not have the currency wallet available.\n R6 – unable to find the records.\n R7 – invalid country format\n R8 – invalid amount format.\n\n BulkProcessingType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - LOAD_FUNDS\n description: |\n LOAD_FUNDS - bulk processing for loading funds\n Processing type for the upload (LOAD_FUNDS only for now) specifies the strategy for uploading data\n\n\n BulkDataEntry:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n bulk_id:\n type: string\n converted_amount:\n type: number\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BulkUploadStatus'\n status_reason_code:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BulkUploadStatusReasonCode'\n columns:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BulkEntryColumn'\n\n BulkEntryColumn:\n type: object\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n value:\n type: string\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BulkUploadStatus'\n status_reason_code:\n $ref: '#/definitions/BulkUploadStatusReasonCode'\n\n MdesTokenStatusChangeRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - status\n - status_reason_code\n properties:\n status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/MdesStatusToChange'\n status_reason_code:\n $ref: '#/definitions/MdesStatusReasonCodeToChange'\n note:\n type: string\n description: The additional information.\n example: \"Some text\"\n maxLength: 450\n\n MdesStatusToChange:\n type: string\n description: The change status.\n example: \"SUSPENDED\"\n enum: [ ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, UNSUSPENDED, TERMINATED ]\n\n MdesStatusReasonCodeToChange:\n type: string\n description: New Status Reason Code.\n\n * `A0` First time activation - when activated from INACTIVE to ACTIVE status by customer service agent.\n\n * `A2` First time activation - when activated from INACTIVE to ACTIVE status and user was authenticated with an activation method.\n\n * `S0` Temporary suspension - Cardholder reported token device lost.\n\n * `S1` Temporary suspension - Cardholder reported token device stolen.\n\n * `S2` Temporary suspension - Issue or cardholder reported fraudulent token transactions.\n\n * `S3` Temporary suspension - Other.\n\n * `A3` Resumed from Suspended status - Cardholder reported token device found or not stolen.\n\n * `A4` Resumed from Suspended status - Issuer or cardholder confirmed no fraudulent token transactions.\n\n * `A5` Resumed from Suspended status - Other.\n\n * `T0` Terminated - Cardholder confirmed token device lost.\n\n * `T1` Terminated - Cardholder confirmed token device stolen.\n\n * `T2` Terminated - Issuer or cardholder confirmed fraudulent token transactions (Deprecated).\n\n * `T3` Terminated - Issuer or cardholder confirmed fraudulent token transactions.\n\n * `T4` Terminated - Account closed.\n\n * `T5` Terminated - Issuer consumer deleted.\n\n * `T6` Terminated - Other.\n example: \"A0\"\n enum: [ A0, A2, A3, A4, A5, S0, S1, S2, S3, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 ]\n\n MdesApiLog:\n x-nymos-entity: tokens_mdes_log\n x-nymos-shared-entity: true\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier.\n example: \"fceb7dc9-9795-4a7b-a091-94a5074cd78f\"\n x-nymos-key: true\n request_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of request.\n example: \"65d42717-c804-4cde-a71f-0ce2b6db4d00\"\n tenant_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of a tenant.\n example: \"tenant21\"\n api_name:\n type: string\n description: The api name.\n example: \"AUTHORIZE_SERVICE\"\n created:\n type: string\n description: Timestamp of the Mdes log event.\n format: date-time\n example: \"2023-09-05T13:01:55.309Z\"\n x-nymos-index: desc\n services:\n type: array\n description: An array of services items.\n items:\n type: string\n description: Services items.\n example: \"DIGITIZATION\"\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n token_unique_reference:\n type: string\n description: Token unique reference.\n example: \"DSAPMC0000324984865fc4106a624a7dae0445bb1fab78b6\"\n pan_unique_reference:\n type: string\n description: PAN unique reference.\n example: \"FHAPMC5678324984865fc4106a624a7dae0445bb1fab78b6\"\n source:\n type: string\n description: The source.\n example: \"\"\n data_valid_until_timestamp:\n type: string\n description: Data valid until timestamp.\n example: \"2023-09-05T13:31:50.272Z\"\n account_number_last_four:\n type: string\n example: \"0013\"\n description: the last four digits of account number.\n financial_account_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of financial account.\n example: \"65d47865-c804-4cde-a71f-0ce2b6db4d00\"\n interbank_card_association_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of interbank card association.\n example: \"57832717-c804-4cde-a71f-0ce2b6db4d00\"\n country_code:\n type: string\n description: The country code.\n example: \"USA\"\n token:\n type: string\n description: The token itself.\n example: \"123CCB2F30BA420B22B0B2231BD58EEADD2FCC7F0039199BBF461EAE60A88460\"\n expiry_month:\n type: string\n description: The month of expiry.\n example: \"June\"\n expiry_year:\n type: string\n description: The year of expiry.\n example: \"2024\"\n sequence_number:\n type: string\n description: The sequence number.\n example: \"4\"\n payment_account_reference:\n type: string\n description: The payment account reference.\n example: \"23\"\n account_holder_name:\n type: string\n description: The account holder name.\n example: \"John Smith\"\n line1:\n type: string\n description: Line 1.\n example: \"Jellow\"\n line2:\n type: string\n description: Line 2.\n example: \"Stone\"\n city:\n type: string\n description: The city name.\n example: \"Paris\"\n country_subdivision:\n type: string\n description: The country subdivision.\n example: \"US\"\n postal_code:\n type: string\n description: The postal code.\n example: \"79000\"\n country:\n type: string\n description: The country name\n example: \"USA\"\n source_ip:\n type: string\n description: The source IP address.\n example: \"\"\n device_location:\n type: string\n description: Location of device.\n example: \"Town\"\n consumer_identifier:\n type: string\n description: Identifier of consumer.\n example: \"TCCA\"\n account_holder_email_address:\n type: string\n description: Email of account holder.\n example: \"example@gmail.com\"\n country_dial_in_code:\n type: string\n description: Country dial in code.\n example: \"380\"\n phone_number:\n type: string\n description: The phone number.\n example: \"575930304\"\n correlation_id:\n type: string\n example: \"D0000061238490\"\n description: The unique indentifier of correlation.\n token_requestor_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique indentifier of token requestor.\n example: \"50139059239\"\n wallet_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique indentifier of wallet.\n example: \"217\"\n payment_app_instance_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique indentifier of payment app instance.\n example: \"5MTUwNzI0MDEwMDAwODMyMzc3003XPzFWpzQ0yBkGWpdp8iKQ\"\n account_id_hash:\n type: string\n description: Account ID hash.\n example: \"123CCB2F30BA420B22B0B2231BD58EEADD2FCC7F0039199BBF461EAE60A88460\"\n mobile_number_suffix:\n type: string\n description: Mobile number suffix.\n example: \"501390\"\n active_token_count:\n type: string\n description: Active token count.\n example: \"0\"\n device_name:\n type: string\n description: Device name.\n example: \"Mastercard Samsung\"\n serial_number:\n type: string\n description: Serial number.\n example: \"M988575524e47423039\"\n form_factor:\n type: string\n description: Form factor.\n example: \"PHONE\"\n iso_device_type:\n type: string\n description: ISO device type.\n example: \"21\"\n os_name:\n type: string\n description: OS name.\n example: \"ANDROID\"\n os_version:\n type: string\n description: OS version.\n example: \"8.0.0\"\n imei:\n type: string\n description: IMEI.\n example: \"87576457646746\"\n msisdn:\n type: string\n description: MSI SDN.\n example: \"8988753\"\n payment_types:\n type: array\n description: An array of payment types.\n items:\n type: string\n description: Payment type.\n example: \"NFC\"\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n storage_technology:\n type: string\n description: Storage technology.\n example: \"TEE\"\n card_capture_technology:\n type: string\n description: Card capture technology.\n example: \"GE\"\n recommended_decision:\n type: string\n description: Recommended decision.\n example: \"REQUIRE_ADDITIONAL_AUTHENTICATION\"\n recommendation_standard_version:\n type: string\n description: Recommendation of standard version.\n example: \"01\"\n device_score:\n type: string\n description: Device score.\n example: \"5\"\n account_score:\n type: string\n description: Account score.\n example: \"3\"\n phone_number_score:\n type: string\n description: Phone number score.\n example: \"1\"\n account_lifetime:\n type: string\n description: Account lifetime.\n example: \"16\"\n recommendation_reasons:\n type: array\n description: An array of recommendation reasons.\n items:\n type: string\n description: Recommendation reason.\n example: \"TOO_MANY_DIFFERENT_CARDHOLDERS\"\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n token_type:\n type: string\n description: Type of token.\n example: \"EMBEDDED_SE\"\n consumer_facing_entity_name:\n type: string\n description: Consumer facing entity name.\n example: \"Samsung Pay\"\n user_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique indentifier of the user.\n example: \"e898a182-ddd3-4993-83c4-3b6e370700ff\"\n mobile_number:\n type: string\n description: Mobile number.\n example: \"+971525080230\"\n email:\n type: string\n description: Email.\n example: \"example@gmail.com\"\n card_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique indentifier of card.\n example: \"4cc48c09-b5c4-46cf-9e8b-55df2cbf7940\"\n decision:\n type: string\n description: Decision.\n example: \"REQUIRE_ADDITIONAL_AUTHENTICATION\"\n cvcResponse:\n type: string\n description: CVC response.\n example: \"MATCH\"\n errorCode:\n type: string\n description: Error code.\n example: \"01\"\n errorDescription:\n type: string\n description: Error description.\n example: \"Some error\"\n secureElementId:\n type: string\n description: The unique indentifier of secure element.\n example: \"4cc48c09-b5c4-46cf-9e8b-55df2cbf7940\"\n accountPanSuffix:\n type: string\n description: Account PAN suffix.\n example: \"4cc48c\"\n serviceRequestDateTime:\n type: string\n description: Date and time of service request.\n example: \"2023-09-05T13:01:55.309Z\"\n termsAndConditionsAssetId:\n type: string\n description: Asset ID of terms and conditions.\n example: \"4c55df2cbf7940\"\n termsAndConditionsAcceptedTimestamp:\n type: string\n description: Timestamp of accepted terms and conditions.\n example: \"2023-09-05T13:01:55.309Z\"\n productConfigurationId:\n type: string\n description: The unique indentifier of product configuration.\n example: \"4c5bf7940\"\n consumerLanguage:\n type: string\n description: Consumer language.\n example: \"ENG\"\n decisionMadeBy:\n type: string\n description: By whom the decision is made.\n example: \"person\"\n tokenActivatedDateTime:\n type: string\n description: Date and time of token activation.\n example: \"2023-09-05T13:01:55.309Z\"\n numberOfActivationAttempts:\n type: integer\n description: The number of activation attempts.\n example: \"1\"\n numberOfActiveTokens:\n type: integer\n description: The number of active tokens.\n example: \"1\"\n tokenAssuranceLevel:\n type: integer\n description: Token assurance level.\n example: \"2\"\n requestStatus:\n type: string\n description: Request status.\n example: \"T5\"\n status:\n type: string\n description: The status.\n example: \"5\"\n status_reason_code:\n type: string\n description: Status reason code.\n example: \"2T\"\n note:\n type: string\n description: Some note.\n example: \"some info\"\n status_updated_on:\n type: string\n description: The date and time when status was updated.\n example: \"2023-09-05T13:01:55.309Z\"\n format: date-time\n notify_token_reason:\n type: string\n description: Notify token reason.\n example: \"STATUS_UPDATE\"\n token_provisioning_status:\n $ref: '#/definitions/TokenProvisioningStatus'\n\n TokenProvisioningStatus:\n type: string\n description: Token provisioning status.\n example: \"ABANDONED\"\n enum:\n - ABANDONED\n\n MxbRequiredFieldsResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n Fields:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n type: string\n description: A field.\n example: \"Some field\"\n\n ChargesWalletProvider:\n type: string\n description: Charges wallet provider.\n example: \"GOOGLE\"\n enum:\n - GOOGLE\n - APPLE\n - SAMSUNG\n - ANY\n\n ChargesChannel:\n type: string\n description: Charges channel.\n example: \"VISA\"\n enum:\n - VISA\n - MASTERCARD\n\n\n FxRateAmountType:\n type: string\n description: FX rate amount type.\n example: \"FROM\"\n enum:\n - FROM\n - TO\n\n VirtualIbanSettings:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: virtual_iban_settings\n properties:\n tenant_id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n viban:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VirtualIban\"\n\n\n VirtualIban:\n type: object\n properties:\n provider_name:\n type: string\n is_allowed:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n number_of_viban_per_account:\n type: integer\n default: 5\n applicable_user_types:\n type: array\n minItems: 1\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ApplicableUserType\"\n\n VirtualIbanCreateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n provider_name:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n is_allowed:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n number_of_viban_per_account:\n type: integer\n default: 5\n applicable_user_types:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ApplicableUserType\"\n\n VirtualIbanUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n provider_name:\n type: string\n is_allowed:\n type: boolean\n number_of_viban_per_account:\n type: integer\n applicable_user_types:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ApplicableUserType\"\n\n VirtualIbanSettingsCreateRequest:\n properties:\n viban:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VirtualIbanCreateRequest\"\n\n VirtualIbanSettingsUpdateRequest:\n properties:\n viban:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VirtualIbanUpdateRequest\"\n\n ApplicableUserType:\n type: string\n enum: [ BUSINESS, INDIVIDUAL, SHAREHOLDER_BUSINESS ]\n\n SoftExpirySetting:\n type: object\n description: Soft expiry setting.\n properties:\n count:\n type: integer\n description: The count.\n format: int32\n minimum: 1\n default: 5\n grace_period:\n type: integer\n description: Grace period.\n format: int32\n minimum: 1\n default: 30\n\n AccountFundsUnloadRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - currency\n - amount\n - channel\n - execution_type\n properties:\n dry_run:\n type: boolean\n description: If true then all validation checks will be performed but the actual fund movement will not be performed\n default: false\n currency:\n type: string\n example: USD\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 123.45\n description: Funds amount of the operation\n minimum: 0\n exclusiveMinimum: true\n x-nymos-currency: currency\n note:\n type: string\n description: Notes about performed funds request\n example: Performing operation for 123.45 USD\n channel:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Channel\"\n execution_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ExecutionType\"\n fee_detail:\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UnloadFundsFeeDetail\"\n original_transaction_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: RRN of original transaction. It is mandatory when execution_type is COMPLETION\n transaction_reason:\n type: string\n example: \"education\"\n maxLength: 50\n source_of_funds:\n type: string\n example: \"personal savings\"\n maxLength: 30\n custom_info:\n type: object\n additionalProperties:\n type: string\n\n Channel:\n type: string\n enum:\n - WESTERNUNION\n - MASTERCARD\n - VISA\n - BILRS\n - EXTERNAL\n\n ExecutionType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - HOLD\n - COMPLETION\n - POST\n\n UnloadFundsFeeDetail:\n type: object\n required:\n - description\n - amount\n properties:\n description:\n type: string\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 2.50\n\n AccountFundsUnloadTransaction:\n type: object\n required:\n - transaction_id\n - account_id\n - request\n - result\n - created\n - modified\n properties:\n transaction_id:\n type: string\n example: \"123456789012\"\n description: Transaction ID (RRN) of the funds request\n account_id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n description: Account ID of status change history\n request:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountFundsUnloadRequest\"\n fee_detail:\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UnloadFundsFeeDetail\"\n result:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountFundsUnloadTransactionResult\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n transaction_reason:\n type: string\n example: \"education\"\n maxLength: 50\n source_of_funds:\n type: string\n example: \"personal savings\"\n maxLength: 30\n\n AccountFundsUnloadTransactionResult:\n type: object\n required:\n - status\n properties:\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountFundsUnloadTransactionResultStatus\"\n status_reason:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccountFundsTransactionResultStatusReason\"\n status_description:\n type: string\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 12.50\n fee_detail:\n x-nymos-default-value: null\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UnloadFundsFeeDetail\"\n\n AccountFundsUnloadTransactionResultStatus:\n type: string\n enum:\n - AMOUNT_LOCKED\n - PROCESSING\n - SETTLED\n - DECLINED\n - CANCELLED\n - ERROR\n\n CheckoutAuthenticationUrl:\n type: object\n description: Authentication URL.\n properties:\n success:\n type: string\n description: Success URL.\n example: \"https://example.com/\"\n failure:\n type: string\n description: Failure URL.\n example: \"https://example.com/\"\n\n TransferType:\n type: string\n enum:\n - CHA2CHA\n - CHA2CHCA\n - CHA2AMA\n - CHA2AMCA\n - CHA2CHMCA\n - CHA2CHMA\n - CHCA2CHCA\n - CHCA2CHA\n - CHCA2AMA\n - CHCA2AMCA\n - CHCA2CHMCA\n - CHCA2CHMA\n - AMA2AMA\n - AMA2CHA\n - AMA2CHCA\n - AMA2AMCA\n - AMA2CHMCA\n - AMA2CHMA\n - AMCA2AMCA\n - AMCA2CHA\n - AMCA2CHCA\n - AMCA2CHMCA\n - AMCA2AMA\n - AMCA2CHMA\n - CHMCA2CHMCA\n - CHMCA2CHA\n - CHMCA2CHCA\n - CHMCA2AMCA\n - CHMCA2AMA\n - CHMCA2CHMA\n - CHMA2CHMA\n - CHMA2CHA\n - CHMA2CHCA\n - CHMA2AMCA\n - CHMA2AMA\n - CHMA2CHMCA\n\n GetVirtualIbanResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n account_id:\n type: string\n user_id:\n type: string\n viban:\n type: string\n external_reference_number:\n type: string\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/VirtualIbanStatus\"\n provider_name:\n type: string\n\n VirtualIbanStatus:\n type: string\n enum:\n - ACTIVATED\n - DEACTIVATED\n\n CreateVirtualIbanResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n account_id:\n type: string\n viban:\n type: string\n external_reference_number:\n type: string\n\n LinkedAccountsCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n data:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ReferenceAccountLinkingDataEntry\"\n\n LeanSdkAuthInfo:\n type: object\n properties:\n customer_id:\n type: string\n description: Customer ID.\n example: \"4a41deb5-04d9-4a0a-bd19-95807a2077f8\"\n app_token:\n type: string\n description: Application token.\n example: \"b7ae2c36-3af8-4b40-8e18-1e561f4e6296\"\n access_token:\n type: string\n description: Access token.\n example: \"9476497695476\"\n destination_id:\n type: string\n description: Destination ID.\n example: \"2e7a8e82-b3b8-48e8-b47d-2b266ed2191e\"\n sandbox:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether sandbox environment is used.\n example: true\n\n LeanPaymentSource:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Lean payment source ID.\n example: \"501867d5-eff0-4787-b58d-ff422b5fae7f\"\n customer_id:\n type: string\n description: Customer ID.\n example: \"4a41deb5-04d9-4a0a-bd19-95807a2077f8\"\n app_id:\n type: string\n description: Application ID.\n example: \"b7ae2c36-3af8-4b40-8e18-1e561f4e6296\"\n bank_identifier:\n type: string\n description: Bank identifier.\n example: \"LEANMB1_SAU\"\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LeanPaymentSourceBeneficiaryStatus\"\n beneficiary_cool_off_expiry:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time of beneficiary cool-off period expiry.\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n bank:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LeanBankDetails\"\n accounts:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LeanPaymentSourceAccount\"\n beneficiaries:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LeanPaymentSourceBeneficiary\"\n\n\n LeanPaymentSourceBeneficiaryStatus:\n type: string\n description: Lean payment source beneficiary status.\n example: \"ACTIVE\"\n enum:\n - ACTIVE\n - AWAITING_BENEFICIARY_COOL_OFF\n\n LeanBankDetails:\n type: object\n description: Lean bank details.\n properties:\n connection_identifier:\n type: string\n description: Connection identifier.\n example: \"LEANMB1_SAU\"\n traits:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n type: string\n description: Traits.\n example: \"user-input-on-login\"\n country_code:\n type: string\n description: Country code.\n example: \"SAU\"\n identifier:\n type: string\n description: The identifier.\n example: \"LEANMB1_SAU\"\n name:\n type: string\n description: The name.\n example: \"Lean Mockbank\"\n arabic_name:\n type: string\n description: The arabic name.\n example: \"Lean Mockbank\"\n logo:\n type: string\n description: The logo link.\n example: \"https://cdn.leantech.me/img/banks/white-gmockbank1.png\"\n logo_alt:\n type: string\n description: The logo alternative link.\n example: \"https://cdn.leantech.me/img/banks/color-gmockbank1.png\"\n main_color:\n type: string\n description: The main color.\n example: \"#1beb75\"\n background_color:\n type: string\n description: The background color.\n example: \"#ffffff\"\n theme:\n type: string\n description: The theme.\n example: \"dark\"\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates whether it is active or not.\n example: true\n mock:\n type: boolean\n description: This field indicates mock as true or false.\n example: true\n bank_type:\n type: string\n description: The bank type.\n example: \"RETAIL\"\n supported_account_types:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n type: string\n description: The supported account types.\n example: \"SAVINGS\"\n transfer_limits:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LeanBankTransferLimit\"\n international_transfer_limits:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LeanBankTransferLimit\"\n international_destinations:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LeanBankInternationalDestination\"\n account_type:\n type: string\n description: The account type.\n example: \"PERSONAL\"\n supported_account_sub_types:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n type: string\n description: The supported account subtypes.\n example: \"CURRENT\"\n\n\n LeanPaymentSourceAccount:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The lean payment source account ID.\n example: \"af504ee5-3c10-4482-9a38-cc2788dc8282\"\n account_id:\n type: string\n description: The account ID.\n example: \"b29d60b0-27eb-4ab4-98c2-25d8fdc4ca77\"\n account_name:\n type: string\n description: The account name.\n example: \"Credit Accoun\"\n account_number:\n type: string\n description: The account number.\n example: \"116073424495131\"\n iban:\n type: string\n description: The IBAN.\n example: \"AE550398116073424495131\"\n currency:\n type: string\n description: The currency.\n example: \"AED\"\n\n\n LeanPaymentSourceBeneficiary:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The beneficiary ID.\n example: \"c0767ff3-a33c-4e1a-af84-4c54f41790a1\"\n payment_destination_id:\n type: string\n description: The payment destination ID.\n example: \"2e7a8e82-b3b8-48e8-b47d-2b266ed2191e\"\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LeanPaymentSourceBeneficiaryStatus\"\n beneficiary_cool_off_expiry:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time of beneficiary cool-off period expiry.\n example: \"2024-10-23T14:00:13.079Z\"\n\n LeanBankTransferLimit:\n type: object\n description: The bank transfer limits.\n properties:\n currency:\n type: string\n description: The currency.\n example: \"GBP\"\n min:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The minimum amount.\n example: 40.0\n max:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The maximum amount.\n example: 240.0\n\n LeanBankInternationalDestination:\n type: object\n description: The international destination.\n properties:\n country_iso_code:\n type: string\n description: The country ISO code.\n example: \"USA\"\n country_name:\n type: string\n description: The country name.\n example: \"United States of America\"\n supported_currencies:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n type: string\n description: The supported currencies.\n example: \"USD\"\n\n\n LeanPaymentIntentCreateRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - account_id\n - amount\n - currency\n - payment_destination_id\n properties:\n dry_run:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n description: |\n This field value decides whether to create a resource or not after performing all necessary operations. Applicable values for this field are true/false and the default value is false.\n account_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the account.\n example: \"c1971753-2d53-4cc4-9e95-5bcb9a3fef95\"\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 123.45\n x-nymos-currency: currency\n description: The amount.\n currency:\n type: string\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: The currency.\n payment_destination_id:\n type: string\n description: The payment destination ID.\n example: \"2e7a8e82-b3b8-48e8-b47d-2b266ed2191e\"\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 12\n description: Some additional info.\n example: \"Some info\"\n\n LeanPaymentIntent:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: orders_lean_intent\n properties:\n payment_intent_id:\n type: string\n description: The payment intent ID.\n example: \"1b3e3362-9205-458f-879e-aa550ce7659e\"\n x-nymos-key: true\n transaction_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the transaction.\n example: \"5efss708-0458-47ac-b722-4e30b1744b4f\"\n reference_number:\n type: string\n example: \"04a466da-cbab-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002\"\n description: The reference number of the transaction.\n customer_id:\n type: string\n description: Customer ID.\n example: \"4a41deb5-04d9-4a0a-bd19-95807a2077f8\"\n account_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the account.\n example: \"c1971753-2d53-4cc4-9e95-5bcb9a3fef95\"\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The amount.\n example: 100\n currency:\n type: string\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: The currency.\n description:\n type: string\n description: Some additional info.\n example: \"Some info\"\n payments:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LeanPayment\"\n payment_destination:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LeanDestination\"\n fee_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 2.50\n description: The fee amount.\n fee_details:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LeanFeeDetail\"\n created_at:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n updated_at:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n\n LeanPayment:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of lean payment.\n example: \"4a41deb5-04d9-4a0a-bd19-95807a2077f8\"\n payment_intent_id:\n type: string\n description: The payment intent ID.\n example: \"1b3e3362-9205-458f-879e-aa550ce7659e\"\n payment_source_id:\n type: string\n description: The payment source ID.\n example: \"789e3362-9205-458f-879e-aa550ce7679e\"\n sender_details:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LeanPaymentSenderDetails\"\n recipient_details:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/LeanPaymentRecipientDetails\"\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n description: The amount.\n example: 100\n currency:\n type: string\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: The currency.\n description:\n type: string\n description: Some additional info.\n example: \"Some info\"\n reference:\n type: string\n description: The reference.\n example: \"94679\"\n submission_timestamp:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Date and time of submission.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n initiation_timestamp:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Date and time of initiation.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n status:\n type: string\n description: The status.\n example: \"Done\"\n granular_status_code:\n type: string\n description: The granular status code.\n example: \"01\"\n status_additional_details:\n type: string\n description: Some additional info about status.\n example: \"Some info\"\n display_info:\n type: string\n description: The display info.\n example: \"Display info\"\n bank_transaction_reference:\n type: string\n description: The bank transaction reference.\n example: \"45\"\n\n\n LeanDestination:\n type: object\n description: The destination.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of destination.\n example: \"2e7a8e82-b3b8-48e8-b47d-2b266ed2191e\"\n bank_identifier:\n type: string\n description: The bank identifier.\n example: \"ENBD_UAE\"\n name:\n type: string\n description: The name.\n example: \"Acme Inc\"\n iban:\n type: string\n description: The IBAN.\n example: \"AE260260001008223921001\"\n display_name:\n type: string\n description: The display name.\n example: \"Acme USD Account\"\n account_number:\n type: string\n description: The account number.\n example: \"1008223921001\"\n swift_code:\n type: string\n description: The SWIFT code.\n example: \"EBILAEAD\"\n status:\n type: string\n description: The status.\n example: \"CONFIRMED\"\n address:\n type: string\n description: The address.\n example: \"123 Fake St\"\n country:\n type: string\n description: The country.\n example: \"ARE\"\n city:\n type: string\n description: The city.\n example: \"Dubai\"\n default:\n type: boolean\n description: The dafault value.\n example: false\n owner_type:\n type: string\n description: The owner type.\n example: \"APPLICATION\"\n ifsc:\n type: string\n description: The IFSC.\n example: \"0980\"\n sort_code:\n type: string\n description: The sort code.\n example: \"02\"\n routing_number:\n type: string\n description: The routing number.\n example: \"897897\"\n transit_code:\n type: string\n description: The transit code.\n example: \"03\"\n branch_address:\n type: string\n description: The branch address.\n example: \"Oak street\"\n currency_iso_code:\n type: string\n description: The currency ISO code.\n example: \"USD\"\n postal_code:\n type: string\n description: The postal code.\n example: \"79000\"\n\n LeanFeeDetail:\n type: object\n properties:\n fee_id:\n type: string\n example: \"ed2e2ddb-c028-470d-b08b-7f28bd84fbfe\"\n description: The unique identifier of the fee.\n description:\n type: string\n example: \"Some description\"\n description: The fee description.\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n x-nymos-currency: currency\n example: 20\n description: The amount.\n currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: The currency.\n\n\n LeanPaymentSenderDetails:\n type: object\n description: Sender details.\n properties:\n account_number:\n type: string\n description: The account number.\n example: \"1008223921001\"\n iban:\n type: string\n description: The IBAN.\n example: \"AE260260001008223921001\"\n name:\n type: string\n description: The name.\n example: \"Acme Inc\"\n description:\n type: string\n description: The additional description.\n example: \"Some info\"\n bank_transaction_description:\n type: string\n description: The bank transaction description.\n example: \"Transaction confirmed\"\n\n LeanPaymentRecipientDetails:\n type: object\n description: Recipient details.\n properties:\n account_number:\n type: string\n description: The account number.\n example: \"6008236921001\"\n iban:\n type: string\n description: The IBAN.\n example: \"AE260260006008236921001\"\n name:\n type: string\n description: The name.\n example: \"Example Inc\"\n\n UpdateFcmTokenRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - registration_token\n - device_id\n - project_id\n - app_id\n properties:\n registration_token:\n type: string\n description: The registration token.\n example: \"d0VtBayWQlyCYrktMqQhGK:APA91bFSTzYmSzyGGTyuHj51OL6qwCW2lchKOZxcS8fnRMr_Js3-MlwpE5BbJkmAXeNA06KDuxZZ0ECkSB6tkLFV3h28bfoR-PZFFh4sjihTNSa7YZCSXNqvu24vWqdr3O5W28NDg4e5\"\n device_id:\n type: string\n example: \"zmi...zA\"\n description: The device ID.\n project_id:\n type: string\n example: \"nymcarddemoapp\"\n description: The project ID.\n app_id:\n type: string\n example: \"1:165082347030:android:8d1ed306e44931fd0ae737\"\n description: The application ID.\n account_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the account.\n example: \"c1971753-2d53-4cc4-9e95-5bcb9a3fef95\"\n language:\n type: string\n example: \"EN\"\n description: The language.\n\n\n PushNotificationRecordCollection:\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PushNotificationRecordResponse\"\n\n PushNotificationRecordResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n is_read:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: This field indicates whether notification is read.\n push_id:\n type: string\n example: \"2b1f3e28-600b-4107-a7f5-7416d57bc42c-received\"\n description: The push ID.\n account_id:\n type: string\n example: \"d1c1fb67-c530-46cd-9c61-f12b077b553b\"\n description: The unique identifier of the account.\n type:\n type: string\n example: \"transaction_wallet_transfer_received\"\n description: The type.\n title:\n type: string\n example: \"Fund Transfer\"\n description: The title.\n text:\n type: string\n example: \"You have received 20.00 AED from Shaheena Rani\"\n description: The text.\n language:\n type: string\n example: \"EN\"\n description: The language.\n payload:\n type: string\n example: \"eyJpZCI6I...Il19\"\n description: The payload.\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n\n LocationCollection:\n type: object\n properties:\n after:\n type: string\n description: \"Durable version of current results that can be used on the next load\"\n has_more:\n type: boolean\n description: \"Indicates whether there are more data to load\"\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Location\"\n\n Location:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: locations\n required:\n - id\n - new_branch_atm\n - region\n - area\n - location\n - responsible_branch\n - street_avenue\n - building\n - floor\n - near\n - x\n - y\n - number_of_atms\n - deposit\n - pin_indicator\n - google_maps_status\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n description: Location ID.\n example: \"5e18bf36-9356-4437-a11f-b2e425556096\"\n maxLength: 36\n new_branch_atm:\n type: string\n description: New branch or ATM.\n example: \"ATM123\"\n maxLength: 40\n region:\n type: string\n description: Region.\n example: \"West\"\n maxLength: 50\n area:\n type: string\n description: Area.\n example: \"Downtown\"\n maxLength: 40\n location:\n type: string\n description: Location description.\n example: \"Main Street\"\n maxLength: 100\n responsible_branch:\n type: string\n description: Responsible branch.\n example: \"Branch001\"\n maxLength: 50\n street_avenue:\n type: string\n description: Street or avenue.\n example: \"5th Avenue\"\n maxLength: 100\n building:\n type: string\n description: Building.\n example: \"Building A\"\n maxLength: 40\n floor:\n type: string\n description: Floor.\n example: \"1st\"\n maxLength: 10\n near:\n type: string\n description: Nearby landmark.\n example: \"Near the park\"\n maxLength: 100\n x:\n type: number\n description: X coordinate.\n example: 40.7128\n y:\n type: number\n description: Y coordinate.\n example: 74.0060\n number_of_atms:\n type: integer\n description: Number of ATMs.\n example: 2\n deposit:\n type: boolean\n description: Deposit availability (true/false).\n example: true\n pin_indicator:\n type: string\n description: Pin indicator.\n example: \"Active\"\n maxLength: 20\n google_maps_status:\n type: string\n description: Google Maps status.\n example: \"Verified\"\n maxLength: 20\n\n\n IdentityVerificationSdkTokenRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n user_id:\n type: string\n description: User ID.\n example: \"9198cc77-3aec-44eb-826a-99497c83f7a6\"\n\n IdentityVerificationSdkTokens:\n type: object\n x-nymos-entity: identityverifications_tokens\n properties:\n applicant_id:\n type: string\n description: Applicant ID.\n example: \"be051d55-2369-4636-b639-c41e57e6d80a\"\n x-nymos-key: true\n token:\n type: string\n description: Token itself.\n example: \"0983409643063468\"\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Date and time when request was created.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: Date and time when request was modified.\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n NymcardTransactionIndexCollectionResponse:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/Pageable\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n data:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NymcardTransactionIndexResponse\"\n\n NymcardTransactionIndexResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the transaction.\n example: \"5efbb708-0558-47ac-b722-4e30b176fb4f\"\n transaction_timestamp:\n type: string\n description: The date and time when transaction was performed.\n example: \"2021-06-17T13:56:48.000Z\"\n parent_transaction_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the parent transaction.\n example: \"5efss708-0458-47ac-b722-4e30b1744b4f\"\n network:\n type: string\n description: The network scheme.\n example: \"VISA\"\n message_type:\n type: string\n description: The type of the message.\n example: \"AUTHORIZATION\"\n transaction_type:\n type: string\n description: The type of the transaction.\n example: \"PURCHASE\"\n transaction_description:\n type: string\n description: Additional description of the transaction if required.\n example: \"Purchase\"\n transmission_date_time:\n type: string\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time of the transaction when it is submitted to the network by the acquirer.\n date_time_acquirer:\n type: string\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date of the transaction at the acquirer end when this transaction was performed.\n card_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the card.\n example: \"45678912314567891231456789123121\"\n card_first_6_digits:\n type: string\n description: The first six digits of the card.\n example: \"494964\"\n card_last_4_digits:\n type: string\n description: The last four digits of the card.\n example: \"6404\"\n card_expiry_date:\n type: string\n description: Expiry date of the card.\n example: \"052022\"\n user_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the user related to this transaction.\n example: \"5c0afa53-6ec0-4b08-a180-199352385c9b\"\n account_id1:\n type: string\n example: \"5c0sds53-6ec0-4b08-a180-199352385c9b\"\n description: The unique identifier of the first account which is involved in the transaction.\n card_product_1:\n type: string\n example: \"dfgafa53-6ec0-4b08-a180-199352385c9b\"\n description: Name of the card product related to Account ID 1.\n account_id2:\n type: string\n example: \"thfafa53-6ec0-4b08-a180-199352385c9b\"\n description: The unique identifier of the second account which is involved in the transaction.\n card_product_2:\n type: string\n example: \"8uhafa53-6ec0-4b08-a180-199352385c9b\"\n description: Name of the card product related to Account ID 2.\n acquirer_id:\n type: string\n example: \"12345678901\"\n description: The unique identifier of the acquiring institution.\n merchant_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the merchant.\n example: \"CARD ACCEPTOR\"\n mcc:\n type: string\n example: \"5947\"\n description: The merchant category code.\n merchant_name:\n type: string\n description: The merchant name.\n example: \"ACQUIRER NAME\"\n merchant_city:\n type: string\n description: The merchant city.\n example: \"CITY NAME\"\n merchant_country:\n type: string\n description: The merchant country in 3 digit ISO Alpha country code format.\n example: \"USA\"\n terminal_id:\n type: string\n example: \"TERMID01\"\n description: The unique identifier of the merchant's terminal.\n stan:\n type: string\n example: \"000042\"\n description: The system trace audit number of the transaction.\n rrn:\n type: string\n example: \"116813000042\"\n description: The retrieval reference number of the transaction.\n auth_id_response:\n type: string\n example: \"476628\"\n description: The Auth ID response of the transaction.\n network_transaction_id:\n type: string\n example: \"234551234561008\"\n description: The unique transaction ID filled by the Network/Scheme.\n transaction_amount:\n type: number\n example: 4.00\n description: The amount of the transaction at the merchant side.\n transaction_currency:\n type: string\n example: \"USD\"\n description: The currency of the transaction at the merchant side.\n billing_amount:\n type: number\n example: 4.00\n description: The amount of the transaction billed by the network to the issuer.\n billing_currency:\n type: string\n example: \"USD\"\n description: The currency in which the network billed the transaction to the issuer.\n billing_amount_account:\n type: number\n description: The account amount of the transaction billed by the network to the issuer.\n example: 4.00\n billing_currency_account:\n type: string\n description: The account currency in which the network billed the transaction to the issuer.\n example: \"USD\"\n conversion_rate_billing_account:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: 4.00\n description: The account conversion rate used by the network/scheme in converting the 'account transaction amount' to 'account billing amount'.\n acquirer_fee_amount:\n type: number\n example: 2.00\n description: The transaction fee amount charged by the merchant, it is represented in 'transaction currency'.\n conversion_rate_billing:\n type: string\n example: \"61000000\"\n description: The conversion rate used by the network/scheme in converting the 'transaction amount' to 'billing amount'.\n fee_amount:\n type: number\n example: 2.00\n description: The transaction fee amount charged by the issuer. In case of partial reversal this parameter contains the new fee amount charged by the issuer.\n fee_details:\n type: array\n description: The list of fees applied to transaction by the issuer.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NymcardTransactionFeeDetailResponse\"\n original_amount:\n type: number\n example: 2.00\n description: In case of partial reversal this parameter contains the new amount charged by the merchant, it is represented in 'transaction currency'.\n original_amount_billing:\n type: string\n example: \"4\"\n description: In case of partial reversal this parameter contains the new amount charged by the merchant in 'billing currency'.\n status_code:\n type: string\n example: \"0000\"\n description: The internal response code providing the status of this transaction.\n status_description:\n type: string\n example: \"Transaction approved\"\n description: The textual description of the internal response code.\n transfer_id:\n type: string\n example: \"234551234561008\"\n description: The unique ID of the transfer, filled only in case if transaction type is a transfer.\n load_id:\n type: string\n example: \"234556734561008\"\n description: The unique ID of the load, filled only in case if transaction type is a load.\n unload_id:\n type: string\n example: \"234551234561008\"\n description: The unique ID of the unload, filled only in case if transaction type is an unload.\n eci:\n type: string\n example: \"05\"\n description: The e-commerce indicator of the transaction.\n ecommerce_security_level:\n type: string\n example: \"3DS1\"\n description: The e-commerce security level. Possible values are non-secure, 3DS1, 3DS2, 3DS2.2.\n card_entry:\n type: string\n example: \"Physical entry\"\n description: This parameter indicates how the card was acquired on the merchant side. Possible values are UNKNOWN, MANUAL_ENTRY, MAGNETIC_STRIPE, ICC, CARD_ON_FILE.\n pos_environment:\n type: string\n example: \"E-Commerce\"\n description: This parameter gives an info on the type of POS used. Possible values are UNKNOWN (in case merchant is not sending additional information), ATTENDED_POS (POS terminal where a person/cashier is involved), ECOMMERCE (purchase made in the internet).\n fallback:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: The fallback transaction, possible values are true/false.\n pin_present:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: The PIN present in transaction, possible values are true/false.\n moto:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: MOTO transaction, possible values are true/false.\n recurring:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: The recurring transaction, possible values are true/false.\n installment_transaction:\n type: boolean\n example: false\n description: The installment transaction, possible values are true/false.\n auth_expired_at:\n type: string\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The auth expired date of the transaction.\n auth_expired_by:\n type: string\n example: \"AUTO\"\n description: The auth expired type of the transaction, can be either MANUAL or AUTO.\n is_reversed:\n type: string\n example: \"YES\"\n description: The confirmation type value got based on the reversal_count field information.\n is_settled:\n type: string\n example: \"NO\"\n description: The confirmation type value got based on the clearing_count field information.\n source_channel:\n type: string\n example: \"DAPI\"\n description: Type of source channel.\n notes:\n type: string\n example: \"Performing operation for 12.50 USD\"\n description: Notes about performed transfer request.\n sender_user_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique ID of the sender user. It is applicable only for 'WALLET_TRANSFER' transactions.\n example: \"hkuser282\"\n external_reference_number:\n type: string\n example: \"2b2c3e7c-a07c-11ed-a8fc-0242ac120002\"\n description: The external reference number of the transaction.\n external_reference_date:\n type: string\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The external reference date and time of the transaction.\n reference_number:\n type: string\n example: \"04a466da-cbab-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002\"\n description: The reference number of the transaction.\n sweep_details:\n type: array\n description: An array of sweeping details. Sweeping is performed upon insufficient funds - they are pulled from the other wallets and are credited to the wallet on which transaction is received.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NymcardTransactionSweepDetailsResponse\"\n type:\n type: string\n description: Load transaction type.\n example: \"HOLD\"\n quote_id:\n type: string\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: The unique identifier of FX rate quote.\n receiver_user_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of receiver user.\n example: \"g157a80f-e641-7745-8a80-99841e4a1234\"\n x-nymos-document-field-type: ATOM\n\n NymcardTransactionFeeDetailResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n fee_id:\n type: string\n example: \"ed2e2ddb-c028-470d-b08b-7f28bd84fbfe\"\n description: The unique identifier of the fee.\n description:\n type: string\n example: \"Some description\"\n description: The description of the applied fee.\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: \"100.01\"\n description: The amount of the applied fee.\n x-nymos-currency: currency\n currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"USD\"\n description: The currency of the applied fee.\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n\n NymcardTransactionSweepDetailsResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n debit_from_currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: A currency of wallet from which funds are pulled.\n debit_from_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: \"100.01\"\n description: The amount pulled from the wallet.\n credit_to_currency:\n type: string\n format: iso-4217\n example: \"USD\"\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n description: A currency of wallet on which funds are credited.\n credit_to_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: \"100.01\"\n description: The amount credited to the wallet.\n exchange_rate:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n example: \"100.01\"\n description: An exchange rate used to convert the 'debit_from_amount' into 'credit_to_amount'.\n\n FxRatesInternalResponse:\n type: object\n required:\n - card_product_id\n - transaction_type\n - fxrate_mode\n - currency_pairs\n - rates_expiry\n - rate_expiry_buffer_time\n properties:\n transaction_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: Transaction ID.\n account_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: Account ID.\n card_product_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: ID of a card product for which to search exchange rates.\n transaction_type:\n $ref: '#/definitions/FxRateTransactionType'\n fxrate_mode:\n $ref: '#/definitions/FxRateMode'\n currency_pairs:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n minItems: 1\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CurrencyPair\"\n rates_expiry:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: \"2018-01-02T19:42:32.987Z\"\n description: The date and time of rate expiry.\n rate_expiry_buffer_time:\n type: integer\n format: int32\n minimum: 0\n description: Rate expiry buffer time.\n example: 2\n\n\n FxRateTransactionType:\n type: string\n description: FX rate transaction type.\n example: \"TRANSFERS\"\n enum:\n - TRANSFERS\n - SWEEP\n\n FxRateMode:\n type: string\n description: FX rate mode.\n example: \"ONLINE\"\n enum:\n - ONLINE\n - OFFLINE\n - BOTH\n\n CurrencyPair:\n type: object\n description: Currency pair.\n required:\n - from\n - to\n properties:\n from:\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n example: \"USD\"\n x-nymos-currency: true\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n to:\n type: string\n pattern: \"^[A-Z]{3}$\"\n example: \"USD\"\n x-nymos-currency: true\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the currency.\n exchange_rate_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: ID of an exchange rate.\n exchange_rate_ids:\n type: array\n description: An array of data.\n items:\n type: string\n description: Exchange rate details IDs.\n example: \"g567a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1774\"\n exchange_rate:\n type: number\n example: \"1234567890.1234567890\"\n minimum: 0\n description: Exchange rate.\n exclusiveMinimum: true\n quote_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n pattern: '^[a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+$'\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n description: FX rates quotes ID.\n\n\n FxRatesQuotesResponse:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: FX rates quote ID.\n maxLength: 36\n example: \"g189a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a1234\"\n id_external:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of FX rate quote, provided by external FX rate provider.\n example: \"2\"\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRatesQuotesStatus\"\n ts:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The current date and time.\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n expiry:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n description: Expiration date and time of the quoted exchange rate and quote amount in UTC format.\n booking_ts:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: The date and time when quote is booked.\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n account_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of the account.\n example: \"c1971753-2d53-4cc4-9e95-5bcb9a3fef95\"\n recipient_account_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the recipient account. This parameter is used for fund transfer between accounts of different wallet currencies.\n example: \"c1971753-2d53-4cc4-9e95-5bcb9a3fef95\"\n fxprovider_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of FX rate provider.\n example: \"34\"\n fxrate_mode:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRatesMode\"\n rate_group_id:\n type: string\n maxLength: 36\n description: The unique identifier of FX rate group.\n example: \"R34\"\n rate_group_id_external:\n type: string\n description: The external ID of FX rate group.\n example: \"P1\"\n from_currency:\n type: string\n pattern: ^[A-Z]{3}$\n example: \"AED\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the selling currency.\n from_amount:\n type: number\n example: 57\n description: Selling amount.\n to_currency:\n type: string\n pattern: ^[A-Z]{3}$\n example: \"USD\"\n description: 3-letter ISO_4217 code representing the buying currency.\n to_amount:\n type: number\n example: 14.82\n description: Buying amount as per standard FX rate of the provider.\n to_amount_applied:\n type: number\n example: 14.82\n description: Buying amount after addition of markup.\n exchange_rate_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of exhange rate.\n example: \"2\"\n exchange_rate:\n type: number\n example: 0.26\n description: The numeric FX conversation rate, must be higher than 0.\n exchange_rate_applied:\n type: number\n example: 0.26\n description: Modified rate after addition of markup.\n markup_type:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/FxRatesQuotesMarkupType\"\n markup_value:\n type: number\n description: The markup value.\n example: 5\n customer_id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of a customer.\n example: \"396794673\"\n reference_id:\n type: string\n description: The reference ID.\n example: \"5668\"\n card_scheme:\n type: string\n description: The card scheme.\n example: \"VISA\"\n ts_external:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n description: The external date and time.\n booking_ts_external:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n description: The external date and time when quote is booked.\n expiry_external:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n description: External expiration date and time of the quoted exchange rate and quote amount in UTC format.\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n description: The date and time when request was created.\n modified:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: 2012-05-04T19:42:32.987Z\n description: The date and time when request was modified.\n transaction_id:\n type: string\n example: \"111c3059-33af-4ed0-969a-7c23801dd555\"\n description: Unique identifier of the transaction. Applicable only for a booked FX rate quote.\n derived_rate:\n type: number\n description: The derived rate.\n example: 2\n final_rate:\n type: number\n description: The final rate.\n example: 5\n\n FxRatesMode:\n type: string\n description: FX rates mode.\n example: \"ONLINE\"\n enum:\n - ONLINE\n - OFFLINE\n\n FxRatesQuotesMarkupType:\n type: string\n description: FX rates quote markup type.\n default: DEFAULT\n enum:\n - DEFAULT\n\n\n CardStatusChangeRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - status\n - status_reason_code\n properties:\n status:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardStatus\"\n status_reason_code:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/StatusChangeReason\"\n note:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CoreNote\"\n modified_by:\n type: string\n maxLength: 50\n default: \"API\"\n description: This field indicates the user who executed the operation.\n\n\n CoreNote:\n type: object\n description: This field is to capture additional information by the user while changing the card status. E.g. how the card got stolen, what is the reason behind a damage, etc.\n required:\n - category\n - description\n properties:\n title:\n type: string\n description: Optional note title.\n example: \"Reason of termination\"\n category:\n type: string\n description: Note category.\n pattern: '^[a-z]{1}[a-z_0-9]+[a-z0-9]{1}$'\n example: \"Stolen\"\n description:\n type: string\n description: Notes description.\n example: \"This card is terminated because of being stolen.\"\n extras:\n type: object\n description: This field can be use to provide additional information regarding the reason of status change.\n additionalProperties:\n type: string\n example: \"Hotel Z\"\n description: Extra info.\n\n\n\n StatusChangeReason:\n type: string\n enum:\n - A0\n - A1\n - A3\n - AT\n - I1\n - S0\n - S1\n - S3\n - S4\n - S5\n - S6\n - S7\n - ST\n - T0\n - T1\n - T2\n - T3\n - T4\n - T5\n - T6\n - T7\n - T8\n - T9\n - T10\n - T11\n - T12\n - T13\n - T14\n - T15\n - T16\n - T17\n - T18\n description: >\n Status Change Reason Code:\n * `A0`: First time activation: when activated from Inactive to Active status\n * `A1`: Resumed from Suspended status: when card is moved back to Active status\n * `A3`: Activated by admin\n * `I1`: Updated soft expiry of SUSPENDED(S2) card\n * `S0`: Temporary suspension: initiated by the user or system user or the system\n * `S1`: PIN retries exhausted: when bad PIN retries are exhausted\n * `S3`: Admin rejected due to ID verification failed\n * `S4`: Admin suspended due to fraudulent activity\n * `S5`: Admin rejected due to ID verification failed\n * `S6`: Admin suspended due to certain reason\n * `S7`: Admin suspended due to being delinquent for a certain amount of time\n * `T0`: Card Lost\n * `T1`: Card Stolen\n * `T2`: Card Expired\n * `T3`: Card Damaged\n * `T4`: Closed by user\n * `T5`: Closed by issuer\n * `T6`: Closed by issuer after renewal\n * `S7`: Admin suspended due to being delinquent for a certain amount of time\n * `T7`: Admin terminated due to limited time exceeded and action taken for ID verification fail\n * `T8`: Admin terminated due to KYC OGS response\n * `T9`: Admin terminated due to ID verification failed\n * `T10`: Admin terminated due to limited time exceeded and action taken for KYB fail\n * `T11`: Admin terminated due to certain reason\n * `T12`: System terminated due to ID verification rejected\n * `T13`: System terminated due to ID verification suspected\n * `T14`: Failed KYC\n * `T15`: Fraudulent activity was identified\n * `T16`: Matched with an Office of Foreign Assets Control list\n * `T17`: Admin terminated due to ID verification failed\n * `T18`: Admin terminated due to KYC failed\n\n CardLimitsInfo:\n type: object\n properties:\n user_id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n velocity_limits:\n type: array\n description: An array of velocity limits.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardVelocityLimitsInfo\"\n balance_limits:\n type: array\n description: An array of balance limits.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardBalanceLimitsInfo\"\n advanced_velocity_limits:\n type: array\n description: An array of advanced velocity limits.\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardAdvancedVelocityLimitsInfo\"\n\n CardVelocityLimitsInfo:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/CardVelocityLimitLinked\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n product_limit:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardVelocityLimitsInfoProductLimit\"\n\n CardBalanceLimitsInfo:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/CardBalanceLimitLinked\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n product_limit:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardBalanceLimitsInfoProductLimit\"\n\n CardAdvancedVelocityLimitsInfo:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/CardAdvancedVelocityLimitLinked\"\n - type: object\n properties:\n product_limit:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CardAdvancedVelocityLimitsInfoProductLimit\"\n\n\n CardVelocityLimitsInfoProductLimit:\n type: object\n description: Card velocity product limit.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Card velocity limit ID.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n max_limit:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n example: 300\n description: The maximum card velocity limit.\n min_limit:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n example: 200\n description: The minimum card velocity limit.\n frequency:\n type: integer\n description: |\n It restricts a number of transactions a user can perform within a specified period of time.\n\n CardAdvancedVelocityLimitsInfoProductLimit:\n type: object\n description: The card advanced velocity product limit.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n example: \"d089a80f-e641-4045-8a80-54841e4a7458\"\n description: The card advanced velocity limit ID.\n amount:\n type: number\n description: The amount.\n format: decimal\n example: 1500\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n frequency:\n type: integer\n description: |\n It restricts a number of transactions a user can perform within a specified period of time.\n\n\n LimitInfoType:\n type: string\n description: Limit info type, used for parameters validation.\n enum:\n - ADVANCED_VELOCITY_LIMITS\n - VELOCITY_LIMITS\n - BALANCE_LIMITS\n - DEFAULT\n\n CardBalanceLimitsInfoProductLimit:\n type: object\n description: Card balance product limit.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Card balance limit ID.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n max_limit:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n example: 1500\n description: The maximum card balance limit.\n min_limit:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n example: 1500\n description: The minimum card balance limit.\n\n\n PerTransaction:\n type: object\n description: |\n This parameter defines the per transaction limit. The fields defined under this parameter will be applied only on the single transaction.\n properties:\n min_amount:\n type: number\n description: |\n The minimum amount of a transaction. The transaction amount can not be less than the amount defined here.\n format: decimal\n example: 1500.10\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n max_amount:\n type: number\n description: |\n The maximum amount of a transaction. The transaction amount can not be greater than the amount defined here.\n format: decimal\n example: 1500.10\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n\n\n CardCustomVelocityLimitUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n Unique ID for the custom velocity Limit.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter describes if velocity limit is activated or not.\n type:\n min_amount:\n type: number\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n description: |\n The minimum amount of a transaction. The transaction amount can not be lesser than the amount defined here.\n format: decimal\n example: 1500.10\n max_amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n description: |\n The maximum amount of a transaction. The transaction amount can not be greater than the amount defined here.\n example: 1500.10\n frequency:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999\n description: |\n It restricts a number of transactions a user can perform within a specified period of time.\n\n\n CardCustomAdvancedVelocityLimitUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n Unique ID for the custom advanced velocity limit.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n active:\n type: boolean\n default: true\n description: |\n This parameter describes if advanced velocity limit is activated or not.\n amount:\n type: number\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n example: 1500.10\n description: |\n The maximum amount of a transaction. The transaction amount can not be greater than the amount defined here.\n frequency:\n type: integer\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999\n description: |\n It restricts a number of transactions a user can perform within a specified period of time.\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n description: The additional information.\n example: \"Some description\"\n\n\n CardPinRequest:\n type: object\n required:\n - enc_pin\n properties:\n enc_pin:\n type: string\n example: \"ncrypt:1:4p1aPxnRvuoJOoymTSA4XH1rRaaj0HvAEISFCyQouPc:2TM-I0I-qGd4kgfXiVM-jA:aCcRsp3X8KSWT6MBVVCKpcY1UCbegyThE4VQtRMRO_VtQ6_SKHIO2GVNuerhkPo16_4RkJgc_K1hBYgcCuXfuq7V3cXGqhzSgd5edCqlxIDCnja2zgy-T96fVyvNWLLMeQyVAXpIZPZpG0KRXLJYW-B4L-nctY0gMLsIztGhjsSDzySsvUjUv5w5EPwWqh9pK68RIgQM6BxxPoDrlUlpSpEmCY5whbTnbjxRyaRYah16_0CM721vI_dcFf_dgA5HnqfBjZ7d0SpuXkenroVag7kPMIODrcPaB5Sps0ZGSXrngQuUH4qxULy4kuOqeOmRDz499F-JafTOqbBVlXrUEg:T206J-tMI9HXPNu4oxRcWw\"\n description: Encrypted card PIN.\n\n\n AccountCustomBalanceLimitUpdateRequest:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Custom balance limit ID.\n example: \"4b4eabfc-f839-4e51-9dc1-3dc25c5eddd6\"\n active:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n This parameter defines whether the balance limits are going to be activated or not at the time of its creation. By default the balance limit is activated on its creation.\n min_amount:\n type: number\n description: |\n The minimum balance an account can hold.\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n example: 1500.10\n max_amount:\n type: number\n description: |\n The maximum balance an account can hold.\n format: decimal\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 999999999999\n example: 1500.10\n description:\n type: string\n maxLength: 40\n description: |\n The name of the balance limit. We recommend using a unique string.\n example: \"Some description of the balance limit\"\n\n\n ReferenceAccountLinkingDataEntry:\n type: object\n x-nymos-shared-entity: true\n x-nymos-entity: reference_account_linking\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-key: true\n user_id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-index: true\n account_id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-index: true\n reference_account:\n type: string\n x-nymos-index: true\n reference_iban:\n type: string\n x-nymos-index: true\n provider:\n type: string\n x-nymos-index: true\n tenant_id:\n type: string\n x-nymos-index: true\n created:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n x-nymos-index: desc\n\nparameters:\n after:\n name: after\n in: query\n description: This is the cursor that points to the `end` of the page of data that has been returned.\n required: false\n type: string\n limit:\n name: limit\n in: query\n description: This is the maximum number of objects that may be returned. A query may return fewer than the value of `limit` once reached the end of the list of data.\n required: false\n type: integer\n format: int32\n sort_by:\n name: sort_by\n in: query\n description: Sort by field name.\n required: false\n type: string\n order_by:\n name: order_by\n in: query\n type: string\n description: Order by.\n enum:\n - ASC\n - DESC\n limitInfoType:\n name: type\n in: query\n type: string\n description: The type of limit.\n example: \"VELOCITY_LIMITS\"\n enum:\n - ADVANCED_VELOCITY_LIMIT\n - VELOCITY_LIMITS\n - BALANCE_LIMITS\n\n"